• expired

7 Pairs Men's Boxers for $68.8 or 15 Pairs for $78 @ Step One


These are amazing boxers and this is a bit of a hack.

So enter one pair, then click proceed to checkout. A popup appears saying add an emergency pair for $20, click agree and then click the X to remove popup, then click checkout again, repeat until you have 7 pairs. Now you will be charged $84 total, now on the check out page enter code Waist20.

@pirlo thanks 15 pairs for $78, change the emergency pair quantity to 14 and check out.

Referral Links

Referral: random (70)

Referee gets 50% off 1st order. Referrer gets 1 free pair.

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closed Comments

  • +48

    Dear OzBargain Community,

    I'm Greg, one of the founders of Step One.

    So I guess we got caught with our pants down. Pardon the pun.

    I woke this morning to quite a 'few' more orders than I normally would on a Tuesday morning! As it's described above, there was a hack in our system that enabled people to purchase our beloved underwear at extremely discounted prices.

    We are just a small company, we're not a multi-national so this is going to cost us A LOT of money :( (That's my really sad face)

    I don't believe dishonouring this is the right thing to do, so we will if you wish, honour your order, but this is money coming out of our pockets which does make a huge difference to us, we're not a Bonds or a CK where it wouldn’t touch the sides.

    So, if you want to retain the order you obviously can, but we urge you to think about the loss we are going to wear with it.

    You will shortly receive an email explaining the situation and we will offer you a discount code of 20% if you would kindly agree to cancel your order.

    Obviously, it's a flaw which we have fixed, we don't have an IT team so we have learnt a very expensive lesson!

    Really sorry about it and hope you understand.

    If you could please get in touch with us or reply to your order confirmation with either

    'Cancel my order'
    'Keep my order and send discount code'

    ..it would be much appreciated!

    Thanks for your understanding!

    Kind Regards


    • +16

      Thanks for reaching out Greg.

      Cancelled my order.
      Urge you all to do the same to support this Australian company.

      • +9

        What a champ dealing with this situation Greg.

        Cancelling my order also. Last thing i want is for this Aussie company to go out of business.

      • +8

        Same here. Cancelled my order.

        Well handled Greg.

    • ihavecentsnotsense on 27/03/2019 - 10:29 Comment unpublished. (Requested by Commenter)
    • +2

      Hi Greg,

      Really would like to try these undies, in saying that I probably wouldn't have bit the bullet at $30 each - like your ad says, last thing I think about is buying undies.

      But I don't need 15 pairs. How much would it come to if I bought 5 pairs with the 20% discount? Is there a bulk discount in addition to 20%?

      • +1

        The regular bulk discounts are:

        Buy 1 for $29.00 ea
        Buy 4 for $23.00 ea
        Buy 7 for $20.00 ea
        Buy 15 for $15.00 ea

        Then the 20% code stacks on top I believe.

        • +1

          7 for $20 with a further 20% discount seems reasonable to me. Based on all the positive reviews online I want to try for myself, since they have a first pair gaurantee. Bonds are usually in the $10 to $20 range and are junk.

          Emailed for confirmation about code stacking and if so will also cancel.

          • @IdBuyThat4aDollar: I have ordered one myself, it's really comfy and breathable but the pouch stitches inside bother me in the long run (they should have inverted the stitches or make it smoother).
            They have pretty good service and keep their promise and refund my first pair without any issue.

    • +4

      As much as I was torn inside, I decided to cancel and implore the others to as well. I spent 20mins trying to play around on my phone in getting it to work but for small businesses these are the last thing they need to happen.

    • +5

      Sorry Greg, I don't buy the 'going to cost us A LOT of money' line. I've got no idea what the cost price would be on these but it can't be much more than the $10 per pair of this deal.

      $29 a pair seems an outrageous price. I get that there are bulk discounts but they don't help people like me who are interested in trialling the product first.

      I don't have an order placed BTW.

      • +2

        $78 for 15 pairs works out to be $5.20 a pair, not $10?!

        Although I was surprised that it would even cost Step One more than $5.20 a pair to manufacture.

        • 15 pairs was added half an hour after the original deal, and 15 mins before code stopped by the look of the thread.

