Planning on Buying My First Luxury Car

First of all.. I fully understand that this is not a financially sound decision at all.. and I'm fully aware of the incoming 'high yield vehicle' jokes. But I want to get something nice while I'm still young and spend some of the money I've worked hard for on something that will make me happy.

Anyways, I'm looking to upgrade to a nicer car.. what I already have in mind is a BMW 230i F22 LCI (was also pretty keen on 430i but bit pricy).. I don't need a four doors sedan, I currently own a sedan and 98% of the time, my backseats are empty.

What I've been looking at are fairly new, either demo or used, between 1-3 years old with low milege. I've seen a couple going for around $50-55k.

A couple question I'd like to ask are..

  1. How much would I generally be able to shave off for a car around this price range..
  2. Any advice regarding BMWs in general or this car specifically? New to BMWs

Any input is welcomed, positive or negative.

Update: Hey guys, thanks for all the input. Some people are asking for my income and age for a better context.

I'm 23 & my salary package is just shy of 72k. My family is not rich, nor are we poor. We're just comfortable. I've got a good chunk of change saved up. Still living at home, no kids, so not much outgoings.

I understand the cars I'm looking at are not the most powerful you can get for the price. Shallow as it sounds, status is an appeal to me as well. Enjoyed reading through all the comments that's been coming through.

Update2: Definitely pretty humbling reading through some of these comments.

First of all, I think the term 'luxury car' seems to mean very different things to different people. To me, when I said luxury I basically just means something nicer than cars on the lower end of the markets like.. Mazda 2.. Golf TSI.. cars in those range. At my age and socioeconomic level most people I know around me would consider these European brands luxury.

I also understand that the cars I'm looking at are at the lower end of what the brands offer.. I'm definitely not kidding myself in thinking that these would make people turn their heads as I drive by, nor is that my intention. Just to clarify, I'm not really going into this wanting to impress others.. Its more like something for myself and while I understand that to some, these are not impressive at all, I think its enough to satisfy my ego.

I 100% agree with everyone saying that I should be investing my money into other things like property, if I do go through with this, its definitely going to be a stupid financial decision.


              • @M1ndFu7: It's not relative in that in no way is a 2 series luxury. To be luxury it has to offer luxuries over and above standard cars, which a 2 series does not, apart from giving you one of the most annoying shifters known to man.

                I don't have a Rolls Royce, but I have owned a 3 series, 5 series and 7 series. The 7 was luxury, 5 borderline and 3 was not. I also had a Mazda Cosmo, which has a Mazda badge but is luxury.

                Funny thing is, I deal with a few people that have a lot of cash, and a couple of them have recently bought Kia stingers. Generally the only people buying cars to impress are the ones that can't afford it, the ones that can don't give a shit what anyone thinks.

                • +1

                  @brendanm: You have an impressive car collection and I’m definitely not surprise you think a 2 series is not a luxury car.

                  Was on my bike when a 2 series flew by and all I can do is drool. OP seems to be on the same boat as me. :)

                  • +1

                    @M1ndFu7: Not impressive, I have just had a lot of cars haha, a couple luxury, most not. Not even trying to denigrate OP, just saying that buying a car that is going to drop in value like crazy for status is really silly, especially when it isn't a car that has status. If he truly wanted a BMW for himself, it would be a different story, but I would probably still advise against it in favour of setting himself up for 10 years or so down the track, if he does that well he can buy an M5.

  • -1

    BMW is rubbish, poor quality, big panel gaps, backward technology and rubbish after sales service.

    Suggest you stay away from the Bavarian turd works.

    And 72k salary isnt exactly raking it in, better off saving for your home deposit or invest the money.

    • -1

      typical cheapskate fanboy who knows nothing about BMWs, Don't listen to clowns like this.

      • -1

        I have a mate that works at BMW dealership, he is constantly showing us great examples of the panel gaps.
        Stop pretending your entry level BMW is better than another mass produced car.

        • -1

          Pretty much this. 3 Series is terrible compared to C Class, totally not be being biased.

