Stores search link
- 15% off the purchase price (excluding postage costs)
- maximum discount of $1000 per transaction
- 3 transactions (up to a maximum of $1000 items per transaction)
… waiting?? Is this going to take long?
Computer Alliance have already jacked prices, but it's still looking better than using a 10% off code.
They don't jack that much compared to Futu and stuff though.
Quick everyone write down the prices here for what they want and when comes tomorrow, check - if price jacks then report, if price stays the same then I guess they're not all that bad….
@Skramit: The ACCC is there to facilitate the largest businesses ripping off consumers as much as possible while idiots pretend it's on their side - so don't complain to them about eBay or they'll attack MSY again for having low prices all the time.
@Diji1: Well… that's not why they attacked MSY. Misrepresenting warranty rights was IIRC. MSY deserved to be slammed.
However, ACCC is being a fkn chicken and should be taking ebay on. Ebay are making the ACCC look like a joke and it's very very sad.
However, ACCC is being a fkn chicken and should be taking ebay on. Ebay are making the ACCC look like a joke and it's very very sad.
Since eBay are a marketplace the ACCC won't actually do anything. Instead they would target individual stores and even then there'd have to be a bigger reason than price jacking.
@Clear: Except it is ebay who send out the emails claiming the discounts. They are involved in the process and do have a duty of care with the claims they make to the consumers.
@dojomojo: first and last company they fined for this.
kogan must have did a number on them not to fine anyone else for this kind of practice.
There is one thing eBay Plus is good for, Computer Alliance.
Computer Alliance Plus?
And precisely why I don't buy from them.
GTX 1660 Ti @ $455 + shipping
2060 495
15% bro
check your maths
Damn you're right bro, i thought it was 20% nice one bro.
I'm conflicted. If they price jack, I'd be better off going to Harvey's today to get the Logitech Powerplay mouse pad which is $136.
If they don't price jack, I'd be able to get it for $126.
Then you have to wait for it to be shipped.
Is $10 really a deal breaker?
Yes. This is ozbargain
$10 is 24 McNuggets, friend.
Is that deal still on? Thanks for the reminder lol
Shipping is super fast with Computer Alliance from experience
$136 mouse pad????
Hand in your OzB license….
But it wirelessly charges the mouse!
We change some prices practically every day as a normal part of doing business (sometimes up, more often down), but mainly when new stock comes in at a different cost price.
Prices have been relatively stable recently and I don't expect many changes during the next week. During sales we tend to be too busy getting orders out the door!
We list nearly all stock from our main site on ebay, but only where we physically are holding stock in Brisbane. We don't offer preorders on eBay.
Additionally we use a system that enforces a buffer level for parts critical to our main operation (such as our system builds) to make sure we don't entirely run out and hold up larger non-eBay / system orders / commercial sales etc. In other words, for some common products or gear in short supply, when we run low we may have some available at the shop that won't be available to buy through eBay. Those products are automatically pushed back onto eBay when new stock comes in and pushes inventory back above that buffer level.
Wait, aren't computer alliance well known as not jacking their price? Or they jump on jack's boat as well?
Unfortunately it looks like they have jacked up the prices, very disappointing.
Edit:The items I was interested in;
Ironwolf 8tb
Computer Alliance: $305
Futu: $300
RTX 2080 Windforce
Computer Alliance: $1062
Futu: $1028
I bought a 8TB from CA on Jan 22, Was $325 before 10% voucher. After voucher was $292.50 on that day.
I've been watching the price since then as well, as I need another. Price went up about 2 weeks ago, so hasn't been a really recent price jacking.
I won't be buying though. Will wait for a better price.
Still, am happy that there are still some bargains for some people (2070 for 700 is a good deal).
From previous experiences, CA doesn't usually jack. Which is why a lot of people usually ask where's Computer Alliance in all these eBay promos
yes, that's where the "no computer alliance, no deal" comment came from :D
yeah, they all carry on like pork chops :) It's sad
The rep from Computer Alliance has done a fantastic job in responding to price jacking accusations in the past. Check previous deals for some of the discussion.
Prices fluctuate so around the same time as these promotions start there will be examples of some will go up, some will stay the same, and others will go down.
CA used to be part of the promos that include many sellers but I think they wanted to distance themselves from the price jackers and now usually have their own promo.
No Computer Alliance, no…. wait a sec.
You're not a true OG
Coz you used ctrl-v
LG OLED 55" B8 version going to be in that low $1,700 range….
65" B8 going to be down to $2550~ as well.
During January the i5 9600K from CA steadily dropped in price to as low as $399. Now it’s back up to $469
Same price as their store:…
That one might have been before the game bundle/an actual sale.
