Very good price and still available for pickup at some stores.
XBox One:…
Credited to Braggs (PS4 Only):
Very good price and still available for pickup at some stores.
XBox One:…
Credited to Braggs (PS4 Only):
Added now. Thanks.
Congratulations EA, you got greedy with monetisation (BF2) and destroyed a franchise (ME:A). Now your AAA games from several years ago sell for $5.
Meanwhile GTAV, a game released over 5 years ago still sells for $35.
… and they've done it again by forcing Bioware to make a Destiny-clone and ship it before it's done.
yeah the grim reaper will probably kill off Bioware now …..EA(GrimReaper) is the one that needs to be killed off
A bunch of the talent at bioware has moved on anyway. Final nail in the coffin
Good luck finding a game.
Only purchase this for the single player.
It's single player campaign is not bad for 5 bucks.
I played several games during the weekend on Xbox One. I never waited more than a minute or two for matchmaking. It should be even better on PS4.
The key is to always select Galactic Assault. The matches are pretty epic actually.
?? You talking from a position of knowing, guessing, or just wanting to stir a pot?
FWIW finding games is not a problem at all. Even with the rubbish matchmaking system. Oh for a server browser…
$5 is a goddam steal as the game is still getting new content.
I have access to this game on PC, the other day I thought I'd try out multiplayer, to my amazement there was a few full servers, I had fun too, Story mode plays pretty cool too.
Mutli-player game modes only
- Galactic Assault 20 vs 20
- Heros vs villains 4 vs 4
It's a shame because gameplay is quite fine and balanced
I know this game gets a lot of hate, but it's a lot of fun and looks amazing.
Fingers crossed the rumours are true, and there's a large-scale offline mode coming soon.
There is the large scale online mode due in March. Not sure if it will/can also be offline.
A new hero (Anakin) hits on Thursday as well as a bunch of Clone skins/customisations
but it's a lot of fun and looks amazing.
The problem isn't the quality it's the grinding/MT in a full price game and the pay to win features.
I bought BLOPS 4 but it made me feel dirty supporting Craptovision's money grubbing antics so I decided never again. Full price games should not have free to play money grubbing features. Fortnite Battle Royale and Apex Legends are the way to do those kinds of mechanics. Of course, EA had little to do with Apex Legends, the shining example of how to do things right that they currently control …
The funny thing is, BF2 never had the PTW features that are very justifiably so unpopular. The massive backlash at release put the kibosh on that completely.
You can use real money for skins etc, and there certainly is a grinding element. But no PTW. It never made it, and I’ve always had a fantasy about EA execs having to forgo their deposit on their new boats after their bonuses were scaled back.
Yeah, I’m pretty easy to please…
I got in for $10 bucks I think from EB, worth it just for the campaign, lots of fun. Also I was one of the few who enjoyed ME: Andromeda (never really played the other Mass Effects much, so blessed by a lack of expectations), worth a go for $5.
FFS play the other Mass Effects!
ME1 is on game pass - is that worth playing now? I skipped it a while ago in favour of ME2/3 which are top 10 all time games for me because reviews then said ME1 felt very dated. I didn't realise they would stuff up ME:A so badly though. RIP bioware.
Naughty Dog lives on…
ME 1 is definitely worth playing. The story is amazing. Although somewhat spoiled if you have already played ME2/3.
Got it. Great find.
Please note the link is for the Xbox One version.
Here’s the link for the far superior (😜) PS4 version……
far superior version
That doesn't look like the PC version
Yeah, bit of a shame I can't get BF2 for PC for this price!
Well played…
The far superior version that doesn't play in 4k like the Xbox version?
Ps4 Pro does…
Wow seriously…
Great price thanks OP!
EB or JB won’t price match as it’s a clearance item. Worth $5 for single player campaign if you can find one
Thanks OP
Is Mass Effect Andromeda any good? Reviews do not seemed particularly in favour.
Never mind. None of the store near me has it in stock.
No, to answer your question anyway.
It's great once you get past the first few hours.
Good question… Metacritic only has it at 71%… user scores a woeful 4.9.…
However, for someone who hasn't played ME1/2 (I played the ME2 demo, liked it), is it worth a shot?
Bought that and CoD - pick up at my local BigW. Cheers!
Don't forget to use Wish gift cards for 5% ($0.25) off!
Also this seems to be PS4 only (other than battlefront), might want to update title to avoid confusion.
Thanks OP. $5 is a bargain.
Thanks. Bought SW Battlefront. Will blow the mind of my 7yo.
Great $12 deal on Dishonoured 2 as well.
$9 pre-owned at EB
Delivery not available anymore and only a couple of stores still seem to have it.
Just an FYI, the stores listed as having stock likely don't. It's Big W.
Can I cancel my big w pickup order? I paid for it with my wish gift card
Just did, Saves me having to drive out of my way to pick it up.
Just bought Battlefront 2 from Big W Box Hill. Saw the guy bring out 4 more from the back, and 3 Mass Effects.
Are the servers dead for the cod game or still going?
They're still going. I had more luck getting zombies games than multiplayer.
Posting in case anyone out there is interested.
Found a couple more for $5 in store (only sports games though :/)
PS4 FIFA 18 $5
Switch NBA 2K18 $5
XBO WWE 2K18 $5
Thanks op, ill give ea $5 now :)
Hopefully NFS payback will hit sub $10 so I can purchase that also
Sweet, used my staff discount and got it for 4.50
Bargain. I hope I enjoy Battlefront 2….
Great deal. Worth it for the $5
Order all 3 games and the postage is $3.90. Total is $18.90.
So I was standing in the store near the game area waiting for my online order confirmation to come through and I overhear the employees (who aren't usually in entertainment department):
"Some crazy person has ordered 5 copies of this Star Wars game on different consoles and some other stuff! Why are they only $5? Did they scam us? Do we even have that many copies of the game?"
(Proceeded to introduce myself as the crazy person)
Using these games as trade bait?
Yeah CEX is $8 cash or $11 store credit for the Xbox version. Not sure about EB or JB
EB trades in at $6 (Xbox One version).
Gutted there's no CEX here in Victoria though.
cod infinite warfare
mass effect Andromeda
are 5 bux as well