Saw this on my Facebook earlier. Looks like a good deal.
20% off the $50 My Plan Plus 12M Sim so $40 for 80gb!
Saw this on my Facebook earlier. Looks like a good deal.
20% off the $50 My Plan Plus 12M Sim so $40 for 80gb!
20% off the $50 My Plan Plus 12M Sim so $40 for 80gb!
I can't see anything that is worth it on the phone plans, with some totalling over $2500 in 24 months, or over $3000.
That 80gb, unless you use all 80gb, is not worth it.
I think for most people who thinks 10-20gb is enough, this is not worth it.
I think for most people who thinks 10-20gb is enough, this is not worth it.
Exactly why telecoms are making so much money. People are paying more than they are ever going to use, at a higher price in the false belief they are getting better value, when there are much better and cheaper plans they can get to meet their needs.
I live by myself and am on this exact plan (actually better). I got this plan last time it was 20% off and Optus messed up and my first bill charged me for each individual perk that should have been included, such as sports, unmetred TV streaming - Optus then fixed this and I was pretty grumpy at them so they added 10gb and a further discount per month for the life of the plan.
So background story aside, my 90gb data plan is my entire internet as I have no home internet connection. Suits me fine. Netflix, iView, spotify unmetered. I still have 16gb left with two days remaining. I'll be downloading the 1080p GoT torrent via my VPN today which will leave me with 10gb for the last day of the billing cycle tomorrow. I don't hold back with my usage and even of late I haven't bothered turning wifi on at work to use their data as I never go near going over
I'll be downloading the 1080p GoT torrent via my VPN today
How do you do that legally ?
@jv: Not sure if you can legally obtain a digital copy of the latest episode of GoT in 1080p - Foxtel airs it in 1080i which is inferior to 1080p.
It's been that price for a long time.
Dang, just bought two days ago with offer of extra flybuys points. But with this 20% off I’ll get better value and save more than $200 per contract. Oh well, you can’t win every thing in this life.
You can call them to change, I changed my deal 3 times within my initial contract.
Optus do flybuy points?
New & recontracting customers only. Not available with other discount offers. Ends 21/05/19.
As per the above T&C, The $150 eBay Gift Card deal does not stack with this 20% off.
They changed me to $40 plan after I'd signed up. Just go on livechat and they'll sort it.
As others have said call them or get on chat and they will re-sign you up. If you're told no end the chat and get someone else, I'm sure you'll be able to get them to change it
Brand new case of price jacking
First time from Optus ;)
Example : iPhone XS Max was available at $105 per month till now and now with this 20% off you can get it for $135
This is the higher plan with more data
And selecting a lower plan isn't eligible for the 20% discount.
My contract ends in four months. If I can get out of paying any additional fees, I’d much rather upgrade from an iPhone 8 Plus 64GB to an iPhone XS 64GB and pay $12 less per month for five times the data.
Sell the wireless headset for $250 and put that towards the new plan.
Or keep the 8 Plus for another 12 months and do a sim-only plan, double my data and pay $75 less per month.
What’s the OzBargain way?
I would keep your 8 plus until 5g comes out and iPhone supports it.
When is 5G coming?
probs next year
I agree, just wait for 5g enabled device, not worth buying a new phone right now.
And why would you need 5G? Just wait a few years ffs
@Griffindinho: You don’t but you can’t guarantee that the price of 4g only devices will hit rock bottom, perfect time to buy a new phone then
@worker: My guess is that the cost of 5G is going to be astronomical.
4G phone prices might bounce up a bit as people who had been putting off buying a new phone, waiting for 5G, start buying 4G phones after all.
This scenario (of a price increase on 4G phones) is unlikely, and even if it happens it probably wouldn't be significant.
But it is a remote possibility, so putting off a 4G phone purchase may not be as effective as expected in getting a bargain.
I guess the choice of buying now or waiting depends largely on how urgent the upgrade is.
