This was posted 5 years 11 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC] Free Admission @ Islamic Museum of Australia


Tomorrow The Islamic Council of Victoria are having open days at many of their mosques, as they have for the last couple of years. As part of this they are also opening the Islamic Museum of Australia for free to the public. As they note, gold coin donation is welcome but not required. It's normally $12 for adults and $10 for concession.

They will have the following activities:

Guided Tours: 10am, 12pm and 3pm

Meet and Greet Bachar Houli, Richmond Football Club: 1 - 2pm

Ramadan Lecture by Ismail Davids: 11am

Kids Activity - Build Your Own Mosque: 11am - 2pm

Book Reading: Aneesa and Jamal go to Masjid: 2pm

There is also a sausage sizzle for a gold coin donation.

There is more information here about the open day and mosques that are participating in the open day.

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closed Comments

  • +39

    Since nobody has posted a review I'll do it!!

    It definitely isn't always free. I took some kids here a year or two ago (I'm a teacher) and I paid under $10 per kid because I brought in like 10 of them.

    As for what's inside, I was hoping to compare it to the museum next to IMAX at CBD. When I went, there weren't that many artefacts or whatever you call them up for show.

    A lot of interesting things to read though but it's more about Islam in Australia rather than Islamic history (eg. Ottoman empire etc.)
    So for example it talks about Muslim Indonesians trading with aboriginals hundreds of years ago etc.

    It took me 40mins to go through everything and if it's free I defs would go with my family.

    • +8

      C'mon now, the Melbourne museum is backed by Museums Victoria which the state Government pumps ~$100mil every year. Can't expect them to have interactive showcases.

      • +1

        Hahaha the Melbourne museum is the first museum I went to so it's my benchmark for all museums

      • +10

        $100mil… A little lower ;)

    • DeafMutePretender on 16/03/2019 - 22:10 Comment unpublished. (Inflammatory)
      • epkh on 16/03/2019 - 22:31 Comment unpublished. (Reply to Unpublished Comment Thread)
    • +6

      This is possibly the only really relevant comment here. I award you 1000 internet points @epkh!

      As noted, it's probably not a reasonable expectation to compare it to the Melbourne Museum, but still good to have feedback. I've biked past it dozens of times (it backs on to the Merri Creek trail) and keep on meaning to drop in but never get around to it - will try to do so tomorrow.

    • Didn’t realise Indonesians traded with Australians way before the European came. Wonder why they didn’t try living here.

      • -1

        Hmm maybe because they respected the Aboriginals as humans and not monkeys living on a uninhabited desolate land. Just my guess.

        • +25

          Maybe west Papuans & East Timorese will disagree with you..

    • +4

      Though it is unfortunate what happened in NZ, but this is not deal but an advertisement, All the religious places such as Hindu and Buddhist Temples, Churches and Gurudwara have free open days. Shame if it is ever charged

      • +1

        The deal, was for free entry to the islamic museum, which is usually charged.
        Yes, free open days is just added on advertising.

  • +60

    I didn't even know there was an Islamic museum

  • +39

    Meet and Greet Bachar Houli

    The one who king-hits opponents?

    • +8

      Argued wasn't intentional, yeah nah

    • -1

      If he can ko a guy like that while still playing footy he gets my vote lol

  • +60

    No thanks

  • +33

    Interesting timing

      • +13

        That hurts to read tbh.

    • +50

      It's been planned since at least Jan, I think any time for the terrorist attack to happen would be poor.

    • +4

      as they have for the last couple of years

      Not really.

    • You'll be fine, security will be very high tomorrow.

      The french attack happened a week before work did a french event, and security was everywhere. The second safety event I've ever worked at. The most safe was where everyone bought their guns along (don't ask).

  • -1

    Hmm….. Nah.

    • By looking at your votes it's truly remarkable how divisive this rather unremarkable comment is.

      Very interesting.

  • +28

    Not a chance.

    • +4

      Why not?

      • +18

        Head in the sand, by the looks of things.

        Ie: don't know, don't want to know. Why? Don't know.

        • +24

          Must be that. I can't think of any other reasons anybody wouldn't want to go celebrate an ultra conservative religious institute.