        • +3

          And exactly, they might be foxing us and still making money on the hack. 'Damn, you got us and we're only making $5 profit per pair instead of $25'

          • +1

            @haydent: Yes, I agree - I find it very hard to believe they would lose money on this. And if they are, then their manufacturing costs are unsustainable.

          • -1

            @haydent: We can't argue that. There were plenty that got 15 pairs in the $78 range so the $5 profit per pair argument doesn't hold up there.

            Sorry that was directed at Ihavecentsnotsense not actually at Hayden.

            • @seamonkey: I count 4 comments saying they got 15. My comments are based on the evidence I have available

            • +1

              @seamonkey: I never said they made $5 profit a pair on an item that costs the consumer $5.20. I think that in all likelihood they still made a profit though. If it costs them more than $5.20 to manufacture each pair, so much so that they’re apparently losing heaps of money, then I’d be concerned for the scalability and future of the business.

              • @ihavecentsnotsense: Do not disagree with you and I do see your point. I probably just wanted to get across that comments don't equal orders. Soooooo many lurkers. I ordered 15 and never said I did. Be PLENTY of others. 5100 clicks of the link! Not saying they'd all convert to orders of 15, but I'm willing to bet it was WAY more than 4 (based on comments of haydent) - I acknowledge that nobody, including haydent and ihavecentsnotsense are trying to state we are only talking one single handful of orders. I'm guessing it could easily be 3 figures.

      • +1

        I get that there are bulk discounts but they don't help people like me who are interested in trialling the product first.

        Read their first pair gaurantee and returns policy.

        Also I have to commend on the way they handled this. They could have just cancelled all orders.

        What makes u think $5 on top of cost price is profit?

        • +1

          Didn't realise you didn't have to send them back. I was thinking it was an infomercial-type 'send back within 30 days and it's free' kind of policy. Maybe I will give them a crack.

          What makes u think $5 on top of cost price is profit?

          No brick and mortar store. Online advertising cheaper than traditional advertising. Small team.

      • Either way, they could have cancelled all the orders. Regardless of whether they're still making a profit on the glitched orders heir choice to give those who ordered the option to keep them is commendable. I didn't order either but would consider it if a public 20% off code was available.

    • +4

      I wasn't able to order but after seeing all the positive comments I'd be interested in purchasing a few pairs to try if the discount is extended to others :)

      • This +1

    • +4

      Hi Greg,

      Any chance the wider community would be able to use the 20% discount code? Even if it was on orders of 7+ only.


    • This is an awesome company who make a fantastic product. I would have taken advantage of this post if I saw it but after reading the above would do the right thing.

    • Cancelled and reordered with 20% off. $12ea is good enough for me.

    • Hi Greg,

      I feel pretty bad now, thought you guys were big as you had been advertising on TV. I also thought the landed cost for these would have been fairly low (so you went losing money) because of this I just canceled my order!

      Cheers for your support!

    • +3

      I managed to get 7 pairs for around $80 last night that is about 11.42 a pair. I will not be cancelling my order considering if I did cancel and get a 20% code I would be able to get the pairs at a cost of $12 each if I were to buy 15 of them. So if they can afford to sell them to me for $12 a pair with a code I am sure they would be able to afford to do it for $11.42. If I were able to get 15 for $68 I would be thinking very differently.

  • +8

    How many emergencies do you have…

  • +1

    not buying, but thanks for the sharing!

    • Thanks

  • +1

    Really comfy undies.. thanks op

    • I like them, and at $9 each after cashback a pretty good price

      • Dammit forgot cashrewards!

        • Argh me too

          • +2

            @finnthecheapskate: Wasn't in the description OP!
            BTW I feel like this website will get flooded with this hack and not honor it :/

  • Oh man, you don't know how bad i needed these lol
    Purchased, thanks!

  • Does the "first pair guarantee" still count if you buy 7?

    • Pretty sure it does.

      • You're right, just found this:

        Even if you order a multi-pack, say 4, try one pair on, not happy, keep it, return the 3 packaged pairs and get a full refund on your total order.

  • +2

    I have a feeling this is all a ruse to get me to buy new undies.

