• expired

½ Price - Vegie Delights Frozen Tender Crumber Schnitzels or Not Burgers $3.25 @ Woolworths


I really like the Tender Crumbed Schnitzel, pan fried and placed in an Aldi brioche burger buns - with fancy lettuce, mayonnaise, tomato relish. - and a side of oven baked potato wedges.

website links-

Vegie Delights Not Burger 340g

Vegie Delights Tender Crumbed Schnitzel 300g

Mod: Removed inflammatory statement.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    The BBQ ones were my favourite… Haven't seen them in ages! Love then all really though :)

  • +13


    You should mark this post as targeted

  • -3

    like all vegetarians… but am too conceited to give up my moral high ground

    Tell that to the dairy cows you pay to have anally fisted with a gloved hand while they're being insemiminated and their children you pay to have killed so you can take mum's milk.

    Good deal though

    • +3

      Tell that to the dairy cows you pay to have anally fisted with a gloved hand while they're being insemiminated

      that's not how babies are made

      very very very few cows are artificially inseminated - source: I used to work on a dairy farm

      • -2

        Tell yourself that.

        They all end up as hamburgers though when you can't eke out as much tittyjuice from them as you can their daughters. Murdering and vegetarianism - same, same.

        • +20

          Not sure what’s going on here. One dude posts vegetarian burgers, second dude is triggered for some unknown reason.

          • -1


            I really miss … the murdering of animals

            The burgers are fine. Just had issue with the false statement quoted above.

        • I thought there were cows around that weren't for meat?

        • +14

          Genuine questions, asked with only good intentions, from another vegan:

          1) do you personally see this as a black or white issue? As in, being a vegetarian is as “bad” as being a frequent meat eater? But objectively, there are different levels of harm that different lifestyle choices can cause, so why not encourage others when they make choices that result in less harm, even if the choices don’t result in no harm? Keeping in mind none of us live lives that result in no harm to other living things.

          2) does it matter to you personally why someone does something, if you agree with the action? So if someone is a vegetarian who jokes about murder - they’re still a person abstaining from meat, so why do the jokes matter? Also, if your ultimate goal is to convince people to eat no animal products (personally, I think that’s a laudable goal even though I acknowledge some may disagree), have you considered you might be more successful at that if you sell the message in a more approachable and less combative way?

          • -2


            1. You ask the cow that is being exploited and killed if they're happier that happening for meat or milk. (all dairy cattle end up being killed for meat anyway when they are economically disadvantagous as milk machines)

            2. I have considered it. I have tried it. My own experience is that it's no more effective than being an arsehole brutally honest. That's just me. I play both ways, depending on the situation. Why don't you give it a go the "nice" way right now?

            • +7


              1. Agreed, there is a number of exploited/killed cattle in that scenario. But there are not also a number of exploited/killed chickens, pigs, lambs, in addition to the cattle. Objectively, that’s a better outcome from an animal rights perspective.

              2. I think perhaps if you’re counting things like numbers of people directly converted to veganism by the influence of one person, you’re probably right, because the message of one person alone is not going to do much. But like it or not, society sees vegans not just as a group of people who follow a particular diet, but as a subculture. And of the perception is that vegans are negative, combative, arseholes who are brutally honest all the time, then fewer people will want to be associated with being vegan because of the subculture, even if they they are open to the idea of skipping the animal products. In my experience, being non-judgemental of other people, and being willing to talk positively about the benefits of veganism, is a much better way to get people on board or at least open to and not antagonistic towards being vegan.

              • -1


                In my experience, being non-judgemental of other people, and being willing to talk positively about the benefits

                As a general matter: yes.

                My aim here is not to "convert" anyone, that's their own job. A public forum is IME a place where people are least amenable to have their opinions changed. I'm happy enough if just one person on the sidelines has a tiny cerebral jolt. OP mocked murder; I thought it fair to respond.

              • +1

                @deanspn: thevofa is a great example of the negative subculture attributed to vegans. I'm a vego myself but haven't gone vegan partly because of the seemingly toxic culture. I understand that people have a right to be angry at their situation but surely there's more productive ways to do it than blind anger?

                • -2


                  I'm a vego myself but haven't gone vegan partly because of the seemingly toxic culture.

