• expired

Free Woolworths Discovery Garden Seeding Kit with Every $30 Spend @ Woolworths

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There's been a lot of talk lately about the the new Woolworths promotion "Discovery Garden". Some customers have even received the seeding kit prior to the commencement of the promotion.

The seeding kit will include -

  • pot made out of plant fibre
  • soil pellet
  • seed paper
  • pop out seed name tag

Plants to be available -
1. Thyme
2. Basil
3. Coriander
4. Oregano
5. Chives
6. Dill
7. Rocket
8. Chamomile
9. Parsley
10. Kale
11. Cress
12. Onion
13. Lettuce
14. Beetroot
15. Carrots
16. Radish
17. Tomato
18. Cabbage
19. Spinach
20. Bok choi
21. Pansy
22. Viola
23. Dianthus
24. Snapdragons

T&Cs -

  • $30 spend in a single transaction excluding liquor, tobacco and gift cards.
  • Limit applies of 3 collectors trays per person per transaction.

Certainly a much better promo than the Ooshies!

Edit: More info in the upcoming 11/9 catalogue. Page 8 & 9.

FAQ of the offer

How much do I need to spend to get a Woolworths Discovery Garden Seedling Kit?

Qualifying Spend: For every $30 a customer spends at Woolworths supermarkets, participating Woolworths Metro or
Woolworths online during the Offer Period (excluding any money spent on Excluded Purchases, see Question 3) you will
receive one Woolworths Discovery Garden Seedling Kit, while stocks last.

Bonus Seedling Kit: For every $15 spent on eligible fresh Fruit & Veg products from the Fruit & Veg department in a
qualifying $30 shop, customers will receive a bonus seedling kit, while stocks last. Limit applies of 5 Bonus Seedling Kits per eligible in-store transaction. See Terms & Conditions for details.
For example: If a customer spends $60 in a single transaction at a Woolworths supermarket (which includes $30 on eligible
fresh Fruit & Veg) during the Offer Period, that customer will receive 4 seedling kits in total.

Bonus Seedling Kit Online: For every 10 eligible Fresh Fruit and Veg products purchased from the Fruit & Veg department in a qualifying $30 shop, customers will receive a bonus seedling kit, while stocks last. See Terms & Conditions for details.
For example: If a customer spends $60 on a single transaction online (which includes 20 eligible fresh Fruit & Veg products) during the Offer Period, that customer will receive 4 seedling kits in total.
Woolworths may, in its discretion, offer additional methods to collect seedling kits during the Offer Period. These offers will be communicated through in store and on our website

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closed Comments

  • +157

    Makes a GREAT change from the plastic toys crap. Good going.

      • What does it matter if they aren't breakable anyway.

      • +42

        hopefully non gmo, else it will turn all them frogs in my garden gay

      • +16

        They’re all GMO. The whole point of agriculture for thousands of years has been to selectively cross crops, modifying their genes, to produce new cultivars.

        Unless you find some island that has never had human contact, your crops have been genetically modified.

        • +1


          I feel like a horticulturalist when I read that word.

        • +5

          Understand what you're saying, but just in the off-chance you're not talking with tongue-firmly-in-cheek:

          A genetically modified organism (GMO) is any organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques.


          • +1

            @Member 0230: Does that really make any difference? Any mutation, through genetic engineering or chance, could have positive or negative effects.

            • +4

              @grumpybum: I’m no specialist in this area, but from my purely layperson perspective, I think it does make a difference.

              When crops are left to themselves or deliberately cross-bred, you’re limited to a set of naturally-occurring results.

              However, with human intervention and the deliberate insertion of, say, a specific bacterium into a plant genome such as GM Canola, i.e., something that cannot occur naturally, then all bets are off.

              As far as your statement, I guess it can have positive or negative effects regardless of how it originates, but deliberate GE techniques of splicing genes from totally different species are very contentious, e.g., Monsanto Loses Another Roundup Cancer Trial, With Jury Awarding Over $3 Billion

        • Also, don't forget random mutations, for example those that result from DNA damage by high energy radiation (such as that that comes from space).

          Those are genetic changes that would also not occur "naturally".

      • +2

        classic jv.

    • -2


      [Stupid] Coles is reportedly making $$
      pushing their Mini-Store line…

      Forget a family Kitchen Garden…
      Don't even mention Science kits…

      Coles is helping kids think:

      • "Wow! I can be a checkout-chick/-guy!"

