LG V30+ discount shows up at checkout, LG G7 price for grey colour
100% AU stock, GST tax invoice with ABN, TRS eligible, 24 months warranty
Thanks to Doweyy for the Original 10% off Eligible Items eBay Post
LG V30+ discount shows up at checkout, LG G7 price for grey colour
100% AU stock, GST tax invoice with ABN, TRS eligible, 24 months warranty
Thanks to Doweyy for the Original 10% off Eligible Items eBay Post
I had 3 and then got an s10e. Pixel 2xl could be great at this price at launch. Getting a great phone makes you realise how average the pixels are.
Lgs are better value here.
Unfortunately this is the old way of thinking. Pixels slow down just as much as Samsung's do, if not more due to all the updates that stuff things up.
By running pure android that just means it has far less features than every other android and iPhone. Super basic phone. Often main features will stop working and hardware or software might fail and require rma.
Pixels look fantastic on paper, it's why we all buy them right? After 7 rmas and over a decade of nexus and pixel, I moved to s10e and it's the best phone I've used. High quality phone calls, faster and smoother than pixel 3. Anyway clearly can't convince you of anything. Just know there's better phones out there than a developer phone.
@onlinepred: Bull. My pixel 2xl is over 12 months old, and is as snappy as ever, if not more so.
Stop being a samsung salesman.
Give a review on your samsung im 2 years. It will be rubbish, and you can forget about updates, security patches etc. Samsung are great oit of the box, nice screens, but basically like a hot dinner, get worse the longer they sit on the table.
@quog: I'm giving a review of the 7 pixels I owned in less than 3 years. I hope the pixel 4 is better, but I will wait a few more generations for them to mature or lower the price.
@onlinepred: That's pretty unlucky… Me and my bfs Pixel 2XLs work amazing. To be fair my bfs brother had issues with his Pixel 2 XL and on the replacement one they gave him as well. At the very least there is some QC issues but so far I've been quite happy with mine.
@quog: Exactly. When I lost my 2XL I went and buy a new one right away without thinking twice. As they say when you've tried it you won't go back to Samsungs
@customundo: Some people just love super basic phones, and they don't really do much on their phones like make phone calls etc, and that's okay. I would rather get an iPhone than a pixel though as they are better value and have more features.
lol my pixel 2xl lagged so much that my old Note 5 was on par with that. had to RMA the pixel 2 xl and then sold it. Gotten a Note 9
So in summary Samsungs bloatware or iPhone firmware slow down to force you to buy a new phone lol
So true.
Nexus >>>>>>>> Pixel
I loved the nexus days. So many great phones. They had their issues but you didn't care because they were cheap.
Sounds like the pixel is a lottery. mine is the best phone I've ever had.
Pixel still overpriced at 700$
LGs= good deal
LG V30+ - well recommended.
I'm enjoying mine. I don't know why people complain about the LG GUI, it's fine. What I don't like is the screen quality.. it's just poor. The colour or something is just plain off. At low brightness it looks horrifically yellow tinted.
No issues with my screen. Very impressed with it. And yes LG GUI is fine. Camera is also excellent. Not even bothering with Google Camera anymore.
how does the battery last so long when the size is not that big in mah, is it the UI?
I got the lg v30+ for $477 a few weeks ago and can I just say this phone is Soo nice highly recommended. Battery life is much better than I thought it could be with a 3300 mAh capacity. Performance is blazing fast for me (although I came from an old galaxy S5 so anything would feel fast lol). Cameras are great too but I'm not a huge camera guy. LG ui Software is not bad but of course it's no stock android lol. Overall I would never buy a v30 for over, let's say, 600 but considering its at this kind of price i'd say it's great value for money and therefore highly recommended
How much for the G8?
These v30 deals remind me of G4 deals few years back. ☺
I got my g6 for about that price too, to replace my g4 which I got at that price. It might be time as the G6 now has cracks all over.
Until they bootloop and never again
This is AU stock so all good.
