This was posted 6 years 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free 20 GB Monthly Data @ Windscribe VPN


Enjoy :)

Note : If you already got 20GB + Data on your existing accounts then do not use this code as this may downgrade to 20GB.

Apply code to get 20GB data monthly.

New users Go to Signup and fill these

  • UserName
  • Password
  • Password again
  • Email id
  • Do you have voucher ? Add code here "EXPAND20"

Those who already have Windscribe account.. just go to your "Account —Account Status—Claim Voucher" & add this code

What is it?
You can use Windscribe for free, for as long as you like. With a confirmed email address you get 10GB/month of data, unlimited connections and access to over 10 countries.

Referral Links

Referral: random (168)

Via Website ONLY (not via apps): Both referrer and referee get extra 1GB/month. Referrer gets Pro upgrade after referee upgrades.

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closed Comments

  • Any got reviews for this?

    • +11

      I have a paid subscription to this and it works great. Not sure about the free version unfortunately.

    • I got a free account with them. Its very limited so don't expect to watch Netflix from other regions.

        • +3

          Windflix for my free account isn't available. For Premium accounts only.

      • Windflix us is shithouse. Only one server and 1.5Mbps at best with fluctuations during peak time.

        • +3

          Actually, Windflix US is great, speaking from personal experience. If you're just using it to watch Netflix, as it's intended to be used for, it's totally fine. Obviously, a lot of people would be using it solely to stream so it shouldn't be your primary server, it's just meant to let you watch US and UK Netflix in AU. For your normal browsing, you should use a different server for faster speeds.

    • +5

      I have the paid version and it works perfectly for Netflix US and UK

      • I have the paid version and it seems to recognize that I am out of the UK/ USA/ Canada for basic sites
        Netflix is a faraway dream
        I wonder what I am doing wrong

        • If you have the paid version, then you should have access to US and UK Windflix, which are guaranteed to work on Netflix, if not other sites. Have you tried those? Netflix won't work on other servers as they're very aggressive in blocking VPN's.

    • No difference in speed between the paid and free version from what I can tell. The free version has less servers and no dedicated server for Netflix.

      • +1

        Regarding the comment about the speeds, I noticed a huge difference in speed but not for everything. The normal browsing did not seem affected.

        Few comments above someone said that windflix should work with the free version. Haven't tested it myself.

        • Oh OK, must have got Windflix mixed up with the dedicated Indian server only being on the paid version. As I need the Indian server so I can watch the NBA for $19 for the whole season 😀

    • +3

      Also have paid subscription, works pretty well.
      It's fairly fast I just got the following speeds/pings

      No VPN - 41mbps 5ms
      Windscibe Best Location - 37mbps 9ms
      Windflix US (for netflix) - 8mbps 240ms

    • Tried using it, but the setup complained about my LAN ip range (1.1.1.#). Emailed support asking them to fix it, they replied it can't be done.

      Every other VPN provider I've tried has no problem AT ALL with my choice of LAN ips.
      Less of a review of their service and more of a heads up for anyone interested.

      • +1

        Why not change your LAN IP range to a more traditional 192.168.1.* or 10.1.1.*

      • +2

        I see this as more your problem. you are using a public ip address range. So you can not route through any of the cloudfare DNS servers. I'd tell you to go jump as well.

        • Firstly, DNS servers resolve domain names, they don’t route.
          Secondly, all external packets have a public source address determined by NAT allocated by ISP - his internal address space is irrelevant.
          Normally, VPN client creates a virtual interface and full-tunnels all outgoing traffic (with actual address used only to access DHCP server and gateway). I’d like to know why poster’s VPN fails.

          • -1

            @AlexF: You can't use DNS (or any other service) if your routing doesn't work. He can't use cloudfare DNS as he would be searching in internal network.
            There is a reason very specific subnets are reserved for internal/private network. If Necron knew what he was doing, he wouldn't be complaining to support, they rarely know about special setups.

            • @BlueElephant: And yet, despite (according to you) not knowing what I'm doing, my setup has never failed me and has never had any problems with other companies' solutions. You might even think I would change it if it was causing me as many problems as you're suggesting.

              For those querying my choice of ip range: for the purpose of reaching my LAN network it makes sense to type an IP that is as short and easy to enter as possible. I can bang out quite easy.

              Windscribe could at the very least include an "I know what I'm doing" tickbox to let the program install and run.

