Families, avid freshwater anglers and those who simply want to give freshwater fishing a try, can fish for free next weekend with Fisheries Minister Dave Kelly declaring a licence-free period from August 31 to September 1, the same weekend as TroutFest.
On Saturday August 31 between 10am and 1.30pm, Troutfest will provide the community the opportunity to hand-release a few thousand trout into the waterway. The day will include the release of both rainbow and brown trout in sizes from fry (5cm fish) right up to ex-brood stock fish (up to 40cm fish).
Recfishwest will also be offering up freshwater tackle and rigging information, casting demonstrations, as well as fly casting lessons and demonstrations, a kids fishing clinic and casting challenge at the event.
Breeding trout to release them, then to catch them again, and then kill them. It plays like a game in a Saw movie.