I agree my G4 boot looped…. so did my friends. LG refused any issue even after hundreds of pages of forums and tech sites stating the issue :(
then at the last minute admitted to the issue about a year after I moved on from the G4.
after that LG never again and I REALLY loved their phones especially the LG G2 back in the day.
I have the g6 and has been an excellent phone. I think you should revisit the new LG phones, you can't beat the value for money when their prices crash down to $450.
still happy with my 14 months ago p2xl plan from jb. 59/Month 15G.well my wife is going to return this phone back to me as she is getting P30 pro next week. can not wait to go back to android.
Jump onto live chat and ask for $10/month discount. I've done that twice now so paying $39/month for mine. Got mine in March last year.
I already got a $10 discount previously. I just asked for a 2nd $10 discount but was told there was no more. Do you remember what exactly was your question for the 2nd $10 discount?
Said I was looking at reducing my monthly spend. I have 2 mobiles and nbn with Telstra. Suggested the discount and they gave it to me. Got lucky I suppose.
@juliank: There's absolutely no consistency with Telstra's livechat, but I might give it a try.
Good on you for getting such a great discount!
V30 vs G7 - worth the extra $60?
Yes G7 much better processor and camera
Better processor on paper. In real life???
Camera? Debatable.
Better processor that allows recording 4k at 60fps, will also help the phone last longer when it comes to apps. Camera is definitely debatable, you have the same main camera but the wide angle on the G7 isn't as wide as the V30's, which means less in frame but also less distortion.
neither one. when the plastic sim tracy break and stuck in there, your phone become no use.
Who is Tracy and why are you sticking her in there?
Sorry i mean tray
@giventofly: the problem is not getting an replacement, when the tray break and left it inside the hole which you cant get it out. you cant put the new one in without taking the broken part out.
@SnoozeAndLose: its possible to open up the phone and carefully push it out from inside. i did this with a g6
didnt help to fix the sim pin that had somehow broken though
@crentist: I had a G6 and i have seen how to open the phone which it is not an easy task.
All in all this is a major fault IMO that use plastic sim tray instead of matel that everyone os using
@SnoozeAndLose: Oh yea not very easy, bit of a pain. But I had also opened my old Sony phones a couple times not long before, so it wasn’t as bad as it would have been.
And the G6 also needed a new screen, which meant more had to be done anyway, the sim tray was just a small thing on the way.
I think this kind of thing is easier than it looks though. Once the back is off, everything else just is okay. Just small modules and screws etc. all in manageable pieces. The hard thing is opening it up in the first place, which is half psychological anyway. I actually just opened up my current iPhone in order to decide whether to repair something myself or pay at a store. Seemed hard, once it was open it seems easy to do again with replacement parts
I wouldn't even recommend Pixel 3 XL at that price. LGs are reasonably priced, though. I mean why would you want to spend over $600 for Chinese grey imports which don't come with any local warranties when these sub-$500 come up every now and then. I guess some people just enjoy being spied by the Chinese government.
I guess some people just enjoy being fed conspiracy theories by the media to join all the rest of the crap they dream up.
Iraq supplied terrorists with weapons, Iraq has WMDs, Donald Trump is controlled by Russia, Julian Assange is a Russian agent, USA does regime changes for human right … Chinese devices collect data for the Chinese Government.
Watching the news leaves the consumer a misinformed frightened fool.
Completely agree, it's almost laughable to believe China wouldn't gather data if it could. Even a couple years ago, some Chinese keyboards came with keyloggers!
Don't listen to Diji1, he's always defending China in the comments
@Mixhael: Don't listen to someone just because they have an opposing view? Diji1 may defend China regular but such views can be reasonable when there is so much misinformation and ignorance in the general regarding China and their activities.
Not every Chinese company is a state actor just like how not every company in Australia is directly linked to government decisions. To characterize every Chinese government that has "ties" to the Communist party is lazy and disingenuous. The Australian government has encryption backdoors to tech companies and require them by law to provide a backdoor if necessary. This puts the privacy of people all around the world at risk.
