Expecting a baby in September. We're starting to look a what we should buy, and decide on brands so we can get a good price. Thanks in advance for recommendations on brands, bargains, value, where and when to buy, what to wait to buy, etc.
These thing are on the list of definite things to get:
Cot with mattress etc
Baby monitor
Nappies (haven't decided on disposable or cloth or mix)
car seat
These are the maybes:
Change table
Breast milk pump (+storage system, bottles)
baby carrier
Wraps, swaddles, sleeping bags etc
Thanks for any advice or other suggestions.
Click in bassinet style car seat. They click into the stroller too. Made getting kid in and out of car easier. Just remember to check you’ve buckled the kid in.
Second hand is great for a lot of things. Our click in car seat was second hand, same for cots. Picked up boori brand for 40$.
I would recommend against baby monitor. But MSO and I were/are anxious parents so every little noise caused us to jump. Also screaming becomes stereo. Monitor on one ear and actual noise on the other.
Aldi nappies are fine, cloth no. If you go cloth may as well go the full hog and use family cloth yourself.
Aldi formula is fine. You don’t have to fight off other Asians for it. Though MSO (asian) always flinched buying it.
We got enough clothes for our kid during th first year from gifts. People are nice and buy fancy brands when gifting, them it’s cheap stuff from Kmart and big w.
Buy take out a lot.
Biggest advice, ignore people’s advice including mine. If things are not going right or well like with our kid it becomes more and more disheartening being told how to make it better.