• long running

SBS World Movies Channel Broadcast on Free-to-Air in HD


The dedicated 24-hour channel will feature a diverse range of movies reaching all corners of the globe, building on SBS’s long legacy as the home of distinctive and multilingual films.
SBS will be bringing a channel dedicated to international cinema to all Australians with the launch of SBS World Movies free-to-air and in HD, from 1 July 2019.

The channel will broadcast more than 700 films each year

Mod: Deal marked as long running, deemed suitable as a one off post but not to be reposted in the future (even after 6 months).

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  • +3

    is this a TV channel ? or online

    • +21

      initially TV channel, but later "SBS On Demand where our catalogue will be boosted by the movies we acquire for this new channel" reflecting in more online contents.

          • +5

            @RSmith: Back off Tony Abbott lover

            • @alz: Is the hatred because tony Abbott gives so much back to the community. Maybe the 10 days each year he spends with Indigenous communities in Arnhem Land. Maybe you hate him because he's a volunteer firefighter and lifesaver. Perhaps the hatred is due to his charity work, such as the Pollie Pedal ride which has raised $5 million for medical research, women's shelters for dv victims and palliative care hospices for children.

              Or maybe it's because Getup told you that you need to hate him.

              • @heal: Nah
                Coz he tried to shirt front but failed hahaha

              • @heal: Lol really? Is that all true?

              • +1

                @heal: Or maybe because he is simply an aarsehole.

                • +1

                  @jackspratt: Thats what people say who don't have the intelligence to be able to exolain themselves or mount an argument.

              • +3

                @heal: Na maybe when he stop giving character references for pedo priests we might take him seriously.

                • @Piranha2004: I'll bet my ozbargain membership that you hated Abbott prior to his character reference of Pell

              • +1

                @heal: Some in the plus column, some in the minus column. How much of each depends on your perspective and what you think you know.

        • +3

          Ways you can tell someone’s opinion can be ignored:

          They use virtue signalling un-ironically.

        • virtue signalling? right and climate change is a fraud i spose

        • +1

          Leaving aside the rhetoric, pal did have an interesting philosophical point amongst the rant. Is it appropriate for SBS, ABC, and NITV too I guess, to be constantly expanding their digital channels when they in fact compete for both content and eyeballs against the commercial sector? They do not need revenue, their income is guaranteed by the taxpayer (SBS is a little less guilty here as it also gets ad revenue).
          When the first commercial belly up inevitably occurs, will the very large and expanding footprint of State television services share any of the blame at all?

          • -1

            @entropysbane: Thanks for your fair point.

            I have nothing against false propaganda and virtue signaling! I see it as a part of freedom of speech.

            I am sure there are lots of crap produced by biased private producers every day. The bottom line is that I don't watch nor do I care about it. The point here is that these channels SBS, ABC,… are funded by our/my tax money. It really hurts knowing that I am paying these guys to make absolutely crap.

            I just want them to go private, produce crap and see how many of these people that are negging that point and ranting here, would pay a single cent.

            I promise you, absolutely none of them.

          • @entropysbane: There is definately an overlap between what the commercial networks are offering and what ABC/SBS/NiTV offer. Particularly in regard to sport — if they were to cut out all sport, the commercial networks would eat up most of it, because there is never-ending demand for it, there is also almost endless supply if you include local/regional sports. Another area of content overlap is news & current affairs programs — commercial networks do a modest amount of this, however their time slots are limited to 2-3hrs/day, whereas ABC manages a 24hr cycle in addition to several hours of current affairs and other news programs and several radio networks around the country dedicated to the same — this is a core part of the ABC mandate to provide coverage of critical events, whilst the commercial networks have no such mandate limit major events (eg. bushfires/floods/etc) to minutes/day, giving the public access to critical information around the clock;
            There is always an argument of bias — Seven has a clear centre-right bias, Nine & Ten centre-right to right-wing bias, whereas ABC sits centre-left and SBS is left-leaning; If the government-owned networks were sold off, they would be at the mercy of their key shareholders [https://www.spencorp.info/who-owns-australian-media]. Whilst that would obviously suit the conservative-voting public, we would loose any balance in the media spectrum, along with programs like Q&A; Without this independent media to investigate and interogate the Australian government and public authorities, we would have an immensely larger risk of corruption, Australia could in the long-term fall to the levels of Philippines or Russia [https://rsf.org/en/ranking_table].
            The larger content provided on SBS is foreign language material, with ~28% of Australians born overseas (as well as those visiting and working here), there is a clear need to provide content in other languages. It is also an excellent resource for studying language, and viewers with an interest in film (Hollywood makes just 7% of the top-grossing film around the world); none of this content would likely survive a transition to a commercialised ABC/SBS, despite there being a large viewer demand for it.