        • -1

          I have a mate that works at BMW and my best mate is a mechanic and deals with every type of normal road car. He said they are no different from any other car and said every car has their normal servicing costs. Mate that works at beema has said nothing about panel gaps or issues that you are mentioning. Backward technology? what are you even on about? they are ahead of the game. Rubbish and poor quality… okay buddy. Like I said before, don't listen to clowns like these blokes who drive el cheapo cars and have never spent a dime on anything in their lives apart from a usb cord from china discount by 50% and are still waiting for their cash rewards. OP I'd speak to people who have owned BMWs and/or currently own one. I've owned many BMWs different models and have never had any issues at all. They are amazing quality as I've owned mazdas, toyotas, hyandais, holden and fords and there is NO comparison, they are RUBBISH compared when looking at quality of build and interior quality. Toyota camry compared to a 2 series bmw lol go drive the two and check each out, and you'll see what I'm talking about.

          • -1

            @boostpak: BMW vs Mercedes sales figures in Australia says otherwise. I'd spend my money on the Mercedes


            Industry leading tech right there LOL

            • -1

              @Ragnarok1983: sales are sales.. chinese phone cables sell like hot cakes compared to original phone cables… doesn't mean they are any good and are reliable because they sell more

              • @boostpak: Except mercedes aint a chinese phone cable. Got any better analogies? C-Class Car of the year twice in a row cant be wrong, also the sales figures speak for themselves.

                p.s. 2 series is precisely the sort of rubbish marketed to people earning 70k but want the 'prestige' of a luxury car.

  • +5

    I bought a Porsche a couple of years ago. I love that Porsche and i love cleaning it and taking it for a drive. But it ain't no daily driver. For that i have a golf. And that Golf is beaten up to the ****house and none of it was done by me.

    You simply can never have a daily driver and not have it damaged, so it's a total waste of your money. You can NEVER leave it in a car park for example. The real life practicalities of what you plan will destroy your soul when you see what other people do to your car.

    Trust what the wise say, invest your money and don't buy a fancy car until you can afford to have two. You will appreciate it a lot more and you'll also be financially secure.

    • +2

      Hell my old job used to be on a leafy street and spring would coat the car in a massive layer of pollen and tree crap and it'd look dirty and sticky the day after a wash.

    • +2

      Words of wisen. I have an impreza for daily grind. The 991.2 comes out on the weekend only.

      Just cant leave it at shopping centre without worrying some (profanity)'s gonna put a dint into it.

  • +1

    I rayken you need to buy a nice slightly used 2014 2015 sort of a BMW because they depreciate nicely and you can save a few tens of thousands of dollars. I am going to say get yourself a m235i or m240i for the 6 cylinder BMW experience. It is an attractive coupe and it is not insane money.

    Of course everyone here will tell you not to do it but if everyone lived the life of an ozbargainer life would be very boring and everyone would be driving toyota corollas. To me personally I don't think it is worth it but I drive a 2000 Z3 3.0 BMW and has been something I've admired for a long time. It set me back 16k but its not crazy money so its OK for me.

    But after you buy the car you will have to work hard and make some sensible decisions and enjoy the car while you are young! Get on carsales, visit some dealers as well because you never know what you'll find. AND BE FIRM ON YOUR NEGOTIATION thats all it is at the end of the day.

    • +3

      Also every moron saying it is not luxury is driving a toyota rav 4 or somethimg, sure it isnt an S class but it certainly is a step up from your average toyota corolla in fit finish, quality of materials and the technology thats included in the car.

      • +1

        i wonder how many of these people who claim BMW is not a luxury car would be willing to take his rav 4 over a BMW (similar size variant) if the price for both cars are the same.

        These people find it hard to understand the concept of diminishing return. BMW costing twice a corolla will most certainly not give double the value.

    • +2

      Your comma game is weak bro.