    I bought a bunch of Bonds the other week. 5hey certainly aren’t cheap anymore https://www.bonds.com.au/guyfront-trunk-mzvj-blk.html
    I’m not sure if $10 per pair of undies from a manufacturer that I’ve never heard of is good.
    Anyway, I’ve rolled the dice on the bamboo aboxers. I have sweaty balls, so hopefully this breathes a bit.

    • +2

      Bonds is utter rubbish these days, way better off buying Uniqlo instead when they're on sale (I really love their airism ones, have the same sweaty sackness going on).

      Shame I just ordered 5 pairs of them, actually, adding another 15 pairs of Step One seems a little excessive.

      • Agreed re Bonds, while Airism by Uniqlo is definitely better but the material is wafer thin. Legs can slide/scrunch a bit I find.

        Ive been wanting these for a while now. Wonder how they will comapre to Displays.

  • +1

    How's the sizing??

    I normally wear XL in boxers, but at a 97cm waist.
    Their XL is for 105cm

    • +1

      XL was tight when I was 102cm, much better fit now I am back down to 97cm

      • +8

        Damn. I thought my 9cm was long.

        • You mean inches?

        • … that's 3.5 inches

  • +1

    LOVE these boxers! Hats wearing anything else now. Was waiting for a deal to get more. Cheers

    • How's the sizing???

    • +9

      Damn hats wearing other things 😠

  • Bought, thanks a lot

    • Cancelled after hearing from Greg, will buy again with the 20% off code he's offered when it comes through.

      • Got my 20% off code instantly and a customised reply from Greg, you guys should be supporting this Aussie business.

  • Even cheaper if you get rid of the normal priced ones and leave them all on emergency offer.

    You lose the color options then tho

    • +1

      Dont think you can check out, but amazing if you can!

    • These arnt, and imo are worth the $5 extra!

      • -1

        are worth the $5 extra!

        Have you tried the Kmart ones?

        • +1


          • +2

            @Mentem: The blue ones?

    • +4

      Mine are free.

      It's much easier not using any.

      • +5

        Mine are free.

        There are free ones at the car park in our local park.

        They replenish the stock there Fri / Sat nights…

  • Anyway to get 7, but not order white

    • +2

      Ease up on thoae curries. You are welcome.

  • Am I being subtly fat-shamed by the Deal code?

  • +1

    Not sure how you got to 7 pairs at that price.
    When i try order 7 (2 = $20 / 5 = $11) for a total of $76 with the code.

    What colours did you get?

  • +16

    I got 15 pairs for $79.20:

    Add one pair to the cart. Click view cart and then checkout. Add an emergency pair and X close the window. Return to main menu and click the cart at the top right. Select 14 of the "emergency" unit. Checkout with code.

    I bought 15 pairs of boxers from them in the past. They are nice actually, but very thin.

    I got 15 pairs of trunks this time.

    • +1

      Do they thin out quickly or lose their elasticity? KMART ones are lasting about 1.5 years before they go loose.

      • +1

        I bought my first 15 pairs at the end of 2017. They are still holding very well. I only wear those pairs now, I threw all my other pairs of boxers away.

        I got the 15 pairs of trunks tonight because I have small legs. Also, my original 15 pairs are the 1st version of those undies. In 2018, they released the "pouch" with double layer instead of single layer.

        Looking forward to doing a single washing machine full of underwear once a month :)

        • +2

          I got the 15 pairs of trunks tonight because I have small legs

          Small legs means you need more underwear?

          • @spaceflight: The boxers can slide up a bit with my small legs. They recommend the trunks for small legs, combined with the double layer pouch instead of single layer on my original boxers, I thought "Lets do it!"

    • Wish I saw your comment before paying :(

    • You sir, are a true hero.

      They ran out of the "emergency" medium trunks in my selected colours while I was trying to add one at a time.

      Was going to give in, then saw your comment - 15 pairs of medium boxers ordered instead… thanks heaps! Hopefully they aren't too long =/

      • +1

        Thank you for the kind words. I am sure they will be fine! 3cm longer will not make a huge lot of difference.

  • Good deal, but are we stuck with 7 pairs exactly the same?

    • I did the above 15 for $79.20 and could add all the colours they had (5) and also add more or less of specific colours. But 15 seems to be the sweet spot.

  • +1

    Doesn’t work for me. I can only add one pair of emergency. What did I do wrong?

