Original PLUSMORE 15-20% off all items at Selected Sellers on eBay Deal Post
That's, the Ozbargain spirit!
Not sure if this includes SD adapter but every cent counts ha
Edit: OK the other deal i posted includes the SD adapter, this deal is without SD adapter. If you want the SD adapter the other deal is better.
Yes, it does
how do these perform in samsungs (S8?).
Are the sandisk extremes a massive leap up for use in a phone? (Samsung don't seem to make A2 cards, or even A1, so don't know IOPS on these evo's. I am using the 128GB Evo I bought from amazon last year for my s7 in my s8 and it works but isn't as fast as the NFS 2.1 obviously.
Delivery kills it.
Thanks OP, bought a 128gb one.
4c cheaper than yesterday