If you're looking for something to play till the release of next years game this is a great price.
It's the Welcome Amiibo version which comes with amiibo support and one random amiibo card.
If you're looking for something to play till the release of next years game this is a great price.
It's the Welcome Amiibo version which comes with amiibo support and one random amiibo card.
It's coming out on Switch, publicized everywhere
Edit: great price on a fantastic little game
Talking about the next installment in the series Animal Crossing: New Horizons coming to the Switch
Oh switch….
I have no idea where you got the "on 3ds" part from.
This post is about a 3ds game, so very natural to assume someone talking about a new version is not talking about a different system.
Spot on….
@CyberMurning: Check out this comment if you don't mind. Not trying to attack, just genuinely curious.
very natural to assume
How so? That seems like the absolute least natural assumption to make. Besides Happy Home Designer (which isn't even a main-line title), every Animal Crossing has been on a platform different than the last.
Games in general tend to always hop to the newest platform when one becomes available. You don't see Pokemon games coming out for 3DS in 2019. You don't see Final Fantasy II~XV all continuing to be released on the NES.
Just wondering if there's anything that would suggest a 3DS release.
How so? That seems like the absolute least natural assumption to make.
Really. I mean really?
Are you genuinely arguing that a post about a new game in a thread on one system should always assume the new game is on a different platform? Really? If I post in PS4 threads about Halo and somebody naively asked if Halo was coming to PS4 you would scoff and say "that seems the least natural assumption to make".
I understand that there were no new releases announced for 3ds at the last E3, and that there hasn't been a new game for 3ds since June. But do you believe everyone knows that, and would be asking an unnatural question to query if the new release was for 3ds?
Perhaps just say "No new releases for the 3ds, its all switch now."?
Though was getting cheap at $17 !
Even second hand is $29 at cash converters! Crazy
Insta-buy thanks. All 3DS games should be around this price it's an old system. Thanks op
I'm waiting for street fighter at this price… Hehehe I just want one cartridge for collection. The rest, soft copy, are fine
Good luck getting it this price let alone at all. Its one of the ones I bought recently and struggled to find a hard copy of, that too for a reasonable price. If you really want it, get it asap as the game is really old and very hard to find at times.
Brilliant thanks i'll add it to the kids play list :)
Anyone in Sydney CBD can you grab me one?
edit: all good got one thx
wish it was regular version instead of nintendo select but can't complain at this price.
Whats the difference between those versions?
Just the cover art, and lack of an extra amiibo card.
Awesome Thanks
I keep having a look for when this is on the cheap, definitely can't go wrong here.
Cheers for posting this!
Same Price At EB, might be able to get it there and save on shipping if you don't have prime or not bothered to set up a trial.
Only one store with stock
None left at this price.
Just thought I'd mention, any version of Animal Crossing New Leaf can have Amiibo support, just need to download the free update. This one just comes with it bundled on the cart.
Back in stock
release of next years game
Do you mean there is sequel for this game on 3ds next year? Source?