Planning on Buying My First Luxury Car

First of all.. I fully understand that this is not a financially sound decision at all.. and I'm fully aware of the incoming 'high yield vehicle' jokes. But I want to get something nice while I'm still young and spend some of the money I've worked hard for on something that will make me happy.

Anyways, I'm looking to upgrade to a nicer car.. what I already have in mind is a BMW 230i F22 LCI (was also pretty keen on 430i but bit pricy).. I don't need a four doors sedan, I currently own a sedan and 98% of the time, my backseats are empty.

What I've been looking at are fairly new, either demo or used, between 1-3 years old with low milege. I've seen a couple going for around $50-55k.

A couple question I'd like to ask are..

  1. How much would I generally be able to shave off for a car around this price range..
  2. Any advice regarding BMWs in general or this car specifically? New to BMWs

Any input is welcomed, positive or negative.

Update: Hey guys, thanks for all the input. Some people are asking for my income and age for a better context.

I'm 23 & my salary package is just shy of 72k. My family is not rich, nor are we poor. We're just comfortable. I've got a good chunk of change saved up. Still living at home, no kids, so not much outgoings.

I understand the cars I'm looking at are not the most powerful you can get for the price. Shallow as it sounds, status is an appeal to me as well. Enjoyed reading through all the comments that's been coming through.

Update2: Definitely pretty humbling reading through some of these comments.

First of all, I think the term 'luxury car' seems to mean very different things to different people. To me, when I said luxury I basically just means something nicer than cars on the lower end of the markets like.. Mazda 2.. Golf TSI.. cars in those range. At my age and socioeconomic level most people I know around me would consider these European brands luxury.

I also understand that the cars I'm looking at are at the lower end of what the brands offer.. I'm definitely not kidding myself in thinking that these would make people turn their heads as I drive by, nor is that my intention. Just to clarify, I'm not really going into this wanting to impress others.. Its more like something for myself and while I understand that to some, these are not impressive at all, I think its enough to satisfy my ego.

I 100% agree with everyone saying that I should be investing my money into other things like property, if I do go through with this, its definitely going to be a stupid financial decision.


                                        • @Bid Sniper: It was a Dyno from a Dyno day some club hosted the day before. We had it on a chart but I never printed it. I managed to sneak a run right before they carted the Dyno away.

                    • @[Deactivated]: Bahahhah I didn't mind it but yeah nowhere near the response of a 6MT.

                      Try a CLA200 thats a wet sponge. We traded cars and was hilarious trying to keep up with my then stock STI. Disappeared once he put it in 2nd gear, I was had it to the floor.

              • @Bid Sniper: doesn't car depreciate? Please enlighten me. I am a total car noob obviously.

                • +1

                  @WillKillfor5Cents: Oh yeah they depreciate badly, but rate of depreciation depends on several factors. Make, model, condition etc…

                  Reason why I got really low deprecation on my old car it was a sort after version and in mint condition. However car was modified (usually kills value) but it was done in a way that looked factory with rare factory parts. Car was well put together, well looked after and was bonkers to drive with 400HP (300kw) station wagon, I knew first person to drive it would buy it and they did. Next day I had a another buyer wanting to buy the car off the person that just bought it for a profit. I even had offers at Petrol stations when I owned it.

                  Was a copy of this Japan only version, looked very similar but I had more rare parts and way more power.

          • @Bid Sniper: you cant really compare the two is suburus most powerful and expensive in its catalogue vs an entry level 3rd tier, ignore the prices of course

            both are aimed to way different markets…no one in their right mind would consider to compare the two if they were shopping for one or the other.

            • @jno: That's my brother inlaw, I dont know about that. look at the A45 they are pretty ricey. Canards at the front, coloured vinyl, wings on hatches, "time attack" style big rims. There is a crossover point of markets on the performance end of Benz.

              He had WRXs years ago but he like me is getting older and wants something more lux. Whats is surprising is that premium WRX models are surprisingly luxo compared to the earlier ones and AMG has embraced rice.