  • Can I use the code WAIST48? 20isn't my size.

  • Aww man, I bought 7 of these over christmas for like $120 or so.

    Side note these are amazing,I live in the tropics and no more chafe downstairs, they smell less and look decent.

    Only downfall is the Size tag on the front is super itchy when I'm sitting in bed in my undies and my fat beer belly hangs over on it.

  • +2

    lol at that title.
    Holiday in Adelaide for $500 or Maldives for $509.

  • +2

    Ozbargain'd? Pop-up won't appear anymore.

  • None left

  • Yep. Had 4 in cart and ready to buy messed around and then out of stock

  • Why not 20 pairs for $103.20? Works out cheaper 😉

  • +1

    Pop up no longer appears!

  • Can't get the emergency popup to appear. Are you supposed to enter in your payment details first?

    • I cant get them to appear too

  • +3

    Should have just bought them an hour ago. Instead of messing around and then they all sold out

  • -1

    'I am wearing $100 wool underwear hand stitched by Italian virgins'- Kevin O'Leary shark tank

  • Still works…got 15 pairs for 79.20 just a few minutes ago, but you will have to settle for certain colours.

    • How do you get the pop up?

      • Just click on view cart…and checkout as above. Worked for me.

  • I played around with the emergency pairs of S short trunks.

    Managed to get a mix of colours, 15 pairs for $79.20

    Wonder if will get honoured.

  • Just as I did my uniqlo years worth underwear shop… dammit. Still gonna buy some and try.. ;D Thanks

  • I think the hack only works on the trunks, not the boxers.

  • Ordered 16 trunks for 84. I doubt they will honor.

  • +1

    Not getting any pop up :(

  • +1

    I just got 7 trunks for $68. Same trick. Go to checkout. Click yes to emergency pair. Page refreshes and pop up came up again when I click checkout again. Rinse and repeat. Got all the colours. Not as good as the 15 deal but could still be worth it for some.

    Edit. Just tried again. No dice. I must have just made it before they fixed it.

    • Same mate! Got only avo colour but still keen to try em out. Let's hope it gets honoured :)

  • +1

    15 deal still works on trunks only and you have to pay for 1 full price pair, the rest will be avo, plum and white. $79.20 for 15 pairs.
    Shouldn't be marked as expired

    • So you're getting the emergency pop-up still?

    • +1

      The popup shows for me but it has every colour listed as sold out.

      • Popup doesn't seem to be working for me but the code still works.

  • There is still stock left, just did a trial order and 15 pairs can be had for $79.20.

    Please can someone unexpire

    • No pop up…what was the first item selected?

    • Which colours? I see no pop up as well…

    • How? mine come to 180 everytime :/

      Ahh looks like trunks only!

    • It varies with size

  • Looks like there is still stock left for XL/2XL. Tried Medium and Large but no popup.

  • Only small/xl and 2xl show pop up for me.. no to medium or large :(

    • +3

      Unfair neg, just because the stick sold to fast

      • -5

        Idk if its unfair. All I know is the price you have posted isn't the advertised price they are giving. I'm not buying sticks anyway I was looking at underwear and its not sold out, just the website has fixed the price error for future abuse.

        • It's been 9+ hours since it was posted and with 3680+ clicks. You neg the deal because they're out of stock? Really?

          • @CodeXD: No, because the price posted isn't the price advertised.

            • @Ithinkimtheking: Welcome to ozBargain where deals expire/sell out of stock.

              This is normal.

              Do not panic.

              • @CodeXD: Thanks, agreed. That is why had reported the post but since the OP had asked for that to be reversed I Neg voted the deal due to "Major issue with retailer".

  • Did this same order last week, they arrived Monday.
    Can confirm works and they're as comfy as they advertise.

  • +1

    Waist20 doesn't seem to work anymore?

    • Same for me.

    • +4

      sounds like it was a waist of your time.

  • Nothing works anymore unless it's because I'm trying on a tablet

  • +1

    I don't get the option to add an emergency pair at all.

  • Waist 20 code is not working.

    Also, disabled AdBlock but still get no pop-up.

  • Dead looks nuked to me

  • +2

    Too late yet again.

    Pop up not showing and code not working. I love these boxers so I'm pretty shattered.

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