Yes, there are Chinese hackers but not all hacking is done by China - there are many individuals and there are many other state actors in this arena. There have been certain reports that were used as proof of Chinese hacking which ended up getting debunked. It's easy to point to China as the boogeyman when there is a case of hacking but what do you think the CIA, ASIS do all day to gather intelligence? Spy, hack and operate covertly in other nations is what they do. The reality is China is as much a victim of hacking and espionage as they are guilty of it.
You can either learn some facts surrounding the issues or continue regurgitating propaganda, choice is yours mate.
I suppose the moral high-ground is that it is fine to displace and kill millions but not okay to so to your own people. Yes, China detains Uighur but that is a domestic issue and there has been several bouts of independence movements. Spain has demonstrated what that would be like it if happened in a Western country. The Western countries involved in those wars in the Middle East had no right to invade sovereign nations. We have detention centres in Naaru and Chistmas Island but its okay to detain refugees indefinitely isn't it? If you include all the deaths and the civilians displaced in the Middle East it would make up millions - just have a look at the refugee crisis in Europe…
Have you forgotten about PRISM and the Edward Snowden leaks? The government has meta data laws and censorship laws here too. Equifax and credit agencies report on all your credit data. The big tech companies are monitoring you even if you don't willfully consent. ISP's are required to block certain websites so I suppose China take it a step further but we aren't immune either. We are monitored and our data is tracked more than ever before, it's ignorant if you believe we aren't being tracked everything minute of our lives too.
I think you got a serious case of yellow peril mate because everything that you said literally happens here and in the West and you're just viewing everything from a biased viewpoint.
@dealhunter52: Yes but it points out the hypocrisy does it not? Two wrongs don't make a right but it does point to a major double standard. Please let me know why it is that China held to a different standard compared to Western countries? Detention centers are fine here but not over there? Using that logic - every time there is an article about Australia, or about an Australian company, you should be spamming that our detention centers are immoral and wrong. /logic
There are mountains of evidence that have shown that most IP transfer comes from local Chinese partnerships with international firms and legal licencing agreements and not through hacking. "In 2015, Chinese entities brought in around $1 billion in receipts, but paid out over $22 billion in such fees". China does obtain IP through hacking but that is mostly military and even then they do purchase IP, see case of their purchase of Isreali Lavi fighter jet blueprints prior to building the J10 jet.
A lot of their technology is not obtain through illegal means, and many of their companies are actually ahead technologically which begs the question, why steal when your technology is better? (DJI, Huawei 5g are good examples). These companies have ridiculous amounts of R&D spend which is why they are market leaders, so say they just commit IP theft is pretty plain stupid.
@dealhunter52: Yes, but our detention centers are against human rights and refugee conventions never the less. You're literally justifying imprisoning children for being Muslim extremists. Who's the one with serious moral and ethical issues?
You state: China is putting people "in internment camps" "unlawfully", yet justify our offshore detention centers because there could be a "wave of IS deserters from Syria swarming our shores".
You realize that you are justifying the indefinite imprisonment of refugees due to a fear of Muslim extremists whilst at the same time criticizing the Chinese government for imprisoning Muslims (also due to a fear of Muslim extremists). Please take a minute and realize how messed up your logic and morals are. You have no right to be giving anybody a lesson on morality as your clearly lack it yourself.
I have never stated I support either and in fact, I am strongly against these specific infringement of human rights by both governments so don't you dare place false assertions and attribute them to me. Debating is one thing, justifying human rights abuses is another and I have done no such thing. You on the other hand openly support Australia's flagrant disregard for the Geneva Convention regarding human rights and safe passage of refugees.
That aside, those refugees are actually the result of Western led wars/interventions - Syrian, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya. There are still plenty of refugees dying in their boats only that they've been pushed outside of Australian waters. There are still plenty of deaths but they're not being reported but I'm sure you're just willfully ignorant rather than daft (maybe I am wrong). Please don't tell me you are so ignorant that you believe that there are 0 refugee deaths at sea due to Operation Sovereign… There were 4000 that died outside of Australian waters prior and a change in how they count refugee deaths at sea doesn't make it so.
