This was posted 5 years 6 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[eBay Plus] Seagate Ironwolf NAS Hard Drive 4TB $142.80, 6TB $229.50, 10TB $390.15 Delivered @ Shallothead eBay


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  • How does the iron wolf compare to a normal seagate barracuda?

    • +1

      From memory, Ironwolf has lower speed but better long term survivability. Barracudas are quicker but dont last as long (in a setting where both are used 24/7). I think Barra is 7200rpm while ironwolf is 5900ish.

      For a regular consumer or for a gaming machine, barracudas are perfectly fine and imo prefferred.

      edit: To clarify, barracudas still last long. Ive had a barracuda drive in my main gaming pc, ive had it since 2008 and it still runs well. Obviously its in a very very very different pc but im still using the drive (i use it for my emulated games drive).

      • Thanks for this, I think I'm leaning to getting one of these instead of a normal drive so there's a better chance my data will survive longer

        • +4

          Your data will survive anyway, because you need a backup strategy.

          All drives fail.

          • @Nom: Good advice and it's something I'll follow.

      • +1

        The Larger Barracuda 4tb+ are 5900rpm. The Iron wolf's are 7200rpm (apart from the 4tb which is also 5900 rpm. I've used both now for years, still running 48 4tb Barracuda's and only have had 2 died. Last year I started to run an Iron wolfs 6 and 8tb's Raids and they are very nice drives for NAS or large Raids.

    • +1

      Ironwolves are their 'NAS' drives. Think WD Red vs WD Blue. They're rated for 24/7 use and have longer warranties. More tech in them to get longer life, etc.

      IMO not worth the cost unless you're actually building a storage solution like a NAS. I wouldn't put one in my regular desktop - especially considering drives like this are engineered for reliability before performance.

      • +1

        surely reliability is paramount? These are plenty fast enough for storage and streaming duties. If you want something for your OS and/or games get an SSD.

        • Backups are paramount - so it doesn't really matter what the reliability of your drives are.
          They all die eventually, and they all need a good backup strategy.

          • +2

            @Nom: of course, but it's hard drives the whole way down.

            the more reliable and hence the longer you can keep them in service the better.

      • I want a storage hard drive to keep pictures and videos I've taken, but I'll be putting the drive into my desktop PC. Do you think this is suitable?

        • +2

          definitely fit for purpose, provided you know it'll fit in your case and on your motherboard.

          be careful if you have a pre-built system from Dell, HP, etc because having space for 3.5" drive is far from guaranteed.

  • +1

    Good deal.

  • +1

    Thanks, grabbed one for the HP Microserver

  • +5

    For those purchasing the 10TB model to use in a Synology NAS, please be aware of this issue…

    Depending on the version you get (only applies to ST10000VN0004 - if you get the later version then you don't need to do anything) you'll need to update the HDD firmware and then install the latest Synology NAS firmware to be able to enable write cache.

    From personal experience, you do not want to expand or change the RAID type without the newer firmware - it literally took me 6 weeks to expand and change the RAID type (from SHR1 to SHR2) on a large volume - none of the usual tricks worked :(

    • +1

      Ironwolf vs Red drives are much of a muchness really.

      buy whichever you can get cheapest per terabyte and maintain at least three copies (on different drives) of any data you care about.

      • ironwolf has a slightly lower failure rate historically.

  • +2

    Remember guys, the 3-2-1 rule

    At least three copies of the data, on two different types of media, with at least one copy at a different site

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