              • @Bid Sniper: thats cause mercedes can make one of their amgs to market towards the younger crowd cause they have 4 other amgs for the grown ups, whereas suburu has only one, so it needs to appeal to wider group of people and doesnt have the luxury to be too niche

                but i get what ya mean i would never get an a45/cla

                id rather get a 2012 c63 for a similar price any day

          • @Bid Sniper: Is that you, John Cadogen?

            • @uzz32: Lol no sexual innuendo due to blue balls that's typical of him.

              I did laugh him calling the STI a dominatrix, I kinda agree.

          • @Bid Sniper: The CLA is exactly the kind of example you would give for low quality /low cost models.

            I went to a Mercedes sales event and even the saleman told me not to look at them, (comparing to a C class), and they had no reason to say that, it may have cost a sale. A sleazy saleman would tell you they are all great cars and ask you how much you want to spend.

            • @greatlamp: Was this Sydney MB in Alexandria?

              My guess they are trying to upsell to higher margin models. Strange though, they seemed overstocked with CLAs.

              Yeah even Holden salesman know to work with a customer and not discredit their own models. Wow that's bad

              • @Bid Sniper: No in Melbourne

                I can't imagine there is much difference in margin, they are both around the same price.

                To be fair, I think the guy was from the workshop, so he probably wasn't getting comission anyway.

                • @greatlamp: CLA are around the $50K mark, C class $70k up.

                  Ah workshop guy, probably see them more often in the shop. That said brother inlaw had no complaints about his CLA 200

  • -4

    Go get a skyline 370gt for about $15k

    Faster than the 230i, more actual space inside and sporty as hell. P{lus IMO better loooking (i own one)

    Low maintenance costs, reliable, relatively fuel efficient on long highway trips

    I've found a few for some great deals that have been well maintained. PM me

    • +8

      How does a 370gt fit OP's requirements of: luxury, fairly new, either demo or used, between 1-3 years old with low milege?

      You're suggesting a glorified family sedan with a notable badge, a decade old, with unknown import mileage.

      • -6

        Coupe is not a sedan and is based on the 370z.

        Nissan/Infinity = luxury, just because its not a BMW, Lexus, etc does not mean it's not a luxury vehicle.

        Easy to import. Easy to find a recent 370gt from 2015-2016. Unknown miles? the japanese have some of the most strict requirements for selling cars (use a good importer).

        Would be interested to hear what you would recommend? this is an option that would save OP $1000s and check all his boxes

        • You obviously have a vested interest. Not going to bother engaging here.

          Anyone can see what you've suggested doesn't match what OP is seeking, specifically when their first choice is a 230i.

          • @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: "How does a 370gt fit OP's requirements of: luxury, fairly new, either demo or used, between 1-3 years old with low milege?"

            Answers questions logically = vested interest in a used car?

            OPs first choice is a 430i which a 370gt is similar to and has a faster 0-60 time

            • +5

              @cansydint: Well, when the majority of your previous posts consist of mainly:

              "i am extremely biased … you could always pickup a great nissan skyline 370gt"

              "I own a 370gt, drive all sorts of cars and its a damn fine piece of engineering and is extremely reliable. Im at 172k on mine and it the damn thing is a masterpiece of engineering."

              "this is what i would be getting, i recently got a 370gt and it is a tonne of car for the money"


              370gt, easily negotiated down to $10k"

              It sort of displays you have a vested interest :D

              • +4

                @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Being biased is different from having a vested interest.

                • @ShortyX:

                  I've found a few for some great deals that have been well maintained. PM me.

                  I drive all sorts of cars

                  ShortyX - true, but I had a stab that he's an unlicensed seller who regularly sells/imports cars :)

                  • @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: no just someone who enjoys cars, test drove countless "luxury" cars and settled on a great deal for a 370gt

                    why blow a $75k salary on a shit car when ive spent hours upon hours finding the perfect young adult (20s) car that is essentially a 430i in a better more realistic package?

