Planning on Buying My First Luxury Car

First of all.. I fully understand that this is not a financially sound decision at all.. and I'm fully aware of the incoming 'high yield vehicle' jokes. But I want to get something nice while I'm still young and spend some of the money I've worked hard for on something that will make me happy.

Anyways, I'm looking to upgrade to a nicer car.. what I already have in mind is a BMW 230i F22 LCI (was also pretty keen on 430i but bit pricy).. I don't need a four doors sedan, I currently own a sedan and 98% of the time, my backseats are empty.

What I've been looking at are fairly new, either demo or used, between 1-3 years old with low milege. I've seen a couple going for around $50-55k.

A couple question I'd like to ask are..

  1. How much would I generally be able to shave off for a car around this price range..
  2. Any advice regarding BMWs in general or this car specifically? New to BMWs

Any input is welcomed, positive or negative.

Update: Hey guys, thanks for all the input. Some people are asking for my income and age for a better context.

I'm 23 & my salary package is just shy of 72k. My family is not rich, nor are we poor. We're just comfortable. I've got a good chunk of change saved up. Still living at home, no kids, so not much outgoings.

I understand the cars I'm looking at are not the most powerful you can get for the price. Shallow as it sounds, status is an appeal to me as well. Enjoyed reading through all the comments that's been coming through.

Update2: Definitely pretty humbling reading through some of these comments.

First of all, I think the term 'luxury car' seems to mean very different things to different people. To me, when I said luxury I basically just means something nicer than cars on the lower end of the markets like.. Mazda 2.. Golf TSI.. cars in those range. At my age and socioeconomic level most people I know around me would consider these European brands luxury.

I also understand that the cars I'm looking at are at the lower end of what the brands offer.. I'm definitely not kidding myself in thinking that these would make people turn their heads as I drive by, nor is that my intention. Just to clarify, I'm not really going into this wanting to impress others.. Its more like something for myself and while I understand that to some, these are not impressive at all, I think its enough to satisfy my ego.

I 100% agree with everyone saying that I should be investing my money into other things like property, if I do go through with this, its definitely going to be a stupid financial decision.


  • +1

    Man stop don't do it. Buy a house instead. I regret buying a 15k Honda, imagine if it was a 50k BMW.

    Buy a super Nintendo mini for 80 Bucks and get your sense of achievement done!

    • just do what makes you happy, maybe a house with stressful repayments, rates, bills etc won't make you happy and a 30k nice beema would

  • +5

    If you're after technical advice, ask on a car forum. Here you mostly get philosophical feedback or life advice from people who think they know better.

    • yeh, i too hate it when an online community gets together and actually provides real world advice instead of the usual troll nonsense.

      • +3

        I guess real world advice is a relative term. One's real world is another's bottom of the barrel.
        The op clearly stated they are aware of the pitfalls of spending $$$ on a 'luxury' car. They are simply asking for technical car advice, not any long winded so called community wisdom.

  • +6

    Wow, so many bad advices here, but shouldn't be surprised, asking about luxury (or premium car, I'd say) on ozbargain forum is probably not the best idea.

    If you always wanted to have a BMW, simply test drive it to see if it's really what you want and if it makes you happy and if yes, simply buy it. It's your life, your choices and your happiness and no one, absolutely no one but you knows what's the best for you.

    As an ex-BMW user (had 3 and 5 series in the past), few practical advices:
    -second hand are OK but service history and quality inspection is a must
    -don't use dealers
    -don't stress about the servicing cost - there's plenty of quality mechanics that will service your car with the same quality as the dealer and at 1/3 of their cost - if you live in Sydney I'd be happy to recommend you a quality BMW mechanic
    - another on cost: people make much drama about servicing and insurance cost, never realising that this is peanuts compared to what you truly loose on depreciation - this is the single biggest financial hit that you only realise when selling your car, and this is something you must consider in the perspective of 3-5 years of car ownership. Servicing cost of $1000 year (exaggerated - my typical oil service + rego inspection was around $400) is relatively nothing compared to depreciation that will hit you somewhere $5-7k/year I suspect; but note - other so called "cheap" or "economy" cars also loose their value!