  • +1

    Got myself a 2014 m135i recently for a bit of fun after years of modest cars. It's been great. Still has free servicing until end of this year and then it'll go to a local BMW specialist (certainly not BMW!). It's bene trouble free but I don't do a lot of km and nor does it have many. I like that's it not a super complex car by any means and view it as sort of a new age muscle car with the BMW V6, which won't exist in these vehicles much longer!

    • +1

      It's actually a straight 6 not a v6. Which is a good thing.

      • Oops! Amateur hour :)

  • +3

    If you are young and living at home with no kids - buy whatever you want. In 15 years time you will be me who needs to earn 3-4x as much just to "feed the machine" of life, housing, family and expenses which come with age and responsibility. You are now in your golden years of selfish spending, don't waste these years of permitted gluttony.

  • +3

    Shallow as it sounds, status is an appeal to me as well.

    Still living at home

    Not to shame anyone who still lives at home (it's a great way to save money), but how exactly is your status improved by a nice car? A status symbol is one thing, but it's not like you're bringing dates home to your car, and your friends/colleagues know better. If getting an admiring look from strangers who don't know your home situation is important, then… Sure?

    I just think there are more pragmatic (property) and enjoyable (holidays) ways to spend your money. A luxury car is the king of depreciating assets, and I'm not so sure it'll improve your quality of life $55k worth.

    • +1

      I didnt really conveyed myself too well when I said status. I really just meant it more for myself. It'll make myself feel nice to have something that I've always wanted.

      You're definitely right that there are much better things to spend money on, but in terms of what is enjoyable, thats a bit more subjective. But overall, yeah I probably wont be $55k worth happier getting a car.

  • +2

    Lol what a waste of money, I'm 1 year older than you and on a bit more money and I didnt even consider a car over 20 grand lol

    • +1

      You're more boring than him.

      • 30K compounded at 5% over 50 years is about 330K.

        I'd much rather have more money than have some people think I'm "interesting".

        • You cant even guarantee you will live to 50

          • @djmm: I guess you're planning to spend ever single cent you earn and depend on society when you cannot earn anymore just to be "interesting"?

            The odds of living to 50 is not 100% but is quite high.

            I'd rather bet with the odds than against it.

            • @[Deactivated]: Please support my living when I'm 50.

              • @djmm: But at least it will not be "boring" eh.

    • Well what a waste of life you have been living then

  • +5

    At your current salary I'd say skip the BMW for now and grab a 2nd hand Golf GTI or something similar. They're a joy to drive, will cost you a lot less up front and a lot less to maintain. Still a super cool car and always will be. The joy of driving it is more important than any status from the badge. How about a 2nd hand Toyota 86 and add some boost? It'll cost a lot less and in the real world I think you'd actually enjoy driving that more than a 220i. But I understand if you've always dreamed of a BMW. My dream is a Porsche 911.

    When I was starting my career with a similar income I also wanted a cool new car. I'd been following the development of the Toyota 86 (I know it's no BMW) from it's first glimpses as a concept car and it launched just as I finished University. I just loved it and wanted it but I knew it was silly to be going out buying something new and impractical. Better to keep going with my ancient Ford and save for more sensible things like a house. My grandmother of all people was the one that sold me on buying something fun. She said you don't get many opportunities in life to spend money like that and drive an impractical car except when you're young and your next car is probably going to be for school runs, so enjoy this one. She was right. I'm going to be sad when I have to get rid of my little Toyota when I need space for child seats but it has had a great run and it still gives me great joy to get behind the wheel.

    Don't let the usual Ozbargain fancy car haters get you down. It's an expensive waste of money, yes. But if it gives you great joy I say go for it.

  • +3

    i recently traded my aging e92 325i for a f22 m235i - BEST DECISION EVER. Like you, I've decided that I would splurge a little and enjoy myself while i'm younger instead. I'm 31 now though, single with a property tenanted out and people my age already have families and mouths to feed, so this is actually a more sound decision than you might think. I feel like owning a nice car in your late 40s or 50s is a completely different experience, moreso if you had one in your early twenties. That said, please drive safe!