                    I wish i sold cars, way more fun then my current job

                    • @cansydint: No one who owns, can afford and "test drove" countless luxury cars would consider a 370gt in the same category :)

                      • @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: LOL you love to make assumptions don't you? should i assume you look like your thumbnail?

                        I am in the same boat as OP, but a bit further ahead. 27, >6 figure salary, no dependents, money saved and invested.

                        Looked at cars to lease decided buying a used $15-20k car would be a better use of my funds and salary. You're pretty out of touch with sports cars/gt cars if you seriously think the 370gt is leagues away from a 430i.

                        You get a car to drive, not to look like a fancy fukboi inside it. much happier in my slightly modified 370gt vs a dadcore 430i

                        • +1


                          You get a car to drive

                          Well.. you can drive a Yaris. :)

                          What lots of people seem to be missing is that cars, just like many other things, are highly subjective. Some people like the fun performance of e.g. a 430i, but also like the prestige that comes with a brand like a BMW or Merc. So even if the 370gt and 430i were 100% the same in terms of performance and build, it still doesn't have the prestige of the nameplate, as shallow as that may be to some people.

                          We are all shallow to some extent. I bet if Great Wall or Tata theoretically made a really nice car that was every bit as good, stylish, and reliable as your 370GT for $5000 less, you would still get the 370GT because it isn't a Great Wall or Tata.

                          You need to pop out of the car-enthusiast bubble. As good as they are, Nissans are simply not considered luxury vehicles by the masses. The moment you say "Skyline", the first thing that would probably come to mind is Fast and Furious street racers with neon green cars, doof doof sound systems, and LED strips under the car. Someone might be willing to pay more for a more understated or elegant look.

                          Remember that I'm referring to the perspective of a non-car-enthusiast here. "He has a BMW sports coupe" and "He has a Nissan Skyline" will elicit different responses.

                          should i assume you look like your thumbnail?
                          not to look like a fancy fukboi inside it.
                          dadcore 430i

                          Comments like that simply makes you look like a fanboi who's against euro cars, which affects the credibility of your comments. Surely a 27 year old with a >6 figure salary would have gone past phrases like "fukboi", "dadcore", and "shit car".

                        • @cansydint: Mate, the neg votes have spoken. Quiet time now.

    • these cars are horrible. look straight out of fast and furious tokyo drift and guzzle fuel down like there's no tomorrow, I doubt OP wants that look or that extra expense. They also have plenty of problems, my best mate is a mechanic and says he has had to fix many of them and they always have niggles. They are old and are hard to sell. Selling that bmw would be easy as. THe 370 is better looking than the beautiful 230i? are you even kidding or blind? 370 is ugly as hell lol. He's going to go show his car to girls, are they going to be more impressed with the nissan 370 ricer or a nice bmw coupe? hmmmmm

  • In answer to 2. I might get flamed here but congrats you have probably picked the closest car that BMW makes that is true to the roots of what the company stands for. I would actually go this over the 430i even if I had the money. BMWs are (or used to be) about the balance between power and handling and are made to somewhat flatter the driver. Having a nice, well balanced, well handling, decent looking car gets forgotten about these days with the 'horsepower wars.' A 230i will serve you well for many years.

    Typically mid-spec BMWs like 230i hold their value slightly better compared to the top spec.

  • +8

    But I want to get something nice while I'm still young and spend some of the money I've worked hard for on something that will make me happy.


    I suppose I have always wanted a 'nice' car when I can afford to ever since I was young. I suppose the cachet of owning a nicer car is definitely a factor.

    I definitely like the level of self-awareness on show - and I personally think that wanting something nice just for the sake of having something nice is perfectly fine. Everyone has different things that make them happy - some people go on holidays, some people buy flashy cars. If practicality was the only consideration, no one would do either (and we still see holiday/flight deals here so that logic can't be always right).

