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TPG Mobile: New Talk & Text Cap Plans - International Calls now included in your Cap


New Talk & Text Cap Plans - Now with International Calls included in your Cap

Applies only to: customers signed up to a TPG Talk & Text Cap from 19th April 2011 or customer upgrades to talk and text caps from next billing cycle from 28th April

  • International Calls included in Cap
  • Loads of included Mobile Data
  • Free Voice Mail
  • Standard National and International Calls billed per 30 seconds

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Referrer gets $100, up to $1000 a month.

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closed Comments

    • Wow! That was one hell of a rant. I got 3 paragraphs in and gave up.

      As for the "App" for plans. I did a spreadsheet up about 4-5 months ago which basically took the $cap value, divided by cost p/min calls and then divided again by the ACTUAL cost. I don't have the excel sheet anymore (and I'm certain it's changed a bit since then), but I found:

      TPG was the best value for money, above Telstra, Optus, Vodafone, Exetel, 3 and (I think) Discovery.
      Exetel WITH the members discount was equal value (but then TPG with member discount beat that).
      Telstra was the most expensive (with approximately 1/4th the value of TPG).
      Optus/Vodafone pricing was identical (I know which I'd choose…) and actually not much better than Telstra (especially now I imagine).

      My conclusion was pretty simple: If you've got signal for Optus network: TPG. If you've got money and need it: Telstra.

      As for your radio idea. All I can picture of what will happen is sort of like when you join a FPS game online that has far too many people… and suddenly eight thousand pre-pubescent children's voices come over the radio. No one wants to hear that…

      • For the App, I was thinking of something more elaborate, eg, like a GapMinder-based dynamic graph (eg, showing total cost varying with each of the user's usage-months, as a function of up to 3 mobile carrier's plans (ie, 3 plans at a time, either from same or various carriers).

        Summary data would also be available, as it's cost each year's or over the lifetime of the phone or contract period, that matters.

        Too much time is spent (by carriers) devising plans of apparently good value (when they're not) and (by would be users) trying to pick a plan.

        What kind of mobile network would we have it everybody spent more time in design mode (new app's, new features, where to install more cells, etc.)?

        As it is, way to "Much Ado About Nothing" ;-)

        PS Having said that, TPG's $10 (for anyone) plan seems - at first glance - OK for those who ring little, depending on how "air time" & other services are priced.

        • You don't need an app or a spreadsheet to articulate good value; we all know TPG is good value. The most important thing to understand is what is and what isn't included like 13/18 numbers and international calls.

          For low usage, the TPG PAYG plan and amaysim are very good.

    • +2

      tl;dr, I believe is the term.
      If you want to avoid those horrid "airtime" charges, the actual practical way is VoIP over 3G.
      Its essential for 1300/1800 calls on a TPG or plan.
      Best to use a Nokia or Gingerbread phone where VoIP is integrated with the main telephony app.

    • TL;dr mate.

  • -2

    "Loads of included mobile data" - whats a point of that if the quality and speed are so crap in the areas where I go (and I live and work within metro)so you cant use it anyway?

    also 13XX numbers are not included in that plan. so make sure you dont ring TPG on their support number 13somthing and use the local numbers instead.

    • +1

      Yes, because if you get bad quality and speeds: EVERYONE must. I'm not really in the city, but I get full 3G signal constantly, average a 5-6mbps internet connection and I can't say I've had a dropped call before.

      I'm on the $19/month plan and was on an Exetel plan before that. For moderate users it is a great and cheap option: Especially if your intelligent enough not to call 1300 numbers. I have a VoIP account and a home phone I can call them on if I'm desperate (usually I'll just jump on the net and find their "international number").

      That said, this deal isn't really that helpful to me as the last overseas call I made was a year and a half ago… and other than that the plans haven't changed at all.

      • bad quality and speeds ONLY occur in the city. Once I'm out I get 3G and everything.
        in the cbd there's patchy 3G and my phone has 4 bars but if you call it you get the phone is off msg.

