• expired

FREE Gilette Fusion Proglide Razors!!


First 8000 people to submit their details will receive a free Gilette razor.

This is not a competition, because first 8000 will receive it!!

Entry is open to ALL states except for ACT!



Mod: Updated link

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closed Comments

  • Not applicable for ACT just to let you know

    • +8

      I feel sorry for the emo kids down in Tuggers.

    • +5

      Technically ACT is not a state…

      • -1

        hahaha some people need to go back to school

        • +4

          hahaha some people need to go back to school

          I think you should listen to your own advice.

        • "Australian Capital Territory"

    • +9

      this deal is even better cos ACT doesn't get it.

      • WHY would you say that? Are you one of the uninformed you thinks ACT = government??

        • -1

          no I just live there and I ain't getting this deal

      • +1


        I'm now starting to regret moving to the ACT to study…

      • +4

        You sir, are a tool.

    • that's why you don't live in wooop woop

    • its been confirmed peter garrett outlawed razors in canberra

  • Why does it say thank you for entering the competition after submitting the request?

    • yeah thats what i was wondering as well..

  • because its in their win page, they all say that. Read the T+C and you will see that it is the first 8000 to register who will receive it.

  • +4

    Not sure if the 8000 is per radio station, or the cumulative total stock giveaway, but here are other sites(from TodayNetwork)


    • hey issh, it is cumulative stock giveaway. So it doesn't matter which website you enter on they are all affiliated. I used the safm one and I am in Sydney.

      • I'd suggest this is more than likely to control the redirect.

  • +5

    4.3 Any person who is discovered to have used or attempted to use more than one name in entering the Promotion will be disqualified from participating in the Promotion and/or redeeming a prize.
    4.4 Unless otherwise stated in these terms and conditions, no person may enter this Promotion more than once and persons may not enter or participate in it on behalf of any third party.

    • +11

      Geeze - what's with these antiOzBargainsation clauses now days?

      • +1

        it doesn't say anywhere that you can't enter more than once in for the same address, as long as there is someone else living there with a different name/email then they can enter too.

    • +2


  • I entered my dad and myself in. Both same address, but used different emails and phone numbers so should be fine I think as its both different people. And no, im not trying to claim 2 for myself.

  • +17

    I going to sign up my whole street for free razors :P

    • +15

      Ya'll gonna Look sharp, feel sharp.

      Just don't go starting up some gang, someone might get cut.

  • Submitted one. Thanks for posting this.

  • I hope I'm lucky enough to get this one! I never received my other free Gillette razors from past freebies :(

  • +5

    Not really need it, but I will get one for the lady

  • +5

    I need it because I ran out of blades for my free gilette power for a few months ago, switched to the free Shick hydro but it cut my balls and now I need this new freebie to avoid shelling out my hard earned $$$ on blades.

    • Bouncy balls?

    • How did you explain the blood in the bathroom to your mother!!? ;D

    • Veer for men works wonders (just make sure you don't have open pores)

  • +7

    That form is not secure (HTTPS).

    Anyone between you and their server could view your information.

    All your information are belong to China.

    • +8

      That's why you use 'dodgy' info for everything apart from your address, silly! ;-)

      • If you have to pick up the 'razor' you'll need to show proof of ID: -

        clause 9 - "The Promoter reserves the right to request winners to provide proof of identity, proof of residency and/or proof of entry validity (for example, a phone bill or store receipt for purchase requirement) in order to claim a prize."


        • I could understand the need for pick up if this were a part of some wider promotion, but at only 8000 units, I highly doubt that it is something that participants will need to pick up. It would be much easier for them to just post these out directly.

          With that said, everyone here started out with nothing, so it's no loss if we end up with nothing. :-)

    • +40

      Oops damn I used a false address also. :( :)

      • +4

        LMAO! True or not, you get a +1 for making me LOL :-D

  • thx

    • +2

      Explained above and below jv.

  • Not a Competition


    The Promoter will award 8,000 entries with a prize based on the first 8,000
    entries to be registered through the Promotion.

    just to clear things up :)

    wow $14 each

    • -6

      then why do they say

      "Thank you for entering our competition. Your entry has been successfully submitted. Good Luck!"

      • got that too, but i think they didn't edit that part out(as they usually do competitions)

      • Because it's on their 'win' page, they all say that.
        Read the third comment on this bargain.

    • $10 if you buy it from coles (promo price)

  • +2

    Looks like i might not be getting mine… :O

    The Promoter also reserves the right to disqualify contestants if:
    (a) a contestant at any stage engages in, causes or incites physical violence (e.g. punching, slapping), inappropriate, illegal, unsociable or unsafe behaviour;

    • +7

      I knew this day would come, my past as an anti-social lurker on the interwebs slapping people on IRC with large trouts have finally caught up with me.