    The most important thing I guess is to make sure you know what "nice" means to you. It's very possible (even probable in this case) that right now you think buying a 2-series BMW will give you the kind of cachet that'll make you happy, only for you to realise after you buy the car and get into BMW circles/groups that the particular model you have still has you at the bottom of the pecking order, so to speak, because everyone else has M-cars.

    Having said that, if I was buying a BMW, I'd probably also go for a 2-series - it's one of the better driver's cars BMW still makes (but I'm more into the driving experience than the badge, so there's that too).

  • +6

    OP, not sure your age, income or status, but I'd suggest buying real estate before a fancy car. It will make you happier in the short and long run, even if it's just an apartment.

    • +2

      OP doesn't want suggestions that would make him happier in the short and long run, he wants suggestions on a luxury car.

    • Real estate in the current market is probably a bad bet. Especially so if it's in an apartment in Sydney, with the drastic drop in market prices since the end of last year.

    • why, he could die tomorrow, why not just do what makes you happy sometimes and let investments take care of themselves in due time. Why does everything in life have to be about an investment and never spending a dime on anything

  • -6

    im with you on this one OP. I'm also at an age where i have real estate and driven nothing but subaru for 18 years. I want a BMW as a sign of success, everyone says they are lemons and expensive to service.

    If you can afford it, don't go to the grave wondering what it would have been like. I'm sure there are hundreds of women who have come and gone and you think "what if i tried to get in there". Don't die wondering.

    Sell it if it gives you long term financial pain…

    best of luck

    • +9

      What the hell is this?

      I'm sure there are hundreds of women who have come and gone and you think "what if i tried to get in there". Don't die wondering.

      • sorry cars, i meant cars

        • +2

          Same philosophy applies really…

    • +2

      You want a BMW as a sign of success. What a pathetic comment.

  • +4

    Nobody looks at a 2 series with envy. apart from an M2 (maybe).

    Buy something enjoyable.

    BMW M3 (e90/92,with warranty) F30 35i, c63, rs4, TTRS, RS3 anything.

    • +2

      This is the only thing that actually worries me - if OP wants a badge to show off, a 2-series isn't going to be it. It'd be like a non-AMG C-class Merc: The only people who'd be impressed are those who don't know anything about cars, and the people OP would be looking to impress (people who know cars, money, or have either one) wouldn't actually be impressed.

      On the other hand if OP wanted a really nice car to drive, this would fit the bill as being a balance of decent badge + good driving experience.

      • I know a shit tonne about cars and the 2 series would impress me HighAndDry so errrrr you're wrong again

    • What e90/92 is still under warranty? The newest of these would be 6-7 years old already.

    • I def love the look of the 2 series and it would turn my head

  • +2

    Why are people suggesting Nissan's, Kia's or even to mod his Camry? How are these relevant to the OP's question?

    How much would I generally be able to shave off for a car around this price range..
    Aim to get at least 20% off the asking price. If the seller doesn't agree, walk away and find the next one. There are a lot on the market these days and majority of buyers opt to buy new so used prices always take a hit.

    Any advice regarding BMWs in general or this car specifically? New to BMWs
    Find the one with the most recent model year with the least kilometres that fits your budget. As long as service is done by the book by a reputable mechanic or dealership, then you should be ok.

  • +19

    A couple of things. The cars you are looking at are not luxury cars, you’re just buying BMW Australia marketing. They are actually just regular average cars. The luxury cars in the BMW lineup are 6 series and up.

    The other thing is your income. A$72k Income is below average, you don’t realistically earn enough to drive a $50k car. Save your money, get something cheaper and invest the rest.

  • +4

    72K pay and a 55K car, can't wait for the post in three years 'Drowning in debt, Australia sucks'

    • +4

      Hmmm doing the maths…

      72K salary = approx 4000 take home pay a month
      55K car loan = approx 1000 per month…

      Ask yourself if spending a quarter of your income on a car makes financial sense…
      At your age and your earning capacity, you have an incredible potential to build wealth for the future.
      If you are willing I would suggest reading a copy of The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey, which will totally shift your mindset when it comes to money.