  • +26

    "There is also a sausage sizzle for a gold coin donation"
    I'd go if they had Kebabs

    • +2

      why the down votes?

      • +3

        Probably because they also posted a terrorist sympathiser video, just hazarding a guess there.

      • +2

        Childish post?

  • Yeah don't want to die from some white supremacist.

  • +51

    I wonder if this deal would've still be posted if yesterdays situation at NZ didnt happen……

    • +22

      It may have been, but would not have gotten votes. People are voting it up to support Muslims I guess.

      • +26

        Don't see much support in the comments.

        • +112

          Idiots are loud

          • +3

            @A fish: They do seem to be getting support. Looks like my opinion of terrorism on strangers not justifying further terrorism on strangers is unpopular here, so perhaps I will stay quiet.

          • @A fish: As many of the comments on this deal shows so well

        • +33

          Typical racists. If it happens to their own kind it's very bad but it if happens to others they don't give a shit. We're all humans, killing any innocent people is bad and would have my support wether they be white, black, Muslim, Christian, Jew, etc.

          • +1

            @ufsta: Muslim is not a race.

            • +2

              @ajr5k: Dude it's just an expression, relax we know Muslims aren't a race

          • +12

            @ufsta: Funny how people throw the word racist around so freely nowadays, in what way exactly are they racist? I don't like religion in general, but I$lam seems to cause more problems than any other religion in the world so yes I dislike that one most. As is my right. It's not 1984 just yet, we still have the right to disagree with the left wing in public and not be taken away that night for reprogramming. For now anyway

          • -3

            @ufsta: Imagine thinking that Muslim is a race and not a religion. Embarrassing.

            • @brendanm: lol I know its not a race. Though going off your comment, you didn't seem to say that about Christianity and Judaism. So much hypocrisy in your comment.

              • -1

                @ufsta: No religions are a race genius. Nice try trying to get me as islamaphobic though. Christians and Jews have done plenty of horrible things in the name of God as well. All religions are stupid, just a bunch of people yelling at each other that one god is better than another.

                Having a go at someone because of their race, that they were born as, and cannot choose, is moronic. Having a go at someone over their religion, which they freely choose, is fair game.

      • +7

        I would argue that the Western Far Right, Muslim and Hindu extremists have more in common (hate!) when they commit acts of violence that with the average Australian.

        It is possible to support the right of Muslims to practice their religion without fear, while also respectfully disagreeing with the teachings of some on the treatment of women and issues with Jihad being interpreted as spiritual or military obligation.

        A poll by Gallup showed that a "significant majority" of Muslim Indonesians define the term to mean "sacrificing one's life for the sake of Islam/God/a just cause" or "fighting against the opponents of Islam".

        • +5

          Yes i agree. I don't like Islam but I like Muslim Australians, I agree with supporting Australians that are hurting.

          • +7

            @A fish: I guess treating people as individuals is the way to go. I can dislike a aggro gold chain wearing steroid taking leb bro as much as a pompus ignorant Christian 19 vote winning clown Queenslander politician albeit one is about aesthetics while the other insults reason.

            Every Kiwi in QLD needs to rise up and egg this cretin at every public event so he can never risk a speaking engagement with wearing a raincoat and facemask.

        • +6

          The vast majority of attacks on Western countries have been carried out by white Christian males.

          At the same time the USA, UK and Australia have illegally attacked 8 Muslim countries since 2001 and if you believe the Pentagon's obviously suspect figures 200,000 civilians have died as a result of Western attacks.

          We are the terrorists illegally killing civilians.

          • +4

            @Diji1: Can you elaborate? I found this list, but several were sanctioned by the UN:

            Let’s tick them off: Iran (1980, 1987-1988), Libya (1981, 1986, 1989, 2011), Lebanon (1983), Kuwait (1991), Iraq (1991-2011, 2014-), Somalia (1992-1993, 2007-), Bosnia (1995), Saudi Arabia (1991, 1996), Afghanistan (1998, 2001-), Sudan (1998), Kosovo (1999), Yemen (2000, 2002-), Pakistan (2004-) and now Syria.