    Apart from that, having driven quite a lot of cars in my life, I never regret owning a BMW. They are likely the best "driver's cars" you can buy on this planet and the experience of enjoying one is invaluable.

    • +1

      sensible advice… you have no place here :)

  • Wow!

  • +1

    Keep driving the Camry and save more money!

    • -1

      says the most boring person to ever live the earth. saving isn't going to make you rich!

      • saving isn't going to make you rich!

        Saving will get you much closer to being rich compared to buying an over priced, expensive European shitbox money pit.

        • -1

          saving will keep you even with inflation mate. Just do what you enjoy in life and be happy, that's what living is about and being on this earth only once. I bet once you get a lot older your values, morals and what you see as important in life will really change. Good luck till then though. Keep saving till you get old and you'll have a lot of money to spend when you can't get up from bed!

  • I'm sure others have made it clear why buying a luxury car is a very bad idea at your income level. However, it doesn't mean you should be forcing yourself to drive a car that is so boring that you rather pull your teeth out. I strongly suggest a novated lease on a car you like. Yes you will be paying for the depreciation and wont actually own the car, but the thing about luxury cars are they are not built to last (exception: Lexus). These cars are targeted at people who are only interested in the latest and greatest. They don't care if the care runs in the 10 or 20 years. Leasing allows you to experience driving a car that you would normally wont be able to afford. Plus, no need to worry about the car breaking down. Besides, by the end of the term you might have gotten it out of your system and can move on to something deemed more "sensible" by the masses, or you found something else that you would rather drive. Or you might have fallen in love with the car and want to pay the rest of it off and own it entirely yourself (with no GST!). Either way you should give novated leasing a thought. All the best.

    • The rest of it is with gst as I recall it

  • Luxury doesn't mean performance, having said that, there are plenty of Jaguars on great prices.

  • +3

    A few tips as someone who changes European cars every couple of years;

    1. Do your research on the car you want - If there is an model update coming soon on the one you're looking at, you will be smashed with depreciation. Wait until the new model arrives and pick up the one you want as a runout deal or dealer stock

    2. Negotiate. Hard. Typically I get 20%+ off the driveaway price on a brand new vehicle (Audi, BMW, Merc). Don't get emotional and don't feel ashamed to lowball at the dealer. You'd be surprised how much margin there is in a car for exactly this reason. Take your time and if the salesman won't play ball just get up and move on to another dealer. Someone WILL bite.

    3. Pick the most successful salesman in the dealer, or the youngest one starting out. (typically they will have a sales board in someones office which will be visible to everyone). Try to negotiate on the last Sunday of the quarter. Most salesmen get paid on volume. Sometimes you can genuinely purchase a car for below cost price (to the dealer) if they are a few cars shy from hitting their numbers on that quarter. The youngest freshie will also try their hardest to earn their stripes and the manager may likely give them more leeway in getting a sale

    4. Always always get them to add on minimum 3 year free servicing. People whinge about maintenance and servicing on these cars all the time. Problem solved and if you're not a complete dunce at negotiating they will just tag it on for free to get the sale through

    5. Have a look at near new or demo - but make sure you get a worthwhile discount because I have purchased brand new cars for way less than near new or demos on the market at the same time

    • This. This just sums it all up.

      Also Shop around a few dealerships and get them to beat each other's price.

      Keep a couple of options open, not only can some cars surprise you with the ride/ comfort /technology / looks, but also you can use their price and deals to negotiate with other dealers of the same brand or a totally different brand. Like for example telling BMW that for this price you also have the option to buy a Audi S3 or Mercedes CLA or else.

      Do your research. Take your time. Sleep on it for days or even months. Wait for the best time and pull the pin. If your car makes you happy when you turn around and look back at it after parking it, and every time you sit inside of it, you have made the right choice.

    • Sounds like great advice. Will definitely keep this in mind.

  • +5

    Still living with parents but ready to buy a 60k car? Mate get your priorities straight. Nobody's gonna be impressed with what car you have while you're still living with mummy, they'll be laughing behind your back. I imagine your parents won't be too pleased either, you got a job so why are you still mooching off them?

