• expired

Imation Atom USB 4GB for $4 from Staples (or 5 for $5.50 Delivered using Coupon)


Staples have a 4g imation atom usb for $4 each. You still can use the coupoons game20, off20 and save20. That will make 5 of these $5.50 delivered =D

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closed Comments

      • Oh, I forgot to add that you can add up to 8 per computer…

        Use "Event Viewer" to see the stats.

        .> Applications and Services Log > Microsoft > Windows > ReadyBoost > Operational

        Looks for the Event ID of 1015.

        Here's a sample of my one:

        Summary of ReadyBoot Performance:

        Io Read Count: 24979
        Io Read Bytes: 576954368
        Cache Hit Count: 23317
        Cache Hit Bytes: 383862784 (( 384MB cached approx ))
        Cache Hit Percentage: 0.933464109852276
        Boot Prefetch Time (us): 53590762
        Boot Prefetch Bytes: 409006080
        Boot Prefetch Read Count: 10528

        The other one to look at is "Performance Monitor" and look for "ReadyBoost Cache" when you click on add graph!

      • or you can plug all 5 in one PC get eboostr, which is better than readyboost :)

  • I just bought:-

    1 x 8GB imation drive

    1 x 450g of Milo

    Total comes to $20.67 before discount.

  • Guys. STILL IN STOCK. I just added one to my basket (Y)

    • +1

      and I cant seem to add more than 1 usb to my basket.

      • I noticed that. Must have restricted it to 1 per person now.

        • Sorry, this item is currently out of stock or you have exceeded the quantity limit. Please select an alternative product.
          1 * Imation Atom USB Flash Drive 4GB

        • +1

          and now it's out of stock again!

  • Still haven't received a shipping confirmation, ordered at about 9pm Monday night.

  • +2

    Just received my set of 5 USB (I ordered mine just before the rush) Very happy with the delivery including the compact way it was packed. Driver was quite friendly.

    • Were they in package or oem?

  • just got mine today too 5 pieces came in a satchel all nicely packed. beautiful!

  • How do I get this stupid thing to work on my W7 64-bit?

    Won't get recognised, works on other comps.

    • Serious? Thats a massive fail!

    • tried formatting?

  • What read/write speed do you get on these things? Can you use CrystalDiskMark to test. http://crystalmark.info/software/CrystalDiskMark/index-e.htm…

    I don't have order confirmation either :(

  • +2

    ordered monday 7pm, still no shipping confirmation status…

  • +1

    Thanks OP - mine just arrived.

    They are great little units and work fine on my W7 64bit

    (they seem to write at about 8.15Mb/sec)

  • ordered mine monday during ozbargain rush and still no order shipping confimation

  • Just got my 5 they are so dam small. Nice for the key ring.

  • I ordered 5 on Monday in one order and a mouse in my second order. Mouse just arrived, no confirmation for the 5x4gb usbs :s??

  • Hmm I ordered mine monday afternoon too, received an email about the order, but havent received the email about my credit card being charged yet. For my last two orders with them, the credit card charge email was sent within a day. Hopefully theyre honouring these USB orders!

  • received my lot of food items that i ordered after the usb sticks but no word regarding the USBs

  • No word either about shipping, let's give them some time though.

    • +1

      Just got the following email, very disappointing…

      This email is to advise you that due to limited stock quantities Staples is unable to fulfil your order, this has meant we have had to withdraw your order. Please note that your credit card has not been charged and your pre-authorisation will expire within the next 2 business days.

      If you would like to place a new order please contact the Staples Customer Support Team on 1800STAPLES. The Customer Support team will place an order and issue a new coupon code on your behalf.

      Please have you current reference/order number available when calling.

      The Staples.com.au Team apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.


      Head of Operations

  • +1

    This email is to advise you that due to limited stock quantities Staples is unable to fulfil your order, this has meant we have had to withdraw your order. Please note that your credit card has not been charged and your pre-authorisation will expire within the next 2 business days.

    If you would like to place a new order please contact the Staples Customer Support Team on 1800STAPLES. The Customer Support team will place an order and issue a new coupon code on your behalf.