  • +3

    not tas either, i put vic and hope that the post people will send it to tas when they see the postcode, fingers crossed!

    • +1

      lol same :)

  • +6

    can now finally shave my nuts for free! :D

    • +2

      cashews ?

    • peanu(s)ts

    • +1

      clearly it's coconuts coz they are hairy

  • Pity, I am out of Australia now.

  • +3

    9.1 Prize winners will be required to collect their prize from the Promoter at the address listed in Item 3 of the Terms and Conditions Schedule unless otherwise informed by the Promoter at the time of winning. The Promoter reserves the right to request winners to provide proof of identity, proof of residency and/or proof of entry validity (for example, a phone bill or store receipt for purchase requirement) in order to claim a prize. Proof of identity, residency and/or entry validity considered suitable for verification is at the Promoter’s discretion. In the event that a winner cannot provide suitable proof, the winner will forfeit the prize in whole and no substitute will be offered.


    It appears it won't be posted to you?

    • well that blows doesn't it……. :(

    • I'm not a T&C reader (and a tad bit lazy!), but does it say 'were' the razors have to be picked up from?

      • +3


    • Item 3

      The promoter is (jointly and severally where applicable) Austereo Pty Ltd
      (ABN 85 007 914 641) trading as:

      2DAY FM of Level 15, 50 Goulburn Street, Sydney NSW 2000

      (the “Promoter”).

      Pick up in Sydney? They have a common T&C for the SAFM and 2dayFM.

      • +3

        yeah T+c is the same for all of them. it will get mailed. doesn't matter which one you enter on.

        • it will get mailed.


          it's funny now that we're all looking at the T&C

          and have never for other freebies

        • +1

          it's funny now that we're all looking at the T&C and have never for other freebies

          speak for yourself :)

          Speak for yourself, I too have yet to look at the t&c, I just read what others write in the comments

    • +1

      so they expect the first 8000 people to pick up the razors? hmmm that would be highly impractical…
      i think TodayNetwork must have used standard competition template and terms & conditions, that they use for all their comps, to promote this freebie and did so with reading over it (or assuming that no one will read it).
      I signed up anyways… its free; don't have much to lose then there is to gain.

  • +9

    Any idea as to when you know if you made the cut?

    • +7

      pun intended ?

  • Pickup?
    Thats annoying.

    Hopefully its just a coupon where you can take to Safeways and use it or something…I entered all fake info expect for the postage address.

  • +2

    guys it would be sent for sure.. the T+C are very generic. Gilette always sends out razors during the year in freebies.

  • +1

    nice find OP


  • IMHO, not worth providing all your personal info (address, DOB etc) for a razor.

    • +2

      I never put my real DOB and phone number, etc except obviously address

      • Same here. Never give your real DOB to marketers, or other non-important entities; just make one up.

        • +9

          Tell that to Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, and Samus Aran… who all happen to live at my address.

        • +4

          Yep, hopefully another freebie for Amaysin Suparghuy.

          I never tire of seeing mail arrive for that guy :)

  • +1

    Thnx, I've never had to buy a razor as i've gotten so many from Gilette and Schick for free through these sorts of deals/cashbacks

    • Same here, all my razors have been free thus far =D

    • how many did you guys get, I got only one from Schlick and that was it

  • I hope they send it to me.
    I signed up with 3(people that live with me) different names but all same address.

    They won't cancel me because its the same address?

    • no they shouldnt cancel. if they are all different people it would be fine. if they did refuse to send you, you could prove their identity and they would have to send it to you because you have adhered to the T+C.

  • +1

    +200 :)

  • Jawsome

  • +1

    if you look at it
    there is no * next to address
    only of state, postcode etc

    feels like u have to pick it up

    • doubt ittt

      • could be its pick up
        they only want to collect details of ur address and email and DOB

        applied will have to see

    • u really dont have any common sense djones

  • they would never expect 8000 people to come and pick something like this up..

    if someone forgets the address they would probably phone them to arrange delivery

    • u never know
      they could have one of those martin place (syd) radio things (live show there) and people in syd pick it up from there

  • +1

    agree, no way 8000 people are going in to pick these up.

  • 4200 clicks and counting. Here's hoping for the razors to get posted. Somehow thinking it's not worth it to travel all the way to Syd from North QLD.

  • couldnt be bothered reading through all the comments to see if someone else had raised it, but its also not applicable to TASMANIA, so might want to stick it in the title OP. but yes…it is a good deal…and yes…living in tasmania does have it's down sides :(

    • i posted it but op is yet to put it in the title.

      Tassie has a lot of down sides.The mainland dont want to know us.

  • Thanks. Also no asterix next to "I agree to terms and conditions", didn't try to submit without it ticked though, i want my razor.

    • +7

      I was more disappointed by the lack of Obelix.

  • Only five blades.

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