From memory the CA rep (I think his name was Adam) has said their eBay prices are usually tied to the ones on their website
I’m not saying it’s a price jack, just pointing out it’s a bad price. Most other stores such as Mwave have it for around $409
Been watching the 9600k for a mate waiting for a CA 15% ebay sale. Was sad when it went right up a couple of weeks ago cause it means it’s no actual discount compared to straight retail prices from other stores/sites. He will wait longer…
omg, someone go tell Iforgotmysocks!!!!
Luffy is the new TA!
Finally Computer Alliance after I bought several times from them already.
Please please please list a MSI GS75 with the 2600 series in it! Thanks CA
Most of the 20 series GPUs are still shortish supply, assuming your mean a RTX 2060, but those physically in stock are listed on ebay.
We do have some GE75 with 2060s:
I'm not aware of a GS75 with a 2060
Wow, I didn't expect a reply so quickly. Thank you.
MSI do have a MSI GS75 with a RTX2060, but I imagine it is still a few weeks away from providing stock for 2060 models. A lot of places have it listed (Scorptec, PLE etc..) but I don't think they have been given stock yet.
The GE75 is fantastic, but the GS75 is more professional, so I can use it at work without to many questions.
Maybe next sale!
any Asus GL704s?
is that rtx2080 gigabyte windforce a good price? $1249 at the moment, going down to $1061.
if I can sell my 1080ti for ~900, that's only $150 to upgrade to nextgen cards. then the question is whether that's worth it…
It isn't worth it, performance is on par and so far ray tracing/dlss haven't shown their worth.
yep agree 100%. but which will decrease in price quicker, 1080ti second hand, or 2080 new? that's probably the real question for me.
That is a tough one. You would imagine the 1080ti second hand prices would drop faster than a new 2080 but really hard to say.
I have a 1080ti myself and don't plan on upgrading it anytime soon as it runs everything fantastically well at the moment.
I think you'd be lucky to sell your 1080Ti for $900. I think $750–800 is more realistic.
I also don't think it's worth going from 1080Ti to 2080. Performance between the two in non-RTX titles is barely there or even the same.
I've sold a few, and most are between 870-900 on ebay. obviously some fees in there, but it's still around 850+.
but yeah I think you're right. I'd have to go 2080ti to get a jump. but $1500-1600 is a lot.
Love Computer Alliance - their service is impeccable.
So much so that I risked a $1300 build from them.
Time for a 1TB SSD.
EDIT: Maybe not. Prices suck. Samsung Evo Plus 500GB ~$160 after discount or $155 at MSY.
Rtx 2070 sub $700 here I come
Bought many 100s of these Gigabyte Gaming RTX2070 to be able to sell currently at $799:
The prices have jumped around a bit since we started selling back in November at $899, and with current distributor pricing, a $799 retail price is one of the best deals around even before the 15% off for a top quality brand eg…
Less the 15% = $679.15.
Should I ?! Ozb help me!
$380 after discount for Arlo pro (2 cameras + base station) is a pretty good price.
That ain't Arlo Pro 2.
It's the Pro version (720p cameras)
This is the Pro 2…
Yeah I know, hence why I said Arlo Pro.
Lol I swear you didn't
Yah, hence.
Was usually 20% in the past.
Is 15% the new 20?
Hasn't been 20% from us for quite some time.
Simple fact is we can't do a 20% deal with the related fees while keeping our prices consistent with our main shop price (which is the aim - many retailers sell for more $ on ebay to cover part of the fees, while we consider them a fair cost for marketing). 15% is marginal and only worth doing irregularly, 20% would be a serious loss so not likely to happen again.
Bottom line is, our regular prices are very competitive, especially when you factor in our reputation, and when we have shop wide deals those prices range from very good to best ever.
Price Jack again. I was looking at the Samsung LU32J590 a while ago. It was selling for $498 for a long time but suddenly with the 15% off, selling $549. Not much of a bargain at all. Very disappointed!
gopro hero 7 black for ~$465 after discount
decent deal?
yeah that's a good price, it hasn't been out very long
Other than items that have seen a drastic drop (such as RAM and SSD), it seems prices for most other items have gone up. For example, i remember buying the Ryzen 2600 less than a year ago for $205 after discount but this time round, even after discounts its $15 more. I wonder if this has anything to do with exchange rate drop
Its a factor.
All IT gear is priced in USD so a decrease in our $ vrs the USD quickly translates to price increases. One year ago, the $ was at 78.5. Today its at 71.5. Thats a 10% increase on average compared to what we would be seeing if the currency had not moved (consider what prices would be if we were still at the $1.10 level of some years back — huge difference >50% that shows why gear in AUD seems to have dropped in value)
There have been other price pressures recently. Intel screwed up and we were left with major CPU shortages and thats directly pushed up prices, and took pricing pressure off AMD CPUs.
In GPUs, the collapse of mining demand 1st helped prices come back a bit (after the horrendous spike with the shortages), but more recently the lack of competition has seen nVidia pricing the new generation up a bit pushing up the GPUs and related notebooks/systems.
