Should be a good price. Cant find any lower offer.
Original 15% off All Items at Computer Alliance & Videopro on eBay Deal Post
Should be a good price. Cant find any lower offer.
Original 15% off All Items at Computer Alliance & Videopro on eBay Deal Post
The 2060 couldn't run 1440p 144hz in 99% of games lmao
It does 80-130 FPS at Ultra in 90% of AAA games. Anywhere you're going to want fast frames (competitive environments), it's going to deliver it at very high image quality.
The performance drop from the 2070 is 15% at most, usually around 10%. If you want settings maxed to the point of stupid, enjoy your 2080 Ti for 144hz, I guess.
It does 80-130 FPS at Ultra in 90% of AAA games
Certainly not @ 144hz.
@jasswolf: Where is this 1440p 144fps in AAA games performance that you're talking about? not fortnite or CSGO, AAA games that aren't cartoons/a few years old. Why are you so dead set on lying to people? You do realize some people here don't know any better and they take other users advice for purchasing decisions.
Let me link you a few just in case you aren't trolling. #1#2#3#4#5
Now should someone take your word for it without you providing a single source or the five youtube videos that I linked from youtubers who's job it is to test computer hardware?
@Ostrk: Repeat after me: ultra isn't the only graphics preset.
Now this: 144hz/144fps is best suited for competitive games, which generally run on lightweight or well-optimised engines.
I already linked the same benchmarks in your first source, just in text form. I can link heaps of others if you like, but I've already provided the number of 80-130 FPS averages on Ultra for the vast majority of games, and I stand by it.
There are exceptions to this, but again, repeat after me: ultra isn't the only graphics preset. Feel free to call my liar mate, but I'd review your commentary and general capacity to comprehend the comment thread if I were you.
@jasswolf: If you have to buy a GPU where you have to turn down settings the second you get it to achieve your required goal (1440p 144 in this case) then it's literally obsolete the second you buy it as in a short amount of time you wouldn't be able to achieve the same goal without compromising heavily on visual quality. If you buy this now and in a year you have to play at very low settings to achieve 1440p 144 which is the target in this scenario, then is it really a good buy?.
I'm sure anyone who only keeps it for a few months will appreciate your help but if anyone wants to get a 1440p 144 card that lasts longer than a year they'd be screwed.
@Ostrk: In a lot of games the quality difference between ultra and medium at 1440p is not a whole lot (more noticeable single player), and if your playing multiplayer its barely even an after thought. i.e battlefield, battlefront etc not cartoony shooters. But also consider it depends what you are coming from as well. Perspective matters. If you are going from 60hz to higher, and/or 1080p to 1440p, then by that virtue alone you're getting a sizable improvement irrespective of whether you still use ultra or use a lower setting at the higher res & rate. In any case though this is where free ysnc/gsync come into play. Without that, then yes i'd agree, but with it whether your getting 144fps at 144hz or 70/whatever-fps free ysnc/gsync you're still going to have a very nice experience. The more grunt your card has the more freedom you have to choose the quality setting in broader situations but to imply buying a gpu that does not allow you to max the quality settings at your desired res means its obsolete is a bit of a slap in the face to personal preference and affordability. Just my 2 cents as i feel the discussion is a bit left of center.
@Ostrk: I should of read this down voted thread before I posted, I have literally just had the exact same conversation with the same points further down the page!
???????? 1440p?? No it doesnt.
From what I've been reading, most people recommend getting the GTX 1080 TI instead, because it's cheaper for the same or better performace (minus ray-tracing, which nothing is using yet).
You won't find a new 1080ti for $680, and this has much more scope to improve with game and driver optimisations.
You're right. Having a look now, it's hard to find even a used GTX 1080 TI for less than $700.
@NiteMice: You are probably reading American forums where 1080ti stock held on longer, or just older comments.
The time to buy 10 series cards is as good as gone now IMO, 2060 on sale around $500 is good value for what it is. This is better.
@jasswolf: Give or take 20% improvement in this…id go the better GPU and be less inclined to upgrade as soon.
@scuderiarmani: Definitely hard to find 1080 TIs cheap, even second hand. If you check Gumtree, there are very few 1080TIs for less than $800. People seem to want a lot for them.
