This was posted 5 years 6 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$1/Day Japan & South Korea Unlimited 4G Internet Data Pocket Wi-Fi Rental @ Wilh-Ma (Facebook / Instagram Required)


Update on 10pm 30 Aug 2019 - apologies if you have been getting email notification in odd hours. We are working day and night to get the coupon across. As of now, we have processed up to Thu 22nd Aug 6pm. Not long to go!! Have a great weekend and you may hear from us on the weekend too!

Wed 28 Aug 2019 20:45 - Just letting you know that we are still issuing coupon. As of this hour, we have managed to process requests up to last Tuesday 20:00. Stay tuned. Thanks.

Mon 26 Aug 19 - 9.30 am - At of now, we have assigned email address to the coupon for any requests that were sent up to Tue 7.50. Happy Monday!

Sat 24 Aug 19 - 14.25 pm - The deal expired yesterday and, as mentioned, we honor any email/like/tag that we received before the deal expired. At of now, we have assigned email address to the coupon for any requests that were sent up to Monday 19.25. Happy Saturday!

Update 23 Aug 2019 12noon. Dear Friends, we currently have processed requests emailed up to Sunday 6.17pm. Today is last day to email us with screenshot of like and taggings. Any requests after 11.59 pm tonight will not be processed unfortunately. For any requests received before the date line, the coupon will be issued inthe next few days and you will have 3 days to make the reservation after the issue. Will keep you posted here. Thanks #####################

Update 22nd Aug 12noon - thank you everyone for such as an awesome response. And sorry for delay in responding to your message, email, etc as we are focusing on issue the coupon ASAP. As of now, we have processed requests for emails that were sent up to Sunday 13.30. We are also be processing this over this coming weekend as we recognise the urgency if this. Please refrain from contacting us about coupon update to allow us focusing on coupon issuing. THANKS HEAPS!

Update: 20th Aug 2019. Thanks again to everyone and apologies for any delay in response. Please be advised that we process the code issuing in order the eligible request is received. As of today, we are fully booked until early September. Have a great one.

Update: Big thank you to our dear friends who have emailed us for the code. We received an overwhelming response to the offer and working to respond as fast as we can. Thank you for your understanding! Any email that is sent within 7 days after this published date will still be eligible. The reservation needs to be done within 3 days after the code is sent though.

Hurry 1 Week ONLY!! Down from $9.50/Day

Steps to get the coupon code:

  1. Like this Facebook post… or this IG post and tag 3 of your Facebook/IG friends in the comment
  2. Email your Facebook/IG account ID or send a screenshot to [email protected] using the email address that will be used for pocket wifi reservation
  3. Unique coupon code will be attached to the email address
  4. Please visit… to make reservation. Enter the code at the checkout

With this deal, you will get:

  1. Unlimited 4g data in Japan and South Korea
  2. 1 unit of Pocket wifi (up to 5 connections)
  3. Charging unit (usb cable with Japan and Korea plug)
  4. Delivery to your nominated address
  5. Prepaid envelope for device return

Terms and Conditions

  1. One IG account is valid for one coupon
  2. No cancellation or date change fee should the device has not been posted (usually 1 week prior to departure)
  3. This offer is only valid for Japan and South Korea. $1 per day offer can be combined with other countries (at regular price)
  4. This offer can’t be combined with other offer
  5. 10 days minimum rental
  6. Offer ends 23 Aug 2019. Wilh-ma reserves the right to extend or alter the offer

Related Stores

Wilh-ma Travel Service
Wilh-ma Travel Service

closed Comments

  • +2

    Can I pay now and use it March next year ?

    • 2nd this, I dont know my next date but its JP.

      • Dear @Gravehaunted, please select a date range and it can be changed later

    • +1

      Dear @tenoclockfindu, yes it can be used March next year

  • Can this be used in Dec 2019?

    • Dear @luvyselfish, yes it can. Thanks

  • +1

    Does this have any maximum rental period (e.g. 4 weeks)?

    • +1

      Dear @tyvod, the max number of rental days is 21 days. Thank you

  • Can this be used in Jan 2020?

