Hi all,
Hopefully, i will do better than my last post from yesteday……..
Might be a Frenzy Sale by Telstra BUT, this deal is back again.
Was $69, now $49 per month.
Includes the usual addons……..
- Telstra Air
- Apple Music
- Live Sport
Hi all,
Hopefully, i will do better than my last post from yesteday……..
Might be a Frenzy Sale by Telstra BUT, this deal is back again.
Was $69, now $49 per month.
Includes the usual addons……..
Thank. Updated.
any port in discounts??
If there is port in discount to get this lower i'd consider this over the Optus deal.
Hopefully, i will do better than my last post from yesteday……..
The Dud post ?
Thats the one……
They pissed on the rug Donny
Nice one! How did you get it for 30? I'm paying 45
I'm paying $35 for this one by asking for $10 discount if that helps.
Within the 12 month contract? Or after? How did you get the $10 discount?
@JoJoker: Yeah I just asked when I first joined, said to Telstra on chat that JB guy said there was an extra discount possible and the guy gave me $10 permanent discount on my account.
@nodeahs: What date did you do this? I've been trying since last week and have been through 3 reps with no luck.
I didn't mention JB but they looked at my plan and told me straight that whatever JB said go back to JB to do it. And I was trying to tell them that other people did it through live chat.
@daniesaurs: Yeah I got lucky with one of my services and they applied it straight up. My second service I had about 5 people refuse. Very inconsistent
I had a rep say yes (in writing) then fought tooth and nail to get them to honour over the course of 8 months. They never applied it and I followed up occasionally and they said yes every time without actioning it so I only authorised direct debit of the agreed intended amount. When I started getting overdue notices I had to go into beast mode so it was very difficult for me. YMMV.
Couldn't check the cost of Apple Music add-on on the Telstra app due to "techncal difficulties" - how much is on a monthly basis pls
$12.99 full price
Thanks mate - for a casual listener no extra value other than data exemption
Every single time I recontract, I get Apple Music. Every single time the fk it up somehow. Last time my contract started in Oct they had the 6 months ending in Nov… charged me every month for 4-5 months til I gave up and cancelled. They never updated their dates and can’t do basic maths. I’m a bees-dick from neg’n this deal.
I am an existing customer (~7 months on contract), tried changing to this plan online and got an error. Used 24x7 Chat, and got the plan changed in about 5 minutes.
Thanks jned42 and OP.
I am also an existing customer. Around 5 months on contract. Used 24x7 Chat. Now I also manged to convert my $59pm plan to $49pm which includes 60GB data + Unlimited international talk & text to 15 selected countries. ( Bangladesh, Canada, China, Hong Kong, India, Lebanon, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, UK, USA and Vietnam )
Did you have a phone tied to your plan? I just tried doing that and the chat representative said I'd need to pay out my current device (about $300) in order to make the change.
No, I was on a SIM-only plan. $59 a month for 60GB. I just asked to make it $49 a month effectively.
Thanks OP - moving over from the JB Hi-Fi $45 for the extra 10GB and International Calls
No extra cost involved as it is going from $45pm to $49 :)
Just did the same. Was hesitating on the JB deal because of the lack of international calling. Now that problem is solved with this upgrade!
I had to jump through hoops to move from JB Hifi $65 plan to this plan at this cost ( got 10GB extra than this , but I don't use that much data , mainly interested in international calls )
Can you change to a lower priced plan??
This still comes as a $69 plan but with credit. So technically you are upgrading the plan
Did u manage to keep your port in $10 credit changing plans?
They initially said no, I had to go back and press for them to do it saying a colleague got it , they will check with supervisor and apply it
So if…you get it that will take it down to $39. I tried and they said, since you are changing plan from 1 telstra plan to another, you wont get to keep the port in credit. Its only applicable to the the initial plan you ported to.
How did you do it? Online chat or? I didn't get my 10 port in credit either
I used live chat in this sequence to get plan at $49:
Asked them for port in credit $10, said JB Salesman asked to speak to Telstra customer care for this- this brought the plan to $55
Next day asked to be upgraded to byo large plan , whihnis $69, but they have an offer of $10 off per month - so $59 a month z but this doesn't apply port in credit ( have to get the port in earlier to this though)
Next day ask them to check if port in credit is applied, they will say no, argue politely your mate got it , they will provide after checking with supervisor
Edit: word wrap is broken in mobile version
Just checked again. Telstra rep said that if you were already given the port in credit on the initial telstra plan, then by switching plans you lose the credit. It will not be carried over onto the new plan
@Sammyboy: From the live chat "Because that is the biggest BYO plan discount that we have today . The original price of this plan was $69.00 and we are offering $20.00 discount for this just today"
So not sure how they worked it, but don't really care! $65 to $49 is pretty good. Thankyou for your help though
@Slinky0111: Yeah. Its still $6 cheaper a month than the $65 with $10 credit ($55). So still saving an extra $72 over 12 months. I had 3 plans, so it was a worthwhile switch
Actually scrap that. Pretty easy to do it via the online chat. 65 per month down to 49 per month
Yeah today's is much better and easier,just happy people are getting this offer openly without all the steps
Can you roam with this or nah?
Not for free, it seems.
"International Day Pass: A charge of $10/day (Australian Eastern Standard Time) applies when you use your phone in an eligible roaming country. Day Pass applies to standard fixed and mobile numbers while in eligible roaming countries "
Exxy. Wish they matched Voda’s $5. Which even itself adds up a lot on a holiday.
Totally agree, would be an awesome plan.