Ps. as a current Optus customer, I can't recommend it anyway.
Wait 4 sure. iPhone 8 pretty good phone, I’m still rocking the SE and can’t for the life of me see the point of upgrading
My plan hits the 12 month mark in 2 weeks. Optus basically told me to f off when I asked if I could do the 12 month upgrade on these plans.
However I have found Optus to be terrible to deal with.
towards the end of the story "This is, of course, a massive blow if the story is accurate." its not even confirmed ffs, non story until it is
Have you seen what’s happened in the US in the last week? Reuters broke the news first, every tech site is reporting on it now. But sure, by all means go out and buy a P30 Pro today.
Considering most companies follow the same policies, let alone most hardware is from the same company that exists in many routers and existing infrastructure. I mean you could buy it, and buy a tin foil hat to go with it
@aja12: Confirmed still makes sense. You probably have Huawei chipsets in your house already. Perhaps even the tin foil hats are made by Huawei. You do realise that this whole thing is a targeted attack against china from mr Donald, it literally has no relevance to us.
@onlinepred: You are missing the point because you’re in such a hurry to defend Huawei. I’m not worried about Huawei sending my Porn Hub search history back to China. The point is Google pulling Android support for Huawei devices - no OTA OS updates, no security patches, no Google Services for future Huawei releases. So if some poor unknowing consumer walks JB today and drops $1.5K on a P30 Pro, they’ve just spent that money on an Android device that isn’t even supported by Google. That’s the point, I don’t even agree with what is happening to Huawei. How is this not relevant to us?
@aja12: How about Huawei develops/updates the security patches based on the pure Android from Google and then OTA to their handsets?
@aja12: That's incorrect. Huawei or any company/person do not need any license for Android as it's free to anyone.
"Huawei will continue to have access to the version of the Android operating system available through the open source license that is freely open to anyone who wishes to use it.
But Google will stop providing any technical support and collaboration for Android and Google services to Huawei going forward, the source said."…
@fab boy: Yes, this, plus, all Google services I including Chrome and Maps. Maps is the biggest blow because all of our 'convenience' apps use maps. Uber, Uber eats, just a standard google search, journey planning apps or any apps that need Google maps to run. Fish out on dry land without Google. But existing phones are not affected but until there is a solid plan B in place, I'd stay clear of them.
@aja12: Sorry, since when is Australia in the US? The restrictions are imposed on US companies only. I've never owned a Huawei, and I'm not going out defending it for no reason, just pointing out the obvious political stunts and bullshitting that people lap up. Google hasn't even made a statement about it and here you are assuming things. If anything the only things Huawei will not have is Google services - which will be play store.
Also Google never said they are pulling OTA OS updates lol. They are saying that they are stopping Google services - which is the Play Store. Huawei and all other android phone companies will continue to have access to android source to build android, and the latest security updates.
The Biggest market for Huawei is Europe, of which Google has an agreement with Huawei, unlike the US.
Right now we mostly know nothing, we don't know if anything will be affected, and what, and for how long. You will be protected through ACCC if you have any doubts anyway.
Right now we mostly know nothing
Replace ‘we’ with ‘I’ and you’ve absolutely nailed it.
@aja12: Please tell me what YOU have heard directly from Google. If you have nothing, please be quiet and move a long.
@onlinepred: Google pulled me aside this morning after brunch and whispered into my ear, "we had to revoke Huawei's Android licence overnight, don't tell anyone though, we're going to put on a really over the top press conference with expensive production values to make this exciting announcement and draw as much attention as possible to this situation, because it's a really good thing for us and we're so glad that we were forced to do it".
Honestly, with a name like OnlinePred, I thought you'd be a bit protective of your online data anyway?
Go on and but it then, don’t cry when your Huawei turns os less can’t start all of a sudden one day morning when you wake up, why would anybody want to risk this?