    Please have you current reference/order number available when calling.

    The Staples.com.au Team apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.


    Head of Operations


  • beaten

  • double beaten

  • Same email..

    This is not good :(

  • same email

  • was your rejection email titled to someone else because mine was titled to [email protected] which is not my email. makes me think what is going on with their database…

    • got same to email in my mail as well…

    • Titled to this guy: "[email protected]". Email bugs now?

      Just might be a chance I get my order as I was one of the early ppl that ordered about 30mins after the deal was posted. Fingers Crossed!

    • ce.com.au

      CE=Corporate Express

      Which is the stationary company Staples bought in Australia.

      So im guessing Paul is the accounts bloke or something, so its sent to him and BCC to all us customers.

      • Regards,

        Head of Operations

        so it would seem Paul is Head of ops.

        • Anyone that got the email care to check their CC to see if you were charged just in case?
          If they did charge you then that must mean they completed your order. If that is the case then you should disregard the emails & see if your order comes in 2 days.

        • I have a pre-auth, that's about it.

  • +1

    Got the rejection email too and I was one of the first ones to buy them! :(

    • same here, seems like it definitely wasn't a case of first in first served….

  • same email

  • I just got the rejection letter, ordered at 5:01pm Monday.

  • +3

    lame. i had big plans for those little usb sticks.

  • +1

    i got the same email, i think this will piss alot ppl off, i m the 1st bunch of ppl bought this , and if they withdraw my order means they probly have 10 in stock, what about others, or they just playing this tricks, we should report it to fair trading for false advertising.

    • That would suck if they fulfilled the later orders over the early ones….

      Regarding fair trading, I think they should have a law that has online retailers implement a live system that shows on the product page stock quantity 'they' have at their location & not from the wholesalers that dropship for them.

  • surprised I received mine today, man these things are tiny, good bargain OP

    • +1

      when u orderd?

  • I just got the email for the USB also, ordered Monday. I hope I'm still getting my boxes of paper..

  • Damn, and the 8gb for $16 is gone too it seems.

  • I ordered on Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 5:35 PM. I think thats in about an hour of the post… what time did ppl place their orders which were rejected?

  • Missed out and received an e-mail today telling me so - bugger :(

    Ordered mine Monday at 6PM.

  • +1

    also …looks like the whole order been rejected and we need to call up to get new coupon code…

  • +1

    Staples strikes back!

  • I got an email and the recipient is paul.vanschellebeeck sth. Anyone has the same problem?

  • +1

    Got a rejection email. Heartbroken.

    Ordered at 7:20PM

  • +4

    This is exceptionally poor form by Staples.
    -I ordered on Monday before they sold out
    -they failed to ship my order on Tuesday
    -they put additional units up for sale later on Tuesday
    -on Wednesday they tell me that they cancelled my entire order

  • For the people who got the rejection email, did you only order the 5 USBs or <5 USBs + other instock stuff ?

  • Why some have, some don't? Not fair.

  • +9

    For all the ppl who got the rejection email, the following article will help : http://www.wikihow.com/Handle-Rejection

    • I think I'm stuck on step 3.. can't seem to stop

      • same here :( lol

  • +1

    Bugger, got the rejection email too. And I ordered within 30 minutes of seeing this bargain, my comment is on the first page. Looks like they don't like being OzBargained.

    • Who ordered late got first… How come?

  • ok, i called their customer support, according to what they said, all the usb stick were sold out to their email list customer before ozbargain post this deal on, and since it is a discontinue unit there is nothing they can do about it, it really make me feel they prepare for this event and trained how to explain to all of us. so basicly no one here should receiving their orders. i need some way to compensed, so piss off

    • +2

      Odd. Why'd they put more units for sale on Tuesday?

  • I ordered 5x usbs and the order got cancelled too.

    Looks like they've improved on their packaging. They aren't using cardboard boxes anymore, but plastic postage bags instead

  • I ordered it with other stuff and got rejected too. Anyone received a new coupon code? I used OFF20, and now I can't use it anymore.