$5 a day if in New Zealand.
Thanks, OP.
I was able to successfully upgrade my existing BYO Plan $49 with 20GB of data my contract end date was 19th August 2019 to this one for the same price with an extra 40GB data FTW.
Signed up for an extra 12 months from today?
I was on the $49 Google pixel 2 XL deal. Tried this but he couldn't because it was a two year contract and I was half way and have a year left. The chat operator have me 20gb extra so I'm on 50gb total for next 12 months. Can anyone else on the same plan tell me how they went?
IMO that's almost unheard of.
I've never been successful in online chat trying to get additional bolt on data at no extra charge.
I'd day you're pretty lucky.
Thanks OP, succesfully upgraded from my pitiful 5GB Telstra Plan.
How long is it going to be available for?
Till 23 May as per my chat with the Telstra representative
Hmmm have had them pull offers early, thankfully they are going to waive a few days early termination.
Offer will be available until late Thursday at this point.
50$ per month!! Buy Kogan and enjoy :D
… and enjoy Vodafone's stellar network coverage and speed.
That's right now, and I regularly get 120mbps plus during the day, so not too shabby actually.
Kogan is definitely worth it for people in metro areas
As a Kogan user myself, yes its very cheap but you do get what you pay for. Kogan coverage is awful, it seams to work in most of the areas where I use my phone but I know others have had very different experiences.
I'm always the first one out of my friends or family to lose coverage as soon as I leave a major city.
True. I also experience some problems in coverage. However, since I am usually inside city and the surrounding suburbs, I'm OK with that. Currently, I am with Catch Connect, which was $3 for three months with 54 GB data in total. Not bad for the price :D
If you are on the JB Hi-Fi deal $65 12 month with Samsung s10e or P30 you could probably get this too. I just switched over to this. Works out $588 over 12 months for the phone and plan now :)
Same here !
So in theory I could sign up to the $65 JB plan tomorrow to get the $300 gift card and then upgrade it to this plan?
Was there a $199 up front?
Oh yeah I forgot because I had the $200 gift card from signing up to the $45 plan (which I got for $35). The other service I have in my 4g router as I can't get NBN/ADSL where I live.
I asked for the $10 port in credit so I got an additional $10 off a month so $39 a month
What a deal 👍 Yeah I couldn't get any better, it really depends on how persistent and lucky you are with the support person.
Did you port in? Ask th e m for port in credit, that's the one I got
I’m on optus prepaid now.
Does the port in credit apply to me? Do I just ask for it on 24/7 chat after I sign up online?
As soon as Telstra has one which includes international roaming I'll be on it for sure!
I'm trying to port my number from Vodafone and am getting the following message after submitting the application:
We are unable to proceed with your request at this time. Please try again later or chat to our team.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
I'm getting the exact same thing trying to port from Optus just now. Chatting to someone on livechat who is doing it manually for me.
But you won't be able to claim the $80 shopback?
Any solution to this? I am trying to port from Vodafone…
hmm on $39/m 35gb runs out soon apparently they're bringing in new phone deals in june or july I don't know if I should wait or not.
I made the enquiry a month back regarding what would happen once the 12 months is up on the deal that we have. They informed me that it'll continue on at the same price for another 12 months until 24 months. After that, it'll increase to the 49 it original was.
I'm more worried about taking this deal then in a month or 2 theres a even better one when they announce their new mobile plans haha
Early termination fees are for porting out of Telstra and cancelling service. Recontract into new plans should be ok
@daniesaurs: I have an update.
I tried to get that deep at the rate that I'm paying now, $39. However, the person that I chatted to said no because this deal is already discounted from $69.
He also said that the current $39 deal was pretty good.
I then asked whether or not I'll have to pay more after the 12 months, to which he said no… It'll stay $39 for the life of the plan, so basically until I switch to something else.
This is the deal I am on too, i'm not going over 35Gb and I have peace of mind too, so I can't justify the extra $10 a month right now.
I had to do a bit of looking which countries have unlimited international calls & text and seems pretty limited -
Eligible countries:
China, India, UK, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, USA, Canada, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Lebanon.
Great deal i side graded same spend for 30GB extra and piece of mind data
Thought this was for ADSL and home phone for a sec. Bugger.
The Apple Music bit is misleading. The service is not free. You still pay apple. You just don’t expend the data on it. Which is really nothing even if it’s taken off your 60gb (for average consumer)
Correct - Its not free Apple Music - Just free streaming - which is nothing on a 60GB plan- you still have to pay $12-$13 per month for apple music
I was on the $199 s10 deal at JBHiFi and just moved into this one in chat + $10 port in credit so $39 a month
Thanks for this.
I am just waiting on my monthly payment to be processed and then I'll sign up.
Moving from the unlimited plan ($69 a month) to this one.
It will be great savings without having to worry about my usage.
OP you are a superstar!
I swapped my 59 for 20gb over to this online. Not sure if it worked, wasnt exatcly clear. Never know woth telstra. It looked like it was going to start charging me for both plans.
Thanks OP good deal.
How much of your contract did you have left? I'm on the Google pixel 2 xl deal and wondering if I could convert to this without extending my contract
I still had 10 months left, but it left me swap over. My account hasnt been updated, so dont know of it has added 12 months from today or on top of the remaining 10
Were you on the Google pixel deal?
Hi all,
Any questions regarding the deal or difficulties in processing your order online - please drop a comment and I will try to get back to you ASAP.
I understand there may be a high amount of traffic on most sites over the next 24 hours and pages can/do/will crash.
12 month contract in title needed