    • Saw quite a few people bring this up. But to keep it short, I've considered moving out and talked with parents about it but they convinced me otherwise. Some family is just different I suppose, they prefer to have me around, not a huge burden on them and they'd get lonely otherwise. I do help out with bills but yes, moving out would still cost more.

      • Bro, you're clearly asian. Buy a house/

        • let him do what he wants mate

    • Talk about putting one and one together and getting 78. Too many assumptions and personal biases there based on no facts. Who says OP is buying a car to 'impress' others. They just want a new 'luxury' car. So what if they live with their parents. Who says they are 'mooching'?? They could be contributing to the household.

  • +1

    Audi S3 - a low Kim one 2/3 years old can be had for under $50k.

    225kw and 400Nm with phenomenal grip and street cred.

  • I’m 35 and have had lots of performance cars over the years. It hasn’t stopped me owning my house in Sydney outright or having other investments.

    When I was 20 I bought a 2 year old Nissan 200SX and modded it. It cost me $30k at the time.

    Personally I’d spend less and go towards something less expensive to maintain. What about an ND MX5 or Golf GTi for less money and just as fun.

    Alternatively if you insist on Euro what about an M140i, Golf R or Audi S3?

    • I've wanted Audi S3 for the longest time but every car enthuisiast (as well as the guy I go to for service) I've spoken to about it have pretty much scared me away from ever owning one. They say that out of the three german cars, Audi is by far the least reliable. A lot of reviews online I've read seems to support this too but never had personal experience.

  • +3

    Do all your research and decide on which "luxury car" you want.
    But don't buy it now.
    Wait another 3 months and come back to look at this post.
    If your ego still needs this car, then buy it.

    Instant gratification and stroking ego is nearly always a bad idea.
    Learning delay gratification will serve you well in the long run.

    • +2

      This is actually a good suggestion. Half the fun is the chase. Dream, review, search and even drive a few cars that you are partial too. Enjoy the chase. Narrow it down and come to a conclusion. Then shelve it for a few months and come back and review. Still keen after this time then go for it. This is coming from Mr Instant Gratification himself that drives 2 x Porsches LOL, but sound advice.

      • Half the fun is the chase. Dream, review, search and even drive a few cars that you are partial too.

        So true on how you described it. I will remember and take this approach the next time i see most things on ozbargain!

  • I'm 23 & my salary package is just shy of 72k

    Young with too much money. Look into investing the money you would have otherwise used to pay the loan off and stick with the Camry. Once you've hit your 30's and plenty of dosh in the account with a diverse portfolio, enjoy your luxury car at that point.

  • +1

    The thread is about what car to get not financial advice. Even OP already gave a heads up that he's aware it's not a good financial decision. What's wrong with you guys.

    OP 230i won't make you feel like it's a luxury car, lots of options missing, options which are found on Mazda 3.
    Get a Lexus IS, overall feels much more solid than BMW in the same price range.
    Or get a new Volvo.

    Volvo XC40 is a beautiful car. Right in your price range too

  • I like that you are honest. YOu understand it's not a wise investment, but you just want to drive something nice.

    You said you were new to BMWs. I haven't owned one myself but the people I know who own cars like the ones you're looking at all concur that these are expensive to maintain, especially if buying used. They are not the most reliable cars due to overengineering, and when something needs fixing, the parts are very expensive.

    Their target audience buys the car new and sells them after 3 years to someone who wants status but can't afford the price tag. They do depreciate fast so the next buyer thinks they are getting a great deal. But it ends up being a money sink when it's out of warranty.

    The reason they're not reliable is because they don't need to be. Out of warranty is when they become expensive to maintain, but they get sold to the next owner before they become an issue to the target demographic. That demographic is always changing over their cars and getting new cars with new warranty, so the expensive repairs are not a thing they have to deal with.

    If I were you, I'd look into maintenance costs, and potentially buying new.