            • @Nickels n Dimes: I think you are overegging ABC24 a fair bit, it is mostly reruns. I know as when I visit my old man, who with Mum passing lives alone has it on all day. It is highly repetitive. I also have been working in natural disaster response for nearly 20 years and many major disasters, and I can tell you Sky coverage is actually better for TV, ABC for radio coverage. Horses for courses. Again though, commercials used to not do it because the ABC does. They do now more and more because ratings
              As for the political spectrum issue, how do you know if in the absence of the ABC and SBS, the spectrum covered by the commercials would not be broader, as the left view is currently crowded out by public broadcasters? And that is even leaving aside that a public broadcaster funded by taxes should not cater for one segment of the market. I might also quibble that ten, the network of Paul Bongorno, Waleed Aly and Susie Wilkinson might be suffering a category error in your description. Also seven has Mark Riley (Gillard suck up “how can we help you, prime minister?) and nine has Chris Uhlman as commentators, who is married into the ALP. Overall you might be right about seven, and I would put nine as centrist, but YMMV.

              Corruption? Why do you think public journalists would be better? I think the most credible investigative journalists in Australia work for The Australian (right) and SMH (left). You do not get good investigative journalism on TV, I have seen too many of them working on Stories. The Liz Jackson School of Journalism I call it ( and it isn’t a compliment), and shows like 4 corners are a shadow of their former selves because of it.

              As for SBS, satellite comms and this thing called the internet means, I would say, its purpose has been superseded with a superior product. And if there was large viewer demand for it, it would be commercial. The reason it may not be is SBS exists already and crowds out that market. And there are commercial alternatives at various cost Eg World Movies on Foxtel. And in any case, a lot of programming in the expanded digital SBS channels are not the multicultural stuff it is supposed to be having. For example recently I have been binging on things like multiple runs of The Fifth Element ( love that flick for some reason).I suppose the director and actress are European. What about The Orville? A Handmaid’s Tale? Are you saying commercials (including streamers) would not provide those if not outbid by SBS?

              Anyway, more I think about it, I wonder why we have gone so far down this path.

              Edit: I think the need for public television is past. I wouldn’t bother commercialising it though, maybe give the ownership to current and recent staff for them to decide what to do with it.

      • What genre?

    • +14

      Letting us know whats on free TV is a bargain now?

      What about new menu items in a restarsunt?

      • +27
        • +11

          So all those saturday/sunday night movies on free-to-air TV are deals too? Because 5 years ago they would be in the cinemas for $20 a ticket.

          • +4

            @Bryanalves: Better start posting Foxtel movies since you get them "free" with your subscription

        • -5

          My deal was not a dupe per the ozbargin rules, the original expired and was posted over 30 days ago. But they the mods removed the expiry dates of the original deal and therefore made my deal a dupe and removed it.

        • +3

          Wow that's quite a few unpublished deals

      • +11

        You can search at https://www.menulog.com.au/
        it will give you all new menu items

      • +8

        New items in a restaurant are probably a bargain if free, otherwise worst comparison ever!

  • -2

    Why HD not fhd… Anyone still have HD tv at home?

    • -1

      HD includes FHD…

      • +12

        FHD includes HD ….. actually….

        • -3

          FHD is in the set of HD, does not include HD.

          • +1

            @askbargain: u can go from big to small but u cant go frm smol to big

          • +1

            @askbargain: either way, there is plenty of D … and maybe even double D …

        • -1

          In terms of tv marketing I agree with you. HD always meant crap HD 1366x768 or whatever it is

          Any attempt to use HD as a term for all resolutions above dvd quality is defunct these days. We just don't use it that way. Or maybe we should call 4k HD too.

          • -1

            @justtoreply: In that case, what is the general term for all resolutions larger than standard definition.

            i.e. if we can’t use the term “HD” to describe the set of resolutions containing 720p, 1080p, 4K, etc… then what term do we use?