@dealhunter52: Illegal economic migrant? The UN disagrees with you and considers them asylum seekers and refugees and considers indefinite detention unlawful. The fact that you are trying to justify crimes based on whether they are citizens or not is pretty weak and makes no sense.
Imagine a wave of IS deserters from Syria swarming our shores
Your justification for indefinite detention of Muslims is based on the fear that they are terrorists, yet this is the same justification China uses for detaining their Muslim citizens (You are no better than the Chinese government in that regard). You’re also perfectly fine with the fact that there are millions dead of Middle Eastern people by the hands of the Coalition (USA, Australia and UK). Are you fine with millions dead but not millions in detention?
Please I want to hear your justification for these war crimes and how that fits into your sense of morality.
would support the arrival of these people in Australia with open arms if not for ABS statistics that suggests 85% of refugees that came on boat were still dependent on welfare payments after 5 years of settling onshore.
Would you accept them if they were a net contributor to society? I ask this because it is widely documented that refugees/asylum seekers as a segment of the population statistically provide a net benefit over the long run.
Your logic and false outrage is so flawed that it’s not even funny. You pretend to be well read but clearly your opinion has been formed due to racial bias and ignorance despite overwhelming evidence pointing to the contrary.
I love this country where we can have this kind of conversation without being censored or detained by govt because we uttered some sensitive words. Another difference between Australia and China. Apparently you can't even write "Winnie the Pooh" on social media in China these days because it resembles Xi.
Completely irrelevant to topics at hand but in any case, how do you feel about Julian Assange or Edward Snowden? Criticizing the government is bad for business in every country. Edward Snowden is in exile due to reporting the extent of mass spying conducted by the NSA and US government.
By your own logic, by now US and Europe should had detained all their muslim citizens because they have witnessed more attacks than Chinese ever did. Did they? Spanish Independence movement? how many people have been detained there?
Spain crushed the Catalonia independence movement and detained many leaders of the movement.China also crushed the independence movement for East Turkestan (Xinjiang).
Stop making false assertions, you are the one that supports detaining Muslims as a preventive measure even if it takes 5-9 years as is the case with many. How you don't understand the hypocrisy in this is beyond me. You are the one that supports this inhumane stuff but selectively based on which country does it - do you not see how ridiculous that is?
Sensationalism? I'm not the one using buzzwords like "economic migrant" or "dictator" to try to add weight to my argument. There have been millions killed and displaced in the Middle East - this is a fact. 500k died in Iraq alone, millions more displaced hence the millions who migrated to Europe.
So they topple a dictator in 2003 and bring democracy to the country (yes civilian were killed but not in millions) and had to return again in 2014 because a violent group was on destructive path and threatened to kill thousands of innocent civilians and you think that's a crime?
You have a twisted sense of right and wrong. You realise that Saddam Hussein wasn't the justification used for entering the war in Iraq but rather "proof" that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction which turned out to be a lie. In any case, you cannot invade another country due to the fact that you don't like their leader. There is no distinction between an illegal invasion and liberation, they are literally the same action (a country invading a separate sovereign nation). The Coalition invaded Iraq under the false pretense of WMDs, this is a fact. Yet you literally tried to justify the death of 100s of thousands of people based of an illegal war by talking about their dictator. If a foreign country came to topple the Australian government as they thought what we were doing was inhumane how would you feel? Would it be justice served? Talk about twisted logic.
How does that apply to Australia considering Australia pay one of the highest rate of welfare payments in the world and US next to nil? Why would they work if everything is provided for unlike US where you have to become self sufficient pretty quickly.
Yes, I agree with your comment that the link is for USA but there are similar studies conducted in the UK and Scandinavia which all support the claim that refugees are net contributor in the long term. I'm sure you've had a kebab before, those kebab shops aren't started by anglo Aussies if you get my drift. I agree there needs to be some form of vetting but there are more humane ways to do it. In any case, Australia is still in breach of the Geneva convention for human rights by not allowing refugees to come by boat.
