• expired

[Registrations Closed] AmEx Statement Credit: BPme App (Spend $50 or More in a Single Transaction, 2 Times, and Get $20 Back)


BPme App
Spend $50 or more in a single transaction, 2 times, and get $20 back
Valid until 04/04/2019

Save the offer to your eligible Card and spend $50 or more in a single transaction, 2 times, via the BPme App, at selected BP locations by 04/04/2019 to receive one $20 credit. Limited to the first 20,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.

Mod: Registrations Capped means you can't register to use this offer any more. However it isn't expired for those who were successful in registering.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (9)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers
American Express
American Express
BP Australia
BP Australia

closed Comments

  • +3

    Not in my all 3 different Amex

  • +6

    Wasn't in my offers but the link worked!

    • Yep, it wasn't in my in-app Offers but had to manually sign up through the link.

      • +1

        Where’s the manual link? The one on the deal only has condition, no form?

        • +1

          Also thought the same, and tried the link from a PC, the "Save to Card" button under the "How to redeem" section which does not show up on my mobile phone.

          • +1

            @Rosace: It looks to be broken in iOS Safari, but fine in Chrome.

            • @forumninja: cannot find it in chrome either, looks like they have fixed it..

  • +2

    So total spend $100, in two installments of $50+ and get $20 back ?
    Essentially 20% off fuel ?

      • +8

        Wrong wrong wrong wrongggg. $20 credit only applies once.

    • Far out you are correct, though I don’t think I should’ve gotten negged that hard. I assumed it was like previous offers but alas, it’s not nearly as good!

  • +7

    Less generous than previous bpme deals.

    And more confusing ;)

    • +3

      For BP's higher prices, not worth the bother, esp with the App

      • +8

        My local BP is always one of the cheapest around (including against the independents)

      • +6

        Not as bad as Coles Shell though.

      • I travel to multiple suburbs all the time. It depends on the area. In some suburb BP price is better compared to coles (discounted)

      • I'd bother but most BP don't seem to have an unleaded 91 pump :( I think I know of one, but I'll have to check if they support the app!

  • +10

    $50 says the BPMe app still sucks (I only ever install it while these offers are on as it's such a pain to use)

    • +6

      They'll give you $20 to prove that it still sucks.

    • +3

      I can confirm the app still sucks

    • It's still better to use the app for family with baby in the car.

  • Thanks Op. Got it.

  • -3

    Hmm use this or my 1.10 U98 7/11 lock🤔

    • Use the 7/11 now as it expires soon, and you have till 4/4 to use the Amex promo.

  • -1

    Was going to install the app again for 20 off 50 spend but it's 10 off 100+ :(

    • It's 20 off 100

      • Oops ya 20 it's too early for me, mistype

  • So is it spend $50 get $20 back for 2 separate times?

    Or Spend $50 twice until 04/04/2019 and receive $20 back?

    • The second.

      Spend 50 bucks,twice…to get one 20 buck cashback

      • What if I spend $100 once? Do I still get the $20 or does it have to be in two transactions?

    • The wording suggest only one $20 credit

    • +10

      Why would we not care about free money anymore?

    • +2

      I do. Got 10 cards and i would still regret if i got rid of them at the moment

    • I also have 10 cards and save hundreds on the Vogue and Shop Small events.

  • +2

    A $50 minimum is a bit high.

    • Just fill up with a higher octane

    • +1

      You must have a small fuel tank? A full tank of 98 costs me $90 :(

  • +8

    Thanks OP!
    Just a refresher for everyone-
    1. Park at pump which will have signs everywhere saying it has BPme available.
    2. While in car, turn on app and allow it to GPS find your location
    3. Verify the petrol station you are at (ie click on app)
    4. Verify the pump NUMBER you are at (basially look at the pump and make sure you choose the right one)
    5. Wait a few seconds while the app connects to the BPme app backend and a message will appear saying you can now proceed to use the pump
    6. [Optional] At the pump, press the pre-set amount buttons to only give me $40 worth of fuel (as I have multiple Amex cards and I like my Velocity points so I try to mimimise the loss)
    7. Fill up car to whatever amount you want and then put pump back in the bowser
    8. Get back in car (if done) and you will see that it has been charged to your nominated card

    • +5

      Step 6, it’s $50 not $40

      • Yes and Yes its $50 and no Velocity. Sorry its a copy paste from last post :D

        • +2

          Still not too late to edit hint hint

    • +2

      I don't think you get velocity points with BPme unless they changed it since last time.

    • +12

      Lol if you are going to copy and paste one of my old posts you could at least update it to $50. 😄

      • Credit to danielh :P

        • +1

          Thanks mate, even with the errors, I found the post useful as I've never used the app

    • +7

      What's usual in my case:

      2. Open app. Enter email login. Enter PIN. Reset PIN.
      3. Close app. Open app. Enter PIN.
      4. Get out of car and give apologetic wave to the person in the car waiting behind you.
      5. While filling up, tell yourself that next time you'll just pay in store.
      6. While driving off, get that feeling that the app didn't work and you just stole fuel.

