• expired

Optus - $60 Per Month (24 Months) for 200GB of Data and Range of Tablets or Modems


$60 for 200GB of data is back and this time you can select from a range of goodies if you sign up for 24 months or 12 months without the goodies

can sign up with
iPad 128GB
Samsung Galaxy Tab S4
or Modems
4G Plus Wi-Fi Modem (Cat 11) AC800S
4G Plus Wi-Fi Modem (Cat 6) B525

note, the new iPad air is coming soon, so hold on if you're going for the iPad

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closed Comments

    • The critical information summary doesn't seem to mention data pool anymore.

      • +1

        It mentions shared data under the "Included Data" section of the CIS, and also in the FAQs at the bottom of the page etc.

        That being said, my question was silly - pre-paid definitely not included in data share.

    • You can share mobile broadband (tablets and phones) but not wireless broadband (modems)…

  • How much can you get for the iPad on the open market?

    • +1

      75% of RRP easy enough.

    • I did an 'advanced search' on ebay. Select 'sold items', enter the same model, and see what they've been selling for. Then I listed it on gumtree, met in person at the Optus store, buyer gave me the money, Optus gave him the tablet. (This was pre-arranged. I'd already asked Optus if I signed up, would they retain possession of the tablet for a few days so I could list it for sale, so the buyer would know it was unopened and get the full warranty period.) It's a bit out of the ordinary. So you might have to 'shop around' different Optus stores to find one that will hold it in-store and let you sign that you've received it the same day the buyer meets you there. (Meeting in person in the Optus store avoided all possible scams.)

  • Excuse my ignorance, but does the Optus Home Wireless Broadband plans no longer limit speeds to 12/1? I could've sworn I read that in the T&Cs once.

    • +1

      That's an older product with 'Home' in the name as you mentioned. You can still get that re-sold from providers like Spintel. These are the newer plans.

      • Ah thank you. This might be my internet replacement given the headache I'm going through trying to fix my landline. Saves me having to roll the dice on NBN with a faulty line when I'm getting good speed and coverage on my Optus mobile.

      • Well, I don't think it's 'new' as such. It's just a bonus data deal.

        Before, they had 'mobile broadband' and 'home wireless broadband'. Both used SIM cards. But 'home wireless broadband' was more data and came with a home-style modem (e5186 I think). It had the slower speeds he referred to. I think their newer version of that has dropped the speed restriction, but it's SIM only works in ONE type of modem - you cannot use the SIM in another device.

        But THIS is just their 'mobile broadband' with an extra 100GB. It can be used in any modem, phone, tablet, etc. and also no speed restrictions.

    • +2

      I was worried about this. But happy to confirm it isn't capped when I got the Tab s4 last year.

    • +1

      Different product I believe. One is wireless ‘home’ broadband. The other is mobile broadband or something.

      The home version was limited in the past. Not sure about these days.

      • +1

        It's no longer speed restricted, but the SIM is locked to the modem.

        • Oops, someone already said - both. LOL.

  • I guess the modems have good 4G speed, but wifi not as good, can they be tethered to a 4G capable router like Asus AC68U?

    • +1

      i have the Huawei USB 4G Modem E3372 ($15 at OW) plugged into one of those, works like a charm

      • what speed do you get via this modem?

  • +2

    I got the Tab S4 last year to replace the Vivid wireless after my 24m on it were done. I don't have cable or NBN in my area and DSL isn't great either.

    I moved to this purely to same the monies. Was on 90 a month in Vivid wireless.

    The swap of the vivid wireless SIM on the Vivid's router with the one that comes from Optus works flawless.

    The speed is not capped.

    • Which Vivid Modem did you have? I'm in the same boat and want to swap this new Optus SIM into my Vivid Huawei B315s.

      • Hi Apu, I have the same one. It worked fine. I typically get 60mbps/10mbps on this router. I can get more speed with a different router, but don't have the need at the moment.

