My first post, apologizes if something I missed out. This is a best lowest price for Nest Protect I have seen so far.
Don't forget - use coupon code PROUD on this item for an additional AU $15.90 off. Valid until 01 Apr, 2019 16:59 AEDST.
My first post, apologizes if something I missed out. This is a best lowest price for Nest Protect I have seen so far.
Don't forget - use coupon code PROUD on this item for an additional AU $15.90 off. Valid until 01 Apr, 2019 16:59 AEDST.
Any benefit over typical $60 combined co+smoke detector?
It's nest and they communicate with each other over independent WiFi. Voice notification before alarm. Integration with hue/lifx lights to flash them when alarm triggered. Notifications to phone, and/or fire department
Because those alarms aren't smart enough to alert other alarms in your house. So unless you live in an apartment and not a heavy sleeper you might not hear it
those alarms aren't smart enough
No need to insult their intelligence…
And that cheap alarm from Bunnings also doesn't detect Carbon Monoxide. Meaning that it doesn't detect a fire as quick.
we had two nest protects until one kept false alarming and then triggering the one in the baby room. bloody annoying!
Was it steam from bathroom as there is a setting for that
I have 5 and not one false alarm. Used to get heaps from the old cheap alarm until I took battery out of it
@asa79: no one was in a hallway and one was in the baby room. i've had false alarms from both actually
i've since replaced with these:… but didn't use the interconnect
@jztilly: Did you swap them around to make sure just not a faulty unit. Or something in your house causing it
Was it a battery one or hard wired?
My hard wired one was false alarming so I took it off the ceiling and saw there was a lot of plaster dust in it, vacuumed it all out and it’s working fine now.
@R1ngSt1nger: The wires in hard-wired aren't covered correctly or something like that, a common issue on forums.
Which is why I have 5 battery ones
@asa79: Yes the provided wires attached to the connector are only single insulated and not double insulated like required for 240v.
I put 2 layers of fairly strong heat shrink over mine, the first layer i shrunk down and the second layer i didnt shrink though it was fairly firm. It's the only negative I've encountered with an otherwise great product.
Edit: I bought mine from your deal last time.
I have 5 of these at moment and they been great. No false alarms, just the missus burning stuff on the stove. But it warnings you buy speaking 'smoke in kitchen' before it will sound alarm so less annoying to neighbours as well
I also have hooked up to hue lights and they will come on and flash red to alert you so good for deaf people as well
One of the other fantastic features about these alarms that you never knew you needed until you had them is the motion-sensing night light. Stick one of these bad boys in the hallway and you'll never trip over toys/pets again.
We have set up at inside entry of all the kids room. It's great for that
you'll never trip over toys/pets again.
Finally! Something to prevent me from stepping on a dreaded lego piece
So these have to be hard wired in in order to double as a night light?
Nope! Even the battery version works. It's a very dim light, but definitely enough to navigate with. I imagine that the battery version has shorter life span with night light enabled, but still meant to last 4+ years because it uses a whopping 6 lithion ion AA batteries.
Nope both units do it. There is two sets of batteries in the battery unit
this is the single reason I've kept one our hallway and got rid of the others.
What do you need to connect these - just a typical WIFI router? Do they use their own app?
They connect your WiFi. But also have their own WiFi to communicate with each other. There is an app for phone. It's very quick to set up, especially for additionals
If you have a cheap alarm apart from anything else it probably won't detect carbon monoxide.
I got a "heads up" warning about a possible fire while I was 2000km away, lets see a cheap alarm do that… BTW: It was my daughter cooking/burning and the alarm also told me the smoke was clearing.
lol i'd love a "you're house is burning down" message when im 2000km away :D
Obviously not ideal but at least gives you a chance to do something about this ;-)
It's more you will get alert that there is smoke in a particular room. You can then contact 000 or a neighbour to check on it. Those couple minutes count before the whole house is burning
or in my case, you get so many false alarms that you lose confidence
Will Officeworks pricebeat this?
Nope as eBay coupon…
Also available in wired for the same price.
You can also acess the api to integrate them into home assistant. So you can monitor status, battery life via home assistsnt
Very quick to set up and automation ally sets up new protects when you add them to your nest account
Do these comply with AS3786-2014? Can't find any reference in the eBay item description…
Edit: nevermind. The manufacturer's site does state compliance with the AS.
I have 9 of these installed - awesome product. Cannot fault.
Installed by a local electrician.
Initially he had to confirm if it complies - confirmed by Master Electrians.
Highly recommend this product.
Have 3 already. Trying to buy another 2, but everytime I finalize payment, eBay app says 'something went wrong'. Think to do with previous purchase, as showing $159 each, not $148
I'm getting the same error regardless of what payment method I use.
Ta. Not just me. Does yours show at $148 or $159?
I only tried with the coupon amount ($148)
Just worked for me now.
You can walk into JbHifi and get them for $145 each. I have done it this week.
Might give that a go
@wilsong did JB price match the ebay price? Their website is currently showing $189.
I said I want x amount what is the lowest you can do and they gave me it for $145. Happy to post a receipt if needed ?
Did they price match or just that price.
JB did mine for $144. I'll be cancelling/refunding my eBay Good Guys order.
Gave it to me at that price.
called up Bourke st, and they wouldn't for $145. lowest was $159.
$143.10 Click and Collect from Good Guys tho
Good guys won't do the ebay price instore
Don't understand their logic. Selling in store bypasses eBay's hefty selling fees, thus more profit.
They don't offer the coupon percentage off in store as it's eBay not good guys discounting it
Just walk into JBs and get it at $145.
is it $145 on the shelf?
Been looking at getting some of these for awhile.. just brought 5..
Since the hardwire ones are the same price as battery, thought I would check my current ionisation ones - looks like three wires going into the plug for the smoke alarm…Nest looks like it only takes two wires from the diagram….dont want to have an electrician come over - so guess I better leave them in place and add the battery version of Nest into the house :)
Third wire would be the inter connect wire linking your old detectors together, so when one goes off they all go off. Nest doesnt need that one because they interconnect wirelessly.
I would have to assume the plug will end up being a different size, unfortunately the guide from their website doesn't tell me much.
If it was same size, but the third just wasnt used/plugs into anything on the nest - then it would be fine…but I just cant tell.
Diagram points to just a two wire connector however.
Your old detectors plug wont fit, you need to shut down the power and remove it and you will have 3 bare wires. You need… and cut 3 off and your existing 3 wires will go in, and then the 2 Nest wires come out matching the positive and negative. The third interconnect wire will go nowhere and just terminate.
If you have any doubts don't, just pay a professional.
@LowRange: termination blocks….while its pretty simple in relation to doing it, prefer to have a professional when it comes to electricity. haha
Thanks for the info :)
You need to have an electrician install them anyway, as your legally not allowed to install hardwired yourself
Coming up as $143.10 Click and Collect for me
Good price. Can not have too many of these