I did a fair bit of research and ended up biting the bullet on the 2070 today, particularly because ray tracing will become more mainstream over the next few years.
Can't do ray tracing @ 4K with decent fps though. I reckon they should have just put RTX on 2080 series and left the rest GTX..
As it turns out, most of what DLSS is around to do at the moment is to push 60 FPS at higher resolutions, so I'd imagine setting graphics to high and running DLSS would give a decent 4k experience on the 2070.
I'd happily sacrifice settings to play the implementation on Metro, for example. BFV's DLSS implementation looks shit, but it's clearly not been trained enough, so look for future updates there.
From what I've seen of Metro's new patch, DLSS 4K looks slightly worse than upscaled 1800p but with the same performance. It's crap.
If you find that unimpressive, I don't know what to tell you…
@jasswolf: I agree with Ryballs. After watching the following video .Unless something has changed dramatically.
@jackwoz: Given that all the comments are hidden, I get that you haven't seen this, but the answer would be yes, something did change dramatically: they actually trained the sharpening filters:
Hey Jasswolf,
Unfortunately the GTX 2060 will not be able to pump out the required 144 frames to sync with a 144hz monitor at 1440p.
It will do it on some titles at 1080p at max graphics though:…
Hi aj,
Allow me to introduce to graphics settings, and adaptive sync.
Best Regards
OK well if that is the case we are not talking about running this card with max graphics selected but instead lowering the graphics of each game so the card can hit 144 frames matching the 144hz 1440p monitor as you mentioned in your first post.
Though honestly from the results I have seen at 1440p you might have to drop the graphics from say ultra to medium to hit 144 frames to have the buttery smooth feeling of 144hz.
Adaptive sync is great for all resolutions but if you specifically purchased a 144hz monitor why would you be happy with Adaptive sync and not buy a card that can reach the monitors max refresh rate with high graphics settings?
@hey aj: For games where you want a smooth 144 fps as a requirement (competitive), you won't find yourself needing to lower much. For AAA games, which tend to have a slower pacing, you're still getting 60-120 fps at max settings, and you can easily adjust a couple of things to improve that.
That's what I mean when I say it's budget card for that.
@jasswolf: Well based on reviews like the one you have posted and the one I also supplied of the performance of the GTX 2060 at 1440p I have to disagree with you.
To achieve 144 frames at that resolution on a GTX 2060 you will definitely need to substantially drop down your graphics settings on the majority of titles.
Where are you getting your information that this card will hit 120 frames on AAA titles without lowering the graphics settings much at 1440p?
@hey aj: I said 80-130 FPS in 90% of AAA games at Ultra, and you could tune down happily without much quality loss (in some cases, it's imperceptibly small).
Honestly, there's enough info here and on reddit to sort this out for yourself, I've lost all enthusiasm to present more info due to the handful of decrepit idiots on this website who have turned PC gaming into a luxury dick waving contest instead of something for everyone.
Performance tweaking on PC gaming has been around for decades, and will be around for decades more.
@jasswolf: Not trying to be an elitist jerk about computer components and I agree PC Gaming is and should be accessible for all.
That is why for those people on a budget I would be skeptical about your reported performance of this card and I would advise them not to buy a 144hz 1440p monitor (which in some cases costs just as much or more than the GTX 2060) when it will be completely underutilized at higher graphics settings.
As proven in another source where the card is overclocked and pushed to its limits:
Budget gamers could save some money and grab a nice 60HZ-100HZ 1440p monitor and enjoy this card at max graphic settings knowing its able to keep 60 frames stable in the majority of AAA games at 1440p.
The only use case I see for a GTX 2060 and a 1440p 144hz monitor is for people playing competitive older games and have the graphics dropped to potato quality to min/max frames and the ability to see people at distance or through foliage.
So tempting
Looks like you need eBya Plus to get it for $680 delivered. Otherwise it's $695.
I believe it's a free trial to get eBay PLUS.
I must resist upgrading my GTX 980 for a little longer.
Next series would be a lovely huge jump performance wise with a more ready rtx need.
I'm in the same boat. 2070 is pretty much twice the performance.