      (If AU -doesn't- Go Nuclear ~2030, I say:

      Better that our kids think, eg:

      • "Wow! I can earn More $$ as a Solar
        PV-panel replacer!"

      • YouTube: "Conley TEAC8" &

      • RoadMapToNowhere.com (full report)

      Like Yang, I like MATH = "Making AU Think Harder!"

      (My spin-off fr Yang's "Making Amer. T H"

      Andrew Yang is a Dem running for PoTUS
      in 2020; the opposite of Trump, he's:
      "An Asian who Likes MATH" :Andrew Yang ;~)

      • No idea what you are smoking, but I want some!

  • +1

    Reckon it will still end up in landfill

    • +60

      In 12 weeks, go to you local landfill and harvest then…

      • +4

        Or people could refuse them if they aren’t going to be of use. Just an idea but you don’t have to take something just because it’s free.

        • +6

          Do you even OzBargain?

          • @threeball: Hope you enjoy using your mini toiletries surrounded by all your free samples on an episode of hoarders.

        • I think many people refuse them on this basis … and then go to various online platforms to berate those who do take them bEcAuSe pLaStIc.

          • @Seraphin7: Look if you need it then and there or have a use for it take it, I have no issue with that plastic aside.

            But if you take them, hoard them and then post online, “OMG, how did I get so much stuff and mini toiletries and samples LOL, have to chuck them.” That’s when there’s a problem.

        • 'refuse them' well played.

    • at least its biodegradable

    • So, someone will eat
      the food grown first


    • They've done these before, didn't seem to go well lol

    • +13

      You may as well buy them from Bunnings.

      you have to pay for them at Bunnings.

      • They don't force you to pay

        • +1

          LMAO the context is "if you want them".

          • +1

            @kiteo: Perhaps spaceflight it referring to the fiver-finger discount…

    • +15

      they are pretty valuable as collector items.

      You should go into comedy with jokes like that.

    • +4

      No need to be like that just because they didn’t include sage 😜

    • +6

      You'd rather plastic trash over a useful living, growing herb kit? Check your priorities you brainwashed capitalist shill!

    • To Garden is to
      Help Create &
      Care-For LIFE

      ('better than
      lots of other
      stuff our there,

    • +32

      Don't be a dill jv just give it thyme

      • +14

        Are you cumin to Woollies to get some?

        • +4

          You bet! I'll rocket down to Woolies when they're available

        • +1

          I'll be there in a snap, Dragon.

        • My heart can't be broken again. Will you beetroot to me ?

  • +84

    Be on the lookout for the ultra rare Cannabis Sativa or the limited Opium Poppy.

    • +6

      Wait a week or two and they'll be $10,000 on ebay.

      • +1

        Might be the first time it's actually worth the money

    • Pretty easy to get Papaver Somniferum though.

    • Opium poppy seeds (like what you get on a bun) are legal and actually not that uncommon growing in people's yards (though cultivar is usually not optimal).

    • The first has all but
      been sold to Canada -
      where it's been legal
      since last ~Oct(?)

      1st Portugal
      2nd Canada
      am I right?

      Disclaimer: I've never
      used such products or
      related ones

  • That's what she said…

  • +3

    Will they have cannabis seeds

    • ye but only 100 will be available…dont troll though because some struggling farmer with a blunt pair of scissors might come after you.

  • +19

    No so many up votes when I offer to spread my seed

    • +16

      Upvotes are for bargains @chumlee, not charity

      • Here's some aloe for that burn !

    • Try grindr.

  • +4

    Knowing my luck it would all just be coriander seeds that I get

    • +6

      When Life Gives You coriander, make Falafels…

      • +2

        When life gives you coriander… taste soap.

        • +1

          Taste depends on the roll of the genetic dice, apparently.

          • @kiteo: Actually I don't know if I'm one of those people or not. I've bought it a few times now to use in chinese cooking. But it doesn't taste like citrus to me (which it supposedly does!?), OR soap. I can't even lean toward one of those directions because it doesn't remind me of anything else, so I can't even describe it to someone (or myself).

            I cannot smell it either, which is linked to taste, which makes pinpointing it even harder. It's like trying to taste something with your nose pinched shut, then letting go and going "ah - I know what that is now" - but the second part never happens with coriander. Are you supposed to be able to smell it?