            • +11

              @[Deactivated]: 4K (4096 x 2160) Ultra High Definition (UHD)
              4K (3840 x 2160) Quad Full High Definition (QFHD) (also known as UHDTV/UHD-1, resolution of Ultra High Definition TV)
              2K (2048 x 1080)
              1080p (1920 x 1080) Full High Definition (FHD)
              720p (1280 x 720) High Definition (HD)
              480p (720 x 480) Standard Definition (SD) (resolution of DVD video)
              480p (640 x 480) Standard Definition (SD)

              • +7

                @zennow: What do you call the set of all resolutions of 720p or above?

                The collective term. Not a specific one. A term that encompasses all resolutions that exceed SD.

                Most people would use “HD” to describe this set. But apparently (according to the above) that’s not correct anymore. So what is the correct term?

                • -2


                  Most people would use “HD” to describe this set.

                  Most people would be wrong.

                  • @muncan: But according to the above commenter, “HD” can now only be used to refer to 720p.

                    Of course, this is nonsense. But it is what was claimed.

                    • +1

                      @[Deactivated]: Do you really want to go by the word of a bunch of random guys on the Internet? Pop into your trusty Harvey Norman store for honest advice from a qualified sales representative, and ask for a great deal on a new HDTV while you’re there!

                • -1

                  @[Deactivated]: The negs mean I am wrong, clearly.

                • @[Deactivated]: I don't think there should be a collective term. It serves no useful purpose.

                  When HD and FHD were referred to as HD by TV manufacturers & Broadcasters, it basically was there to fool consumers who didn't know better.

                  • +1

                    @justtoreply: It does serve a useful purpose.

                    For me, sitting in my living room, I can’t see a difference between 720p, 1080p, 4K, 8K, 8K Turbo Hyper Edition or whatever.

                    But I can tell the difference between SD and HD.

                    So I just want to know if a streaming service supports HD. I don’t care which type of HD.

                    Thankfully, almost everyone uses HD to mean 720p or above. So I’m fine. There’s a term for that. It’s “HD”.

              • @zennow: Don't forget 1440p (2560x1440) QHD (Quad HD), WQHD (Wide Quad HD)

                • @resisting the urge: I don't believe there's many (if any?) television available in 1440p as there is no broadcast content or disc standard available at that resolution.

                  • @Agret: Maybe not, but televisions and media providers do not define resolution standards alone.

                    And there is quite an imperative for screens to be compatible with many inputs and other media standards than those presently used by to broadcast content and so on.

    • +1

      May be FHD content is not that much available as yet, just guessing

    • It is free.

    • +4

      raises hand

      Still using 720p Panasonic Plasma - great picture quality.

      • that's 2160p bro !

        3x RGB subpixels

        • +6

          I've heard of 2160p but is 2160p bro an updated version?

    • +3

      No TV channel uses 1080p. For HD they mostly use 1080i, whilst some use 720p. Insufficient spectrum-bandwidth apparently.

        • Yea I've been following that.
          I have zero interest in the media hyped headline of "4k on trial", but I am very keen on what this 2nd gen tech will mean for the potential to bump most if not all channels up to HD, as free TV is the only source of SD-only content still around that my household interacts with and is the main reason I'm not upgrading to a screen larger than 55" at the moment.

          • +4

            @Viper8: That link above actually doesnt state how they plan to solve the biggest problem which is bandwith not resolution.

            A lot of the spectrum is already sold and when new plots are up for sale they have recently not been bought by TV stations but rather mobile phone companies.

            All TV stations now have around 20mbit to play around with shared over their 6 or 7 channels they've decided to broadcast.
            We havent even moved all the channels to h264 compression so we're not even making full use of the old DVB-T technology haha.

            DVB-T2 can use h265 which can help a bit but really increasing the bandwith by 10mbit would help a lot.

            • @voter1: True.

              Its a joke really. Government just needs to make it happen.

              • @Viper8: I wouldnt hold out hope; TV stations actually probably arent making enough money to justify bidding what the mobile phone companies are offering for the spectrum bandwidth.

                All we can get really is just the h265 compression on the same available bandwidth; so best guess is 10-20% quality improvement over what we have now.