It is amazing so many ppl want to stand up for Huawei such an evil company on ozbargain. They must be from that country.
I love Huawei only because it brings competition to this market. Since Huawei entered this market, Huawei and Samsung are offering something extra for Optus contract. I got two Head Phone, and one Watch already.
Bit of a racist I guess with a remark like that Gaeljo? You don't know me, you don't know my heritage, but that really is inconsequential as I was born here, my parents were born here and I treat everyone equally, I feel sorry for you and your feeling of inadequacy that you must belittle others.
@Gaeljo, Trump and Murdoch are laughing at you.
Trump said 'if everyone is like Gaeljo, I would already be the king of the world.'
Murdoch replied 'YEAH. I don't have to block NBN if we have great mates like Gaeljo.'
Nobodies Huawei is going to turn on OS-less one day.
You may lose updates, but that's doubtful, it is in Huwei's interests to maintain customer support and goodwill in the hope that they can sail through this period of trouble.
As above, Huawei is overall good for the marketplace. They're making compelling Hardware and have broken the duopoly of Apple and Samsung.
This potential ban brings risks to those who own or buy Huawei hardware, but also brings forward the possibility of Huawei breaking another Duopoly, that of iOS and Android. We know that Samsung have projects running in the background to jump out of the Google ecosystem if necessary, it would surprise me if Huawei do not have a similar program.
@ESEMCE: Stop this BS.
No one is going osless.
Simply they will turn to XDA or other development to release updates to their devices there are plenty of ways when you are in business.
Wow there are a lot of Huawei fans. Hopefully it's just speculation but it would be foolish to buy one until confirmed (which I think it is)
It's a little bit scary. People posting actual information about whats happening and getting downvoted.
I think you'll find that most of them have probably recently bought one.
Key Quotes:
Huawei will immediately lose access to updates to the Android operating system, and the next version of its smartphones outside of China will also lose access to popular applications and services including the Google Play Store and Gmail app.
Google will stop providing any technical support and collaboration for Android and Google services to Huawei going forward.
Thanks mate. You just saved me from doing a $1500 worth mistake.
All good, wouldn't want myself making that mistake either.
Just FYI, I got on to Optus livechat this morning and got this 20% off offer combined with the Ebay gift card offer as seen here
It will come up as $50 if you try and do it through the offer landing page, even though it says $40 (
when you say combine, were you able to get 20% off the 12 month plan with ebay gift card or 24 month plan with ebay gift card?
Ended up getting it on the 12 month plan due to it saying $40 on the landing page
Edit: Looks like they changed that page now, it says $50
cheers. tried on chat but not having my luck!
@lawyered: Yeah I'm guessing it was supposed to be for 24 months, some of the stuff they sent me referenced 24 months but I definitely got it for 12
New & recontracting customers only. Not available with other discount offers. Ends 21/05/19.
As per the above T&C, The $150 eBay Gift Card deal does not stack with this 20% off. I am happy to be proven wrong.
I'm guessing I got it because I referenced the ebay offer page saying $40 a month. They since fixed it.
Here's a cutout of the chat transcript
I've tried putting this to them too, they're not playing ball. Stating its $50 with the gift card or $40 without it
Same for me I didn't get the $150 ebay voucher but it's still a great deal
Looks like another price increase for there lowest 3gb data plan. $30 a month.
Apologies they did this last 20% off.
Can I also combine it with flybuys points has anyone tried it
Has anyone ever tried the cooling off period with Vodafone? Right after I sign up to vodafone, this deal comes up. Knew it was going to happen!
Maybe call Vodafone to find out?
Dear Optus,
If you're reading this post, please bring back the same offer in November when my contract with Helltra expires..
