• expired

Twin pack Jackson 5 outlet flexible powerboards $9.97 + shipping


Bargain at about $20 including shipping, cheapest on shopbot is $30 for one (http://www.shopbot.com.au/m/?m=jackson+POWERHAND). The site description:

A unique powerboard design substituting the usual strip for a series of short leads. These leads allow power to be availabe to all sockets, even when bulky plugpacks are used which would cover adjacent sockets on traditional strip design powerboards

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closed Comments

  • Freight was $11.71 for me. Too much for a $10 product.

    • It's a long way from a $10 product, cheapest I have seen it elsewhere is $30 each and you are getting two for $20 delivered…

  • +2

    Useful but ugly.

    • +3

      Who cares if they are going behind furniture?? These could be quite handy compared to power boards behind tight entertainment units,etc…

      • Still, it does make neat setups a tad more difficult.

        I have a thing against rats nests behind/under furniture.

        But it is a clever way around the fat plugs that cover adjacent sockets… Just not my thing.

  • $9.71 shipping for me which is okay I guess but I don't see myself needing this over a conventional powerboard. First impression is that it's pretty cool but I can see this becoming an ugly mess over time, power boards make more sense to me.

    • +2

      Please link me to where you can get a surge protected board and 4x short leads for $11 delivered??

  • +4

    OMG, it's an electrical Hydra!

    • don't worry, just pour a bucket of water on it ;)

  • Jackson 5 - cleaver name :)

    • +1

      i didn't know they were sharp?

  • No good. Plugs look like they don't fit those large power plug adaptors that come with most pc equipment.

    • What g12345567 said. The sockets are recessed, so it's better for some purposes, but a lot of the block plugs aren't meant to slide into recessed sockets.

  • seems strange. 1 is $49.95, but if you buy two its $9.95… mmm

  • -1

    Just go to Woolworths. They have a Jacksons 6 port with extra space around two of the plugs. Only about $22 - $24!

  • Thanks so much for posting this! I just ordered four of these, they should solve my problems entirely! The recessed sockets are an extreme pain in the butt I have previously had success trimming down excess rubber moulding with wire cutters when needed. It doesn't go anywhere near the wiring so shouldn't cause any harm.

    I've been really worried about some of the power boards behind my TV, there are so many odd-shaped power adapters jammed into various ill-fitting locations, and some of them have very poor connections because the only way they can fit into a power point or power board is by adding an angled double-adapter, which then leaves them hanging at bad angles. Sometimes they fall out due to the weight. I bought some remote-control power points from ALDI but can only use two on each power board because they're far too wide for most sockets, but these Jackson 5's will fit them all nicely.

    Much worse is trying to travel overseas when there's only one power point in the hotel room, it's mounted as close to the floor as you can get on thin skirting board, you have chargers for mobile phone, digital camera, video camera, laptop, shaver, iPod etc and none of them fit. Carrying one of these may help me.

    Thanks so much Martyn!!

  • +1

    Hi everyone, just saw that this was posted over here :)

    To clear up a few of the questions from the thread - even though it is probably a bit late by now, given the deal is ending in about 15 minutes:
    1) With regards to the recessed sockets, we asked the same thing to the manufactuer, and they said that they had to have them like that for compliance reasons - all plugs these days are suitable for plugging into them, but certainly some older plugs won't be.
    2) With the 1 for $49.95 and 2 for $9.95, the special price is only valid the one-day sale only. If you were to buy 2 later on, it would go back to full cost
    3) With regards to freight costs, these are pretty heavy, which drives the cost up - we charge to you exactly what we are charged by the freight companies

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