• expired

$10 for New (Referred) Signup to Up Banking


$10 for a new signup to Up transaction account.

Step 1. Simply follow the referral link to PM an existing user and provide them with your Name and Mobile Number in the message so they can send the referral.

Step 2. Receive SMS from Up with link to download app, and complete signup with same mobile number (to verify referral) and license or Medicare or passport.

Up has no monthly fee, no international transaction fees and 2.75% interest rate with the only condition being 5 card transactions made.

Also has instant Apple Pay provisioning so you can use your $10 before reciving the physical card ;) .

Referral Links

Referral: random (1408)

$10-$15 for both the referrer and referee. Conditions

Bonus starts at $10 and $1 for each year referrer has been a customer, up to a cap of $10. Referee will see the exact bonus when you visit Up Bank.

Related Stores

Up Bank
Up Bank

closed Comments

  • +1

    Terms and conditions include:

    We may at our absolute discretion cancel a refer a friend payment without notice to you. Without limiting the circumstance in which we may do so, we may cancel this feature under the following circumstances:

    We believe any of your access methods are or suspected of being used in a fraudulent way
    Your conduct is in breach of the terms and conditions
    We close your account
    We believe the security or quality of the Up app or related services is threatened
    We decide to terminate this feature
    You have unpaid fees or charges, or direct deposit dishonors on your account
    You are sending an excessive number of unsolicited invites

    • +4

      I wouldn't consider it unsolicited if a user is requesting to be referred by PM

      • Yes, good point

  • +6

    Ah - the "progressive" bank where you can't even do external transfers or BPAY payments without having to call them up…

    • You can do external transfer or "Payments" as they call them.

      I personally have a fee free account with one of the Big 4 I use exclusively for cash/cheque deposits and use Up for everything else.

      • BPAY is on the roadmap for this year my guess early this year.

      • Can't you use Up and deposit at a post office?

        • Can't see why not? It has a bsb and account number

        • It's unlikely. The big 4 banks have a deal with Auspost which allows us bank at the post office. Not sure Up has one of those.

          • @masaladosa: It has nothing to do with the big 4 banks.

            Bank@Post is something Australia Post offers and is used by more than 70 banks.

    • Well, someone has to tell the intern to run down to the branch with a chequebook and a bag of cash, don't they? :D

  • +23

    The thing I really like about this one is it list the transaction as the actual merchant information rather than ambiguos description. Hope other banks will start doing that.

    • +2

      1000 times this… Best feature by far especially how on the home screen it just straight up tells you how much you've spent and you just click it to find out where.

    • +1

      Yeah, Several banks are starting to roll this out.

    • -1

      ING does.

      • +3

        Really??? You must have a different ING to me.

        • -1

          26 Feb 2019 KMART 1144 −$xx.xx $xxxx.xx
          Visa Purchase - Receipt xxxxxx
          In RINGWOOD Date 25 Feb 2019 Card xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          • +9

            @dyziplen: Yeah that's not what we're talking about, that's not even anywhere close to what we're talking about.


            • -4


              transaction as the actual merchant information rather than ambiguos description.

              ING just doesn't have your pretty logos, and the summing of spending over time, but it does have the transaction details.

              • @dyziplen: It's all about how you present the data is the data really relevant if it's hidden behind a drop down menu when it could be easily shown visually. Just because the data is there doesn't mean it's getting utilised to its full potential.

                Was just pointing out what llllllllllllll was referring to. By the way some people are looking for a little bit more than what ING offer and are willing to give up a couple of things to get that or don't see a need to jump through additional hurdles for additional features.

                But it's OzBargain and ING forever.

            • +1

              @tonyduffe: ok, I have been using UP on and off since Oct and had never seen or even knew those pages were linked under the transactions.

    • +1

      ANZ do this, in their app.

      • Appears to be only for credit card customers at the moment.