There are always factors specific to particular components and the exchange rate underlying that. On average, it hasn't been a great year for pricing.
Thanks for the clarification - if your pricing today stands when the promotion starts, you'll be the cheapest on the market by a small margin (after promotion). Looking forward to hopefully snagging a few items :)
Finally, an ebay bargain
I need a new gaming mouse, is there anything available here? I'm not sure what's good since I've always had Deathadders.
I used a Deathadder for 6 years before recently moving on to a Steelseries Rival Optical. Not sure if Computer Alliance sell it, but I found the transition to be relatively easy. Just my 2c.
What are Computer Alliance like in terms of monitor returns? I am interested in picking one up but wary of the risk of blb/glow/pixel issues that are relatively common for some higher end gaming monitors.
Do you have eBay plus? You can return it no worry.
Pixels, usually no issues to swap out or refund, so called "backlight bleed" is a issue.
We get a lot of returns for screens that are perfectly normal where people set them up in dark room with a dark background and brightness at max specifically to look for even brightness. All panels have uneven brightness and many gaming screens have more variation than screens built for graphics professions. They can vary a bit unit to unit but its only considered a fault if it varies significantly from expected/normal which is rarely the case. The far majority of returns for "backlight bleed" are for people with unrealistic expectations.
We usually will take returns on them anyway if the customer is unhappy with them, but are stuck reselling a open/used screen so tend not to be too happy about it.
If you are sensitive to uneven brightness I suggest you buy from a local store who will set up a unit and let you check it out before purchasing, or buy a unit built for graphics professionals rather than "gaming" screens.
Thanks - I understand the concern around the backlight bleed & what is considered a genuine fault. The screen for me would be for gaming. In terms of the pixels - for how long would you accept refund/exchange?
Appreciate the quick response.
DOA is 30 days but for many panels we can swap out with pixel faults for 3 years — check the manufacturers site for their dead/bright pixel policies as it will vary by model.
Most screens come set with a brightness that is way way way too high too.
I know the Tftcentral monitor testing website lowers the brightness on every monitor they test, some by a huge amount.
Very true. Used to be that max brightness was a feature but backlights are so silly bright now I wish manufacturers would start setting them much lower by default. First thing I do with any new screen to drop brightness to under 50%.
As a interesting aside, cheap and older model screens reduce brightness by using pulse width modulation, essentially tricking the eye to thinking it sees a lower brightness but turning the backlight on and off very quickly. Thats a valid way to manage brightness, but with super bright backlights now i suspect its impacting people more than it used it, particularly when lower frequencies are used. The so called "eyecare" screens and most better quality units no longer use that technique.
.. people with unrealistic expectations.
that vendors are responsible for.
If a prosumer grade monitor, like Dell Ultrashap, boasting Adobe RGB gamut and low error grayscale tracking, coming with factory calibration reports is ruined by horrendous backlight bleed or IPS Glow, what is purchaser to do?
If vendors did the right thing, they’d advertise extent of anomalies and leave to customer to decide. Currently, even best reviews won’t tell you what you’ll end up with.
Hey @Computer Alliance any chance for a proper discount on the Unifi POE switches? I'm after the 24 port one ideally. I'm sure they were $629 before discount the other day, and now they're up to $669.
I'd love to pickup the 24 port one for sub $500.
hmmm, well last price change was a $20 increase in mid December when the price of new stock went up.
$669 even without a discount is pretty much the market price at the moment:…
With a 15% discount will be a very good price, but since we have not sold a lot since that last batch came in and are holding more than I like for a low volume product, have temporarily dropped them back to $649 pre discount till we sell a few. No chance to sell at sub $500, I expect thats below what even distributors will be importing at.
Hey Adam. Any chance for the other unifi switches :)
I'm after a non poe 24 and a us-8.
Why do some items have ebay plus and others not?
GoPro's have shipping, while other much bulkier items have ebay plus free shipping :/
Its set by eBay and they have not given us exactly their criteria for determining what items, and which stores.
You do need to be a top seller with a high reputation, and then i guess they take into account the freight policy vrs the price of items as well as strategic considerations (ie which stores look after customers and lead the market … and so make them look good!). eg it would not be realistic to pay for say $10 freight on a $10 item.
Its a bit more complex for us because we offer a flat fee per order rather than per item, and eBay have been quite generous to cover nearly all of our gear including some low priced items.
i've worked out they take the items im looking at, and exclude those
its a simple formula, but it seems to match ;)
FYI we appreciate all the transparency and how you directly address all criticism and feedback on here.
Still no 9th Gen i3?? Or Corsair Harpoon Wireless?? Any ETA?
Still shortages on a lot of Intel SKUs, though its getting better and the new release chips keep coming through. The i5-9400F are available in volume, and they are a very good value chip if you don't need the GPU, but below that, probably the i3-8100 are best deal at the moment
Wait for it…