This was posted 6 years 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Nintendo Switch Super Smash Bros Console $489, Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu or Eevee Pokeball Bundle $79 @ Big W 25/2 - 3/3 only

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A few week long deals starting at Big W today - In store and Online (stock will vary by store)

Pokemon Lets Go Eevee Pokeball Bundle - $79
Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu Pokeball Bundle - $79
Nintendo Switch Super Smash Bros Console bundle - $489
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Special Edition - $149
Nintendo Switch Pro Controller Super Smash Bros Ultimate edition - $99
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PS4/XB1) - $5
2DSXL Minecraft Creeper Edition console - $179
2DSXL Console black or white (no Mario Kart 8 included) - $99
2DSXL Animal Crossing Edition console - $179
SEGA Megadrive HD Classic Console - $70
SEGA Megadrive Classic Console - $49
Nintendo Switch Doom, Wolfenstein 2, Octopath Traveller, Dragon Quest Builders, Bayonetta + Bayonetta 2 - $49
3DSXL Snes Edition - $179
Playstation Classic Console - $69
Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare (PS4) - $5
Mass Effect Andromeda (PS4) - $5
LABO Customisation Kit - $5
FIFA 18 (PS4/XB1) - $5
WWE 2K18 (PS4/XB1) - $5
NBA 2K18 (PS4/XB1/PS3/360) - $5

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PS4/XB1) - $5


    I'd love a 3DS XL SNES but only at $99ish

    • It was $30 within a few weeks of release, so not surprised. I don't think there will be takers at even that price.

      • If I was corporate I'd probably hire someone to monitor game hype and social media. And not stock Battlefront 2 at all on my shelves lmao

      • I would take it for $5. You could do a lot worse for $5.

  • +1

    Here’s a link for the Online Deals

    Also Free delivery on online orders of $80 or more, ends 27th Feb.

  • Nintendo Switch Pro Controller Super Smash Bros Ultimate edition - $99

    Showing 149$ online

    • +5

      Thanks for the heads up, will get this showing correctly a.s.a.p.

      • Sorry I was looking at the wrong product which is with game, not the stand alone controller.

        • All good, I assume that was what happened.

          • @OriginalDelBoy: It's actually showing for $89 so it's going cheaper than the post says

  • +1

    Just waiting for Amazon price match now for that sweet, sweet cashback

  • Also for anyone who doesn't know Woolworths group employees get a further 10% off for staff discount.

  • +2

    Playstation Classic $69

    • still overpriced lol … less than half release price haha

  • Is the pokemon switch game any fun? Or novelty?

    • If you enjoy the standard pokemon formula with Pokemon Go catching mechanics. Then you will enjoy this title otherwise you can probably write off the game.

      Myself and my partner played through it and enjoyed the time and nostalgia.

    • I enjoyed it, I just felt it left me wanting more. The post-game content is a bit meh, I wish they had kept the Sevii Islands part of the game from Fire Red/Leaf Green at least.

  • I literally just bought the Let's go bundle yesterday from Big W for $99 :(

    • +6

      buy and return it.

      • Yeah I'm considering that, thanks.

        • Worth the effort to get $20 back in the pocket.

  • Unfortunately only 1 store anywhere close to me has bayonetta or octopath and in-store only. Gotta hope amazon price match or that I get lucky and they're still there by the time I get a chance to go

  • Serious though. Buy now or wait for Easter?

    • I would buy now ;)

  • Thanks, been waiting for Bayonetta to go on sale.
    Would prefer a digital copy but for $20 less i may as well grab the physical.
    Now lets hope Amazon matches

    • +1

      Bonus of physical is you get download code for bayonetta 1. Eshop more expensive and does not include bayonetta 1

      • Amazon just matched!

  • In case anyone is after the 2DSXL (like I was), there is no/Low stock for the Nintendo 2DSXL in NSW (white/orange and black/blue). Black/blue showing stock at Grafton, NSW and animal crossing version is showing low stock in Lidcome (Auburn big W).
    Might have a chance if you're in regional NSW but no stock in metropolitan NSW. The 2DSXL is also in store only and not online.

  • +1

    I miss the days when the console was $355

  • Thanks OP! Bought Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu. Price for Switch Pro controller Smash Bros is actually $89 so I think it's the cheapest it's ever been.

    • +1

      Its meant to be $99 so I would get it at $89 while you can before its adjusted back up.

      • Bought mine on Dec for $99 so it's all good :) hope people can get it for the discounted price.

  • Thank you OP, was waiting for a better deal on the Let's Go Bundles, picked up Let's Go Pikachu (:

    • +1

      Deffo worth paying an extra $10 for the Pokeball controller!

  • Would have loved the 3dsxl SNES edition even for $179 but all gone :(

    • Yes, some of the lines are final clearance offers so stock will be inconsistent across stores, thought it was worth calling out the prices though.

      • I was lucky and managed to get one for click and collect

  • Been holding off getting a Switch - keen to play super Smash. But $489 for that bundle isn't that good - better off waiting for the console to drop below $400 and buying the game separate.

    • I suppose it depends on what value you put on having the limited edition console design. If your looking for the cheapest option for a standard edition switch console with a copy of Smash Bros then I would wait.

      • Yeah the decal I am not fussed about!

        • +1

          Paid just over $300 after cashback for my switch after cashback on Black Friday :) if you are ok with buying used you should be able to find one on gumtree or Facebook marketplaces for around $300

  • 2DSXL Console black or white (no Mario Kart 8 included) is for $199 and not $99.
    Unless, I am looking at the wrong product.

  • +1

    Can't find Bayonetta or Octopath on Big W website??

    • +1

      Search in google.

  • Was in the process of editing my comment to say I successfully found them via google when you replied haha. Cheers

  • are the new 2dsxl still hackable?

    • Yep, all 3DS/2DS models and firmwares can be hacked.

  • +1

    Managed to get a price match at EB games on Bayonetta 2. If you're interested it's worth the try.

  • Bayonetta's not showing in stock anywhere near me on the site, but my local Big W (Underwood, QLD) had three copies, so you should definitely call or check in store yourself and not trust the website.

    • Amazon just matched their price on Bayonetta to $49
      Free delivery if you have Prime

  • +1

    Bayonetta 2 now $49 delivered @ Amazon

  • None of those xbox one games listed are available anymore. Did anyone manage to get any? Only one in a couple of stores is star wars

  • Looks like the smash bros pro controller is sold out. Cant seem to find it online. Wonder if it will come back?

  • I was hoping to get the SNES 3DS XL but it's not even listed on the site… kind of disappointed. Might pick up some other things though.

  • Thanks! I finally caved and got Octopath Traveller, very keen on a heavy story-focused game for Switch. :)

  • 1 octopath and 1 bayonetta for switch available at Joondalup WA as at 10:30am. Bayonetta has no case so you need to ask at counter.

    • How did you find out? Did you call them?

      I can't find bayonetta anymore online

      • I went in store

  • x2 black 2ds xl as at 4:00pm Loganholme Qld Big W. Plus x1 only white at Beenleigh Qld Big W about 3:30.

  • EB Games Cannington did a price match for Pokemon let’s go Pokeball bundle

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