I’m going to sign a new plan, spent a few hours with Telstra, no discount at all.
and it seems this plan comes out tonight, seems it’s Better than JB Hi-Fi plan now.
I’m going to sign a new plan, spent a few hours with Telstra, no discount at all.
and it seems this plan comes out tonight, seems it’s Better than JB Hi-Fi plan now.
Wonder if JB will beat this?
Have JB price beat in the past?
It is UNLIMITED International Calls to those countries.
It does now. No need to neg this guy^
Hyper bowel super bowl omg bbq!!!
Yep. If you mean Piece of Mind Data.
So… Piece Of Mind Data means you get 60GB at full speed, then the speed drops to 1.5Mbps - but it's unlimited data? i.e. You can still browse websites, send/receive email?
The reason I'm asking is, on the Telstra site, just below where it explains this /\ it then says:
"You’ll receive Extra Data confirmation alerts each time we add 1GB of Extra Data to your allowance."
So in one paragraph they drastically reduce the speed but you won't pay more - the next they say they'll automatically add 1GB of data and charge you for it.
The $55/m 60G deal is still better as you get the $300 gift card.
Edit: I guess that is just without international calls, so YMMV.
I guess there are not international calls available on $49 plan. It says "Calls + SMS + MMSTo international numbers - Pay as you go or purchase an International Call Pack"
No, it says -
Unlimited national talk & text.
Unlimited international talk & text to 15 selected countries.
yes just noticed. I clicked on critical information and it was not showing international calls on that page as that info is general for all BYO plans
where is the list of those 15 countries?
Bangladesh, Canada, China, Hong Kong, India,
Lebanon, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, South
Korea, Sri Lanka, UK, USA and Vietnam.
Why is this a neg for this deal though? This is an awesome deal. 60gb on the most comprehensive network with unlimited international to 15 countries is great for $50pm.
I mean you're right but not really a reason to neg… it's a good deal for new customers, the implications for existing customers are irrelevant for a new customer.
Neg's gone duuuuude.
Once you join as a Telstra customer, you get roped in. When it comes time to recontract, you get stuffed over big time… Short term deal is good, but after not so much
Port to Optus daily Sim and port back after a day. Same same
Just takes a lot of time and effort to do, however is unfortunately required…
Save $8.50 a month for 10gig less a month with Optus: https://www.optus.com.au/shop/mobile/phones/sim-only?SID=con…
Or 50c more a month for 80gig. Your move Telstra.
Telstra service coverage leaves Optus a non-competitor at times.
This said as a previous long standing customer of Optus who has forced to switch because of metropolitan black spots Optus said they could not fix in the foreseeable future.
There is also the reverse in metro areas for Telstra funnily enough.
I would say that out in the country, Telstra still beats Optus. But in the city it kinda depends on where you live.
Wasn't always like this!
People like myself have been to the country 3 times in the last 3 years.. 2 of which Kogan was able to roam to another network.
Kogan doesn't roam onto other networks, they use the Vodafone network.
@spaceflight: False!!
Vodafone (Kogan) will roam onto the Optus 3G network in regional areas where there is no Vodafone base station.
On your device, you will see VODAFONE AUR instead of VODAFONE AU. The "R" represents roaming.
its crazy with optus I only get roughly 2mbps around town but with telstra I get like 150-200mbps lol
You on 5g already?
@plague69: No, just Telstra 4GX. I've noticed it too, however not to that degree. With Telstra, where I can get 350/400Mb down, I was only getting 50Mb/s down with Optus…
Optus was great when it worked. Try working in Docklands or using while on a Train in Melbourne. Take it from experience it's terrible. Then you actually feel ripped off on Optus. Virgin Mobile was better than Optus.. It was worth paying Extra 15 bucks , double the data , AFL free and a 200 JB gift card.
Funnily enough I have two devices - one each on Telstra and Optus. At Southern Cross and through the loop during peak hour, I often find the Optus device gets some service whilst the Telstra device will get literally almost nothing.
