Packets of Chocolate mini-eggs for $0.05 at Kmart Chadstone.
Located behind the courtesy desk, near the checkouts.
When I went through there today there was 1/2 a pallet left.
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$0.05 Packets of Chocolate Mini-Eggs; Kmart Chadstone

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…but they are so cheap!
… but they are so inedible!
umm say no to racism? learn some respect.
how exactly is saying that food made in China is dodgy racist? It's dodgy, it's a fact.
Could be true. Those white rabbit lollies that had rice paper wrapping apparently were taken off for a while because they were made of plastic or something.
slowly claps
wow you must be rich
most things in my home must be well…dodgy
Made in China FTW!
Issh, I use alot of things made in China…it's just food I don't like!
No offence to you Captain Obvious but you were obviously too cheap to choose something that is of better quality. There are made in china goods that are well made, do you hear about people complaining that their brand new Sony LCD or Panasonic Plasma is crap in quality? Then there are those who are too cheap and go get a Awa or DSE tv for next to nothing and then complain when its broken easily. These cheaper goods were designed to a cost and manufactured using cheap material so you can get the product for your price.
I always find it humourous when people buy home brand foods (not the safeway or coles branded even) and then complain…YOU GET WHAT YOU PAID FOR!
mate, I'm replying to a topic about chocolate eggs! Jesus, what is wrong with the people here? I honestly find it astounding that I talk about chinese chocolate being crap, then suddenly I'm a racist.
IQ checks aren't part of the signup process unfortunately.
Do you see people eating their brand new Sony LCD or Panasonic Plasma? They would die if they do :)
better not using your laptop, pc, mobile phone, or any electronic device that you got at home. 99% made in china. don't believe it? check it. still think made in china dodgy?
seriously, australia survive the crisis just something made in china, such as money. wheater you like it or not, it is the fact that your live is depend on china.i know this is off the topic mods, just want to share my opinion only to this person that still living in australia white policy minded.
though there is a major difference between electronics and the food china makes which we put into our bodies. for example, china used melamine in milk. pretty sure we don't want to drink that. In other words, err on the side of caution when eating china goods!
selective facts are one thing, but blind ignorance of all the facts is something else.
It's in reply to a POST ABOUT CHEAP CHOCOLATE. Show me exactly where I mentioned electronics of ANY kind.
i am replying your comment " but 'Made in China' = dodgy. "
did u said chocolate on this comment? that words mean in general product made in china, including people made in china. do you understand what you wrote in here can offend some people?lol i'm siding with you man. i'm saying electronics are different. I'd buy china made electronics but for chinese manufactured food I'd be a bit cautious.
Is there a limit?
Even if there isn't this is still a great deal!Nope, no signage indicating a limit. I bought 7 packets (for the whooping total of $0.35!).
Oh believe me - there's definitely no limit! Take them all…
You only got 7?? You could have rounded it up to 10 at least!! :P
Have you read the other thread about cheap Chinese chocolates from Kmart?
1kg bag Easter Hunt Mini Eggs @ Kmart Eastland - 50 cents each
They are so horrible! You would have to pay me to eat them again.
I work there, so I have full right to say that :p
Save your 5 cents kids!Although, if you have no tastebuds, you might enjoy them…or if you're attracted to shiny things (which is why all of us teammembers tried them in the first place)
Save your 5 cents kids!
i found the 5cents on the floor ;)
It's your funeral :p
Eww…chinese chocolate…even from the list of ingredients you can tell it's going to taste like crap!
MSG anyone?
I think you mean melamine.
EDIT: Melamine in milk is still a big problem in China.
China seizes 26 tons of melamine-tainted milk - April 2011…
^ I think you just won the internet.
Are you perchance a Redditor?
A what?
Taste like crap
Here is what I seriously don't understand!
These eggs taste worse then home brand compound chocolate.
I really don't get it..
Compound choc and made in China….double no thanks!!!
you are srsly negging 5 cent easter eggs???
Yes, I avoid food that comes from China and besides compound choc is crap. I'll spend an extra $2-3 and buy some proper Aussie milk choc
Agree. Its crap. 6c too expensive.
Couldn't agree more.
Deals like this are like an one legged man in an arse kicking contest, he isn't gonna win but he persists in trying (in this case getting some of these)
On the plus side…buy these for the kids and your almost guaranteed they won't ask for any chocolate from you ever again! Good money saver if you think about it!
Nice idea.. Lol
Why won't anyone listen to my idea of throwing them at people? :(
Justin Beiber :)
You should be teaching economics, very well thought out tiger
No…I just hate kids…
…In that case you can throw them at them ;-)
did anyone in here know that iphone, ipod, apple macbook also made in china as well?
Well thats it then, I'm not going to be eating any more of those now either.
Hmmmmm might consider an ipad at this price
Yes, but they are designed in California. That adds a few hundred to the value doesn't it?
Taking the iPhone for example, iSuppli estimated Foxconn's added value came to only $6 per unit. Virtually all the components that make up an iPhone are made in the USA, Germany, South Korea and Japan.
I saw these for 5c at Indooroopilly QLD. Some lady was complaining to the door person she paid 10c this morning. I didn't buy any.
Good move.
She must be an OB member
Okay this is ridiculous. I neg the deal because the chocolate is AWFUL, and get called a racist for it? Bloody hell people, grow up. Chinese chocolate is dodgy, as Cluster noted.
that's sexist!
lol, nice one sam :-p
It's probably just the wording rather than the sentiment that's the concern (for some).
Next time instead of "'Made in China' = dodgy". Make it "Chocolate made in China could be dodgy". It will save putting out the spot fires…Now back to the choc jokes ;-)
in this case, i agree with daydream. the wording can be misinterpreted and it can be have different meaning and it can offend some people.
My cats breath smells like cat food.
It probably ate one of these eggs!
Does that package say ingredients - Sugar, vegetable oil, thickener.. and so on. …Mmmmmm chocolatey.
You could buy them for $0.05 now and then hang them off the office Xmas tree as a joke? According to all reports they won't taste any worse in December than they do now.
Even if this was posted as a freebie i would still say no.
These probably are good for trick or treat day, where the treat is the trick!
I remember Kmart staff handed these out to guests walking into the store (Indooroopilly) during the Easter weekend. I had one and it wasn't bad tbh. I guess since all Easter eggs at Kmart are 1/2 price now so this packet was probably 10 cents hehe…
That's when we, as staffmembers, tried them for the first time. My friend, who was giving them out, tried to pour the whole bowl into my bag - he was trying to get rid of them so badly. Me and every staff member around me spat them out.
Wow, even kmart staff have taste
At prices so cheap, I might buy this to egg Justin Bieber!
Don't get arrested
Based on comments, I'd hate to think of what they taste like after the "best before" date ;-)
Funny how they are trying to clear this and similar cheap chocolate (different shapes/box) is being marked up for Mother's Day.
They should honestly pay us to remove these from their store. They would have to hire someone longer to throw them out otherwise.
Should really avoid any food from china, not only due to the melamine that was in milk powder and numerous other products. I suppose if you don't value your health and don't have taste buds then this is a bargain.
yuck buck!
I put these horrible eggs into a bowl with some good milk chocolate eggs from Woolies. Now every time it's like a lottery!
deal title is wrong…. this is not chocolate
notice the lack of the word chocolate on the packaging? have a look at the ingredient list to see why
did you think chocolate was made of… chocolate?
If you wanna die then sure, go ahead and buy it.
Really people these are 5c chocolates - get a life, trolls or troll feeds all of you….
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