  • Is it 200gb per month for next 24 months?

    • +1


  • Best suggested modem to replace my nbn with this sim and peoples experience in doing so?
    Just a nice plug sim in - wifi around the house option.

    Found maybe an ASUS 4G-AC53U 4G LTE Wirelss-AC750 Modem Router?

    Our nbn is only fttn and rated at 17Mbps so 4g should be better.

    • Or you can get iPad or s4 and getting a TP-link 4g modem (put your simcard in the modem) and connect it to your router which I set up for my office.

      • What’s a to link 4g modem? I am thinking to replace my nbn which it is slower than Optus network. I just tested it.

        • TP Link. It's stupid auto correction. yes you have to test the speed before moving.

      • I plan to get the ipad, then sell it straight away to offset the plan / cost of the 4g modem/router.

        • Shoot me a PM if ya want to sell iPad when you get it. Need one for my family. Cheers

    • +2

      Netgear nighthawk M1. Approx $150 2nd hand. I get average 130mbps speed with same optus sim on plan offered last year.

    • +2

      I am in a similar situation and dumped NBN for the $60 200Gb Tab4 with free 12 months Netflix deal earlier this year.

      As someone else has mentioned, do some speed testing first. I was able to achieve 50/20 on my Optus Huawei Mate 9 in peak hours across a few nights of testing which gave me confidence to proceed, but YMMV.

      I'm running a Huawei E5186 (often advertised as Optus Home Wireless Broadband Modem) I scored off Gumtree for $25 (seems to have been a bargain as the others I've seen since have been in the $60 range)! It's a Cat6 modem with Carrier Aggregation on Band 40 (2300MHz), otherwise a Cat3 modem on other bands.
      With an Omnidirectional External antenna, I'm hitting 100/8 Off Peak and anywhere from 15/8 to 30/8 through peak periods. I suspect there's some antenna optimisation required, but I need longer cables to make any changes from the current setup.

      Otherwise, there are secondhand Vividwireless modems B315 and B325 for less than $100 but they're only Cat3 rated.

      If you want higher speeds look for a B525 which Optus sell for $252 (including a $60 SIM for 200Gb)

      EDIT cheaper option is to sign up on Month to month plan with Exetel.. to get the B525 modem for $138.99 total.

      On NBN we rarely used more than 200Gb, but just to be sure I don't get stung by the $10/Gb over-use fee I've tuned back the Kids' Netflix accounts to SD which has cut our usage to around 150Gb over the past few months.

      • Ok, just picked up a $10 optus sim, selected the 5gb data for 5 days plan put the sim in my Samsung s8 and tested.


        57.3 down / 12.6 up optus LTE


        15.9 down / 3.74 up Aussie broadband nbn

        So a bit if a no brainer, I'm making the switch to 4G.

        I'll check out the nighthawk, ajd others, see if I can find one locally secondhand but I may be limited by time as my nbn month is calander, and cancelling asap is in my best interest.

        I'll crunch the numbers on which ipad (6th cs pro) to buy vs resell value now.

  • +1

    I'm seriously considering this instead of the NBN

    • Make sure you don't need more than 200GB a month. $10/GB when over the 200GB quota will not be fun or switch off the device completely.

      We had the Tab S4 deal and purchased the B525 outright as a Home Wi-Fi 3 months ago. It had been running flawlessly but we found 200GB for our household of 2+2 a bit insufficient. There was a 500GB Home Wi-Fi deal for $20 more but I am not sure if it's still available.

      • If you choose one of the modems, they have a 500gb for $80pm option.

      • +1

        yeah looked at my usage and its around 200gb, but over some months and one 300+ so with that the biggest current plan, yeah, i'll have to stay on cable till forced to decide in 18 months, NBN is due to be completed soon, so the clock will start ticking then.

        • You could stay on cable 18 months long even NBN rollingout?