      • +1

        I hope the OP sees your post and changed their future trajectory.

      • +1

        $72K salary package, which probably includes superannuation as well.

      • +1

        Yup your math sounds about right & thanks for the advice.

        It would be approx 1/4 of my pay. At this very moment I don't have much outgoing but if/once I do moveout, I'll probably need to spend at least another 1/4 on rent assuming I rent with someone.

        I do have a large portion of my savings invested in stocks as well as some liquid cash for emergency. I'll have a look at the book you suggested but I've seen some of Dave Ramsey videos before and I definitely think that some of his views are a bit silly. Though this is coming from a 23y/o so..

    • +1

      not forgetting "Can't buy mah first house!" "It's all the smash arvo fault!"

  • +10

    Just saw OP's updated post.

    If status is important then definitely jump into property rather than a car.

    I think your friends or potential dates would be far more impressed if you live and own in your own place rather than living with your mum and dad - no matter what car you drive.

    A 50k car on a 72k income is going to seriously hinder your ability to move out of home for the term of the car lease/loan.

    • +4

      Or at the very least, impress those potential dates in a car with a spacious back seat

    • +8

      It's completely opinion but I agree that if I heard someone say they drove an expensive car but still lived with their parents vs Own a house & drive a camry, I'd have more respect to the home owner.

  • +1

    I own 2 BMWs (2009 e92 335i and 2009 e92 M3) and let me tell you… they're nothing but headaches!! They're expensive to maintain, expensive to modify and boring to drive. That's just my experience with them, hope yours is better!

    • Even the M3?

      • The M3 is better than the 335i but it's still clunky. In terms of a V8 car, I much prefer my Lexus RC F. I could be biased though as I do enjoy Japanese cars more.

  • +2

    "Never buy new and never buy European luxury cars."

    • Scotty Kilmore
    • +4

      Scott kilmer is an idiot.

      • +1

        Why so? He speaks the truth

        • Truth? He tells and acts like a goose. He uses products not rates for brakes on brakes. He advocates using head gasket in a bottle. I'm sure some people think everything he says is the truth

          • @brendanm: Bloody autocorrect, talks not tells, and rated not rates. He doesn't even use jack stands for gods sake.

        • +3

          only buy a silver toyota celica

  • +4

    The 230i is a lightweight sportscar, similar to a subaru brz, but with a much nicer interior.

    It will be a very fun car to drive.

    There always seems to be a chorus ready to call lightweight cars 'underpowered', ignore these people as they obviously don't have much experience with anything that isn't a family sedan

    You can get a faster car in the same size (m240i or m2) but honestly these cars are too fast to enjoy day to day, a quick tap of the pedal and you are at the speed limit, you will never rev the engine.

    I would look at one of the first models, 3-4 years old, that has been kept in ver good condition, something that is undervalued because of its age, not because is has been driven hard for 2 years by a sales rep.

    Think about the kind of person who sells a car after 2 years, how would they treat it.

    If you want a new car, the runout model 330i with msport package can be had for 65k (list price 80k). They cant move these, mercedes is destroying bmw atm

    • +2

      Hahaaha … i won't call 1.6 tonnes as lightweight

      that's a whole lot 350kg heavier than brz

      heck even camry is lighter than that

      get your maths right

      • They compete with each other, a person who would consider a 230i should also consider a brz, a Mercedes A class, and an mx5.

        These are all small cars aimed at the same market. You compare weight, but you ignore everything else just to prove me wrong on the Internet? Have you driven either of these cars and compared them to a camry?

        The 230i is 2 seconds faster than the brz, it has 50:50 weight distribution. It feels like a lightweight sportscar when driven, because it is a small well balanced car.