    • save20, game20

      • I've used save20 and game20 too. The email said call them and they will reissue a coupon.

        • share share please :)

  • i only ordered one along with an 8g. so far haven't received a rejection email. fingers crossed

  • got rejected also.. anyone know if the comsol usb sticks are anygood.. damn i was looking forward to raiding those damn usb sticks looks like i might need to buy the $9.99 comsol ones instead :)

  • those that got rejected, did u get a confirmation email though?

    • Yes got the confirmation email, but not the has shipped email.

    • +1

      Yes, got a CONFIRMED email…. then today a NO STOCK email…. not cool!

  • Wouldn't last long on a keychain, too thick, slow as hell, imation sux, 4gb wtf is this 2006? (yeah, I got the email too, hah)

  • +3

    I'm starting to believe they are cancelling any orders that have 5 usb that also used one of the 3 coupons…..

  • So sad, got rejected as well :(


    showing up on ebay for $8 each

  • I wish I could vote neg, as I also received the out of stock email message - they need a better inventory system otherwise you could be wasting your time.

  • -6

    out of stock email!!!

    • +2

      and..it starts…

  • +2

    I would vote neg, but since they've been good to date.. i won't

  • recieved my 5 X 4gb USBs just now. nicely packed!

    • what time did you order?

  • +2

    to be realistic… these USB were end of life products… and they had slashed the price from $24 to $4.

    so maybe they had a few left (im guessing 50-100)?

    And at least a few people here who ordered got theirs (in orders of 5 too!). and this was sent out in their email newsletter before posted up on ozbargain. and lets not forget people who recieved and not posted here.

    so all in all…. its a end of life product so their out of stock is a fair call.

  • -5

    and you guys didnt listen when i posted my prevous post, now you have been burnt, funny that i didnt

    • +7

      Nah, no problem here. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Haven't lost anything except a bit of time and a preauth of a few days on $5.50. All part of OzBargaining fun.

      • Good stuff greenpossum thats the stuff i like to hear

      • Exactly! +1 on that one mate :D

    • these 4G sticks weren't the only bargain to be had. got great deals on the 8G, paper, drinks etc

  • +1

    No mail… No USB Yet…..

  • +2

    Well how's this for poor form.

    I placed 6 orders in total using 2 accounts and 2 physical address locations, using my name and my brother's name, for the following:

    2 orders of 5x4gb USB drives (paid $5.50)
    2 orders of 1x16gb USB drive (paid $15)
    2 orders of 2 boxes of Reflex paper (paid $12)

    Received an email yesterday saying my two 5x4gb orders were cancelled due to 'Fraud detected'. They alleged that I placed multiple orders from the same domain and cancelled my order. Furthermore, they said that any repeat action would result in the case being sent to their legal department.

    So I thought fine whatever, too good to be true anyways.

    Then today, I received my two orders for the 16gb thumb drives, which were stuffed into my letter box. Lucky the nano USB drives are so small because the cardboard retail packaging was all warped and damaged.

    Anyhow, I find it rather ironic that they claimed fraud for the two orders that they would definitely have lost money on, but proceeded to process the two orders where they are probably at break even or still making money.

    Next time I will support my local retail businesses.

    For anyone interested - read/write speed for the 16gb nano drives are 18/10 mb/s.

    • They would have detected you tried to order from the same IP address. But probably not on the same level of fraud as some users on this forum who prob ordered many more lots.

    • How can u make order of 2 boxes of Reflex paper for $12? ^^

      • Your lack of membership leaves me with reservations, but you'll note that atlas stated "paid" $12 for the 2 boxes of Reflex paper, indicating that he used a coupon code.

    • Now they send me 'out of stock' emails. Hilarious.

  • Not sure what's up with orders, I've received mine but I ordered them somewhere between 8 and 10pm a couple of days ago, after some of you guys who had yours canceled.

    • +4

      They were using LIFO accounting I suppose…

  • Rejected. ;-(

    Nothing interesting though.

  • Still waiting for a shipping confirmation :(

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