        • bad quality and speeds ONLY occur in the city

          That is untrue. There are many rural and other areas with not enough spectrum or backhaul where "bad quality and speeds… occur".

          Your experience isn't the only one :)

        • do you have iphone4?

    • +4

      I totally disagree with this. I've been in almost every possible location in the CBD with my TPG mobile. Almost flawless 3G connection everywhere and great speed. I even occasionally tether to watch YouTube etc, and it's still flawless.

      • @heatseeker you must be lucky I reached the boiling point when I was ringing my mate whos using Optus directly with connection drop outs all the time. As for the internet I couldnt use even 10% of allocated 1.5Gb. The areas i was referring to - Burwood/Newtown/Darlington in Syd.

        I moved to telstra 24 montht plan a few weeks ago and all the problems were gone . I am still using TPG adsl2 connection and I am very happy with it - just to clarify that I am not a TPG hater or anyting like that :)

        • It's probably related to your mobile, is it 3G compatible?

      • +2

        I get full 3g speeds all over CBD and inner west too :)

  • -1

    Thankfully my phone doesn't need internet since its not a smart phone.

    I'm 12km from Melb CBD and can't hold a stable 3G connection in my house with Optus/TPG.

    So until I get a smartphone, TPG ftw.

  • +3

    This biggest selling point of this post seems to be:

    International Calls now included in your Cap

    The fact is that the international calls are very, very overpriced.

    • +1

      Compared to which cap plan? International call rates are on par with Optus, Three and Voda (and Telstra).

      It is unfair to compare it to those VOIP based mobile plans (e.g. Lebara). Basically, you can use your cap. for international calls now. That's better than before. Also, I tried Lebara before. There are times when I really need to make international calls urgently and the other side could not hear a single word I said when I used Lebara. I had to use my Optus phone to make those calls instead.

      You can also use the 1G data included to make VOIP calls using 3G (assuming your phone supports it and Optus 3G network is stable enough in your area).

      Honestly, the international call rates probably are close to what Optus is charging TPG. I doubt there is much TPG can do.

      I suspect Optus will soon have international calls included in most of their cap plans.

      • +1

        It is unfair…

        No, it is unfair to over-inflate cap value with over-inflated inclusions.

        It borders on misleading and deceptive conduct.

        • +3

          not borderline at all.
          completely deceptive and the point is, it makes your fee structure like

          10c/min for 100min
          then $1/min after cap is breached

          of course it looks like there's only 1 price, and fools think they're getting such a great deal! $1000 value for $1!

          now I'd like to sell you a $500 voucher for my shop for a low low price of $1. coke cans at my shop start at $1000.

  • Any one know how to find out what the rates are for the international calls ?

  • I've been using TPG mobile for a long time and these talk & text cap plans (medium) since they came out.
    Honestly, the value is excellent and the coverage (Optus) is 2nd-best, but still pretty good. I was getting 4.5mbits/s on a rural cattle property in rockhampton.

    Sure optus's network leaves things to be desired and congestion does occur. But when you're paying $15/mo for $330 credit (+$370 intra-tpg and 1gb data), its hard to argue.

    • $330 value eh.
      why don't you just multiply everything by 1mil and say paying $15/mo for $330mil credit (and charges are $1mil/min)
      feel better now you're a millionaire?

      • Actually call rates are pretty standard. 40c/30sec with 35c flagfall.

    • +1

      I was getting 4.5mbits/s on a rural cattle property in rockhampton

      That doesn't count, cattle horns are renowned for their efficacy as high gain antennas! If you were in Texas or somewhere with the Longhorn cattle or buffalo, you'd have probably gotten 10mbit!!! :p

  • +4

    I really like TPG products, they are really good value but I don't like the talk and text plan. The cap doesn't include call to 13/1300 & 1800 numbers. If you are out in night and trying to call a cab, you have to wait on hold for very long time. It would cost a lot $$. This is why I prefer the TPG cap saver plan. It includes these numbers. I really don't understand as to why these new caps don't include calls made to 13/1300 & 1800 numbers. Same with Liveconnect mobile. Maybe something to do with Optus mobile???