                  Listen to yourself:

                  "I exploit and kill cattle and chickens and will continue to do so because I don't like the attitude of some of the people who don't."

                  • +2

                    @fantombloo: You should listen to yourself. Due to your hostility you're directly making a negative impact to the vegan movement just to fulfill, what I assume is, a deficiency in your ego. Next time someone thinks of going vegan, they might think of you decide they don't want to be associated with this sort of toxicity.

                    You're one of the people that will keep the mainstream from accepting veganism anytime soon.

                    • -1


                      Due to your hostility you're directly making a negative impact to the vegan movement

                      I'm amazed at how much nonvegans know the depths of the "vegan movement" (whatever that is?) and how to improve and grow it, yet will not become part of it themselves.

                      Like I know how to get a big pot of gold, but I don't have any gold. See?

                  • +1

                    @fantombloo: As a non-vegan I have to agree and call bs. I don't agree with everything you say, or mostly the way you say it, but not becoming a vegan because some vegans are dicks is rubbish.

                    For me, selfishly, it's for the convenience while I figure out switching to a vegan diet. As someone who ate red meat at least twice a day and didn't really eat vegetables and doesn't like the texture of beans or legumes, it's an adjustment. I'm getting there, but sorry to the animals in the meantime.

                    • -1

                      @Miss B: Good on you.

                      I'm not going to say how easy or hard it is to do anything, but I do know that every person I know that lives vegan says they regret not just taking the plunge and doing it sooner; they look back and wonder what the fuss was about. Me included.

            • +4


              You ask the cow that is being exploited

              I asked a cow, and she replied that as a domestic animal, her very existence was predicated on her species' usefulness to humans. If we did not eat meat and dairy, she never would have existed. Better to live and be eaten than never to have lived at all.
              Death is inevitable for all individuals, wild or domestic, including humans. Only humans (allegedly) suffer from a very concrete knowledge of their mortality, and cows are lucky that way. Also their death is quick and painless, not clinging to undignified life on a hospital bed, until the morphine finally brings release.
              I told Harry he made a good ventriloquist for a dairy farmer, and a better philosopher.

              • -1


                If we did not eat meat and dairy, she never would have existed.

                Farmers and others tell us they have their animals because they love them. Good to know you see through that bs.

              • +3

                @bargaino: I'm currently trying to rationalise with a broody hen and convince her that the egg she's sitting on isn't fertilised and hence she's only setting herself up for disappointment in 21 days when it doesn't hatch.

                No matter how hard I try I can't get her to see my point of view. I'm assuming that this is because I don't speak chicken but I'd really like to save her the psychological torment as, being vegan, I know that she will feel the same depth of emotional devastation that a human mother does when her child is stillborn.

                Any suggestions you have for what I should do would be helpful.

                • @Pantagonist: I realise not all vegans, but I'm impressed you know about unfertilised eggs.

                  • +1

                    @mapax: That's probably because I'm not vegan, and my post was made with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek.

            • +2


              You ask the cow that is being exploited and killed if they're happier that happening for meat or milk. (all dairy cattle end up being killed for meat anyway when they are economically disadvantagous as milk machines)

              I just went out the back and did this. The cow said "moo". What do I take from this?

              Tell that to the dairy cows you pay to have anally fisted with a gloved hand while they're being insemiminated

              I think you're doing it wrong.

              • -1

                @Seraphin7: That's the cows. The bulls fare no better but I'm sure many here will say it's a free orgasm so the bulls should be happy, or it's the farmers loving their cattle, or something like that.

          • +1
          • +2

            @deanspn: just fyi, I've approached thevofa the same way in the past, also as a vegan, and it's pretty clear this person just wants to stroke their own ego and pick a fight with anyone. I obviously agree with the points on livestock agriculture, but there's a much more diplomatic way this person can argue their points without receiving so much backlash from insulting everyone.

        • +4

          They all end up as hamburgers though

          no, some become pet food.

          • source: I used to work on a dairy farm
        • +1

          Maybe if you ate some delicious beef or chicken, you wouldn’t be so angry and aggressive all the time.