  • Have a look and test drive on second-hand Lexus GS450h Sports Luxury (2012+). You will not be disappointed, and the price is well within budget (<$40k). I managed to snag a top end 2012 Lexus GS450h (Sports Luxury) for $31k.

    Handling/speed will be on part with some of the mid-range (or higher) end euro luxury cars when you put into sports+ mode. One of the best suspensions you could get for both comfort + sports. Fuel economy is 6.8L/100km (real life driving average), most likely better than your camry haha.

    There is a long list of luxury items, but to keep things short, the things I mostly use are - ac seats, memory seats/settings, 15 speaker system, HUD, active cruise control, auto-hold brake, keyless entry/start, daytime activated lights, xenon turning lights.

    Cons - rear seating feels barely tall enough (headroom for 180cm guy), but I rarely seat at the back. Boot space is average and cannot fold rear seats down to accommodate more boot space.

    If you are considering pedigree euro cars for <$55k, you won't be disappointed with a good condition second-hand Lexus GS450h Sports Luxury (2012+).

  • I don't usually post around here but holy shit that's a very poor decision. I'll give you a few months before you regret your purchase (not just because you are looking at BMW's, but because you are spending that much money). A car won't make you happy

  • +2

    Do whatever pleases you most. I can tell you this…most people on here weren't capable or smart enough to save circa $50k by 23 years old. Good on you!

    They still probably can't afford to buy a car like you're after, tall poppy syndrome is still alive and well sadly.

    Yes obviously it's not a great 'investment' of your money but you know that and you're not seeing it as an investment.

    Scratch that itch! You'll do just fine financially :)

    • -2

      most people on here weren't capable or smart enough to save circa $50k by 23 years old.

      Sorry, my parents were poor.

  • 2019 Toyota Aurion

    I bought a camry SL for my girlfriend for $49,000 plus free servicing, few extras, tinted windows, floor mats, less shit tyres etc. She wanted a European car but I said you know nothing about cars so trust me. She's happy.

  • I'll answer your questions first before I give you any advice.
    1. The amount you can shave off varies by a large amount. Its better to test drive a ton of different cars to see which one you like best, as well as best value for money, and try offering as low as possible. Remember, you have the leverage here. There are tons of different cars, as well as a lot of the same models, all competing for your money, so be patient and let them come to you (give them your number or something).
    2. I think BMWs are good, depending on the model. Not really solid advice since I've never driven a BMW, it's just what I've heard from reviews.

    Since you seem like you're dead set on buying a car, I'll offer you this advice. Whatever you have saved up so far, multiply that by 2. Seeing you earn about 70k (before taxes I assume), you could probably add about 10 to 15k to the figure previously, and that is about the ballpark maximum you should spend. This is a mistake I see with a lot of other people. Once they get a pay rise (or starting a new job), they think that they can afford such luxuries just because they have the money. Then they spend the next 5 or 6 years (or even longer) paying off their debt. JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN AFFORD IT, DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD. (If you want a better estimate, I highly recommend using a compound interest calculator to get a more accurate estimate)

  • Haven't read the other comments but if you're getting a BMW make sure it's still under warranty otherwise you're going to get shafted with repairs and servicing. I've almost become a mechanic this last month thanks to my second hand e90.

  • I would recommend a nice VW. My friend bought a 2012 Passat CC coupe in a light blue colour, not only does it look amazing and has a nice luxury interior and drives nice, but he got it for under 10K from the auction and hasn't had any problems with it. And it does stand out.

    Edit: For me, I haven't driven one, but going by people I know who own them, Mercedes would be top of the line for luxury. I've had friends own A45's, etc and it made them go pre-order new Mercs.

    • +1

      Funny, I just posted the same thing then looked above and saw your post. Yeah, they're a fantastic car. Have had mine a year and still love it.

  • Do it OP get the car you want, if you hate it in a year or two. So what? Get rid of it and change. You'd still be only 25 and if your living at home, bonus I'm sure you've saved more money.

    Personally I like the Audi S3 about 2-3 years old can be had for your budget.

  • +2

    I recently purchased a 2014 Volkswagen CC (comfort coupe).