    But, overall I am a happy TPG customer!!!

    • +1

      I really don't understand as to why these new caps don't include calls made to 13/1300 & 1800 numbers.

      You answered your own question three sentences ago.
      Why charge a massive nominal rate for calls, but give ten times the nominal credit than the dollars they paid?
      It is about maximising revenue. It is about getting more customers, and being able to bill those customers more than they ever intended to spend. Prepaid costs more because they cannot do that.

      You want to avoid playing those games? Get the TPG "Budget Plan". No caps, no BS. You know what you are paying for each call or download. Not "free", not extortionate. Similar no-BS deals from Amaysim, exetel, …

    • +1

      You will find there are generally non-13/1300 & 1800 options for most companies, some refer to them as the "calling from overseas" number.

      For example, Yellow cabs (Brisbane) you can ring (07) 3391 5191 instead. To ring TPG, call (02) 9007 2000 instead of their 13 number. It is then included under your plan.

  • LiveConnected rep… you reading this? :) :) :)

  • +1

    i wish they would include international calls on the cap saver plans

  • +1

    i hope TPG buys over some mobile towers so they can offer unlimited 3G :D

    • They need spectrum in addition to the towers :)

  • Ive been on the TPG $9.99 plan for a few years. I love it when Optus call me up and try to match my plan & lure me over. They just give up as they dont have a match! I dont use my phone much so this plan suits me :)

  • nvm.

  • Not that hard to reroute the call through their own servers and run it over VoIP??? :p

  • +2

    I am on the PAYG "Budget" Plan, $1 a month with 150Mb free, as I'm with TPG for my internet. I am by no means a heavy user, my bill never amounts to more than $5 a month.

    Regarding their quality of service, I had more issues with my iPhone's connection when I was with Optus within my own house than I do anywhere with TPG; strange I know, as TPG is an Optus line!?

    Those above with issues in metro areas, I would be more inclined to believe your problem is your handset than a service issue with TPG/Optus!?

    • Couldn't have said it better myself

  • Hmm unless you need international calls Live Connected remains a better deal. sure, you get charged by the minute and not every 30 seconds but you get an extra $60 call credit :)

  • Noooooooo I signed up for a sim with TPG on the 18th of April! I haven't activated it yet, because of the public holidays, i wasn't able to activate my sim before a new bill cycle. Still stuck on 3. crap.

    Will call them and see if customer service is nice enough to include international calls for me.

    • don't cry, they were emailing most of their current customers to ask if you want to switch to this more expensive international charging plan. so it's likely you can switch via online.

    • don't cry, they were emailing most of their current customers to ask if you want to switch to this more expensive international charging plan. so it's likely you can switch via online.

    • -1

      If you're calling on 3, good luck getting through!

  • so if i went on the $15 Medium International Calls plan, then $330 for international calls which is not bad.

    i'm on a $65 plan from voda because it was the cheapest & included international calls but it was $700 worth of value. $15 with TPG for $330 is good value (id give this to my uncle & auntie because they call the philippines quite alot and even though their phone allows then to call overseas - perhaps i can make them change now to TPG home phone/internet bundled plan now)

  • -1

    not really a good deal, because the customer service people when I called was asian and I really don't understand him.

    • This is certainly a concern for many people.

    • +7

      well aren't you the expert in international relations Julia? at least Kevin could speak Mandarin :/

  • Been with TPG ever since I got an I-Phone, and could not be happier! Only down fall IMO is the lack of 1800 numbers. as these are not included. But with a bit of thought, you can work around it. Service (even thought call centre is off shore) and help has been fantastic.

    • yeah, would be even better if 1800 and 1300 numbers were included too. Even better if those 1900 number included too, and SMS to those competitions

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