            Violence (and hence war) are ugly and truth is the first causality, but to suggest that the west shouldn't have intervened in Kuwait or Bosnia is questionable.

          • @Diji1: Not really Christian if they are killing people and not loving their enemies!

            Would you call someone a vegan if they ate plenty of meat?

            Also what kind ofnattacks are you talking about?

        • -1

          This!!! all the churches must be guarded by the police on Christmas Eve…

  • -6

    A place we share bargains not politics, please.

    • +42

      It’s free admission to a Museum that would normally not be free, how is it political?

        • +38

          Then post them as a bargain, why come on here and neg something? Don't go if you are so offended.

          • +4

            @gamemaster: If they're normally free it technically wouldn't be a deal, so not worth posting for those :D

            Kevin didn't actually neg the post here in the comments instead, he's just being a jerk. Ah, I see negging is disabled. Probably wise mods, probably wise.

            • +2

              @ely: Oh wait, that's just because I'd +1ed it, you can neg it (and two have done so at this point in time). So yeah, Kev is a jerk in the comments but didn't (at the time of writing) neg the deal.

          • +5

            @gamemaster: That's actually a great suggestion (even if not qualifying as a deal); OzBargain listing all the museums (and similar attractions) that are free … School holidays looming etc.

            Shall make a start to get the ball rolling:

            Science Museum, Melbourne (free)
            Immigration Museum, Melb (free)

        • +18

          Price is normally $12, free tomorrow. Tell me how it is NOT a bargain?

        • +22

          Yes but this particular museum is normally $8-$12 and tomorrow is it’s free. Why are you bringing up other free museums. Next time Mount Franklin give out free bottles of water make sure you neg that for the same reason “water is free elsewhere”.

    • +23

      Free access to the museum which ordinarily costs money. It is the definition of a bargain.

    • -2

      I blame the post, of course it's gonna bring political bs here.

      This should not even be posted here, who cbf hearing this crap for the next 2 weeks.

  • +17

    How much hatred we’ve these days.

    • +17

      I'm sorry but I hate religion as much as KKK.

      Edit: also Apple

      • -1

        The Christchurch terrorist wasn't religious. Religion isn't the bloody problem.

        • +1

          Do we know that now? I hadn't seen it mentioned one way or another.

        • Understood racism was supposed the issue, because the guy had white supremist leanings. May be totally wrong of course as terrorists / extremists have ignorance and madness in common. I feel educated, sane people would never be indoctrinated to do such things.

        • +1

          He identified with the crusaders and knights templar but wasn't religious? Really makes you think.

      • +3

        Edit: also Apple


      • Apple offer a payment plan so you can join the elite with an easy finance schedule.

    • Apparently abundant as seen in this post

    • +1

      so much thanks to the far-rightists in reign.

  • +3

    Any bargains?

  • -8

    This is absolutely a political stunt and nothing to do with bargains.

    • +16

      Free access to the museum which ordinarily costs money. It is the definition of a bargain, is it not?

        • +17

          It is on the website, stop trolling.

          Family (2 adults + 2 children 12 and under) $35
          Adults $12
          Students/Concession $10
          Children (6-12 years) $8
          Children 5 years and under Free
          Teachers (with valid teacher registration ID) Free

    • +8

      The usual price is $12 and its free so it definitely a legit bargain.
      Others stated that it's been planned since January so not a reaction to recent events just close timing

  • +17

    Hate is so loud

    • +5

      Because being racist and spreading hate speech is normal now. The stupid are the loudest. Idiocracy

      • An empty vessel makes the loudest sound

  • +58

    I'm going to my local mosque to take some flowers and a card. I took flowers to Martin Place when that terrorist caused so much heartbreak. I'll take flowers to the mosque for the same reason. Terrorism knows no religion, as has been proven so devastatingly.

    All the hate toward the West by ISIS = terrorism. All the hate toward Muslims from the West = terrorism. Not rocket science.

    • +10

      It's not free already though

    • +2

      How tf is it “free already” when the OP just stated it’s normally $12 for adults and $19 for concession???

    • +3

      Why would you neg a bargain post when you have no clue of the value attached to it?

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