Found this deal, also is valid for the other News Corp mastheads. Click the Kayo Offer tab to see prices.
Courier Mail
Daily Telegraph
The Advertiser/Adelaide Now
$365 per year ($30 per month) if you want both Kayo plus a News Corp digital subscription for an extra $5 per month and pay for a year in advance.
Or get Kayo for an extra $2 or $10 per month if you are already paying for News Corp subscription at the non discounted market price of $28 per month to month or $20pm/$260py for a yearly subscription.
$35 per month if you want to pay month to month.
Can’t wipe my arse with a digital subscription (all that News Corp is good for with the print paper) so best off saving the cash and getting a Kayo subscription separately and getting better quality toilet paper (your arse will thank you for it).