The Lego Saturn V is back in stock at target
not sure about stock - but I just bought 2
The Lego Saturn V is back in stock at target
not sure about stock - but I just bought 2
So, its still broken in my current window. Opening it in Porno mode/incognito and I could successfully go through with the purchase.
Oh nice I got free shipping with Shipster…forgot I had that
its free shipping anyway haha
Ah true why do I even have shipster
Data collection.
I had a few issues processing the order on-line as well, so I created a Target account and started again and selected store pickup/collect.
i had issues with chrome, went on to microsoft edge and it worked.
I can't detect the sarcasm in this comment. Where is it, I know it's in there somewhere…
no, for real, didnt work with chrome, had no idea why.
Remember you have to be 14+ to buy this giant pointy thing….
That's what she sai… oh wait wrong thread.
this aint the Michael Jackson thread
So Wacko Jacko is a she.
This is a really cool set - looks great on display.
Thanks OP bought this for my son as school holidays is nearly upon us.
dam you OB, brought one too! i should stop going on this site..
Where did you bring it to? I might go and pick it up from you for free. Or did you mean "bought"?
Got an email saying order could not be processed
When did you order? Mine from this morning was processed.
I ordered again and it failed. Tried again and it went through. Really strange.
Now I have to wait for 2 refunds :(
I just got the order conformation.
Ordered at 7am this morning. Got the order confirmation instantly then got the tax invoice and shipping notification about lunchtime. Would have posted it this morning but didn't want to OzBargain myself out of this set I've tried 5 times to get in the past lol
My order is awaiting review for some reason
Just ordered, received confirmation email. Haven't received tax invoice yet though…
After being stung on the last Saturn V on Ozbargain, I get notification of a paypal refund and get to buy even cheaper! ON THE SAME DAY! Time to burn the money I haven't got back yet. Also that Millennium Falcon for $215 looks sweet!
Awesome deal! Just ordered one! Cheers OP!
How big is the box set? Measurement? Want to get as a gift to my nephew oversea.
Is it that hard to search for yourself? Took 0.31 seconds on Google. Should we look up the postage and packaging option for you as well? Perhaps your nearest post office and how to get there from your home too? Do you require comparison pricing from courier companies, and in-depth reviews of their services?
Chill, winston.
"You're carrying a wasted girl, and a bag of fertilizer. You don't look like your average horticulturist."
Ahhh damn I thought about it too long and now it's showing sold out.
Just checked and it appears to be available online, give it another go
Thanks mate, but I saw your comment too late and missed out again lol!
like playing tag, its up again.
@patella: I saw your comment pretty quickly this time and missed out for the 3rd time!
I think it's just not supposed to be :(
Thanks for the heads up anyway
Finally got one, now just need to explain to my partner why a fully grown man needs a $120 lego set.
^^ this… only I bought 2.
"this is 4 our future kids"
It's back in stock.
Gone again
And is gone again!
i was just one 2 minutes ago and available, then refreshed .. ozbargained
yep gone again
Got one delivered. $29.75/month on Afterpay using credit card
omg 1900 lego pieces….and I thought transformers transformation is already hard.
Just got one .
I must have been one of the last to pick one up, now displaying "This product is sold out online and in store"
I got all the way to the end and went to pay for it and it came up with an error saying stock levels had changed and I was kicked out.
Order got cancelled
when did you order c?
05/04 11:38am
Target sent an email notifying me that they are cancelling my order
"Your order has been cancelled due to insufficient stock."
Big W have these for $149, but I could not find a store that has any
Ordered on the 5th
Just got canned. I ordered this on the 5th.
For those that missed out on this deal, like me. I just bought one off ebay using the discount code PLOT10. Takes the final cost to $147, so not bad at all and shipping is quite fast (in AUS).
It's available again. Just went and bought one.
It's available again. I got a shipping notification for an order placed on the Apr 24
bah, their site is now munted. Even their basket won't work.
Before that I got through to paypal and when redirected back to the target site, Permission Denied slow cap