                What should have been the dream 10 years ago was that EVERYBODY in australia got FTTP NBN and then we could actually just move the entire TV broadcast online at various automatic bitrates and use the DVB as basically a "backup"

                The other thing that could happen is actually the oppossite of what his happening in this bargain - reduce the amount of channels available so that 20mbit is shared across 3 stations (what it used to be when it was first introduced) rather than now 20mbit shared across 7 stations.)

                • @voter1: It's only a matter of time before the commercial networks' advertisers close up shop and the spectrum will be released back to the govt. Viewers on 7/9/10 have been shrinking steadily year on year since 2011. As more and more people update their TVs to be internet-connected and upgrade to the (disappointing) NBN, they will more often than not ditch Foxtel and/or switch to one of the traditional streaming services, along with the ondemand free choices. There is no evidence this this trend is slowing or would ever reverse, but there are still holdouts (mainly in the 60+ bracket), who watch more and more ABC/SBS content than ever.

                  There are a few articles covering this online, but this is the most recent one I've found so far:

        • I remember seeing a test transmission last year. H265 broadcast but don’t remember it being 4K. That press release says there is “potential” for 4K but doesn’t state it was being tested.

    • Don't watch tons on the telly, still using an old 32 inch HD :)

  • world movies on the tv app is awful - has the catalogue been added yet?

    • +2

      The channel will broadcast more than 700 films each year, with international titles including recent award winning and critically acclaimed films such as Amanda (France), The 12th Man (Norway), Just A Breath Away (France, pictured second from left), Ash is the Purest White (China, pictured above left), Aligarh (India, pictured above, right), Girl (Belgium), Killing of a Sacred Deer (UK, pictured above second from right), and many more. Launch titles will be announced in the coming weeks.

      • Thats less than 2 movies a day !! Going to be repeated a lot !!

        • They weren't absolute in how many movies >700 could be any amount above that

          Besides I would assume they would put a different prime-time movie on each day, as nobody can watch 24/7 (nobody I know anyways)

          • +3


            They weren't absolute in how many movies >700 could be any amount above that

            They mean 701. No marketing team would write >700 with the intention of providing 1001 movies. They focus on the highest possible promotional value.

        • It says "many more"…

      • Yeah but any good movies at all?

  • +6

    SBS World Movies will broadcast in HD on channel 32 alongside SBS’s existing channels, SBS, SBS VICELAND, SBS Food and NITV. SBS World Movies will also be SBS’s third HD channel.

    Sounds like the bitrate will be low.

    • +4

      At least the massive compression artefacts will be rendered in HD :)

  • +8

    Can't wait for Erotic Ghost Story!

    • +1

      And Tie me up Tie me down. A classic Zorro humpin' movie.

    • @Tyson Weirdly Erotic Ghost Story 1,2 and 3 are on Stan I noticed just last night.

      • +9

        Looking forward to Rochelle Rochelle - A young girl's strange, erotic journey from Milan to Minsk

  • +1

    woo, 90's pr0n

  • Can wait for 7,9,10 to start complaining that the public broadcaster is taking away their audience.

    • +11

      what audience?

      • The audience who watch MAFS, MKR and Love Island.

        • +1

          Is there a huge overlap between fans of Fellini and and Truffaut, and those people who watch Love Island?

  • +3


    -more tissue purchases
    -increase in blindness
    -more hand lotion purchases

    • -2


    • +17

      Username checks out…

  • +5

    What's with the login required to access content on the SBS Android TV app ? Seems like every organisation wants to data mine now.

    • yep including firefox bizarrely

    • +1

      Happen to have an IPad and 9,10,sbs apps all need sign in every day…and the apps don't store your password so inconveniently have to type it in.

      Pain in the ass, will stop using it and advertisers can suffer in their jocks.

  • -3

    any bargains?

  • +2

    Nice, I really wish all the channels would just start broadcasting via the internet so I can watch in my room.

    • +2


      Have been using one of these @ home (picked up Gumtree for $90) for the past couple of years without issues.

      • Wow, this looks interesting. I will look into it. Thank you!!!

    • +1

      Yeah Chromecast has it's limitations in that not every show/sport etc is shown on the cast channels.

      Still, best you'll likely get

      • Yeah, I believe there just isn't a perfect solution yet. Best I've managed is to use a TV tuner card on my computer and a cheap antenna with varying degrees of success. Really can't wait for an all internet solution, I really miss the TV days where you'd look around to see if something good was on :D!

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