    Buy a nice car because of your personal love for driving, I'd drive a BMW even if it didn't have a badge on it. People who assume people who drive euro cars only drive it out of brand snobbery or to feel unique really need to see it from a different angle altogether. Euro cars are just THAT much more fun to drive if you are a hobbyist.

    • Totally agree. Don't worry about the 1999 camry drivers on here who will never upgrade their car unless it completely breaks down, then they are looking at the cheapest car on the market as they havne't opened their wallets since 1999! Just go with what you love and enjoy in life. Lifes too short.

    • I don't think people have a problem with euro cars, it's more with base model BMW's. They literally have the badge and that's it.

  • +2


    I say do what you want and your wish of self fulfillment is sound. There are better things to life than a mortgage and investments and nesteggs. People live for different priorities and some just like looking at numbers grow in a bank account rather than enjoying life.

    I grew up in the similar conditions to you and at around your age was also looking for something to enjoy. I purchased a 125i series coupe at the time at great expense and only recently traded it in for something a little nicer. lost of heap of value from the car but it was a great thing to drive with the hydraulic steering

    my advice to you would be the following:
    - Don't buy new or a BMW, they depreciate heavily and servicing does cost quite a bit, I didn't see the value of BMW service and felt the car aged quickly.
    - Buy something with heritage and collectable, your selection of a 2 series is good, but the steering is vague and performance is 1 dimensional. i'd look at something like a 996 (if you can stretch that far) 987 Cayman (great balance) to really teach you about driving and a Porsche is street cred. most Porsche's are built to last and they are reliable.
    - look at things around the price rather than the brand - you never know if something interesting turns up!

    FYI the only BMW I would probably put money on now is the 1 Series M - great car.

    • this is solid advice and couldn't have said it better myself. I would love to own a 987 boxster.. and also if prestige doesnt matter as much the ND Miata is such a cool cheapy in the used market. with max style points

    • +2

      The 2 series performance is one dimensional? What does that even mean?

      And recommending a 996 to a guy one budget is dumb. Do you have any idea what repairs on those cost?

      • One dimensional is exactly what it means, its quite brisk and thats about it. The handling on the car in my opinion is shockingly bad, when going fast its hard to gauge when center is. BMW has always been about the way the car handles and feels,unfortunately, they have lost it when they moved to electric - it feels like an audi.

        Sure a 996 is quite an "exotic" level car, but aside from the questionable design and the IMS issues, its actually a really great car to drive and sounds half decent. you can find a good example on carsales for around the 60-65 mark with the IMS issues resolved and if you get a PPI from a reputable shop to look at it (autohaus hamilton, Cavaco) its a relatively bulletproof car.

      • steering and performance in the 2 series is absolutely fantastic. The car has great balance and cornering is just fun and nimble. 987 and a 996 will send you brankrupt real quick. Servicing costs for these cars are enormous as your local wouldn't work on this sort of car so you'd be left to a Porsche specialist $$$$$$$. Also they have little things go wrong with them i've heard. Great cars but not what OP is looking for. 2 series fits the bill great little car.

    • I have owned many BMWs over my years and servicing has been on point with any other car I've owned. So it's really not more expensive as you say. I took them to my local and they serviced it perfectly. One of my Mazdas actually cost more to service! Loved all my BMWs I owned, never had any issues and they were just a joy to drive. Also didn't depreciate for me that much :)

  • +1

    Will it be kept in a garage at nights? If not it will be a shame to park a nice car outside… under rain shine hail or severe storm.

  • +1

    Just be aware once you own a BMW your standard will go up and going back to Toyota and similar will not an option. If you try black…

    • +1

      i agree wholeheartedly. even for task orientated trips, e.g. to ikea, i still try to drive my coupe as opposed to the bigger more practical choices. The way it drives is intoxicating.

  • Lexus ES300H

    • nice car from the back, but the front looks like it's ready to go out to space and it looks like a bit of a grandpas type car also

      • More grandpas drive a Mercedes C, E and S class yet people still they're cool cars. Same goes for BMW

        • +1

          no grandpas are driving a 2 series m line

        • I doubt many young people drive S classes, but maybe the C and possibly the odd E. Still they look a lot more sporty and just cooler than that Lexus. That lexus screams retirement age.