            It could be because I'm getting it from the supermarket. i.e. So often their 'fresh food' tastes awful. I haven't had a nice tomato since I was a child, bananas only vaguely resemble how they tasted from my grandmother's backyard tree, even spring onions have become like old grass clippings the last several years, because they let them grow too large before harvesting. I remember growing zucchini and squash years ago - and I was shocked how good they tasted - ALL supermarket ones have an AWFUL tart 'old' taste when you bite into them - not the ones I grew - that awful taste was completely absent.

            So maybe that is why I can't pinpoint the taste of coriander? Maybe I'll have to grow some to get the 'proper' taste first, because supermarket food doesn't taste like real food?

    • +1

      Don't blame coriander; blame your taste receptors.If yummy coriander tastes like soap to you, the issue is genetic. You have a variation in a group of olfactory-receptor genes that allows you to strongly perceive the soapy-flavored aldehydes in the coriander leaves.


  • This is amazing. But they will butcher sales of their own herbs in about a month or two so the skeptic in me thinks they probably won't last long.

    • +10

      99.9999% will die/not work. Just like Aldi mushroom kits.

      • +1

        Worst $20 I ever spent!

        • +2

          Dont worry. I bought a few of those $9.99 tomato, herb and strawberry starter kits @ALDI. Currently they are on their side in my backyard with a puddle of water on one side and moss growing on them.

          Never survived long enough to harvest anything.

      • All mushroom kits are crap. You pay $20 to get maybe $5 of mushrooms, then nothing more. Trying to 'resurrect' the kits with fertilizer might produce a second flush of a few miserable mushrooms. Bunnings got rid of their kits a couple of years ago.

        • Really? Pfft… typical. I remember my grandmother buying them when I was kid and she would get heaps.

        • I just want to say that ages ago mushroom kits, I think bought from coles or woolies, 30 years ago worked great. Lots of harvest in a single box. So now they must be skimping on the soil quality cutting cost too low. Sad cause they were a bonus.

  • +6

    Guess the real question is. Will they still sell on eBay?

    • Wdym?

    • That reminds me: I got
      some Agave (w/ FoxTail
      potential) fr eBay

      Since then a lot of my
      neighbors' Agave's are
      proudly "FoxTailing"

      They're Beautiful & -
      so far - strong enough
      to survive some strong
      recent local winds

  • +2

    Let's start a trading forum :p

    • -1

      Ok I'll trade you Northumberland Ave for Picadilly.

      • Want Pikachu? It's a shiny one too.

        • Is it wearing a crown?

          Aka Flower Crown :p

  • +1

    “Seeding” sounds dirty. Flowers and all.

    • -1

      Especially when you refer to ploughing virgin soil….

  • -1

    missed one

    25 . Cannabis

  • This is coming from a Dutch marketing agency:

    We had it during 2 different years and was pretty fun with the kids.

    • Kom je uit Nederland? Ik woon nu in Delft!

  • op you said

    "Limit applies of 3 collectors trays per person per transaction." - is that the " seeding kit"?

  • +6

    So I can grow a Snapdragon to replace my crappy Exynos in my S9+?

    • Yes I've already replaced my Mediatekberries with Snapdragonfruit

  • +5

    Sounds great. Kiddos are sad there's no more ooshies, but this is a great opportunity to start getting them interested in growing stuff (what Mama does at trade school).

    • -5

      Oi Mama I have something else growing

  • +8

    The excitement that Ooshies/Little Shop generate legit baffles me.

    • It’s because we’re not kids, who get excited at the simplest of things, along with nagging power and the parents’ needs to calm/excite them.

      • +1

        I can assure you that I get excited at simple things in stores. Never take me to Aldi.
        I guess the sheer scale of popularity of these particular promotions is what amazes me - why does them coming from a supermarket get kids in such a frenzy?

  • +5

    Am here for the seedy jokes

  • +10

    I can not WAIT for this!! As a marine ecologist, I know first hand how much damage plastic (including the ridiculous plastic Coles Little shops and Woolworths Ooshies) are doing to our environment. This is such a great initiative by Woolies and I will definitely be collecting the set. We already grow much of our own veggies and herbs, so my daughter will get a real kick out of this and actually learn some life skills.

    • +2

      As a rising horticulturalist, I too am excited.

      • Is that a Morning Glory reference ?

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