    • Dear @yht, yes it can. Thank you.

      • When it will be sent to Aussie address if I am not going until January 2020 but I have gone from Australia mid Dec ? After Japan going to another country, but I do not want to use the pocket wifi there, then I will then return to Aussie 10 days later ? Can I return it after I arrive in Australia in the beginning of Feb ?

        • Still waiting for the answer…

    • +2

      Dear @taro milk tea, yes it can. Thank you.

    • -7

      wow…so much hatred here.,….

  • +1

    Well heading to Korea for 3 weeks in 3 weeks time. See how this goes

    • Dear @ozchristoday, look forward to

  • +2

    So many requirements just to get a coupon code

  • +1

    How about nov 2020?

  • Hello, it says on the booking page that there is a departure date and start to finish. I will have a layover in China during the flight to Korea. So do I put the date of the Departure from China or from where I started from?

    • Dear @dave23leed,

      It will be departure date from Australia. Thanks

      • For end date, do you put the date arriving in Australia or the date leaving Korea/Japan? It doesn't make sense if it's the date back in Australia as that would incur another day's cost? But if I have a night flight, put end date as date I'm leaving Korea/Japan, arriving in Australia the next day, I have 2 days to post it back to you once I'm back?

        • You put the dates that you require to have the internet. So if you leaving the next day you probably don’t need it so set the end date as the day before Arrival.

  • +1

    Where do I find three friends tho

    • PM all people in this post and add them as a friend?

      • Please simply tag them by starting with @ symbol followed by their facebook or instagram name.

  • Anyone have any experience with regards to speeds/coverage?

    • +3

      Yes. It is the best wi-fi I have used in Japan and I've tried a lot. Even if your accommodation has wi-fi, it's worth getting. Usually where I stay in Tokyo has good wi-fi at the hotel, but it was dog slow last time. Airbnbs usually offer a pocket wi-fi, but they usually recharge it monthly, so if the person before you sucked out all the data, you can be left at dial-up speeds.

  • Unlimited data aye? Does the speed slow after a certain usage and if so how many GBs ?

    • Unlimited Data (No speed throttle)

      According to their website.

      • +1

        That's what I experienced. No data limit that I came across and no slow-down.

        • +2

          I've used a few with data limits before speed slows despite being advertised as unlimited oh well

          • +1

            @chk: I agree, but all I can say is when I've used this one, it hasn't been a problem.

            • @Daabido: ok thanks for clarifying looks like this is the real deal!

  • What is facebook account id ?.

    • +1

      Just take the screen cap showing you shared and your Facebook name.

      • Thanks

  • Didn’t receive code or response?

    • +1

      Patience. Mine came through a bit less than four hours after submitting.

  • Sent email, awaiting code. Crazy good deal! Travelling to Japan for a month.

  • +3

    I wish I could go to Japan to take advantage of this offer :(

  • Just emailed through my screenshot, waiting for unique code

    • Thanks Darkii. Will be in touch with the code

  • Glad I haven't bought SIM card from Klook

  • When will I need to return the pocket wifi after the Japan visit? I will be visiting HK for 2 weeks after the trip to Tokyo.

  • hi, I will be in japan and korea for a total of 6 weeks. Am i able to extend the maximum rental?

  • +2

    Will this work in both korea and japan or will it only work in one of those country's per booking?

  • Do you have a promotion for korea as well coming up?

  • This is a great deal for those going to Korea. Getting a pocket wifi in Korea can be quite a hassle especially if you only have a debit card. Most places require credit card, and they keep your card details until you returned the wifi.

  • +1

    What if I don't have any friends :(

  • +1

    When is this valid to? Can it be used for Dec 2020?

  • 10 days minimum rental

    eg $10 minimum spend?

  • so I can buy this now and change the date later without being charged if I am not confirmed with the travel date is that correct?

  • So we could book for 21 days at $1 a day and further extend for $8 a day (in Japan) after the 21 days? So if I booked for 26 days the total cost would be 21 x $1 plus 5x $8 for a total cost of $61?