City loop Telstra S8 I get 3G displayed but not a trickle of data comes through. Useless
I believe Optus owns the equipment in the city loop and the other networks rent space from them.
I have no problems with Telstra 4G in the city loop.
There are dead spots in the city loop for Optus, the most noticeable ones are entering the loop at Southern Cross station, and the section of exiting the loop out to North Melbourne station. North Melbourne station is also sometimes a dead zone depending on what end of the platform you are on. There is also a small dead zone in the railyards where it splits between the Craigeburn line and Upfield.
I would say that is has improved in other areas over the last 2 years. 3 years ago it was super patchy all through the loop.
I literally get nothing on the city loop with Telstra. NFI why..
I'm pretty sure Optus has over sold there network.
Off peek 15-20mbps Peek times pretty much unusable.
If you dont need this much data, you can go onto the ALDI $25 plan with 9gb data and runs on the telstra network.
Or get 80gb on Telstra for $150 for 365 day expiry. Way cheaper than Aldi. Not enough data? Get 2 sims and you come out even with Aldi for way more data.
Wheres that deal?
The description sounds like the deal from Boost.
I cannot find the deal on the website. Did you mean $150 deal (6 months, 60gb) or $300 deal (365 days, 150gb)?
Weird. I saw it in a banner ad for Telstra on this very site. I can't find it either. So I guess the best deal is the latter deal you mention which is only 10gb less anyway. Still far better than Aldi.
Aldi = Telstra Wholesale, not the full Telstra retail network. For that you need Telstra directly, or Boost.
Negligible differences for 95% of customers.
What does Boost's 'full' Telstra 4G network even mean? Genuinely wanting to know because I may consider switching to Boost from Telstra.
Telstra calls their network 4GX.. and I easily hit speeds of around 180mbps. From what I can tell Boost seems to be throttled at 100mbps?
Boost does no stricted to 100mbps. Boost user can have full 4gx. I tried in brisbane city and sometimes over 100. However, in my home (away around 7km from cbd) even telstra retail just around 60mbps (iphone Xs)
@nguyentran: I am a bit confused because according to a post on Boost's forums
Hi Shalama,
A per Telstra's explanation - When analogue television was switched off in Australia, the spectrum it was running on – 700MHz – became available. We took up twice as much of this superior spectrum as any other carrier to deliver you 4GX.
Better in the bush – 4GX uses superior 700MHz spectrum that can go further than previous 4G frequencies, creating extra 4G coverage in rural and regional areas.
More for metro – 4GX offers extra 4G in-building coverage and faster 4G in-building speeds compared to our regular 4G, bringing speedy web access when you use a compatible device in a 4GX area.
I can confirm that 4GX speeds are not available to Boost customers.
@Harold Halfprice: However, when I chat with boost support. They told me that telstra and boost are identical. And I dont think we use mobile data with a speed more than 100mbps for. I’m confused now =)))
And I dont think we use mobile data with a speed more than 100mbps for
I don't quite understand what you're saying here?
But anyway, for reference, I just did a speedtest. These are my results 189 down / 44 up https://www.speedtest.net/result/a/4766177164
@Harold Halfprice: All of the telecom operators (Vodafone, Telstra etc) starting this month, will turn off their 3G networks in Metro areas. This will free up the extra band. This band will be extended to 4G and will help improve 4G services. Let's see, Vodafone might be able to beat Telstra in network speeds and coverage in most of the metro areas then Kogan will be all the rage with their low prices and generous data. I use Telstra as I find coverage of Telstra better in my workplace and at home (Sydney Northern Beaches). But it is expensive :(
or go with Telstra for $24 month and get 10gb + unlimited international calls. (buy prepaid vouchers on ebay)
I was going to suggest prepaid too. You can also bank data - I’m already up to over 100GB without trying. I buy recharge vouchers at Coles using discounted gift cards (so $28.50/m) but this helps me reach the minimum spend for flybuys to get the bonus points :)
Waiting to see if JB react to this deal…
Why the heck would Justin Bieber be interested in this deal ???