      • -2

        Very very very few cows are artificially inseminated ?? Are you kidding ?? Maybe on the farm you worked for but definitely not true for the whole. How do you think we get all milk in the stores if only very very very few are artificially inseminated. Its called a rape rack in the milk factory on a mass scale. Lets not distort how milk supply to millions of people is really done.

        • +1

          no, I'm not kidding.
          I don't know of any dairy farms within a 50 km radius of where I worked that had a "rape rack"
          i have never heard of that term before you posted it.

          How do you think we get all milk in the stores if only very very very few are artificially inseminated

          you see son, when a mummy cow and daddy bull really love each other then they get really close to each and hug.

          • -2

            @altomic: Maybe its time to do a lookup on the term "rape rack" and understand why its given that name.

            • +3

              @wchau: think about it (I know you're not because you don't want to ) but you couldn't even understand or rationalise or consider (without the hyperbole you have been spoon fed about "rack rape" -what ever that is ) that the vast vast vast majority of animal breeding is done naturally.

              How do you think we get all milk in the stores if only very very very few are artificially inseminated

              i had to repeat your…..stupid statement.

              as seriously, there is no other way to describe your utter ignorance of basic farming practices.

              also, the truth is , when farmers are confronted with the choice between :

              (a) putting a bull in a paddock with a field of cows (who are in season) and letting nature take its course, and the farmer having to do basically no work


              (b) buying bull semen (not cheap….it comes at a price), herding up the cows, artificially inseminating each one, which takes time and effort and a lot of work.

              and artificial insemination is less successful for impregnation than letting the bull and cows go for it.

              then which one do you think the farmer would choose?

              which one?

              (a) very little work, no cost and more successful?;


              (b) considerable work, expensive and less successful?

              I seriously would like to hear from you which method do you think a farmer would opt for? a or b ?

              • +2

                @altomic: hard to argue against this logic…

                I'm sure the vegan will hit back with something.

                • @flashi007: looks like I've been beaten in this argument through the use of silence.

                  logic has been foiled again.

                  • @altomic: Sorry, have not been on this scene for a while and just noticed this.. I won't add much. Look up the "rape rack" and see for yourself. I don't need to argue.(and the whole of Australia farms is not 50km radius of where you live )

                    Truth is they exist and they exist for a reason which means there is a option C… which you conveniently omit.

    • +13

      anally fisted with a gloved hand while they're being insemiminated

      Brings back memories of my wedding night.

      • +1

        We covering a lot of hentai genres here very fast.

    • That seems so wrong. Glad I use my money to buy meat instead.

    • +4

      Holy smokes. I only came here for Eneloops.

  • +1

    Oh. Ok. Missed that. I thought you had a problem with the burger for some unknown reason!? My bad.

  • +2

    Hardly ever get this low the price. Thumbs up!

    • +1

      is this stuff a bargain? Do they stand out for the quality of their ingredient/nutrients?
      Take the schnitzels for instance have shy of 30 ingredients, with the main ones being water, vegetable oils, soy and wheat proteins, starches.
      Genuine questions.

      • I don't recall a similar question about the content of the Telsa model S / X discounts. Almost everything is made up of carbon on earth. Because carbon is cheap therefore nothing is of value because you're building it from a fundamentally abundant source.

        There really is nothing to discuss. On the price basis it is better than usual but if you really want to haggle about ingredients I hope you have a personal chef, look him / her in the eye and bargain down their salary.

        • I find the carbon building block comparison a bit smart arse, but this is just my opinion.

          I understand that the food industry (including restaurants) price the final product based on the quality of the ingredients/nutrients.
          This criteria is also how I buy and pick products, unless it's fast food/junk, as they give no value for money in terms of nutrients/quality.

          In terms of flavours: it does not take much to taste nice- even a shoe sole is nice when deep fried and loaded with salt and starch.

          • @Hasbulla: Price the final product based on quality of ingredients / nutrients. Seriously?

            • @netjock: too obvious? not longer sure about what's the point here.
              Surely it's a bargain for the original price and a great find, but was the product worth the money to start with?

              • @Hasbulla: Tesla worth the price to start off with now we know it is possible to be discounted by 33%

                No the food you buy is not based on price of ingredients and quality. As Gordon Ramsay says 1/3 cost is produce, 1/3 labor and 1/3 profit. How does it feel knowing you are getting 33c in the dollar of value?

