Some great discounts. Enjoy :)
$359.10 Ryzen 3 2200G 120GB SSD 16GB DDR4 Home | Office | Gaming PC Desktop Computer
$699.30 Ryzen 5 2600 GTX 1660 6GB 120GB SSD 8GB DDR4 Gaming PC Desktop Computer
Some great discounts. Enjoy :)
$359.10 Ryzen 3 2200G 120GB SSD 16GB DDR4 Home | Office | Gaming PC Desktop Computer
$699.30 Ryzen 5 2600 GTX 1660 6GB 120GB SSD 8GB DDR4 Gaming PC Desktop Computer
Nah it seems they do that a lot.
Noticed a heap of their 2080 builds had 8gb ram. Which is so weird to me.
I think maybe going to 16gb ram doesn't really make a difference in FPS and they want to cut some costs and keep it below a certain price
like "RTX 2080 PC for under $1400" only place they can cut without messing with the FPS is the ram as everything else is already bare bones.
and people buying rtx 2080 pcs probably know this and they will maybe try upsell you another 8gb stick =P
for the low end builds, the tag line will be woah! "$300 dollar pc with 16GB of ram!"
just my speculation =D
Single channel ram makes a huge difference to fps compared to dual channel ram. 16gb is recommmended for modern titles, if you max out your ram you will also get a huge fps drop (demanding AAA titles will max out 8gb sometimes). 8gb single channel ryzen with a 2080 is retarded. They use 16gb with the 2200g cause it uses that ram instead of onboard vram. I'm only surprised they do this cause of all the other rediculous things in these builds - it isn't characteristic of this seller to make good decisions like that.
No it's not really weird. Notice how dedicated graphics cards have thier own VRAM (Like the GTX 1660 having 6Gb). When an APU is being used, because it dosen't have it's dedicated RAM, so it has to share it with the normal PC RAM (not as fast as dedicated VRAM). Having 8Gb of total RAM on a APU system would be pushing it, as a dedicated amount would have to be allocated to the iGPU and you would only have about 5-6Gb left for the entire system (note that windows itself and background programs will take up more leaving even less for games).
RAM speed/amount is extremely important when it comes to APU's. If you check out some vids on Youtube, you can see the huge FPS difference APU's get when having more/faster RAM.
For the more expensive system, my guess is that the people who built it decided that 8Gb of total ram was enough for games and the PC because none of it would have to be shared with the GPU. Good thing the people who built it put 16Gb for the cheaper one, because if they put 8, there would be lots of untapped performance.
Some people would call these "High end" PCs….
well thats .. Hardly Normal… LOL
nope apparently if a PC is better than the average of ALL pc's out there it is high end.
lol sigh that joke fell on its face… hehehe
Haha, you still not over that from the Dell thread?
Lool meh I'm just bored on a Monday arvo.
Are you guys able to offer a cheaper price if I come out and pick it up? ;)
It's already cheap af i know lol
do they have pickup? i thought its someone assembling in their garrage
That’s a poor taste joke. They’re a full-fledged business, with high-quality builds and testing, and they provide great value.
@Zazer: apple was started at a garage. why do you look down on garage businesses? why do you jump to the conclusion that the notion of running a business from a garage negative?
Postage is free nationwide. We offer pickup but no further discount applies.
G'Day Luke, thanks for the deals.
Do you guys plan to offer 80+ rated 650W PSUs as upgrade options in the future? The 850W ones are slightly overkill for most home PCs :-)
It's been on the table for while. We've been speaking to suppliers and we should have an option soon!
@luketechfast: Onya mate, that would be great.
Working on getting the minister for war and finance to OK me getting a new PC. Won't be till September at the earliest but it would be nice to have the option.
Should do a $1080 build for people keen on getting a new system with their tax return ;)
The TechFast ScoMo.
What does everyone think of the 359 build?