    It's a 4 door sedan/coupe with a 3.6 litre V6 that will get you to 100kph in just over 5 seconds. 22kw and 300hp. Not too shabby.

    From a luxury standpoint it has 4x seat warmers, full leather interior and many, many other options. It's actually a fairly rare car as well. Not too many on the road, and of the ones that are on the road nearly all are the slower diesel version.

    At just over 25k second hand with about 60k on the clock, consider a VW CC.

  • +1

    You don't need anything too expensive to be 'luxurious' (comfy).
    I was in a very similar boat, But I wanted something that'd be luxurious AND fun, (while also staying under 20k)
    I ended up getting a Volvo C30 with the turbo 5cyl, not the sportiest in the auto but the turbo is still fun, and the ride is comfy enough.
    Why not try looking at second hand bmw's, lexus's etc? vw scirroco perhaps? <- they turn heads. And won't break the bank too much…
    Bmw 135, 330
    Lexus is350
    MINI cooper hatch JCW.
    Fiat abarth
    imo people will think higher of you if you drive a car like this than a baseline merc or bmw/ audi etc! (plus you'll have more fun!)

  • OP you must be confused because if you read most of the posters here, unless your buying a REAL BMW/Mercedes ie a C63, M3, your just a poser, purchasing a lesser car.

    Prestige marquees, especially on their broad selling lines, ie 3 series, A4, E class, 5 series, etc.
    Are generally the best all round cars you can get, except for price.

    There's nothing on the market that matches them on all fronts that is,
    very well thought-out, well designed, have plenty of high quality materials in the right places, great infotainment systems, good fuel economy, good storage options, high amounts of safety equipment, and feel fantastic to drive.

    My advise is, that you don't need 60k to get that premium, fun feel.
    You will be just as happy in a used 40k M235i as you would in a Brand New M140i.
    Between luxury makes, these days other than how they drive and how their designed, they aren't that different.

    ie. If I drive my inlaws Golf R it's pretty much spot on with my 135i, with a tiny bit of niggles like seating position. You would wonder also if you would see any value on a s3 over a R. But to say that a Golf R drives the same a WRX is nonsense. They don't.

  • +3

    31 year old here, had three cars to date, two can categorise as 'luxury'

    Believe me son when I say, don't get one.

    My younger brother listened to me and he still thanks me every now and then. Go invest it in shares or property and you'll be happier for it. Heck, go on a holiday and spoil yourself, much better investment.

  • Have you thought of looking at 2nd hand Audis?

    A sporty S3, or nice A5 cruiser (comes in 2 and 4 door models), many variations in engines and trims.

    Ignore the comments of not purchasing. Just do it.

    • Yeah I bought a 2nd hand audi 4 door s3 and I love it.

  • A mate just had a major service on his BMW X5. Brakes, rotors, pads and a few other bits and pieces set him back $6700 service. Ouch!!

    • That's like, the price of my whole car lol

    • Was it at a BMW dealer?

    • That's an old X5 by the sound of it. Sounds like at least a 100k service. I traded mine in recently and never had a service cost more than $650. Traded in for a new Y62 Patrol and I've never had a more enjoyable car to drive (almost 3 tonne and 0-100kmh in 6.5s from a 5.6L V8 - it's the same engine that they use in their Le Man's race car and V8 Supercar)

  • +1

    "Shallow as it sounds, status is an appeal to me as well." If you want status, why not just purchase an SUV instead and equip it with a lame personalized plate? SUV says "upper middle class".

    Companies that used to specialize in sports cars are now all churning out Sports Utility Vehicles. Sporty looking cars haven't been cool since the last Iraq war. People saw all these images of M113s and Humvees on TV footage, and decided they wanted their own civilian APC.

    • Upper middle class bogan?

  • Same age as you, OP and earn a tad less. Don't get BMW. Maintenance costs are fked. I think because we're young, we should be doing all those fun things, driving a fun car included. Look at other options/

    • Just wondering, all these people saying maintenance is really expensive - are they going back to the dealer to get things fixed? Have they looked at how much a good independent mechanic would charge?