            • @BlueElephant:

              You can't use DNS (or any other service) if your routing doesn't work. He can't use cloudfare DNS as he would be searching in internal network.

              It's quite obvious that he doesn't care about Cloudflare DNS or anyone else (APNIC) on public

          • @AlexF: It's less of the VPN failing and more of the installer halting progress. I could attempt changing my IP on the computer installing it and setting it back to my usual IP after, but I can forsee the program performing checks on startup as well.

            • @Necron:

              more of the installer halting progress

              perhaps, installing on public subnet implies commercial or corporate use.

    • As others have said, I have the paid version and love Windscribe! Never had any issues :)

    • Am a lifetime member of Windscribe. It's very fast and does the job well. I've tried quite a few, and so far only ExpressVPN has been able to match With describe speed from personal experience. Unfortunately it doesn't work well if you intend on going to China

    • +6

      Are you okay? You seem grumpier than usual.

      • -3

        You seem grumpier than usual.

        What makes you think I'm grumpy?

  • +2

    It really is free, no strings attached

    • +14

      Why bother with him.

      • -3


  • +1


  • Great VPN - Don't take my word for it as I have experience using this VPN.

    • +17

      Trying reverse psychology?

  • +3

    I think I got 50GB from a previous deal. Does that sound familiar? Haven't used it much (at all?).

  • +4

    Got 60GB free deal from OZB deal. It informed me that using this code would reduce it from 60GB to 20GB per month.

    • Ohh is it ? Let me add to OP. Thanks
      We can just create another new account as backup then :)

      • +2

        Windscribe has a nasty habit of tracking down duplicate accounts and deactivating them.

        • I too have heard this.

          • +2

            @adr8: I have personally experienced this.

            • @alvian: Do you know how they figured it out? That sucks.

              • @Zazer: No, but I'll tell you how to probably 'unfigure' it out for them…

                The most likely method is when you have a dynamic IP address (your IP changes every time your modem turns off/on again). Log out/close Windscribe, turn modem off, clear browser cookies & cache, turn modem on, log into second Windscribe account.

                If you have a static IP address, clearing cache/cookies - and using a different browser - MIGHT still work (no point in resetting the modem though).

                And obviously use different email/details for each.

                Note: Also works for sites like rapigator/nitroflare/ to bypass the irritating 1-24 hour delays when downloading files.

  • +6

    This VPN worked great when I visited China a couple of months ago

  • Damn was hoping the 50/60gb free would be back! Nevertheless, signed up! Thanks

  • So does the free version do US Netflix or not? Seems like from the website it should, but user experience is no?

    • Not working for me on free version

    • Not for the free version.

  • +3

    Windscribe is a great VPN, I got it for $13 for 3 years a while back and it's been excellent.

    • +2

      I got the lifetime subscription a few months ago for around $40, only because the Windscribe rep on reddit mentioned they weren't going to offer it for much longer.

    • exact same situation, can't recommend it more

  • Would this vpn work in China so I can access google fb and google maps ?

    • Puffinfresh indicates that it worked for him.

    • Worked great for me in China. I got the $2USD for a month of unlimited US usage on Windscribe and it could even stream YouTube reliably most of the time.

  • +1

    its good i got 3 years for $13 a few months back. Also have a free account with 60 gb a month.

  • +1


  • this is only for a 1 year right ?

    • Nope, permanent increase.

  • I assume requiring a valid email, allows them higher paid user tracking revenue.

  • I have the 50 Gb free deal and used it for few years now. Was handy for 4 months in the UAE with all their blocked crap. It was fiddley in the UAE as you had to try different servers to get it to work, sometimes took 5 minutes or so but eventually got there - been fantastic in oz and use on my tablet and phone as well

  • I already have the Pro account paid off until 2025. Under my account it says my bandwidth usage is
    '7.23 MB / Unlimited'

    Does that mean this code is unnecessary for me?

    • +2

      I think you answered your question already :-)
      Pro account : Unlimited + 20GB = Unlimited

      Or it may downgrade from Unlimited to 20GB ;-)

      • +2

        Thanks. Yeah I wasn't sure if bandwidth was the same thing this voucher was referring to. Cheers.

    • +1

      Yes this code is unnecessary for you. If you have the lifetime subscription you can email customer support in 2025 and they will extend it by another 10 years.