          • @boostpak:

            That lexus screams retirement age.

            So ageist. i hate you. TO me it screams "a smart decision".

            • @conservative: say 'smart decision' when you're in the grave and see how that goes

              • @boostpak: Explain?

                Lexus are incredibly safe with 5 star ANCAP and enough airbags to make Mercedes look cheap.

                • @conservative: SMH … mercedes and bmw are very very safe cars bud. In your grave are you going to say to yourself, oh i'm so so glad I made that smart decision? … you'll be dead

                  • @boostpak:

                    In your grave are you going to say to yourself, oh i'm so so glad I made that smart decision

                    Yes. I'd probably kill myself if I bought a European car.

  • +1

    Get an e class or 5 series, even if a bit older. These models are the core of Merc / BMW. The c (or 3 series) and lower are just cars competing with what Subaru, Honda etc do, perhaps better.

    Had the c, fun car. Nothing special though. A 6 year old e is much better than a 2 year old c. I assume the same goes for BMW.

    Slightly off topic, but slightly not as well, it always amuses me to see people buying Porsche SUV and the like. If you want a sports car, buy a Porsche. If you want a SUV, get a Mazda…

    If you want a German luxury car, get the executive sedan. If you want a hatchback, don't buy an A class.

  • Lease a year old luxury car for two or three years and get it check it off your bucketlist.

    Unless of course you want to really go high up the chain (E Class, 6 or 7 series, A6/S4, etc.). Most of them are going to be an unbelievable drain on your wallet, so better lease it than own it.

  • +2

    That's an impressive amount to save at the start of your working life, plenty of time to earn that money again but you only get one shot of enjoying your youth before the big commitments start to pile up.

    For that money though I would look at a preowned Audi S3 sedan, you should be able to find one with the digital dash update and sports seats within your budget. To me it's more premium than a base 2 series.

    Check out this Audi S3.…

    Check out this Audi S3.…

    • Hey, yeah I was looking at the S3 for the longest time but a few people have scared me off with their horror story about Audi's reliability in general. Do you have any personal experience with Audis?

  • +1

    Op: you don't know how often I wish I could go back and tell, beg my 23 year old self that buying expensive clothes, going out clubbing, and having multiple sports cars at the same time was the biggest regret you will ever have

    Yes it's cool to be seen with such things, to fit in, however it's all temporary. That cool new car? "Old" in 12 months time. That expensive RL polo? Worn out in 12 months time.

    Now by no means am I poor, or struggling right now. However if my 23 year old self had saved a "majority" of his savings (we all need to spend a little bit and enjoy life) I Have not doubt that I would be a multi-millionaire right now.

    Less time watching Netflix, going out and getting shit faced and more reading. All the knowledge is in the tried and true financial books out there.

    • +1

      let everyone live life bro, and also you should live with no regrets. Stop looking back with regrets. Just enjoy the journey we only live one time mate. As long as you are happy and enjoying life that's what counts. You could be dead tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, who the heck knows.

      Funny thing is, I bet that was the most fun time in your life disco, where you had no worries in the world, every weekend you would look forward to and be so excited to go out and have fun with your friends, meet girls, not know where the night goes, driving around the city with your mates, going on weekeneds away. Now you're left in bed on a saturday night reading saying I wish I could go back and be frugal… yeahh right

      • -1

        "let everyone live life bro"

        "f**k Australia, I can't afford a house deposit or "I can't afford to have kids or "I am drowning in debt" or 'I can't afford to retire".

        It is always funny to see where most people who favored immediate/short-term gratification over long-term decision making end up in life.

  • +1

    It doesn't really sound like you know what you want in a car except to get out of your "ordinary" car. I'd definitely recommend test driving all styles of car within your price range before deciding on one.