  • Didn't receive any code

    • Received @ 7:17am this morning, great deal, thanks!

  • How long do we have to wait for coupon email?

  • +4

    Great offer but I will skip

    I reckon sometimes it is still better to have a SIM card than a pocket wifi
    I have been in Japan a couple times where I need to pre book for restaurants reservations and they required me a local phone number, in this case a SIM card with call capability will be essential

    Also, for those who are renting car in Japan, you might need to call the rental company for whatever reasons during the trip (eg something happened to the vehicle ), you can’t whatsapp (Japanese usually use Line as messengers) the rental company but have to call, in such case sim card is still far more convenient

    • Yep. Plus one more thing to charge and one more thing to lose.

    • I realise this is an old deal.

      Just wanted to say - of course - what you're saying is perfectly logical, but no one should pick up a WiFi router thinking that they can call with it LOL. It's obviously purely a data requirement.

      Good reminder nonetheless in case people don't think of it. Good context with the LINE vs WhatsApp mention too.

  • +2

    It's been nearly 8 hours since I emailed the FB screenshot, still no code!!! Is this for real?

    • Same here, no email since 1pm

    • +1

      Same here, guess they are getting hammered with emails.

      Should just release a general code for everyone to use. They got their likes/shares

    • Ok, email with code arrived this morning. Ordered for 15 February 2020 departure and it went thru. Should be receiving it 1 week prior to departure. Thanks.

      • Got my code this morning too. Applied it for travel in March 2020

      • Did you get an email confirmation?

  • Hums Flintstones theme.

  • Great deal! If you transit via Singapore, you can get a star hub overseas traveller sim, for something like 35 dollar you get a month of 2G a day data. I personally prefer a sim than a wifi.

    • That sounds great, I just had a look at the website.

      Is there any catch? 2 or 4gb a day, with free on sunday for 4 weeks? @25SGD?

      Would I be able to pick it up if it was just transit? I.e. airside?


  • Sent email to them at 2:15pn on 17/8/19. Received code this morning at 7:52am

  • 21 hours later and still no reply!

    • Same :( I'll be patient I guess.

  • Emailed 4:03pm on Saturday and still waiting

  • Emailed 15:16 Saturday 17/8 and received the code 20:18 Sunday 18/8. Booked for travel in May 2020.

  • you guys becareful of radioactive contamination in Japan~ i dont go to the place

    • I know there are lots of Japanese fanboys here but I actually agree with this.

      • Then you are not a smartraveller, just avoid the yellow dot and you'll be fine.

        • What about the food in Japan? Products like fruits, vegetables and seafood from Fukushima have already been distributed and consumed all over in Japan again.

  • emailed today. thanks.

  • Got mine and booked the wifi

  • Got the email last night ordered already thanks

  • Sent email Saturday night and no response. Was planning on going in November so this was a handy deal

  • Did as required on Sunday, sent email as required, so far nothing but still early days.

    My thoughts are how do they make money at $10 for 10 days with postage paid both ways from Melbourne. It doesn't ring true & the push for "Likes" is somewhat contrived.

  • Can the SIM be used in a phone?

    • It isn't a sim, its a loaned device that you return after use.

      • I think he was intending to put the sim from the hotspot into the phone and on return from the trip put back into the hotspot and send back.

  • Ordered One hopefully it will work well in Korea!

  • I sent an email too on Saturday and no response as well.

  • Still waiting for confirmation for my purchase. Ordered jr passes for my trip as well as the pocket wifi.

    • Do you mind me asking how much the rail passes were? Can you let me know if they reply and you get them. I am interested in getting some.

      • I bought the Kansai wide area pass. A$117/$59 for adult and kid respectively. I think Klook has 10% off at the moment, so that might be a better deal, assuming that you will use the pass within the next 3 months.

        • Thank-you. They have the Japan National Rail Pass 7 days for $371 which is so much cheaper then anywhere else. It is just making me a little nervous. When I asked them they said they were an agent for JTB who sell the same JRRP for $393.

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