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40 GB + Unlimited Local Calls & SMS + Unlimited Calls to 12 Countries for $10 (28-Day Cycle) For the First Month @ Lycamobile


Lycamobile Plans on Special offer (for FIRST MONTH only). Details Below:

Unlimited Plan S ($10/28 days): 40 GB (for porting number or 36 GB for new customers) + unlimited calls & text locally + unlimited calls to 12 countries + choice of 30 or 10 international minutes to selected countries.

Unlimited Plan M ($15/28 days): 60 GB (for porting number or 50 GB for new customers) + unlimited calls & text locally + unlimited calls to 15 countries + choice of 30 or 10 international minutes to selected countries.

Unlimited Plan L ($20/28 days): 50 GB + unlimited calls & text locally + unlimited calls to 54 countries + choice of 300 or 100 international minutes to selected countries.

Unlimited Plan XL ($25/28 days): 75 GB + unlimited calls & text locally + unlimited calls to 54 countries + choice of 300 or 100 international minutes to selected countries.

Been a long time lurker, first time poster! Apologies for any errors in advance. Hope this helps a few bargain hunters here :)

Referral Links

Referral: random (8)

Referrer gets up to $30 cash. Referee gets up to 60% off new plan for first 3 renewals.

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Lyca Mobile

closed Comments

  • +3


    That is for the first month only.

    • Thanks! Updated

    • +1

      And then what?

  • +6

    Perfect for when you're lyca virgin… ported for the very first time

    • +2

      Did you leave your dre Beats, next to mine? Whoa Whoa, ah

  • It is very complicated even just to activate a new number,let alone porting. The customer service staff are not that great either. At least,that was my experience last month.

  • +1

    How much from second month and how long do they lock you in

    • +1

      $30 standard price, no lock in.

      Last time I checked their CIS, 13/1300 numbers not included, you'll need the standard or whatever the PAYG credit is called. This could have changed, but ever since they switched to flash, looking it up on mobile is a pain and not possible.

  • Is there any reason why we can’t port to this lycamobile deal, then port to the Kogan 90 day sim, just before the 1st lycamobile month express and essentially “port-hop” from carrier to carrier?

  • Can I buy this now and activate it later, like after 2 months?
    I have some friends coming in for 2 months in Oct, so buy 2 sims and activate then. Will, that work?

  • Can you get this deal in stores?

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