    As some examples:
    - Hot hatch (golf gti, etc)
    - Awd sedan (wrx, etc)
    - affordable 2 door sports (86, mx5, etc)

    My knowledge of euro cars isn't great, so there might be some (more expensive) euro alternatives.

    Most of these cars are still symbols of status in my opinion, although maybe to a lesser extent than euro cars. But if you decide you love driving one of them, then it's probably worth giving up some status.

    Personally I'm a similar age and drive an 86. It is a bit of a financial burden, and does slow down buying a house, but I love driving it and wouldn't give it up unless I absolutely had to.

    • Yeah I've actually got a few cars in mind but hopped around a few times for one reason or another. I dont have anything set in stone, but yeah I just want something 'nice'. I visit some dealers when I get time!

  • +1

    I would urge you to look at the M135i or even the Mercedes C350 - They are a hoot to drive and also look at Audi.

    BMW are excellent machines and really allow you to enjoy the power they deliver because they're so planted on the road.

    I went Mercedes because I don't like the look of the BMW but that's personal choice.

    Be wary though, given your income, that every time you take your car in for a service, you'll rarely leave with a bill under $2,000.

    This level of car is expensive to maintain, but it's far nicer to drive, faster, handles better, brakes better and is far safer.

    I will never go back to Japanese if I can avoid it.

    Lastly, don't listen to the naysayers, they've never owned a European car and don't understand they joy in driving one. They've heard the myths and the horror stories from decades ago, but Euro cars have come a looong way and despite what some think, they are as reliable as any Japanese car.

  • +6

    When i was young, all i wanted was a nice flashy car like my friends, but my family sat me down and brought over a relative, that explained to me that he was in the same situation when he was younger, now he looks back at it and laughs , as all of his friends don't drive nice cars now, and struggle to pay the rent, while he owns his house, and owns a nice car , and lives comfortably.

    So pretty much id recommend going straight for the house and get the car later, you can always get an older car and do it up a littlebit.

    I live by one rule, "Do you need it, or do you want it, because if you want it, you don't need it"

    • Correct!

  • ItalicBut I want to get something nice while I'm still young and spend some of the money I've worked hard for on something that will make me happy.Italic

    • You think life goes down hill from here?
    • Materialistic things never makes you happy.

    From the long post you're trying to talk yourself into it nicely, don't!

  • Audi TTS or TTS roadster. Done. Just get it checked out with a full inspection. Belts, water pump, alternator belts. Happy days. Full service book.

  • +2

    How about a megane rs 250/265 cup? Easily under 20k and heaps of fun!

    • for sure,

      Doesn't come with the egotistical smug owner connotation either.

  • -1

    I am in similar age and situation as you, except I moved out of house and that easily increases your expenses. I drive a 6k Mazda and is sufficient for me. If you are buying an luxury car just to upgrade from your normal car, personally I would invest in a property as car will depreciate and property will not. But if you are keen on buying a car I would recommend test driving that particular car and other brands like golf, 86, wrx,etc and buying second hand.

  • +1

    Trust me OP, dont get a BMW. Nothing but a money pit. You will regret it. Russian Roulette with 6 Bullets in each chamber. I know because it happened to me. Your ego wont be stroked with the cars ur looking for at that level.

  • why do commentators here all assume that OP wants people to notice what he drives or has his ego stroked? he's 23 and is a motor enthusiast and wants to have a nice and enjoyable car to drive and is asking for ideas. He's not asking to be parented about how to be thrifty. Anyway, I digress.

    Ignore the naysayers who have probably never owned or driven a modern day bmw (F+ series) and make blanket claims about parts failing and servicing cost. Sure BMW has had some bad history, but the newer engines are rock solid and SOUND AMAZING, e.g. the n55, b58s and the s55s. From someone who actually owns an AFFORDABLE 2 series (m235i/m240i), I can highly recommend it. Such a tossable car and incredibly fun to drive. It does get you into trouble pretty quick though, so at 23 you might need to lay off the throttle a bit. Sure cars like the 86 or BRZ are cheaper alternatives if you want a driver's car, but out of the box, it lacks power and torque which the more sporty range 2 series gives you I feel.