JV i think you got negged because Pramki was after a reaction vid from Jack Black not Justin Bieber
I guess you meant JV instead of JB?
Anyone manage to upgrade to this plan if you are already on telstra? I still have like 7 months left, but would like the international calls and extra data.
As a previous telstra store staff and jb staff member, the rule has always been if you sign up for a contract at a higher spend, and sign up for your new 12 month period, the previous contract is waived. But if you're currently at the same or lower plan cost per month it's trickier.
What is your current plan that you have 7 months left on?
Telstra chat offered me the $49 plan for $39 yesterday (after telling them that I wanted to cancel my plan).
I guess that would mean no double data though. So $39 for 30GB. Potentially a better option if you don't need the extra 30GB.
I think JB's deal is still better either way though. Effectively $30 p/m with a $300 gift card/cash from the phone.
this new $49 plan has international calls which cost $10. So for a plan with international calls, $39+10 =30G data, $40 has 60G data:)
Ahh yes, you're right, the $49 plan for existing customers doesn't include international calls.
Lol.. the guy on the chat even called me a 'valued customer' - obviously not as valued as those who aren't customers.
I got the same one for $39 but with international calls included.
from where did you get that deal? :)
Is there a data bank … I can't find it in the critical information..
forfeit unused data at the end of your cycle.
offer ends 29 March, perfect timing!
an example of how to do it, this was last weeks offer,
This weeks offer is optus from woolies $15 for ~40gb and Telstra deal from below now avail at coles this week
Buy 6 of the optus $10 Simcards from Coles (6 x 35gb) = 210gb for $60 which covers 168days
see here
or here $9
then buy 7 of the telstra $10 Simcard from Woolies (6 x 27gb) = 189gb for 196days
TOTAL COST: $130 a year including 399GB DATA and 364days access
The reason you have two company sims is so you port, keep the same number every time you change and 1 active service
Eg. Telstra —> optus —> Telstra —> optus etc….
A+ for effort above mate!!
I'd recommend the same technique but between Kogan $5 and CatchConnect with cashback for ppl who don't need Telstra
I do that but that on the Telstra network so: Telstra -> Woolies -> Boost
Only issue is porting difficulties between Boost and Telstra so Woolies is always the stepping stone.
Only for new customers. Pretty sure this deal has been around for a while.
I think its come and gone. Was available around December last year to new customers and as an existing contractor after a lot of effort on live Chat I eventually got them to give it to me. At the time there was also a bonus 5GB going so I got 65GB at $49. The 30GB for $39 offer was also readily available then too.
Just spend 30min chatting to Telstra chick and no luck for an existing customer =(
FWIW I got on the same plan in December while being an existing customer but it took something like a dozen or so attempts until I did. Different reps will do different things often. Keep trying if you have the patience.
Do Telstra offer family data pooling like Optus do?
Not any more. They used to but it's gone now that peace of mind (unlimited but throttled) data is available.
Ahh bugger.
Cheers for that Smigit.
Seems good deal
Still waiting for unlimited international calls to Indonesia :(
Already available on Boost and Telstra Prepaid among 20 (not 15) countries… but still not postpaid…
Do we get $45 cashback from Cashrewards?
Edit: It's $70 on Shopback.
shows up as $90 for me on cashrewards
That's 24 months with handset.
Otherwise it's $45 with 12 months post paid.
Is this month to month or on a contract?
12 month BYOD plan
No thanks.
Been with Telstra for about a year and I absolutely couldn’t wait to switch to other provider as their reception is horrible.
Atleast where I live.
Half the price of this deal and I still will not take this.
If the reception is good, I would
Looks like a really good deal op, but i just upgraded recently $29 for 30GB and unlimited calls etc LOL