          • @hgaoxhgaox: From what my understanding is, and they may have changed it, or its company specific, but you have 18 month once the (spit) NBN is switched on before the old system, in my case cable, and old the phone network, are switched off to transfer to the (spit) NBN.

  • +3

    Last time this deal was on I got the Galaxy Tab S4 and bought a Huawei B525 outright to chuck the SIM in. Cancelled my ADSL which gave me sub 5 Mbps speeds. Best decision ever.

    • +1

      Yup. I was one of them. 20-50Mbps compared to ADSL2+ is amazing. The ironic thing is the speed is too fast for me. We are struggling with 200GB a month.

      • I think the data get "consumed" much faster, I have not technically investigate, from my previous working on wireless technology, some packet are rounded to get the calculation.

        • You would have be clicking tens of thousands of things for rounded-up packets to achieve that. It's probably more that people get used to things happening slightly faster, so they do slightly more in the same than they used to. Also there's the fact data UP/outbound is counted on these types of plans, when it almost certainly wasn't with their 'normal' ISP.

          Heck, I leave my modem on 24/7 and a couple of times I've checked before and after 24-48 hours of my computer idling away and data usage appears to be nil.

          • @GregMonarch: When 1K packet is round to 10K packet, it will be 9K more per packet.

            When yours working properly, it does not mean other's will be working correctly too. Data usage meter is unregulated and it is hard to point at Telco when you are not seeing the details from their end. When someone complain about high data usage, Telco will first point their fingers at you

            Something for you to read

            There are more, just Google. Well just Google that for you, another read

            • @jpl: Well, you've gone from: "My ISP rounds up packets and I think it's using up my data quota", to, "My ISP is broken and rounds up packets randomly thousands of time a day or when I'm not even online." Big difference. We were talking about the first. And I said, that's probably not the cause - the main cause is when people leave say a 100GB home plan where they only used 60GB, go to a mobile data SIM instead - and find they're now using nearly the entire 100GB. The reason for that is probably because their upstream data wasn't counted (subtracted from) their data quota with a home ADSL2, etc. connection - but now does with a mobile data SIM. (I noticed my data usage 'increased' by about 15-20% for that reason.)

              As I also said, I can leave my computer on for 2 days, come back, and see no data used. Even when I leave email open, polling for new messages every 15 minutes, it still uses a tiny amount. Barely a couple of MB over two days. Certainly not hundreds of MB, or GB.

              And of course all the usual normal reasons… Downloads have increased because it works faster, so they're doing more in the same time without realising it. Or a new phone/computer/app/updated app - is downloading more now. Or… Lots of other possibilities.

              I forget at what size Optus packets round up, but I did ask them when I joined, and it was small.

              Anyone that does find they're using close to their quota on a mobile data SIM for internet, can always 'do a Kogan'. (Buy one $4.90 40GB Kogan SIM 2 weeks into their internet month, so they can use 20GB for the last two weeks, and 20GB for the first two weeks of their next internet month.) ;-D

      • Tune back your Netflix (or whatever) streaming service quality settings.
        I actually set up a new user in our Netflix for High Def for stuff I want to watch High Def, and SD for Live Comedy shows and old history stuff that I tend to watch where video quality isn't all that important.

        I use the SD user for watching on my "ancient" 2012 Nexus 7 which from memory isn't a HD screen anyway.

        We used to be around 200Gb/month on NBN, now we're safely under.

        • That wasn't our problem because we rarely watch Netflix anyway and still get close to the limit quickly. We have 2 kids that love playing video games and watch YouTube separately. That's on top of my daily NBA highlights and mum's daily soapies. We would chew up 15-20GB a day easily.

          We now limit the kids from play on the weekdays as we didn't want them to play much anyway because school has started. They are more accepting when we use the lack of data as a reason. lol. It's down to 5-6GB a day now and that would shot back up to 15-20GB on Sat/Sun.

  • Spotify, Netflix and Stan data is unlimited or it goes under the 200GB ?