      • +3

        Step 1.5 - Watch the spinning wheel spin….and spin….and spin
        Step 3.5 - Answer security question. "Something went wrong. Try again." I try again. Watch spinning wheel spin….and spin….and spin
        Step. 3.5.1 - Close app. Open app. Relog in.
        Step 3.5.2 - Answer security question. Watch spinning wheel spin….and spin….and spin
        Step. 3.5.1 - Close app. Open app. Gnash teeth. Register a new account. Verify email. Log in. Watch wheel spin. Enter verification code from SMS. Enter new security question. Set pin. Watch wheel spin…..and spin….."Something went wrong. Try again."
        Step 3.5.2 - Log in again…more wheel spinning… Enter credit cards.
        Step 4.1 - And another apologetic wave to the person behind the person behind you.

        This app is a world of pain.

  • +1

    Amex could have just made it spend $50 get $10 back up to 2 times to be less confusing! Previous offer was spend $40 get $10 back up to 2 times from memory!

    • I’m guessing they want you to spend more like with the coles flybuys every week for 4 weeks…

    • better when you could just top up opal at BP

    • +1

      Doing it this way is better for amex, because with your suggestion, you are guaranteed at least $10 credit for filling up the first time. But according to the conditions they've set, if you forget to fill up or don't manage to spend $50 the second time, you won't get any credit at all

  • Can you buy gift cards with this? I’ve never used the app but it sounds like from above you have to fill up $50?

  • +2

    thx OP, got it

    now, cue for people with 50 cards to brag about hoarding up all the spots……….

    • +2

      bet will see some ozbargainer in a tanker filled with bp petrol driving around reselling at 10% off

      • lol haven't thought of that :)

  • +4

    AMEX small shop benefits were reduced recently, now the BP deals.
    (And the devaluation coming Apr 15.. ) ;/
    amex.. for shame!

    • What devaluation? Genuine question.

      • Hotel point transfers. I still think the explorer card is Amex best offering since I travel alot

      • essentially, currently you can transfer points to frequent flyer programs 1:1, after Apr 15 it's going to be .5:1.

        the link provided by the user above is worth reading.

    • That was expected, they are charging merchants lower fees than they used to.

    • Well with Ozbargainer scammers taking full advantage what would you expect. Free money because you look nice?

      • +1

        Dont understand your logic, Amex would not expect everyone enrol to offers to fully utilise them? they are prepared for all subscriber taking full/maximum advantage of it.

        • +1

          Also those with many cards taking full advantage of offers usually pay multiple annual fees!

          • +1

            @bohn: Thats not the business model for Amex, its not the card fees that make them the profit, its the charges to the vendor.

          • @bohn: No, you really don't need to pay annual fees.

            There are multiple fee-free amex cards. Two from memory are directly from Amex, possibly more from other providers.
            Each card can have supplementary card holders.
            So I could quite easily get minimum 4 per adult, escalating quickly if my kids were legal age or I got more cards.

            Of course, I choose to only have one card and no supps, because I'm not a douche.

            I think easternculture said he has like 20.

            • @justtoreply: I have applied for several supplementary cards online and they did not ask for proof of age. Also they regularly have offers of 3000 points for getting one but you can only get one of these per primary card.

        • Well then why limit the number of redemptions if this was true (20K)

          But hey its just an opinion by both of us….

  • +4

    Bpme app is the worst app I ever used in my life. Let's see if they improved it.

    • +1

      No they haven't. You're welcome.

    • +1

      Still very slow.

      • The thing freezes at payment for me. The circle never stops spinning. It stressed me out. I couldn't tell if the payment went through or not. And if it didn't, it would mean I'd have to pay through other means which means no credits.

    • +1

      True statement.

    • +1

      Haven't improved since last deal

  • Amex server down

  • Hard for me to spend $50 in one transaction based on my fuel tank size. I'd have to buy fuel when it's max price.

    • Or fill up on premium.

      • Might as well just throw money down a drain sink since it does nothing for my U91 car.

  • The app doesn't work well. I can't add station to favourites

    So the deal is spend $100, to get $20 back so pretty much doubled up your spending to get the same cashback not good

  • Thanks OP.
    Does any know if we can add more than 1 Amex card in same BP me account and avail the offer in all cards rather than creating seperate BPme account for each card. I went through the terms and conditions but couldn't find the answer.

    • +1

      Yes. Can add multiple cards. Try it.

  • +8

    Max reached, that was fast…

  • +1

    I used last time and it wasnt good. ended paying at counter after consuming lots of my time. stay away

  • Damn, woke up too late :(

  • Damn missed it

  • Expired, max reached. 😩

  • +3

    $50 is a bit much for hatchback cars. I remember last time the requirement was $40 spend which was doable, especially given high petrol price at BP stations.

    • What would suck is if you were marginal, as has happened to me. Filled up the tank fully but was short by less than a dollar.

      • +3

        Wash the car with some petrol? Just kidding.

    • what sucks is you'll have to do it twice, and often the app plays up and you can end up having to pay card and try it next time.

    • +1

      bring a 5L jerry can and fill that up

      • +1

        I'm surprised no one does this more often.

        Just need to take proper precautions if anyone intends to keep fuel at home.

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