        • The 230i is a lightweight sportscar, similar to a subaru brz

          • @dcep: I made some spelling mistakes too, make sure to point them out as well

  • +8

    "Any advice regarding BMWs"

    Don't buy one, you'll become a dreaded BMW driver who drives like a douchebag and forgets how to use your indicators.

    "Shallow as it sounds, status is an appeal to me as well."

    There's no such thing, particularly with such a generic car. You can't turn a corner in a major city without seeing at least one BMW/Mercedes/Audi etc. Anyone who is 'impressed' by something like that, isn't worth impressing in the first place.

    Lastly. Don't listen to anyone who questions your desire for a nice car. I don't know if you're an automotive enthusiast, but I am and I have to deal with this kind of question. The kind of person who can't understand the emotional reasons for buying a vehicle, or why it could bring joy to use and experience, is one sorry wet blanket indeed. Not everyone treats or thinks of cars like appliances. If they can't look at their own passions or where they find enjoyment, and see how others could feel the same way about different things, they've just straight up got some mental issues. For 50k I'd be looking at a used Lexus RC350 F Sport, reliable as hell, luxurious and all the power you could want.

    • +2

      There's no such thing, particularly with such a generic car. You can't turn a corner in a major city without seeing at least one BMW/Mercedes/Audi etc.

      Yep, the lower model BMWs etc are nice, but as a status symbol they are pure middle class.

      I used to rent a cheap shitty apartment in an nice old rich neighborhood surrounded by generations-old mansions. Almost every day I would see a RR, Bentley, R8, Ferrari etc. To the point it seems that they probably just get whatever they want between $100-500k and it's a drop in the bucket, not something to flaunt.

      Which made the status-seekers showing off in a C class seem more comically desperate, because like OP they would be stretching their finances out of pride, and ending up in what I assume the local teenagers felt embarrassed by.

    • +1

      I think I may have overblown the 'status' thing. I understand its not going to turn heads, I'll be buying it for me and I think its luxury enough to stroke my little ego.

      I've long loved how the RC350 look but the one thing that I've always hated about ALL of Lexus cars are their centre dash. I honestly think they look hideous. I wish they would change that.

    • you'll become a dreaded BMW driver who drives like a douchebag and forgets how to use your indicators.

      Don't let confirmation bias fool you. I see plenty of douchebag drivers on the road who are not driving a BMW/Merc/Audi/Volvo/etc.

  • I looked at both 3 series and c class, BMW is truly a driver's car you feel engaged and wanting to drive more, but sometimes you just need a easy car with a sense of some luxury and turbo lag, so I ended up going with c class. Haven't looked back, just get in and go because it's not so much engaging you just get in, drive, enjoy and get out at your destination. An estate is German made and shipped here, sedan is South Africa I believe.

    Get a demo, I think a 2017 c250 estate is < 60k. But get a demo from Merc itself so you are covered.

  • +2

    I test drove a few cars when I was looking for a car of my own. I test drove the Mercedes C class, BMW 3 series, Audi A4, and VW Passat (among a few SUVs such as the GLC and old XC60). Here's my rundown:

    • The Mercedes C class was the most comfortable/luxurious car. The issue for me was at the time I was looking, Android Auto wasn't available in the Merc, which was important to me.
    • The BMW 3 series was small and honestly, just didn't seem that impressive to me.
    • The Audi A4 was really nice. The digital dashboard was a really nice feature (depending on your model and options). Again, at the time I was looking, you couldn't get a towbar, and they couldn't sell one saying it would definitely be available in the future. Boot was also a bit small.
    • The VW Passat (206TSI wagon) is the car I ended up going with. Good car, powerful, good features (such as the digital dash, which is different to the Audi, but still good), and a bit more space. The car and the servicing is also cheaper than the other cars. The A4 was probably my second choice, but I didn't think the extra dollars was worth the extra features.
  • I'm kinda in the halfway camp of most opinions. If you're 23 and like cars, you don't want to be driving a camry and do take pride in your car. So go out and buy something nicer and faster as an in between (maybe like a renault megane, golf gti or something), but also keep some of the other funds for doing what 23 year olds should do - ie travel, going out and having experiences etc.