    If you have anymore questions about the 2er, ask away, I'd happy to answer them or is a great source of information. Ozbargain isn't the best avenue for car advice to be completely honest, lotsa presumptuous and possibly jealous people who question people's lifestyle choices.

    • +1

      why do commentators here all assume that OP wants people to notice what he drives or has his ego stroked?

      Probably because here, OP stated that he wants his ego stroked.

    • he's 23 and is a motor enthusiast and wants to have a nice and enjoyable car to drive

      No he's not. Already mentioned in the very 1st post.

      • That changes things then. But my statement still stands for the budding and twenty something enthusiasts.

    • -2

      I don't think anyone is jealous of a 2 series pal.

      • +2

        What's new? Another commentator that perceives the value of a BMW based on its incremental chassis series number. If you had any knowledge of BMW beyond just the badge or its price of ownership, you will know the 2er is the next best thing since the e46 m3 in terms of a pure driver's experience without breaking the bank. Especially now that the 1M is pretty much a unicorn and near unaffordable.

        The 2er has a very similar wheelbase length to the legendary e46 m3 of old, before the age of dinosaur BMW's (modern day 3 to 5 series) and its size just makes it dead quick turning into corners. Not to mention the gains in torque and power to weight ratio in a smaller chassis.

        All these facts are probably lost on you because your idea of jealousy is predicated on how affordable a BMW is. Whereas an enthusiast who may find themselves stuck with a 7 series boat cruiser may actually be jealous of someone with a 2 series simply because it truly is the epitome of what put BMW on the map in the very first place.

        • It sounds like you want people to be jealous.

        • +1

          lol describes a BMW as a "pure driver's experience without breaking the bank."

          • @cille745: I paid 35k including all on road cost after trade in for a 2 year old car with the same engine as a pre lci m2. Last I checked with that kinda coin, it'll buy me a top of the line Mazda 6 or civic R or i30n new where I'll probably have to suffer most of the new car depreciation within the first year.

            Don't get me started on comparing the enjoyment derived from driving any of those cars vs a BMW coupe.

  • +2

    Mate, go get the car you want!

    I was in the same boat when I was 23, got my nice sports car back then and never regretted.

    Back in the days, my older colleague said I wasted all the money on the brand new sports car and will never be able to get married or own a property before 30. He was wrong.

    Life is not all about saving, your update seems to show that you are a responsible person who cares about money but not it’s slave.

    Yup, go enjoy your life and buy it quick! :)

    To answer your question:

    1. I reckon you probably can get $5k off but with lots of bargaining. Because the owner would have taken a bit of a lost to start with. And with European car options tend to make each 2nd car on the market slightly different. That’s where it is hard to bargain.

    2. Can’t answer BMW, I am a Mercedes owner. :)

    Have fun!!!!

  • +1

    As someone who owned 2 luxury SUVs in the last 7 years , I would advise against spending that kind of money on a car. One was keyed and damaged maliciously by a 'work colleague' .Thankfully it was all caught on camera. The other one nearly got car-jacked with my dog still inside. Also , my wife swears that other drivers, usually in beat-up cars , purposefully tries to crash into her.

    • It's because you owned luxury SUVs. They're much more expensive and people would be more willing to steal it and rarely would there be a crazy work colleague willing to key someone's car.
      If he buys this bmw which I also think he shouldn't, he can save another 40k easily the following year if he still lives at home anyway.

  • -5

    Be cooler and buy a tesla.

    Also poor people drive 2 door bmws/mercades (poor girls who use daddys money mainly) or wtf your buying.

    • +1

      I want to get a c300 soon and wouldn't consider that a poor persons car but hey you must be raking it in if you consider these euro cars for poor people.

      • -4

        Yes rich people ALWAYS buy cars with 2 doors…. Thats why BMW/mercades now Only release cars with 2 doors.