Just got this and I'm also upgrading from a Gtx 980… excited.
Is it worth the upgrade? Decisions…
Can only let you know on Monday when it gets here!
It doubles the score on 3D Mark from a GTX980 to RTX2070. I dare say it's worth the upgrade but I'm holding of as I'm thinking about upgrading whole computer.
@willy000: If you're planning a new build then hold off for the Intel 10th gen chips for sure as they supposedly going to be a pretty good upgrade (9th gen was just a slightly updated 8th gen chip) when they release this year; you can buy a new gpu for now and then just incorporate it to the new system later.
If you do wait through, maybe the rumored GTX 1180 will be more appealing if you're not big on RTX ; that card is supposedly a 2080 without the new features (which aren't looking like they are worth it for the time being).
@twdnewh: Those 1180 'rumors' are based on info from before or around when the 2080 released, when everyone thought the 2080 was going to be the 1180. Very unlikely they will release a non-rtx card faster than the 2060 methinks.
@Alzori: Looks like the 1180 rumors were updated just yesterday.
Please disregard then. Go for this card :)
I'd wait for Navi..
i upgraded from a GTX 980 last week, to a 1080ti from ebay US for $600USD. IMO, 980 GTX still does a terrific job and the upgrade has been minimal visually, mostly because I'm playing older games. Metal Gear Solid V still runs top FPS and looks great on both cards. Ive maxed everything in the nvidia profiles. I havent tried with more recent games yet.
I'm also gaming on a TV, so I can only assume the upgrade would look better on a gaming monitor.
I'll get $250-$300 resale for the 980, going by current prices in my area (Im living overseas).
HODL your 980s
forced selling at a high price by manipulating stock availability ie ozzie market economics by oligopoly reinforced by government policies to support price rigging.
Is this card still give free games?
"2. This promotion is valid on new purchases from resellers of GIGABYTE GEFORCE RTX Series graphics cards made during the promotional period January 7th 2019 to February 25th 2019, or while supplies last. A maximum of only one claim per person is allowed during the promotional period."
This is a really good price - oh man, i've spent all my monies on hard drives :'(
I'm running this at 1440p @ 60Hz playing GTA V on near max settings. Very playable.
CPU is an i5 9600k
Did you build your machine after watching The Verge's video or something?
HAHA love it.
I see what you did here…
Why bottleneck frames with 60hz… i dont get why spend the money for nothing.
i dont have a faster monitor
I think what he's saying is that a lower spec'd 2060 or something along those lines, at a cheaper price point, would most likely run games at 1440p at or around 60 FPS. If you're capped at 60 FPS by your monitor and you don't plan to upgrade any time soon, why spend the extra on a video card when you could get a cheaper one that could dish out 60 frames to your monitor.
The only argument I could see is for future proofing for a new 144hz monitor or something
@giventofly: Then it's not spending money for nothing :) Continue on. Great price point for this GPU. Spewing as I bought a 2060 for just under $600, would've much preferred to have spent a few extra dollars on the 2070.
Good price actually, shame I'm looking at a 2080 still
This was $620 last year
Still running my ATI Radeon 5870 from 2010 #winning
Probably due for an upgrade soon - this is very enticing
There is nothing #winning about that. I recently put in my old 7870 for a laugh, and I didn't actually get to laugh. I just wanted to kill myself.
I think it comes down to what games you are playing, card and system is fine for Dota 2, Starcraft 2, 1080p youtube and netflix etc.
Haven't found the need to upgrade anything but to SSD in 9 years.
Winning in terms of not having to upgrade - spent 2k on the PC at the time, if it lasts 10 years then 200 per year isn't so bad.
After all this is ozbargain
Does it actually play 1080p smoothly? Because even my 7870 on a 4th gen i5 with 12GB of RAM (my bedroom rig that barely gets used) drops frames watching YouTube, but is fine when you drop a 1060 6GB in it.
@BradH13: Yeah it does, I've never noticed any drops, I did a test on youtube today - only 1 of the video's did it drop frames 20/10,000.
The other video's 0/10,000 were dropped.
Just taking a wild guess but could it be the i5 being an issue?