Hey, I was thinking of moving from Optus to Telstra can you let me know why you are moving from Telstra please
I haven't noticed much difference in coverage tbh. I'm still having the same issues and dropouts in several areas during my commute to work. For similar performance and more inclusions, I'd rather go for a cheaper option
Cheers, thanks thats the reason I wanted to switch to Telstra but if the dropouts are same then I would stick around with Optus as well
Bullshit sale. Everything is $100pm or above.
um the $40 plan?
I meant phone plans.
I'm currently into my 2nd year on a $49 S8 20gb plan with Optus. Doesn't look like this deal is coming back.
Yep… Don't think anything that cheap is going to come back for a bit. Just a couple of weeks ago, Optus raised prices across a lot of plans but they're still cheaper than a lot of other networks.
Probably one of the better deals right now is the $79 iPhone XR with 100GB data.
The same phone and data on Vodafone will set you back $97 and $109 on Telstra (with only 50Gb data).
For 80gb.. it's a good deal but do you really use up 80gb a month to justify paying so much?
Was tempting for me but I realised I only use up 5gb a month and grabbing a catch Sim for $5/mth suits me just fine.
data pooling for Mobile Broadband Plans too!
FYI, be wary of buying Huawei right now, until this is cleared up:…
I think the S10+ for $100 pm is okay?
Update 5/19 5:15PM ET: Engadget understands that the report is accurate, although there will be a slight reprieve. Updates for Play Services and apps will still go through, as they don't require that Google interacts with Huawei. OS and security updates, however, are strictly off-limits.…
The discounted $40 plan with 4GB roaming data and unlimited roaming calls (within zone 1 countries) is fantastic. We just returned from a week in Thailand and it solved the usual hassles of getting local SIM cards. Can thoroughly recommend this plan and will switch as soon as my Vodafone plan expires later in the year.
IMO this sale is a bit of dirty tactics from Optus.
The sim only plan:
They are throwing all these so call extra feature into the plan knowing most people won't need them. It will be a better deal just $40 with 100G data.
The phone sale:
They are basically pushing customer to take up the 200G plan. While it is great values but not every one need that much data.
These are only good deals to certain people.
Dirty tricks? If a plan isn't well suited to your needs, why would you even take it up? It's not like they are forcing their customers to move onto a given plan.
Many customer who can be on lower plans now will be pushed on plans they don't really need. A Telco should be diversify to cater for all customer need.
Optus current business model is:
You can spend 80-100 buck, I give lots of crap you don't need just to make you feel good.
You can spend 40-60 bucks, Sorry no good new phones for you but we can still juice you out with our BYO plan.
You spend $30 or less, We at Optus has dedicated to you lots by over selling our crap network to no less than 20 cheap ass MVNO…..
I'm SO tempted by the deal for the P30 pro on the 200GB plan (especially with that $300 gift card thrown in), but at the same time, wary of what is going on with Huawei and Google….no updates from Google is HUGE
The updates I can live with, but it is mentioned now that Google services like Google Maps etc. will no longer work in the near future.
Yep Google services and Playstore etc would no longer be available….thats really a dealbreaker! Using Android without Google services would be like trying to drive a car without wheels
The $300 gift card link on Optus website doesn't see to work. There is no mention of the $300 cashback on Huawei promotions Australia site.
The redemption website provided by Optus was "" but it clearly states $200 instead of $300.
I've talked to Livechat, they've insisted it's $300.
The $200 promo has expired on 12 May.No mention of the $300 offer on Huawei promotions .au site. The link that Optus proved does not even work.
Thanks! Need this for my mum so she stops going bloody over her data watching random shit
Peace of Mind data cap with Telstra or similar with Vodafone. Going over your data cap on optus is not good idea as they charge 10 dollar per 1 GB over the data cap.
I dont think she will go over 80 tbh…its at 6gb atm
Hopefully your mother is not click happy with the new found data limit. Good luck.
I’m looking for a new phone. Been with Optus sim only for years. Pretty happy with their pricing and coverage. They’re offering to either lease a phone or own a phone. What’s people’s opinions? Pro’s and Con’s?