  • "Up has no monthly fee, no international transaction fees and 2.75% interest rate with the only condition being 5 transactions made." - just to clarify, according to T&Cs it's 5 card purchases rather than general transactions

    • Fair point, have updated the post.

      • if you have direct debits setup they count as purchases. They've confirmed this in chat and I just had the notification for my 5th month debit come out and notify interest rate is activated.

    • worth noting that the interest is split into 2 components, 0.75 standard interest, and 2.00 conditional interest on balance up to 50,000. Anything above 50k would not be awarded bonus interest.

      Similar to ING however ING is 1% standard and 1.8% conditional on balance up to 100,000.

  • +8

    "no international transaction fees"
    *International ATM Fee $5

    • +2

      An atm withdrawal isn't the same as a transaction.

      • +2

        "no international transaction fees" as a catch all statement is incorrect.

      • +2

        With so many banks now offering no international transaction fees AND no international ATM fees, I can't see any reason to go with these guys at all

        • +3

          My thoughts exactly.

          Some even offer international ATM owner fee rebates.

          • @FirstWizard: are there any other banks with completely free international ATMs withdrawals? I only know about ING.

            • +1

              @devilbabies: The only carefree one is ING I'm afraid, CitiBank plus, if you are using a partner ATM

    • +1

      $5 - ouch!

  • +8

    A mate referred me on the weekend so I signed up. Free $10 was instant and required no deposit.

    I did transfer some money in from my NAB account because I wanted to see if it was instant, and it was.

    No international transaction fees, Apple Pay, and Mastercard are all pluses as I don’t have any others accounts with these features.

    And it’s backed by Bendigo Bank.

  • +1

    A few people I have referred have asked me how long until they can refer people, I don't know. I suggest asking Up support.

    • +2

      I’ve been with Up for a few weeks. I got given 3 invites (before they brought in the $10 bonus) 7 days after I opened the account when I’d used it about half a dozen times, not sure if it’s usage or days based but probably days. On the Up side (lol) it seems whenever someone accepts your referral they give you a new invite so for existing users it seems we can refer as many people as we like

  • +7

    Great deal! Just signed up, very easy process with money instantly added, thanks OP!

  • -1

    $10 for referrer and referee. Referrers will need to give referees their mobile number.


  • +4

    $10 isn't that great for a joining bonus but Up is pretty good, the app works well and the unlimited Savings accounts at 2.7% and the generic PayID email address are great features.

  • +1

    Thanks Op! Just signed up. Easy process. Transferred some money in using payid - came in instantly.
    Now how do I become a referee? The app says use up more to refer friends?

  • +2

    Curious question - noticed there are quite a few of these new digital banks popping up. I couldn't really see many benefits over my current primary bank, ING. Am I missing the big picture here? Thanks!

    • +2

      Best thing I've found is the transaction descriptions/sorting, it's super easy to see where your money goes unlike ING et all. InstantApple pay support/card is pretty awesome too

      • +1

        No Free international ATM's like ING. Interest rate is lower too, so what gives exactly?

        • Keep ING/ANZ Adventures/Bankwest/Citibank for overseas travel and use Up for stuff when you're in Aus? As I said above spending reports/catagories are really well implemented and useful.

          • +1

            @stirlo: so is having the unlimited sub accounts that are created instantly in the app. - they call them savers to help you setup your life of bills and budget each bill in an account.

      • +1

        So its just a better app? For people that can't manage their money?

        • convenience is a lovely thing and not something that can be defined with tangible value i guess.

          • -4

            @EightSix: Its ozbargain and if its not tangible, its not really a deal.

            • +2

              @dyziplen: The 10 bucks bought me lunch. Does it stop being tangible once I finished eating?

              • @EightSix: So I guess you are transferring everything over during lunch, so you can use this exciting new app?

                The app would be pretty meaningless unless you use it as your primary account no?

