Sale fares from Malaysia Airlines and Royal Brunei! Travel across a wide range of 2019 dates.
Flights from Sydney, Perth and Adelaide are with Malaysia Airlines and involve layovers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Flights from Melbourne and Brisbane are with Royal Brunei and involve layovers in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei. Both Malaysia Airlines and Royal Brunei are full-service carriers, so these fares include checked luggage and in-flight meals. Royal Brunei does not serve alcoholic beverages on its flights.
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We sent a teenage child to London return on Royal Brunei last year, and the service for her nervous parents was first rate. We needed to contact our child in London and requested contact via the RB staff at the Heathrow gate. They said they would do what they could…when she arrived at the gate, she was pulled aside and handed a phone with a request to call us. Excellent!
The food was excellent, plane (787) very comfy and not over full. It's full service with generous inflight service and amenities.