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2.99% 3 Year Fixed Rate for New Borrowings of $300,000 or More (3.53% Comparison Rate) - Virgin Money


Virgin Money will be decreasing fixed rates from Friday 28 June 2019.

3 years new lending special offer
2.99% / 3.53% Comparison rate

For new borrowings of $300,000 or more and application received on or after 28 June 2019

Settlement fee - $150
Valuation fee - First Valuation – Free
Ongoing Home loan fee - $10 (monthly)

I am not a direct representative of Virgin Money, but I do offer their products through my own business.
Please contact your mortgage broker about this deal.

Referral Links

Referral: random (303)

Referees will receive 5,000 Virgin Money Points when they open their first Virgin Money Go Account and meet the Welcome Offer Bonus Points Criteria (1 debit card purchase/direct debits/BPAY transaction in the first 30 days).

Referrer will receive 5,000 Virgin Money Points for each referee who meets the Welcome Offer Bonus Points Criteria, for up to 5 referees in a month.

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Virgin Money

closed Comments

  • +2

    Offset account? available for refinancing?

    • Not on the fixed rate product.
      You can have an additional variable split and have an offset account on that - talk to your mortgage broker.

      Available for refinances, not from BOQ or existing virgin money loans.

      • Bugger, need an Offset and want it over the total loan. BankWest not competitive anymore (although frustratingly we just paid the $400 annual fee for the year).

        Weird how some banks only let you have an offset against the fixed part of the loan (NAB?) while others only against the variable part.

        • Why would you need it over the entire loan? If you have 100k variable portion and 100k in the offset there is no issue.

          NAB does not let you offset a fixed loan.

        • We're with NAB and we can only offset the variable loan. Not sure if there are lenders who allow offset for fixed loan

      • Virgin last time we checked don't allow anyone on a pension to get a home loan. Even if you have 50% deposit. Was quite lame unfortunately.

        Has this changed from last year?

        • If you are solely reliant on a government pension it is a no.

    • The rate home loans are at now.. make your money work harder… measly 3.5% interest compared to some of the returns in other investments might be a better bet (mind you though, every cent you can get into an offset before offloading into an investment strategy also makes you $ work hard)

      • +1

        Yeah look, I bought my house near the peak of the market last year (in Melbourne) and am regretting it a bit but at least I have a house to call my own and something that will, hopefully, appreciate over the next decade. If I can enjoy lower interest rates while the economy goes through a lull/recession then bully for me, I guess.

  • RBA just cut the cash rate again. Consider this before jumping on this fixed rate.

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