This is my last comment as it is clear that you actually lack the depth of knowledge and debating skills needed to debate this topic properly.
@dealhunter52: Facts:
- You are fine that a war that took place and claimed half a million lives and displaced millions more was based off lies but it was fine due to a "dictator" being removed from power in a sovereign nation.
- You support indefinite imprisonment of boat people due to them claiming Centrelink benefits and being a drain on the coffers.
- You are critical with China detaining Muslims since it is their citizens being detained.
Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. China ain't perfect but neither are many of the Western countries that you repeatedly defend. The fact that you defend war crimes (yes the invasion of Iraq warranted war crimes) and breaches of human rights for petty crap like Centrelink claims shows how sickly you are in the head and how ridiculously selective your moral outrage really is. You do realise we are talking about dead people who are victims in a war that was initiated based on a set of lies.
It is easy to argue moral equivalence to white wash every major human rights violation committed by ourselves and our Western allies in the past 20 years but it doesn't change the fact that those violations were terrible. China infringement on human rights is as much a sad reality as much as killing innocent people overseas has been a sad reality for us and our allies. The only difference is you don't get Chinese people preaching and lecturing us on privacy, human rights abuse, etc, etc. Surely you understand how ridiculous your selective moral outrage is (you're extremely outraged by Muslims being incarcerated but happy for them to be incarcerated to not have them go on Centrelink and fine with them being killed by our bombers).
Again, I have stated repeatedly and again for the last time - that I do not support China's imprisonment of the Muslims and I genuinely hope that they change that moving forward. Giving you context and exposing your hypocrisy does not equate to support or justification. Providing you with a background to better understand the situation is just that and nothing more.
Your factual understanding of basic global events, geopolitics and historical facts is so limited that you are clearly out of your depth. There is little point debating politics with a child and debating politics with you certainly feels like that. You just don't know enough to have a genuine debate without resorting to childish attacks.
Saying "cherish what you have here" or "go back" to the "Communist dictatorship" shows that how badly you fail at debating.
/end of debate
G7 or V30+, which is better ignoring the minor price difference?
notch vs no notch. ur choice
If a notch is all I can buy with the $60 I might go with the v30+. Cheers
G7 vs V30+
Notch——No Notch
6.1" LCD——6" P-OLED
For more: Check GSMArena
Also, G7 launched with Oreo vs V30+ that launched with Nougat. Since most device manufacturers promise 2 major updates, there is a chance that G7 may be supported for longer.
I see, you think the 845 is worth the upgrade?
Honestly, as an owner of a phone with SD835 (XZ1 Compact), it is great for now and while the difference between both is not substantial (10-20% in CPU performance depending on the workload), 845 may help you in the long run if you plan on keeping the phone for say, 3-4 years.
So, you should probably look more into how the P-OLED on the V30+ is (cause Pixel 2XLs had some issues with bad display QC during launch)
More mAh != better battery life. The V30+ beats the G7
Never said so. SD845 is more efficient, in theory.
But the display has always been the biggest power draw for phones and OLED is inarguably more efficient than LCD at everything but displaying white. So, yeah? V30+ with its bigger battery and P-OLED has better battery life?
Dunno bout G7 but V30+ has great battery life.
It is however a nightmare to find a tempered screen protector for it.
Yup. And guess what. I treated myself to one of these on the last deal 2 weeks ago. Most expensive phone I've ever bought. Damn thing slipped out of my pocket yesterday and landed right on it's top corner and cracked the *****n glass. Not happy. That protective cover I ordered the same day would have come in handy if the damned thing had turned up on time….
Oh man, that sucks :(((
@giventofly: Tell me about, First phone I've ever damaged and I've been using them since the early 90's :(
Luckily it's only a cosmetic issue in the very top corner and doesn't seem to be distracting when I use the phone so I'll just have to live with it.