Was thinking for my brother, doesn't need it for gaming…
i think its a brilliant deal, only thing to keep in mind is that the HDD isnt that large so if there's any need to store files etc might be a good idea to eventually add an external HDD :) which is never in short supply here on ozB
If it’s literally just for a PC, it’d do more than fine, it would even handle some light gaming if needed. It doesn’t have a lot of storage though, so in the future if your brother downloads a lot of things you may need to upgrade the storage a bit (~$30).
Is this GTX 1660 a better deal or the deal during the weekend
i guess it'll depend on if you need the better cpu or the better gpu :)
Well depends. If you’re mostly gaming then the 1660 would be a better deal, if you’re doing productivity then you’d benefit from the other deal more.
Depends on workload. For gaming the 2600/1660 will be the better deal though.
Any chance of a B450 and 16gb RAM option to upgrade on this one?
Pretty new to PC stuff and looking to get my first. Any great difference between B350 / B450? A lot of the builds I have seen choose the 450.
The mobo upgrade link seems to be broken.
Of our options, the major difference is the B45M2 board (B350) has an M.2 slot, whereas the A320 doesn't. As Zazer said we don't offer a B450 option currently. Looking into it.
@natures: Just to clarify, there are some differences between the B450 bird and a B350 board, which I believe is what you were asking warlier. However, the differences are not so big that it’d be worth getting the board seperately for a first-timer. The B350 will do you just fine, you’ll mostly just be missing out on some extra upgradability and longevity options, but you wouldn’t use those anyway :)
B450 has:
@netsurfer: B450 also has 2 extra RAM slots usually. Didn’t want to overwhelm them with the full specs since they wouldn’t understand most of the terminology anyway.
Got one of these for my son late last year, stopped turning on now, could be psu or motherboard but looks like I will be testing out these guys Support soon
Contact their support! It’s a breeze and you should get it resolved no problem.
Hello fellow OzB'ers, absolute PC noob here..just wondering your thoughts on whether the $359 PC in this deal would be a performance upgrade over my current laptop (i dont need a laptop).
Current rig is a Toshiba satellite with an i5 3339Y CPU @ 1.50ghz.
4gb ram
100gb SSD
Would i be able to plug this into my HDMI and run thru my TV? Main use is to watch sports in HD streaming from the USA.
Thanks for your help!
Yes, undoubtedly, to both questions.
Much appreciated :)
No problem! This system would be a massive step for you and you will love it! You could even do some light gaming if you like! :)
It'll be like going from dial up to fibre.
lol cheers
Is the $359 PC better than the used Dell or HP PC's that get frequently posted on ob?
100% yes way better
I am guessing your talking about those $250 old dells with a 5-year-old 2ND HAND cpu, that cant upgrade and most the time cant install a GPU later
that $359 computer should be the min anyone buys, anything cheaper would be 2nd hand without warranty
Great deal the $359 one, I bought one for my dad to replace an old PC. I don't think it would have been possible to build one this cheap that's decent quality. Looking forward to loading up a copy of Windows 10 and see how it runs. The old man should love it.
Comes with Win10 installed, enjoy :)
Are you sure? The ebay listing states that there is no OS.
Either way I'm not too worried.
Yes, it’s installed but not activated. So you’ll just have to put in a key which you got from eBay for $5 and you’ll be set. They test it boots into Windows before they send :)
@dbell: I used the Windows 7 key that came with my old laptop and it activated just fine, even upgraded to the Pro version so if you have a key from your old PC try it first before buying on eBay.
Looks like I am unable to add a motherboard upgrade to the cart with this one, out of stock on the upgrades?
nvm.. there was another link available just took a bit of digging to find it.
Any deal to add keyboard/mouse to the $699 one?
Also how will the 1660 perform at 2k
Still doesn't beat the R5 2600 gtx1660ti for ~$730 from one of the previous deals.
Yeah I might wait for a TI.
NEW Ryzen 5 3600 GTX 1660 Ti 6GB 120GB SSD 8GB DDR4 Gaming PC Desktop - $836
Worth $836 over the $699 deal?
