Expecting a baby in September. We're starting to look a what we should buy, and decide on brands so we can get a good price. Thanks in advance for recommendations on brands, bargains, value, where and when to buy, what to wait to buy, etc.
These thing are on the list of definite things to get:
Cot with mattress etc
Baby monitor
Nappies (haven't decided on disposable or cloth or mix)
car seat
These are the maybes:
Change table
Breast milk pump (+storage system, bottles)
baby carrier
Wraps, swaddles, sleeping bags etc
Thanks for any advice or other suggestions.
Get a Britax Graphene baby seat. It has isofix for easy install (you don’t know hell until you’ve had to install a shitty baby seat) and rave reviews. Look into extended rear facing – in Aus you only have to rear face until 6 months but it’s much safer to do it for longer (like half of Europe and the US does). No second hand baby seats – you never know if they’ve been in a crash.
Second hand baby gear is amazing but drop side cots can kill. Anchor your furniture, as bookshelves and tall boys have killed crawling babies in aus.
If your baby does get sick, use fess saline spray and then the nosefrida. Clears congested boogers like you wouldn’t believe.
Look into getting your baby meningococcal B vaccines (Bexsero is the brand name). They aren’t subsided by the government/not on the schedule of free vaccines (unless you are in SA) but the stories about the kids who have gotten it are horrifying and the parents never knew a vaccine existed.
If you are considering circumcision, first watch this (Child Circumcision: An Elephant in the Hospital on YouTube).
Amber teething necklaces lack an evidence base and are choking hazards.
Breastfeeding Naturally is a book by the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) and is a concise read that will prepare you for most of the things that could arise, teaching you about supply and demand and knowing that baby is getting plenty. Lanolin is a wonder for sore nipples.
Best of wishes.