                • @netjock: this is applicable to restaurants and decent food
                  this does not apply to junk/snacks/fast "food" point in case

                  • @Hasbulla: Take the schnitzels for instance have shy of 30 ingredients, with the main ones being water, vegetable oils, soy and wheat proteins, starches.

                    To quote from you the above is junk food? This is not restaurant food. This is frozen food like your 3.5 stars Maccains Healthy Choice Honey Chicken stir fry. Don't think of this as a Tesla, it is more like Camery of food.

      • I think they stand out for their taste. Coupled with the fact they rarely go on 50% off I reckon it's a bargain!

      • Yeah I think they taste good, and at this price definitely, are a bargain!

  • -2

    It's good to kill cows and chicken to eat. Much better than abusing them for milk and eggs.

  • -5

    Even meat substitutes raises IGF-1 levels and cause cancer so eat this not at all or very rarely.

  • -3

    but the murdering of animals as well

    1. the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

    I also found this in the wiki….
    Any comment or post that is made to, or appears to be, intended to incite controversy or conflict or cause annoyance or offence is considered “trolling”. The content of a “troll posting” generally falls into several areas. It may consist of an apparently foolish contradiction of common knowledge, a deliberately offensive insult to the readers of the website, or a broad request for trivial follow-up postings.

    • Negging to disagree with the definition of murder, or with ozbargain's rules? Either way, both are facts!

      • Meh, didn't neg you but I wouldn't call op trolling, but I guess it's close.
        Lol, based on op's logic does that make me a pimp and a hitman since I have been involved in farming?

    • +4

      joke n. Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line.

      from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

      It's a good deal, with a bit of a joke in the intro. Not a troll post, IMO.

      • with a bit of a joke in the intro

        Have you seen any vegan activists? I have. It's no joke.

        • +2

          I know vegans & vegetarians who would laugh at the joke. I'm sure there are meat industry activists out there who're violently angry this product even exists too.

          • @abb:

            I'm sure there are meat industry activists out there who're violently angry this product even exists too

            If they exist, they don't go invading other people's homes and frightening children.

            • @heal:

              If they exist, they don't go invading other people's homes and frightening children.

              Farmers: "You vegans don't know crap. Have you ever been to a farm to see what we do?"

              Vegans: "We're here - show us what you do!"

              Farmers: "You're invading private property, these animals are mine, piss off or we'll call the cops. We also want a law that prevents anyone knowing where we keep our animals."

        • Have you seen any vegan activists? I have. It's no joke.

          Vegans talk, sometimes shout.

          Nonvegans fund slaughterhouses and the misery of trillions of animals every year.

          Correct, it's no joke.

          • @fantombloo:

            Vegans talk, sometimes shout

            And the rest. You forgot to mention militant vegan activism.

            Nonvegans fund slaughterhouses and the misery of trillions of animals every year.

            Sounds like a ends justifies the means argument.

            • -2


              militant vegan activism

              Really? What is that? People accuse me of that on this forum all the time - for making comments, while they are paying for the actual stabbing of animals en masse.

              Care to tell me the number of actual militant acts committed by "radical" and militant animal rights groups world wide? The number of actual personal injuries caused?

  • As a long-term traveller I often dabble in veganism out of necessity (get turned off long-life dairy and canned fish). I used to laugh at the stereotype of the grumpy vegan but it's one of the most faithful stereotypes I've encountered. A lot of backpackers in South America are vegan and one of the scariest things I discovered was that I had an interesting but mostly useless "non-vegan radar". If someone was what I would consider radiant, bubbly and self-confident (not just smiling and friendly), they were 100% not vegan. This isn't implying that 100% of non-vegans have these qualities. Most people are dull regardless of diet. But I have a keen eye for "brooding" and vegans brood.

    So I don't know if it's the lack of B12 in organic foods (the body can sometimes store B12 for three to five years) or a hyperactive response to ingredients in animal products, but for me there's a definite observational association, regardless of causation.

    Anyway, I have to get back to brooding myself as I'm traveling long-term at the moment.