        So you want to buy a 'C' class, please tell me if the 'E' class spec to spec (or equiv) is cheaper? Its not. And S class is again more expensive than both C & E. Is the C300 more expensive than the E300 ? No. 'C' class is the Cheapest mercedes class. No matter what you say.

        Lets create a scenario - your a rich father who drives a S class, and your moron daughter or son (Im an equal opportunist) wants to buy a new car:- you concerned your moron son will wrap the car around a power pole killing him or your moron daughter will crash the car while parking - you are going to buy a mercades for them - what do you do: buy a 's' class or 'c' class?
        So poor people drive 2 door class 'c' mercades (Notice how I didn't use the word buy - which also invalidates your other comment about euro car for poor people - unless your trying to tell me that sponging off a parent somehow makes your rich).

    • Tesla lol

    • +3

      Even though you are copping negs, i have seen truth to this. BMW started financing to almost anyone with an income a few years ago. I know a heap of people who have new BMWs outside of their means.

  • +3

    i would stick to a 30-35 budget. you really dont need to spend anymore for something nice.

    i have a c250 coupe 2013 (didnt buy a car till i was 27 everything before was handmedowns old prelude and mazda 6 theres no rush you are young) and its more than enough all round for a good while but i still get super envious when i see a c63 but i cant justify that money when i can use it to make more money.

    just get what you like but be sensible about it, dw about the haters

    ps. my maintenance is cheap because lots of my friends are mechanics, find some useful friends

  • +1

    If you can afford to buy a luxury car, you can surely afford to move out of home. Think of it as a gift to your parents.

    • +2

      I am guessing OP is Asian based on the name. Asians kids generally don't move out unless they get married or unless they really want to. The parents actually don't like the kids to move out and if they move out most Asian parents would buy them a place anyway (if they can afford it).

  • +1

    Money is for spending… if you have it. You're allowed to have fun in life.

    I'm 40, earn over double yourself without taking into account my wife's income, and have just upgraded my 2004 Honda CRV to a 2017 Skoda Superb Sportline 4x4. Not that I'm a car expert but it seems to have similar specs and consumer conveniences to the Beamer you're looking at. It felt like more of a risk to drop $45k on a car now that I have kids. However, a factor in buying it was that it's fun to drive and takes me back to the fun I had cruising around as a 20yo.

    That said, without a sensible mindset and tempered ego, I think you can set yourself up for increasing expectations. Not many people want to downgrade as they get older, so entering that price bracket at 23 might have you expecting to spend $100k on a car at age 40. Which, again, is fine as long as you have the money.

    • Yeah, my mindset was that I wanted to be able to spend some money while I don't have too much financial obligations.. like kids/mortgage.

  • +8

    Gotta say: If my son (in ten years time) was in a similar situation to you and asked me for this advice, I would say: Take the cost that you were going to buy this car for and halve it. Use half to buy a "nice" car - probably nice to get a first hand non-poverty pack Asian car to take you around and still have some street cred more than your old Camry.
    Take the other half and go on a holiday to Europe or America and do some traveling there. Reason is, you are still young and have many opportunities for better cars as your income goes up. Holidays like this do not come often and will be increasingly difficult as your lifestyle changes and settles down over time.

    Going out and learning more about the world will make you realise that 73k PA is not an achievement, but are stepping stones to go further up in your career and life goals. A 230i BMW does not give you this.

    • +1

      The income is not the achievement. I simply added that for context as several people have asked and I probably haven't 'achieved' enough to warrant spending so much on a car. I have just always wanted one and my savings as well as income would allow for it.

      In saying that though, your advice make sense. Thanks

  • Just imagine, 8 or 10 years later as you got bored or decided to upgrade and you had to re-sell at probably 20-30% of what you paid now, would you be happy then to know you have just spent $30,000 - $40,000 over those years on a car? What could you do with that amount of money had you driven something more economical and invest most of it somewhere better?

    Don't sacrifice what you really want in the future for what you momentarily want now.

  • +2

    Buy shitcoins bro, like Cardano, Verge, Lisk, Tron. When they moon lambo, you buy nicer car.

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