I would say it would since you get the new gen and the TI version, last deal for a ti was $730 according to one of the other comments but it had an older CPU. So basically paying $100 extra to upgrade from a Ryzen 5 2600 to a Ryzen 5 3600. P.S. Depends on motherboard as well.
Yes, I’d say that would be worth the upgrade. Better CPU and GPU for just $130 more, you’ll get a much better experience.
Ryzen 5 2600 GTX 1660 Ti 6GB 120GB SSD 8GB DDR4 Gaming PC Desktop - $737
^ just popped up.
Still worth paying $100 For the newer CPU?
$699 - 1060 & 2600
$737 - 1060TI & 2600
$836 - 1060TI & 3600
What's best bang for buck here?
Sorry for the questions!
Not a problem for the questions, love to answer them!
If you’re looking for purely bang for buck, the 2600 cheaper system with a 1660 Ti is better value. But the 3600 one with a 1660 Ti will mean you don’t have to upgrade your CPU for the next at least 6-7 years. The 2600 one is better balanced, the 3600 won’t give you much extra performances in the next year or two but the 3600 will be more future-proof.
@mthwstwrt note that the $836 - 1060TI & 3600 does not include OS
Actually none do!
Hello, sorry I can't find this link to the "Ryzen 5 2600 GTX 1660 Ti 6GB 120GB SSD 8GB DDR4 Gaming PC Desktop - $737". Can you please send a link for it?
Oof. That stings after purchasing the 2600 w/ 1660 less than a day ago.
You can just message them and ask to cancel your order if you don't want it anymore as it's only less than a day ago.
Thanks - luke is already assisting.
Looking to buy a budget gaming pc,
what would you be upgrading down the track?
biggest bottleneck for performance?
worth upgrading anything at checkout?
Budget is a broad term. How much are you willing to spend? Can recommend you different builds for different budgets. The $1299 one posted earlier would leave you set for the next 4-5 years, but that’s not really budget. The $737 deal for a 1660Ti and a Ryzen 2600 is the best bang for buck currently if you want to go for a cheaper build, in that case you’d be set for 2-3 years I’d say. With gaming, the graphics card is almost always the bottleneck, unless you have a shit CPU, but this is a decent CPU and the graphics card is decent and should leave you good for a while. At checkout I’d upgrade to a B350 board, you’re better off purchasing RAM and a bigger SSD seperately as it’s cheaper and they’re easy to install.
Down the track, I would probably upgrade everything in this build lol. But that’s just me, a lot of people would be satisfied with this build, including yourself most likely if it’s your first foray. A few years down the track it’d be a good idea to review this build and what games are out there and then determine which parts need an upgrade. More importantly though, within the next year (TechFast gives the build a year of warranty), you should upgrade your Power Supply, as the one that it comes with isn’t the best. But that only would cost ~$100 or so for a decent PSU, and is easy to do. After that the sky’s the limit, I would personally upgrade my monitor first since you could get a better experience from upgrading your monitor to a 1080p144hz one.
What 1080p 144hz monitor would you recommend for that budget range?
I searched around then got overwhelmed with all the spec variables. I've come by these two so far:……
About to press go but then I noticed the eBay feedback rating. Should I be concerned?
They used to take a few weeks to ship, around last Christmas I think but from what I've seen the turnaround times have become better. Their representatives are pretty active on these forums so I feel like it'll be okay? They seem to answer questions on here fairly frequently, and I think I'm about to buy one off ebay rn too!
Just purchased a system from them, the communication from luke is fantastic & their over the phone support is perfect.
No complaints here
Yep - so far, seems to either be a lot of misinformation out there or they have drastically improved the service. Love to see it.
I'll let everyone know how long mine takes from ordering!
There was an issue with the Christmas time period last year - has since been fixed! A lot of people still remember it though :)
@mthwstwrt: No, a case upgrade won't do much for the build as it is. It should be fine in the case it comes in :)
Is it weird that the lower specced (first) machine has 16Gb RAM, and the higher specced (second) only has 8Gb RAM?