    • Spotify should be unmetered if you add the free Music Streaming pack.

      Netflix and Stan will be metered unless you pay $5pm extra for the Mobile TV Streaming pack.
      But even then, only SD and under 1.5Mbps is unmetered, any higher gets metered anyway.

  • How much data is used for a regular 1 hour Netflix show in ultra HD? Is 200GB enough for regular ultra HD viewing?

    • No it won't be enough. Better get unlimited nbn if you regularly stream uhd video.

      • Used over 40gb one night on ultra hd. Only a couple of hours. Downgraded to the mid level plan instead. Could go unmeteres netflix but they throttle the netflix speed to 1.5mbps. Not worth the downgrade in quality.

  • This deal have been around for so long, my housemate already on this plan that comes with ipad for a about a year.

  • Hey guys, I’m considering this offer as I missed out last time. I’m currently on a vivid wireless plan which is obviously closing and automatically transferring into one of the 12M Optus plans. Is there a way to somehow reuse my vivid wireless modem (supposedly locked B525) to get the full 4G speeds of these Optus plans? I’m not very experienced in flashing hardware but willing to give it a try.

    • I was under the impression that VividWireless Modems are not locked. The SIM is speed limited, but you can swap out the SIM and get full speed.
      Probably best to ask on Whirlpool.

      Didn't know that Vividwireless had B525 modems, thought they were all either B315 or B325.

      • Sorry, yes, typo B315s Modem.

    • Can confirm that the speed is not capped on the modem. Modem however is capped to work on Optus frequencies only. So Optus SIM from this deal would work.

  • Would be decent at 250gb

    But then again spintel provides 250gb for 40aud - even if 12/1, in my case it doesn’t matter since Optus speeds are worse during peak than Spintel which is more consistent

  • +1

    damnnnnnnnnnnn i just joined last fri!

    • +1

      Activate cooling off period and resign?

      • +1

        Or livechat - they MIGHT switch you over. If not, then as above /\

  • +1

    The problem with Optus even with 200GB of data or more, it is their network signal that can be so bad in some areas. In my area their signal is so bad, I was getting only one or barely 2 bars and 5 to 12 mbps, had no choice but to leave them.

    • Well, they're all bad in different/various areas. Digital isn't like analog. You either have signal or you don't. (If it's 'dropping out' then it's alternating between 'signal' and 'no signal', not, 'stronger' and 'weaker' signal. So with 1 bar intermittently flicking up to 2 bars, you might have gotten up to 1 or 2 bars more again with an external/directional antenna (or maybe even just a better modem and/or more ideally-located modem). You probably did do some tests, but anyone that has low signal should try a few simple things before giving up. (Like going upstairs in their own or a neighbour's house, try other people's modems, etc.)

      • Well, I moved to Telstra last year with no regrets. Full signal and download from 50 to 100+mbps and in some areas around I get past 200mbps. I was lucky, I jumped in when Jbhifi was offering 50gb/$45 per month for 12 months contract on Telstra network. This was the best move I ever made. Also I have relatives on Telstra, when they came to my place, I was amazed of the top signal they were getting. So, I knew exactly what to expect before making the move.

        • Vodafone is a no there? (Two $4.90 40GB Kogan SIMs = 80GB for $9.80)

  • Would Optus keep this plan at the same price but add the new 2019 iPad?

    • The current offer ends 28/4, wh e ns the new one due?

      • +1

        11 April (I just asked in chat) - but is it better than the iPad Pro 3 11 inch? (which is in the $60 bracket already)

  • +1


    The iPad Pro 4G 11" 256GB on 200GB/month for 24 months is an awesome deal.

    Total cost is $2040. The iPad Pro 4G costs $1600 from Apple. So you get 200GB/month of 4G data from Optus for $16/month.

    I'm in!

    …now anyone got a deal on an Apple Pencil 2?