I can imagine how good a 1060 or a 2070 would be - worlds apart.
What are you playing at, 4k? otherwise its just fine.
I upgraded from a GTX580 to this. I was pleasantly surprised, lol
Man I loved those cards back when I was peak gaming/old enough to to afford whatever I wanted.
Must have owned 5 of them at various times with 2 & 3 times crossfire and searching for better clockers.
If you are actually gaming, you will fall off your chair with a modern high end card.
I had a mate go from an OEM GTX645 2GB to a GTX1060 6Gb And he "hardly saw any difference".
Put the 2GB card in another system with similar specs and he was like "whaaat?"
Same thing happened with my spare card. Had a R9 270 and back in the day these were awesome (7870)and attempted to play Black Ops 2 at 1080p and it struggled even overclocked.
You should even just buy a 1060 6GB and you'll be laughing
Yeah I am thinking of doing a full build and only carrying the storage across once this PC dies.
Just waiting to see what burns out first - graphics, cpu, mobo, ram or the water cooler haha
my msi armor 2070 on BFV Ultra outputs 80-100fps @1440, ryzen 5, 32gb ram 3200.
Can anyone comment on the various cooler designs and which is quietest/nicest tone, coolest, etc?
Heard that triple fans are supposedly quieter in that they can spin slower than twins, but then heard that the MSI ones are super quiet too?
I presume you're asking those who neg anyone who reckons this ain't much of a bargain….
Have a look at some of the reviews; I read that because this card turns the fans off when there's no load on the GPU, it revs up really hard, which can be annoying.
I didn't really care about that, so I bought one anyway.
Yeah, I'm currently running a 970 Strix which is twin fans and shuts off when not under load.
The thing sounds like a jet engine on anything past 50% with the main contributing issue being the frequency and tone of the fans.
I definitely think this price is a bargain, but thought would be good info for all readers to see if anyone had insight into (potentially) quieter card designs.
Sadly acoustics is not a thing covered very well with many reviewers :(
Edit - autocorrect Strix
I wonder how good SLI 2070 vs 2080TI even a 2080 for that matter if its any good.
Decent price, but I'm still holding out for a 2080 at least for this gen.
Just go for biggest single chip you can get.
SLI/Crossfire never worked as you would expect and they really aren't putting the effort into it anymore due to this.
Maybe one day bandwidths will get so high and they will design around "multiple chips addressed as one unit" again like they are starting to play with again in the HPC markets.
2070 does not support SLI at all. SO if you want sli , you have to at least get 2 RTX2080.
Newegg has lots of negative reviews about the this particular model failing and causing artifacts, which is a bit concerning.
Yeah, I went with the MSI version because of this and I've never had a problem with MSI before. Was $25 more, but when you're talking about close to $700, hopefully it's worth the peace of mind.
I love my 1080ti. Not moving :P
Got this in the last 15% off ebay sale when CA sold it for $749, it's fantastic. Too bad they keep increasing the price. Overclocks like a champ and super quiet most of the time. Running on 120hz 3440x1440 ultrawide on ultra or high settings and it's a breeze, never seen it go past 72C even in our disgustingly hot summer weather compared to my old 1070ti which hovered around 85 for lower performance. Have to agree ray tracing is a gimmick though.
Bought this last week but the factory OC version which is a few bucks more. Runs far cry new dawn in 4K which surprised me. Big upgrade my gtx960
theres no way a 500watt power supply would run this right? I have the silverstone 500w gold rated efficiency
it should be able to, maximum you need is 550W afaik
500w will be fine, especially if you aren't overclocking.
It definitely will as I have this card and run it off a Thermaltake Smart RGB 500W
That's not a bad unit. As people have said it can run it, bUt it also depends what else you are running.
An overclocked i9-7900? Maybe not.
A stock i5-7600 and 1-2 SSD/HDD, wouldn't be an issue.
i am running the i5-6500 with one ssd and one hdd, nothing spectacular.
do i need to take in consideration of the power consumption to power three monitors? i do have 3 dell monitors U2711, U2715H and U3415W.
No, monitors don't count. Your PSU is a good unit, it should be fine.
I was looking to build a new PC this year, will this get cheaper later or this is a good price?