      • It's not a lifetime sub, it was a one year sub and two 3 year subs stacked.
        I got it here from Stack Social.

        I got it a little cheaper than that, but those prices are still decent.

        I highly recommend Windscribe. Their app on iOS and Android is excellent, and PC is great, too.

        • It's currently showing sold out for me at stacksocial.

          • +1

            @adr8: Ah it is too. It comes back pretty regularly though. There is another mirror site that does the same deals, too. Can't remember what it's called, but Ozbargain knows…

            …this was it;


            Currently sold out, too. It'll come back.

            • @Ge3ks: There was a Dealfuel one a while back as well, but I'm inclined to believe that it won't be coming back. Their support is really top notch (they're pretty active on their subreddit, r/Windscribe), and they mentioned here 5 months ago that they were going to stop selling lifetime licenses, so just keep in mind you may not be able to get it again.

              • @Zazer: What about the 1,2 & 5 year subs though. They can be stacked. That's what I have done.

                • @Ge3ks: That may be possible, can't speak to that myself. Was just commenting on the fact that if you're holding off to get lifetime, you may be waiting a lifetime for it, haha :)

  • +1

    What's the point of this in oz?

    • +5

      Protect your privacy, buy streaming services in other countries/currencies to get discounts, etc etc

  • Just out of interest, how much do people typically use in a month? (Trying to work out how much usage 10GB is enough for.)

  • Thanks OP. Am overseas and needed this.

  • Will this work for kissanime?

  • +1

    If you unsubscribe from their email spam your account will be downgraded. My account has been downgraded to 2GB per month.

    • Email spam?? What? I've gotten an email from them maybe twice or thrice in my 6 months or so of using them.

  • Hmmmm why would I need this? What do you use it for

  • I not even use Windsribe that much, but is good to have in case I need to watch location blocked contend. Those +10 gb will come handy , that for sharing.

  • +1

    Signed up and working. Thanks OP!

  • Edit - Please delete, mod.

    • +1

      Just BTW, what I figured out by accident is if you edit a comment and remove everything, then try to post the comment, it will say that it's an empty comment and would you like to unpublish it, then if you click that you can unpublish it yourself :)

  • +2

    Thanks BA - thanks to this deal remembered I have a free windscribe account with 50GB

    • Similar. I have a free 60GB account. I barely use it though. Very rarely the free servers work with Netflix.

  • +2

    Just by the way, anyone who may be interested in watching US or UK Netflix using this, they have a really good deal going on where you can "Build" your own plan, adding on countries that you would like. Here's the details:

    Build A Plan allows you to purchase individual locations for $1/each. Each location comes with an extra 10GB of data. If you want unlimited data and access to R.O.B.E.R.T., that's an extra $1/month.

    Link, ($2 minimum)

    So you could theoretically just pay $2/month for US Netflix, and unlimited data for it. Sounds like a good deal to me!

  • As others have said, I have the paid version and love Windscribe! Never had any issues :)

    They even have a subreddit where their support is really active and they do giveaways and things!

    I'd definitely recommend giivng Windscribe a go :)

  • I also have the paid lifetime subscription. Got it about 6 months ago to replace PIA which was costing too much. Very happy with Windscribe, though yet to test overseas.

  • Is there anyway to get Netflix US to Chromecast I can play it fine on mobile just not Chromecast I know the browser trick on desktop but want to operate via mobile

    • I have tried and failed. Chromecast just hates VPNs. I think the only way would be to have the VPN control your whole network at router level (Windscribe can be configured on an OpenWRT router, they provide instructions) and then blocking the Google DNS that is hard coded into the Chromecast. It's very tricky! Too much for my brain.

      • Can you just cast your screen, rather than through the Netflix app?

    • how do you get it to play on browser. I get an error (even tried the paid premium route for US)

      • I just cast tab from desktop PC to Chromecast it's seems to work but not on all US servers you need to try a few

        • thanks. I tried like 15 servers and none of them work. Get the error page where Netflix says I'm using a firewall or proxy

  • Never used a VPN before, but would this be useful for privacy when using torrentday etc… not that I would download movies illegally.

    • Yes, of course. They're one of the most privacy-oriented VPN's out there.

  • would not recommend this VPN if i recall there privacy policy is B.S

    • How so? Windscribe is one of the most privacy-oriented VPN's out there.

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