(BTW great phone, would recommend. )
@EightImmortals: Actually I think my credit card has purchase insurance for accidental damage within 3 months so I might give them a shot on Monday.
Excellent price for G7 very tempted
G7 or Pixel 2 XL ? Which one is better ?
I switched from 2xl to G7 few weeks back.
My pros and cons on each:
G7 is Dual sim
G7 has MicroSD slot
G7 is smaller with larger screen size
G7 comes with wireless charging and headphone jack
G7 has relatively flat screen so I can put cheapo tempered glass protector on it and don’t need to worry scratches
G7 is more durable than 2xl
G7 has wide angle camera
2xl battery lasts longer
2xl camera is better and launches faster
With 2xl you get unlimited photo backup to Google cloud
I’d say they are both very good phones, but I think I will stick with G7.
Thanks a lot that helps.
Forgot to mention 2xl's front facing speakers and G7's high quality audio DAC. If that makes a difference to anyone :)
Thanks bought the LG V30, although for the specs not super cheap. Got the Sony Xperia XZ Premium, basically same specs, last year for this price
I bought the G7 a few weeks ago then returned it yesterday. Mine had terrible battery life. Straight out of the box it was losing 1% every 2-3 minutes with light usage. Even in safe mode it was draining fast. I cant imagine what it would've been like in 6 months. Online it seemed like most people were getting much better battery life while a few, like me, where getting terrible results, so Im not really sure why. Even though this phone has dual sim it wont allow you to install dual apps, neither natively nor with 3rd party apps that are supposed to allow it. For those two reasons I returned it. Other than that it was a great phone. Great screen. Great camera, although you always had to manually increase the brightness. The phone feels like a younger brother to Samsung, it wants to be like Samsung but is slightly behind in some key areas, but since it's cheaper you dont really care. Also, the phone is quite slim which felt weird initially. I did miss watching videos on a larger screen but the screen quality is so clear you dont notice it after sometime. Since the phone is slim you can hold the phone confidently in one hand and it was a great phone for messaging due to this and the nice haptic feedback response it provided. If it wasn't for the battery and dual apps I would've loved to have kept it.
It seems v30+ no longer at this price.
Hi Budju,
An initial 9% discount on the LG V30+ is applied at checkout, and then you can use the 10% off code to bring it down to the price in the title.
10 months ago G7 was $968…
LG gives great value and decent price drop unlike Huawei
I bought the v30 when it came out and sold it 6 months later. It's sad how LG phones drop price so drastically.
I checked Dxomark G7 only got a score of 86 which is lower than most flagships. Disappointing
You could pay double for a samsung, it might get 90/100
I always felt dxomark's tests were flawed, I have both the G7 and Galaxy S9 on hand and the G7 is pretty much on par, and personally I find the wide angle more useful than the telephoto lens.
Hey mate since you have G7 in hand can you tell us if the selfie camera can still do hand gesture triggered shots? I'm looking for an app for that
Haha didn't even know that was a feature! Just tried it out and it works pretty well, only works for the front camera though
@ccsvchost: Yeah that's exactly what I'm after….
The only thing I missed is this selfie hand gesture for front camera.
None of Samsung or Oneplus 6t got that
I'm thinking of getting LG G7 just for that and wide angle camera.
Any suggestions?
@neonlight: The hand gesture is convenient, but I feel like on other phones you can just use the self timer mode, but really that experience is up to you. The wide angle camera is great and you could probably only get better on the new Samsung S10 series, but those are double the price. For the price you really cannot get a better camera than the G7. However I think it's also important to know that updates to the android version can be a bit slow, my G7 is still on Oreo (Android 8) when most of last year's flagships are on Pie already. I'm personally not peeved too much by this as the phone is still snappy and does everything I want it to do.
@neonlight: No, it just has a single camera which is just a tiny bit wider than the main cam on the back.
Op can you fix v30+ price please, it's making me sad I've missed it.
Oh I see, yes you are right missed the 'extra 12% off' thing. ty
I had Pixel 2 XL, its a great phone