  • +1

    if your heart is set on the BMW, 50-55k is 3year old M235i/M240i territory. The mechanical upgrades alone are worth it :)

  • +1

    DONT BUY any expensive car without 5 yr warranty, specially European cars!!!!

    Once you are 25+ car insurance and excess should reduce too…..

    Have you considered a Subaru WRX, seem good value for money and lots of performance….

  • +2

    My advice if you're after a coupe…

    Test drive a few types of cars, including 4D hatches. You may find the 2-Series BMW to be the least satisfying car or the most satisfying! But at least you'll know. $55k is a lot of money to spend to simply go for the first one without test driving a few.

    In consideration of your circumstances, If I were you I'd definitely be getting behind the wheel of an:

    MY2017 BMW M140i
    MY2018 Volkswagen Golf 7.5 R
    MY2016 AMG A45.

    You might find that the top-end luxury interiors, flashiest exterior trims, highest tech, performance and fun of these cars are more attractive than a 230i.

    In any case, good luck with it all!

    Note- Also wanted to add that the versatility to either carry a few other passengers comfortably or fold some or all of the back seats down and take home an IKEA desk or other bulky goods is a very undervalued features as well

  • Why not Lexus ? Nice & prestigious , reliable too ?

    • I looked at lexus. They look great, reliable, sort of prestigious (but less than euro) but I found them a very boring drive.

  • +1

    When my German friends come to visit, they always laugh at how much we spend and how highly we think of what they consider pretty ordinary cars.

    But if you are set on a nice Euro, you might want to check out Pickles auctions. They have luxury sales every couple of weeks I think, plus there's always a few nicer ones in their weekly auctions. Dad's friend apparently picked up a basically brand new Alfa for about half price, that the dealer had to shift the next years models.

    I would also take a look at a VW. I've heard car people joke about Audis simply being overpriced VWs, and we had a Golf that was a big step up from the Japanese cars I had been driving before. Maybe not as good as a a high end Merc or BMW, but definitely felt like a Euro car, and drove better than mums 10 year old BMW.

    • Never even heard of Pickles auctions before. Will definitely have a look. Thanks!

      • Most people are wary of it because they assume they are all trash cars being dumped. But most of the regular cars are being dumped for reasons unrelated to the car itself, like large fleets reaching end of lease or something. The gov ones in particular can be spotted by their common age and mileage, and the fact that theres hundreds of them every week. I don't know where the luxury cars would be coming from though, probably leased to business execs or something. The main issue is you can't test drive, just turn on the engine and visually inspect, so choose wisely.

        You can watch auctions online, so do that for a few weeks and feel it out. Redbook is a good indicator of price (usually between trade-in and private sale price), but most buyers are car dealers so you sometimes have a better chance of bargains by looking for odd and unpopular models that would be harder to sell, but it goes both ways. For example, I once saw a VW Golf convertible sell way over Redbook price because Golfs are highly desired, and the convertibles are rare. But then immediately after was a VW EOS, a higher model convertible, which sold for cheap, almost the same as the Golf, despite being a better model on paper. Because no one knows what an EOS is and it'd sit on the showroom for longer.

      • Careful with pickles. You aren't allowed to test drive the cars.

  • +1

    What's your occupation OP? Good salary for a 23yo. A 430i and a 420i have the same engine with a different tune. You can get it tuned for $1000 and have more power in a 420i. Why not just get something nice and fun that is still affordable? You an get a band new golf gti for $33k drive away at the moment. Bargain.

  • -1

    You've seen house prices right? Unless you're in the sticks 72k less tax won't get you far.

    Not to mention 50% of marriages end in divorce, so good chance at some point you'll lose half of everything.

