Ozbargain's favorite mattress is back at the similar price as the previous deal.
Single $135.20
Double $207.20
Queen $231.20
Ozbargain's favorite mattress is back at the similar price as the previous deal.
Single $135.20
Double $207.20
Queen $231.20
It’s the same mattress as koala and sleeping duck but those guys put slick branding on it and sell it for 7x the price. I would say this one is better value minus all the slick branding of sleeping duck and koala
Infact on alibaba koala mattress is $90
What’s the name on alibaba for the mattress which is $90?
We have 2 Sleeping Duck Mattresses and one ZZZAtelier mattress and I can tell you they are not the same. The sleeping duck is much more sturdy in terms of the spring system and would last a lot longer than Zzz Atelier. Sleeping duck has a removable topper which in my opinion is very important as it seems to be the thing that looses it's oomph after a few years of use.
Where did you get the Sleeping Duck?
EDIT: Abbotsford, Melbourne
Isn’t sleeping duck like triple the price though ?
yep, have both as well and find that the sleeping duck is much better. Far more solid construction and denser springs.
How about to share the price difference too.
From the price of sleeping duck vs Atelier.
Sounds to me, I can buy 4 Atelier mattresses for the price of one Sleeping Duck.
Replace every 2 years for 10 years. I am still better off?
@SpendLess: Thank you for considering the environment.
It's always great to ask before firing out comments.
1 - I donate and deliver all my mattresses to charities (call around and ask if they want it)
2 - My home is chemical and plastic free (toilet paper, deodorant, cleaners like dish washing, clothes, etc), the rubish bags are biodegradable
3 - simple Google search about how much of a mattress is recycled:
What Happens When It’s Recycled?
Spring, foam and ensemble mattresses can all be recycled effectively. The mattresses are sorted into reusable and recyclable, with the condemned units manually stripped. Components are separated and the timber, foam, wadding, springs and some fabrics and other materials can be recycled.
Timber: Recovered timber is processed into woodchips and used in the manufacture of particleboard, as animal bedding and mulch.
Springs: Steel springs are sent to scrap metal merchants where they are melted down and used in buildings and infrastructure, vehicles and appliances.
@Elias11: lol i call bs
someone who is that environmentally conscious would not think about being that wasteful to just change a mattress every other year
even if mattress are recycled that well you do not think there is any impact environmentally or to resources when creating new mattresses or even in the recycling process?
look i get it everyone talks rubbish and jokes around online
u dont need to go around making stuff up to backup stuff you made up. For what? respect from a online community that doesnt even know you?
@Elias11: 100% better off as sleeping duck mattress will collapse in just 2 years and they don't honor warranty, this is a major known issue with them with lots of complaints on facebook and productreviews
FYI sleeping duck uses the exact same mattress as Atelier with slight modification and slick branding
Link for the Alibaba Koala? Haha
Definitely. Best mattress for the buck.
I bought 2 Double mattresses from them, worth every penny. The mattress has a pillow top with firm hardness which is suitable for my back pain. The message response time is quick and delivery in under 1 week, or you can request to pick up from their local warehouse.
I'm in the market for a new mattress - looking at either this or an Ikea Hamarvik. Anyone have any comparisons? Honestly at this price even if the mattress gets saggy after a couple of years, it's not a huge outlay to replace it.
I don't have recent experience with IKEA mattres, but I do with these and I would happily recommend (standard disclaimer about mattress being a personal choice). Read earlier posts for more info tldr: good enough.
Great matress
How do you know luxe Dream is newer?
Can’t find reviews
I bought the Luxe last night as its a little thinner (32cm) and has 7 zones (Black label has 5), no idea if its better or not. We already have trouble with some fitted sheets on our current 30cm bed.
Yeah i might buy the luxe since it has more "zones" if thats actually a thing, seems slightly lighter and thinner
How firm are these? I've had an OzMattress for the last few years, but it's too firm for me. Looking for something softer.
Pretty firm even with the topper
I bought these a month or 2 ago and it has lumps the lunar rover couldn't deal with
Same. Had to get a foam topper.
how to get rid of my old mattress? I'm in Sydney.
council bi-annual collection
The warranty does not cover a mattress used for commercial purposes…
I guess they mean in a hotel, right?
and broths
I was being subtle
chicken broth?
Look the same lol. Get the cheaper one
Check the weight, the heavier one is the older model which may be slightly firmer, higher quality springs.
They keep saying “ozBargain’s favourite mattress” and everythread is previous owners like myself sharing how terri let their product is.
Buyer beware etc , this is crap
Makes me suspicious too!
i recently got their super firm one hen we moved homes. its great, my wife and I love it. i did put a mattress protector/topper on top. well worth the money.
Bought one for an airbnb and manager had to chuck it out after 2 months, said it was worse than the ikea ones. airbnb manager convinced me to go with some local shop they always deal with rather than the cheap online stores, seems to be ok but about $400. PLus i don't think they wanted to wait around all day for a box delivery. fyi never do airbnb lol
you get what you pay for to be honest.
Manager related to the owners of the local store?
My thought exactly.
I think you've been taken for a ride. I am an Airbnb manager and use these exclusively. I have received only positive comments from guests.
Summer is coming. This one is going to get so hot!
I thought Latex is cooler than foam?
I've had this mattress (queen size) for 2 years. It is the most comfortable mattress I've ever owned. It does not show any signs of sagging ( I weigh 86kg). I would describe it as medium firm. It's not as firm as my girlfriends Ecosa mattress but firmer than my previous Tempur ($2000+) mattress. One thing to note, this is a heavy mattress. One person will struggle to lift it on their own. And if you have a deep set bed frame, lifting the corners to put on a fitted sheet can be difficult.
Lifting the corners even on a non deepset is a workout!
On one right now. Very happy.
Did also consider the Tommy Swiss on ebay which looks really good and same price point. Anyone got any feedback on them?
Which one, I got one with one of these mattresses about a year ago.
What do you mean?
Thought you were referring to a Tommy Swiss bed as opposed to a mattress, fwiw the Tommy Swiss bed is pretty good, but I'd rate the zzz mattress higher than I'd rate the bed, but that's comparing apples to oranges.
Got one during the last sale.
Very happy with my purchase, haven't slept this well in a long time.
got one in the last sale.
I was changing from 10 years on a VERY soft mattress.
It took a couple of nights to adjust.. but now I'm super happy.
To those who bought a super firm version of this mattress, which mattress topper did you get? Thanks.
If anyone looking for review, I got one queen and one Double and they are extremely good for the price. Friends after looking at our mattresses ordered for themselves too. They have very good back support and soft at the same time.
Best bang for buck.
Also recommend people to read the other threads from same seller for more feedback and comments, but I've had my zzzatelier for maybe 1.5 years now and it's super comfy, love it
No issues with my King but it's only 4 months old.
I also have the proper bed base with smaller spacing between slats. This provides additional sport to prevent sagging.
The deal link doesn't give you the option of different firmness?
The Ebay feedback looks pretty good, can't find any negs. Although there is a neutral feedback that is a little concerning..
"Not a very high quality as described,the fabric gets torn while screwing."
How about the quality?? Worth 231$ for queen ?? Looking to get 1 for me.