    • I’m a grumpy Vegan because my high fibre diet causes me four toilet trips a day. At 65kg it’s a real concern for me as Im 6ft and should be at least 70kg. When it gets really bad I consume some chicken to slow down the IBS/SEBO symptoms. Don’t miss beef,lamb or pork. Dairy taste foul now. Still I miss the days where I didnt over analyse everything I did and consumed

      • I'm the same. I haven't sought to be diagnosed with any intestinal issues, but in my case there's a limit to how much fibre one can ingest regardless of how often and how much you eat it. A diet rich in rye, oats, green beans and chickpeas is hard to get used to.

        When I'm hungry I like the smell of red meat on a barbecue but I don't seem to digest it that we'll.

    • That's a lot of baseless thinking, isn't it?

      • Yes, obviously. I haven't examined my ability in a blinded study with rigorous controls. And my perception can be different to everyone else's (what I consider brooding might not be seen that way by another, hence why I stated for me).

        I won't get into my previous employment experience (unfortunately I prefer anonymity on OzBargain), but seemingly pointless observations like this are often tested in funded research. At least it won't be another armpit sniffing experiment or based on physical attraction.

        A lot of research touches on the much more sensitive subject of eugenics. I think veganism is widespread enough in Australia that you can perform epidemiological studies without offending people's cultural or religious beliefs. Well, except the brooding ones ;)

      • +1

        P.S. Just in case you didn't know, there have been lots of studies linking vegetarianism to depression, some with contrary findings. Most of my vegan friends are aware of these studies (they get hammered with the B12 thing all the time) so I don't know the average knowledge of an OzBargainer. But as always, correlation does not mean causation. And scientists f up selecting appropriate controls all the time.

        And since I don't like eating meat like I used to, I hope my observations and scientific studies are wrong.

        • Just in case you didn't know, there have been lots of studies linking vegetarianism to depression

          Of course there are. So too are geniuses. So too are most marginalised groups. The more you know…

          The red pill is hard to swallow, sometimes hard to keep down. It's not done for fun.

          • @fantombloo: Lol who has funded these studies? Let me guess the meat and dairy industries! What a lot of croc. Eating a plant based diet will greatly assist your health and wellbeing.

        • Vegetarians on number are healthier and happier and live 10 years longer than people who eat meat. Everyone says they love animals but how can they say that when they eat chickens raised in terrible conditions, they by buying these chickens pay the people who do this to innocent animals, they are responsible for it just as if they did it themselves, they won't get away with it either, karma, enjoy your next afterlife, perhaps living the life of every animal you have eaten from birth to slaughter, I'd say it's fair.

          • @freemoneyhunter:

            they won't get away with it either, karma, enjoy your next afterlife, perhaps living the life of every animal you have eaten from birth to slaughter,

            If I kill a plant, do I come back as a plant? What if I'm an atheist? If I buy beef in bulk, like a whole/half cow, does that make it better or worse?

            Please elaborate

    • Idiots who come on here to take a chance to give other people a back hander. Nothing to do with the deal. I do quite enjoy the fact you are qualified to speak to because you dabbled in veganism. You are a bit closer to the pub crowd that tell stories about "I got a mate of a mate which this happened to…. " conveniently not found when you need to find the person in question.

      The instragram generation is always grumpy unless they are travelling business / first class. There is a good broad brush generalisation for you!

    • +2


      "In central and eastern European countries this mushroom is usually prepared similarly to a cutlet. It is usually run through egg and breadcrumbs and then fried in a pan with some oil or butter."

      A schnitzel/cutlet can be many things.

    • The activists (well six of them anyway) have SPOKEN, my negative vote has been revoked.

      At least whilst they are voting on ozbargain, they are not "rescuing" animals by invading farms.

      • Obvious troll is obvious.

  • +1

    Just kill animals and eat, like your ancestors did with spears. What is this new vegetarianism? Do you like to evolute into fungi?

    • Sure. They also spent all day and days without food hunting. I am not sure you've got time between your day job, having to drive Uber etc to survive hunting.

      • I don't think the ancestors hunted animals because they had no other food.

        • Oh so now you're saying they are vegetarians who hunted for entertainment so they can give them a kiss and throw them back?

    • +2

      Not many people kill animals to eat, they just buy them already butchered.

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