                • @dyziplen: nah i've been using it for a couple months now.

                  yes it becomes more useful the more you use it. just like every other app that tracks your spending and budgeting. This lets you do it on one app now as well as spend money from it too. Its not my main account but im switching all direct debits too it so it can capture the upcoming bills.

                  Whilst also letting you contact live chat 9-5 in app.

    • +1

      Aside from up, like whom?

      • @Kyle-K runs a spreadsheet here

        • +1

          Thanks :) Looks like up's the only "viable" option yet, despite it's limitations, in this category.

          • @[Deactivated]: Yep pretty much, the next one is Xinja but I wouldn't be bothering with them at this stage and Wildcard is a laughable joke in its current form and development seems to be even slower. Revolut is probably going to be the next one to launch but is going to be an expensive product in the market.

            If you're interested join our chat room and you can talk to Me and Kyle and others about more of this.

    • One key feature of Up (I think) is that you can change categories of each transaction if you want to. Not sure if other banks allow this, I know my other bank doesn't. It allows you to actually track your spend effectively rather than having to trust categories that other banks determine. This might not be needed for everyone but it sure is great for me and is a killer feature for my budget, along with categorising by franchise rather than just the store name. User interface is amazing and everything seems much simpler to do. No BPay yet does suck though!

  • +5

    Have been using them for the past 1 month and loving the app!

  • +1

    ref 5 card transactions made, what happens if you dont do 5 do you get charged any fees or just forfeit any interest earned.?

    • +2

      No fees. Just no bonus interest.

    • Just to clarify, has to be physical card transaction? Apply Pay doesn’t count?

      • +3

        Apple Pay does count towards the five transactions.

      • +1

        Apply Pay is a card transaction.

    • +1

      You can just go to woolies or coles and make a single purchase of an item and split the payment, easier over the non staff checkouts. ie split andpay in 5c or 10c amounts five times to meet the spend 5 criteria.

  • +1

    Op raking it in

    • +3

      There are 20 people in the referal system so not just me ;)

  • +1

    Can you sign up and PAYID the money out to my bank?

    • Yes. Yes you can.

    • Can’t see why not.

    • yup that is how i do it.
      please note that payid has a daily max of $2000.

      • Still better then ING daily max $1000 limit.

  • How's this better than Macquarie platinum?

    • +1

      Brand new 'modern' app, instant Apple Pay provisioning, higher savings interest rate

      • +3

        Not to mention PayID and Osko. I'm still waiting Macquarie…

        • One day… one day…

  • +5

    What happened to the good old days of ING giving a $250 gift card for new signups

    • Gone, all is gone

    • Gone with the wind. You would be lucky even if you get $75 now.

      • The last best deal was CUA for $75 late last year.

        For credit cards Westpac low rate card you got around $140 which just expired.

  • +7

    One of my fav comedy podcasts, Welcome to Patchwork, have started spruiking the promo code PATCH which puts $10 in your new Up Bank account. Think they're based in Melbourne. Might be easier than the whole referral thing (they're absolutely hilarious if you're looking for a new podcast)

    • +5

      Sure but then where's the love for Ozbargainers who wouldn't get the $10 for referring

    • +4

      Has anyone tried this yet?

      Edit: it does! Funds deposited instantly ($10)

      • Hey mate how did you set up using the promo code?
        Would prefer to sign up this way

  • OP in the description it says instant Apple Pay. How do you set that up?

    • +2

      In the App, go to Up > Card, there will be an option to set up Apple Pay

    • +1

      You should be prompted to set that up on the main screen in the UP banking app. After you've completed the signup. Otherwise you can do it manually from the "Up" section (menus along the top) in the app and then go to cards.

  • Hi OP, I PMed you but you didn't offer the referral code.

    • Has to do it manually and may not be available 100% of the time.

      • lol, no worries. I just thought if I had been forgotten

    • Haven’t got a PM from you. You may have chosen a random referal.

      I have replied to all messages I have received so far.

      • Sorry, new to this PM. my bad. Just send another PM again.

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