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Their is also a $7.25AU off a $50.74AU and a $2.90AU off a $21.75AU spend coupon available on AliExpress at the moment too.
how do you get those?
Just got my Sharp Aquos S3 delivered… would recommend. Seems pretty good for 200.
I converted from a iphone 6s and waiting for the flip phones to come good. The camera is pretty shit and seems SLIGHTLY slow at times if I have a few apps open but it's 200 lol. I like it and think its a pretty good buy at that <3
I concur.
Did you get a dual sim model?
Is there a single sim version S3 exists? I thought they are all dual sims..
Unless you get a rumored fake model, all Sharp Aquos S3 are capable of dual sim, problem is many are shipped
with single sim tray ( plus sd card ) instead lol. Can get the corrrect sim slot as fix though.
@upbeat: The Sharp Aquos S3 posted on Ozbargain from Bangood and seem to mostly arrive with a single sim +
sd card TRAY instead of the usual hybrid dual sim/sim sd card varient. Can just get the dual simtray as fix or
just slightly cut sim card corners to make it fit as descibed on this thread getting help from a Youtuber.
@upbeat: Not sure, read the whole thrad here and the end of the 3-4 other S3 posts ( I read it somewhere yesterday ).
Someone purchased one from ebay I think, others said that the tray from the Sharp S2 fits also.
Description in the link said 1 Sim card, that's why I asked.
@adamiscoolization: Software and internal hardware wise they Do support dual Sim, it's just a single sim + sd card SIM TRAY that you can swap out with the usual dual sim hybrid set up Sim Tray.
How is the camera compared to the 6s?
"I converted from a iphone 6s………….The camera is pretty shit"
I have the S2 and the camera app in Stock rom is shit. Root the phone and install GCAM 5 improves the photo quality a lot.
@Cheaparoo: The locked bootloader is disappointing. This is painfully close to the perfect inexpensive ozbargainer phone. It just needs an unlocked bootloader & community ROMs (which will come when the bootloader is unlocked), and a separate SD card slot (not hybrid with SIM 2), would have which have very minimal cost (<= $1), and it would pretty much nail the low-end category.
It's got everything else: Dual SIM, NFC, band 28, and snapdragon processor.
A better camera, better processor, waterproofing, and local retailer for warranty, would all be good obviously, but all of those usually come with substantial price jumps.
@upbeat: Sorry I was going from the GSM arena specs:
But looking at the comment from Ozhunter68 above: , it seems like it's just the tray that's not dual SIM. So you're right it should be considered & evaluated as a single SIM phone, although with some faffing about and extra cost sounds like it could perhaps become a dual SIM phone. My apologies for the mistake.
Both sims are capable of 3G and above simultaneously? Thanks!!
Don't forget the Cashback from Shopback (5%) or CS (4%)
6% from TopCashback
To quote Neil from the comments, “7% except for Mobile phone 2.4%, Eletronics (SIC) 2.4%, Hot Products 2.4%?”
I think this is a Mobile phone, after doing research and fine observation. /s
Doesn't mention anywhere that this is global version
Says right in the first image and FS8032 in title
Can you claim shop back for this purchase
Am a fan of Sharp Aquos but (wish) I could revoke my vote and neg this deal to raise a flag on it's problems:
dual-sim phone but comes with a single-sim tray
nobody has unlocked the bootloader yet, so no GCAM to improve the Samsung cam
stuck on Android 8.0
At this price, overnight pricedrop on Nokia 6.1, with same CPU&mem but without these issues, makes it a better buy:
AU$198-shipped Nokia 6.1 5.5" SD630 4+64GB 16MP+8MP Android One USBC NFC B28 3000mAH dual-SIM
I prefer this bigger phone
Just realised that this seller doesn't include the free headphones and headphone cable with 3.5mm Jack unlike the other sellers in AliExpress, hence makes it 5 dollars cheaper
Is it worth extra US$5 + 10% GST?
Nope i meant 5 aud after tax, some sellers give headphones for free bringing the total to 190-192
Worth asking the seller about it. Is it the GIFT they mention? All other AE sellers include the USBC-to-3.5mm adapter & headphones. If sourcing it from the same place then would expect this one to have it too.
The adapter is standard and comes with the phone.
Bummer. Alipay won't accept my card. Something about the phone number. Wants me to send in a heap of stuff.
$15 coupon doesnt seem to work?
Approx $200 min spend if you factor in the GST