  • +1

    I didnt even buy a nice car and paying for it killed me. I paid for 20K for a Mazda 6 at about your age and it hurt every time I paid for it after the first year as the thrill of a new car was gone.

    When I went to sell it, and realised it had depreciated so much to the point that each time I made a payment I was pretty much paying the depreciation cost I couldnt stomach buying another one.

    Saying that, I still have it, and its a great reliable car, with no issues.

    • Lol. I feel for you. Looking back at it now, I don't think I would have bought most of the car I've owned except for one - one that I still very keen on to-date.

      Losing 40-50% on every car that I've owned is rather painful. Easily over $100k wasted.

  • Buy shitcoins bro, like Cardano, Verge

  • +3

    I don’t think buying a luxury car is a wise choice for you.

    *Insurance is going to be even more expensive because you’re under 25. You’d be much better off waiting until you’ve turned 25 or 30.

    *Even if that 72k package doesn’t include super you don’t earn enough to pay it off comfortably, even if you do live at home. You’re also going to have loan repayments hanging over your head for 5 years for 1k a month. Also, if you decide you want to buy property in the next 2-3 years that loan will go against you when you try to apply for a home loan. Especially now that the lending has tightened up. the banks now go through your bank statements and question the gym membership and the shopping that you’ve done. Nothing goes past them anymore.

    *If you must buy the BMW then wait until you have enough to pay for it in cash & just buy it outright, but also still have a significant amount of savings. Unless you’re using the car for work purposes and you’d be able to claim costs back on tax then it’s a ridiculously extravagant expense you don’t need. Wait until you’ve bought property at least and your income has gone over 120k

    *Lastly if you think the status thing will make you happy, then you’re in for a rude shock. It’s not like you can take the BMW to the grave.

  • +3

    The only luxury car you should consider is a Lexus, they're by far the best made and reliable luxury car, end of story. Everything else will be a money pit unless you buy brand new and even then the depreciation on those things is bullshit.

    I wouldn't advise spending $50k on a car, but maybe half that on a good used lexus, like an iS250, theyre beautiful cars.

    Get a lex.

    Having said that, you could get a near new Mazda 3 sp25 or similar with full leather, sunroof etc for like 30k. granted not as nice as a lexus, but if you want something economical for a few years to get you round, they're really nice cars. I wouldnt touch a BMW or Merc unless i was given one, and even then it would be regrettable maintaining the pieces of shit.

  • The new Mercedes-Benz A250. Nice car and should be enough to satisfy your ego. $46k drive away. The previous batch came in late Dec and next batch due in March.

    TBH, don't think BMW, Audi or MC are much of a luxury car. Just personal opinion. Taxi jokes aside, in Europe, these "luxury" cars are as good as Toyota in Japan.

    BTW, if you are to get a BMW 2, get a convertible one. Should inflate your ego by 100%. Since you drive a camry, a 220 vs 230 will unlikely make a difference to you (mostly power and harder suspensions.

    Owning "luxury" car comes with "luxury" tax, not just the cost but ongoing maintenance.
    1. Tyres, mostly softer rubber and replaced 20-30000km depends on driving. Each corner will cost you $250-300.
    2. Brake discs and pads should be good for 50-60000km and are around $2000 for the set.
    3. Service - BMW uses some computer algorithm to determine necessary services. Can be costly depends on how you drive it.
    4. Insurance - 23yo, each year will cost you roughly 2.5k if not more. Or 1.5k using someone else in your household.

    In summary, on top of purchasing cost, each year should cost around $4-5k in insurance, maintainance alone.

    • can just insure it under someone elses name, easy done. Can take it to your local for servicing, bringing the costs down to basically camry prices maybe a little bit higher, tyres can be purchased second hand for 90% grade and at half or even less than half the price you have quoted. Don't listen to these worry warts they will never know what it feels like to own a nice car, something you are proud of and feel a nice feeling whilst driving every day.

  • Not to be rude but a 2 series is not a luxury car.

  • Great choice on the car mate, the two series have performance, handing and looks. Go for it mate!! Solid engine too

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