  • Damn! I got the 200GB package last time and using it for arounf 5 months out of 12 months contract, can I get this offer without breaking the current contract ? :( is there any other devices we can get instead of ipad or modem, May be a mobile phone ?

  • I can’t seen to find the download and upload speed. Is this a 12/1 plan?

    • +1

      This plan has no limit. You can get over 100Mbs to below 1Mbps depending on your location and device.

  • Am i reading correctly for ipad pro 11inch…Is this too good to be true?
    ipad pro 11inch 64gb $60/month for 3gb over 24 months total cost $1440.
    Apple sells this for $1449.

    my phone is with telstra and i asked if they have any discount for existing customer, and the best they can do is only $70 for 5gb :(

    • Yes but thats not exactly right.
      Its a $75 plan, its an extra $15 device payment.
      I put my order in for this yesterday morning, the way I worked it out I was better to get the pro, sell it for ~$1k and that comes off my bill where as the ipad would only get me $500 max.

      • $60 for 3GB, $75 for 200GB…

        • +1

          Yep was referring to 3GB plan.

          • -1

            @Gelato: Sorry I missed that bit.

            If you wanted to pay it off over 2 yrs then its not a bad way I guess but there are numerous of that very model on ebay for ~1100 so unless you can't afford it, you're really shooting yourself in the foot by getting it on this plan, the 3gb a month is not enough to do anything with realistically.

  • unfortunetly no surface go included in the tablet list

  • Sign up at Harvey Norman for 10% off with this?

  • +1

    Seem to be lots of people planning to sell the iPad… why not get the Tab S4…. you’ll get more money back for it !

    • Why tab s4 get more money back?

      • +3

        Resale value of the tab s4 is $100-$200 more than that of the 6th gen 128gb ipad.

      • +2

        ipad retail for $799
        Tab S4 retai for $1178

        • +1

          Got a few confirmations 3 months ago that the Tab S4 were resold for $800 - $850. That's higher than the iPad RRP already.

          The Tab S4 200GB plan is literally a $25/200GB 24 month mobile broadband plan without the unlimited shaped download.

            • @ozizoy: Looks like the price dropped quite rapidly over the last 3 months. It was around $1,000 - $1,100 and being resold for $800 - $850. Not much advantage over the iPAD now but iPAD price could tumble when the new version comes out.

              • @DarkOz: It’s because samsung wanted to charge a premium for their top of the range, while going up against the iPad which when people think of a tablet, it’s usually what they think of.
                Like it or not, apple can charge (and retain value) more for their products because of their brand, regardless of if the Tab 4 is better technology or not.

  • +2

    just wondering if there is any way not going over 200gb and automatically get charge $10 for 1gb?

    • +1

      I was planning on getting the S4 or using an android device that you can set to turn data off at say 199gb. Any suggestions on a good app to do that or just use settings? Otherwise, I'm guessing you can't ask Optus for such a system, you'd be killing their 'cream' $$$

    • +1

      I just have the Optus Widget on my Desktop to monitor usage.

      I also have my E5186 programmed to limit the connection at 190Gb each billing month.

  • Hey all, I have a Huawei E5186 from the old home wireless broadband 200gb deal a few years ago. I’m paying $70 month to month, so figure this would be a good deal if I can get an ipad and use the new sim in the Huawei modem for $60 a month instead. Does anyone know whether the sim will work in the modem, given it’s not a ‘home’ broadband service?

    • Yes, it's the modem I use.

      • +1

        Ditto, I bought the S4 plan in January, it's been working great.
        External Antenna has seen a massive boost to my signal strength and connection speed.

        I've flashed mine to a firmware that allows Bridge Mode using this guide

        • +1

          Thanks heaps to both of you, I signed up and have it all running now.

  • +1

    Hey Guys,

    Sorry if this has been asked multiple times, but what modem and external antenna (if needed) is best to go with for maximum speed and coverage? Purely for home wifi use and Ethernet to main PC

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