    So if you factor needing a few million $ to retire unless you're relying on the pension which may not be there when you're old… not at luxury car territory really.

    • Hey,

      I understand where you're coming from but I definitely don't plan on staying at 72k for the rest of my life. This is my salary as of the start of my career.

  • Hey,

    I would say spend roughly $35k max - there are some nice choices in here (this would be my choice below)…

    If you are set on bmw -

    The 230i - while it's a nice car, is very over priced. Coupes in australia get more money than 4 door cars - don't ask me why.
    There are much more nice choices in the 3 series;… ; you'll pick up something with the m-sport pack and a few more options, for about $10k less than the equivalent 230i.
    If you really want to splurge get the 340i (for the same price as your suggested 230i):…

    Keep in mind also 4 door cars are much easier to sell than 2 door cars.

    Finally - buy with the intention to sell in 2 years time and rinse, repeat. So for that Audi A4 - in 2 years time, it will still fetch close to $25k-30k, assuming you drive 15000kms a year. So it's really not that much of a loss :)

    With the 2 series, expect to lose a lot more money.

    Ultimately though, your call and buy the type of car that you enjoy driving.

  • -3

    A 230i isn't a "luxury" car. You could say it has a "prestigious" badge. Buying things to try and impress people is very stupid. You are living at home and making good money, save it and buy a house. You will be over the novelty of owning a BMW in no time, and when you come to sell it it will be worth nothing.

    • OP did not once mentioned anything about impressing people. So making a comment such as this is not very smart.

      Wanting a nice car may not be a wise financial decision but not all luxury car drivers are out there trying to impress people.

      As for response to OP, you may want to get something used but relatively new because the cost of maintenance can hurt you. The recent generation of 3 series looks amazing as well.


      • OP literally states in his first post that "status" is appealing to him. Perhaps read before berating others.

        No car is a good financial decision, and a 2 series BMW is not a "luxury car". The badge doesn't make a car luxury, how it's appointed and rides etc does.

        Look at a mid 2000s merc a class, a Hyundai excel had more luxury than that thing, yet people bought them in droves for the badge and the terrible reliability.

        • +1

          Just to clarify, I'm not really going into this wanting to impress others.. Its more like something for myself and while I understand that to some, these are not impressive at all, I think its enough to satisfy my ego.

          He literally clarified it for you.

          No car is a good financial decision

          Definitely not true. There are many applications where having a car is a good financial decision.

          Luxury or not is relative. If i have to guess, a greater population would think a BMW 2 series is a luxury car. Certainly not economical by any standard.

          • @M1ndFu7: Someone that is buying something for status is doing it to impress others, that's what status implies, regardless of what he says afterward.

            Luxury or not is not really relative. Anything with a BMW badge is not luxury. A 7 series is luxury. An s class is luxury. Even a 5 series or E class are luxury. A 2 series is not, it shares more in common with a Kia Cerato than a 7 series, apart from the badge.

            When I said "no car is a good financial decision", I meant that as a general rule, all cars will lose you money, most are not high yield investments

            • +1


              Luxury or not is not really relative. Anything with a BMW badge is not luxury. A 7 series is luxury. An s class is luxury. Even a 5 series or E class are luxury. A 2 series is not, it shares more in common with a Kia Cerato than a 7 series, apart from the badge.

              Funny you don’t see the contradiction in your statement. You start of by saying luxury is not relative. But went on to prove your point by comparing the 2 series with a 7 series, an S class and a cerato.

              I consider a bmw a luxury when all I have is a Bmx (push bike). In the context of this discussion, OP thinks that a bmw is a luxury when compared to the Toyota he is driving.

              For all I know you could have a rolls Royce and thinks that the 7 series is a piece of junk.

              • @M1ndFu7: Yeah.. In my view luxury is relative.. A series 2 for a scrub like me whos just starting his career is luxury haha, definitely an upgrade from my Toyota.

                In terms of the status thing.. I've clarified what I said but you could take it as you like.

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