• expired

Cage Eggs 600g $1.99 (Was $2.69) @ ALDI


Went into Aldi Point Cook town centre store earlier and saw cage eggs 600g down to $2 from $2.69.

Not sure if it's nationwide.

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closed Comments

    • +3

      Oh no where did your heroic neg vote go? 👀

  • What's more controversial? eBay 20% off sales or caged eggs? Disappointing it's the former.

    • Sorry I should have said 5% off sale as that was significantly more controversial

    • Why not both? 20% off caged eggs.

  • -3

    Refuse to buy cage and barn laid eggs. If you see the conditions the hens spend their short lives if you continued to eat them after that I would question your moral compass. I admit, great price but I would be happy to pay double just for free range.

    • But this deal isn't about eating chickens at all

    • Agreed. Its a shame this still happens in 2019

    • If you pay me the difference between $2 and the price of a carton of free-range eggs, I'll gladly buy free-range eggs.

      Until then, stop questioning the moral compass of others and make sure that everything you consume and use are totally free of animal and human cruelty.

      • +1

        Oh dear..

        • +1

          When I go to the shops to buy eggs, am I spending my money or yours?

          Next time I'm spending YOUR money feel free to tell me what to do.

    • I frankly do not care about how you view my moral compass.

  • +9

    Eggcellent deal.

  • +2

    Great timing need this for bulking up at the gym. Thanks OP

  • +3

    We had 4 chickens at home, free range, a fox broke into their coup and killed 2 of them… suddenly caged don't seem as bad…

    Also, they probably use caged eggs in most of the stuff we buy from the shops, bread etc. even restaurants probably use them extensively…

    • -1

      100%. Unless they're a leftie restaurant in Fitzroy serving smashed avocado to the Instagrammers who happy spend $25 of their Centrelink money buying food that fits on a 50c piece and gobble their rabbit food down whilst they discuss the welfare of illegal immigrants asylum seekers with a bearded ponytailed barista from the UK who couldn't care less.

  • +8

    Gotta love the moralists here that believe just because they can afford to pay the difference everyone should be able to. If only the world was as simple as they thought/are.

    We for banning veal and foie gras deals on here now as well?

    • +3

      If it makes them feel all fuzzy inside paying more, go for it!

    • +1

      You have changed so many opinions with this statement. Thank you for your contribution.

      • +1

        No attempt to change opinions - its simply my own. Thank you for your contribution

        • Stay safe in this cruel world.

  • +4

    I came here for the comments I knew I'd find.

    • +6

      Same. Only here for the comments and the clueless people making them. So much fake outrage.


  • +2

    Ozbargain very graciously gave $5,287 to the RSPCA last charity drive (December 2018), due to the good people of OZB voting for them (3rd most popular charity )

    Here's the RSPCA's take on the caged egg business;

    A little hypocritical that OZB is now promoting cage eggs IMO. The RSPCA might just want to return this 'dirty money'.

    • -1

      Mate you're using up all of my negs.

      • +1

        Neg revoked. Move onto the next one. :D

    • If they want to return a donation, they're free to do so.

      • Rspca refuse money of any sort? Hahaha.

  • +1

    Ozbs will cause additonal harm to chickens just to defy animal rights people. Take a long hard look at yourselves.

  • +3

    Refuse to buy cage eggs no matter how cheap they are. Buy from your local egg farm and support local.

  • +2

    Worth having a look here so you can separate the better stocking densities and not just those using free-ranged as a marketing ploy. Caged eggs should be banned imho.


  • +1

    Humens are animals too.. just allot smarter.. to live in a cage until you die is not right. at least give them 1 day to walk or run. Every time you buy cage free or even freerange if you have the money you give them that chance.. and i'm sure the eggs you eat are probably healthier for it.

  • +4

    Maybe because I have no heart or soul but eggs are eggs to me lol Caged or free range, I will eat it regardless :)

    • +2

      I would assume healthier free range birds are probably pumping out tastier and healthier eggs. There is some self interest in buying better QTY eggs.

  • If you really care for the planet you should stop eating ALL meat especially cows and sheep as they fart a lot of CO2.

    • +1

      they fart a lot of CO2

      LOL. You fart it C02.

      • +1

        Let’s stop too much population growth!

        Make Australia Great!!!

    • +1

      Just because people eat meat doesn't mean they don't care about the planet. And i don't understand your logic about cows and sheep farting alot of CO2… if farting CO2 is an issue, why keep them alive for? lol

    • *Methane, not CO2.

      • -2

        Yeah whatever, same bad gas.

        • It's actually about 1000x (very rough recollection) worse than CO2. But yeah - point still stands - also bad gas.

    • If you really care for the planet you should stop eating a PURELY plant based diet especially beans and lentils as they make you fart a lot of CH4.

      • Also at night when plants are not carrying out photosynthesis, your lettuce is farting a lot of CO2 (through respiration).

    • Your point is valid but Ruminants produce methane(CH4) as 'farts' not CO2.

  • -5

    Oh wow this has been the best update to my block list in a long time! Well done, keep commenting everyone, making my OZB experience better every block.
    Apologies if I don't respond to individuals, it's just the block list doing it's job well!

    • +8

      You say this like anyone cares about your replies.

  • +1

    Are these available nationwide? And is this just on special ($2 price until next week?

    I would like to buy free range eggs but they're just too expensive compared to cage eggs. They're about $1-$1.50+ more than cage eggs. Cost of living has gone up considerably and if I can save a couple dollars (I always buy 2 dozen eggs) here and there, I'll do that. I wish free range and organic foods weren't so expensive in comparison to non-free range though.

  • +1

    I hope you come back to the world as a cage egg so you can observe what type of people eat you.

    • Removed.

    • +1

      Do you say the same to those of the Islamic faith who exclusively consume halal meats, that you wish they came back as an animal to be slaughtered the halal way? Can't pick and choose who you pick on.

      • You know basically 100% of abbatoirs in Australia are Halal only.

        Sad state of affairs. Halal method far crueller than the old electric rod.

        • +1

          Sad that religion not only creates suffering for humans, but also for animals.

    • +1

      I hope you come back as a vegetable…? I mean, where does this stop?

      (I hope you come back as a slap of lab-cultured meat? As lab-produced yeast culture?)

    • better than coming back as a leaf of kale :p

      • +1

        As an avocado just waiting to be smashed.

  • -5

    Neg because its a sucky deal
    I upvote cage eggs when its 5c a pack, or 50c a pack, or even a dollar a pack. In those cases, you have to weigh up the additional pain it causes against the monetary savings, and in most cases the numbers check out. But this is a 70c reduction. Who cares?

  • I live in Point Cook. Why is it that a deal finally shows up on my door step and it's a few cents off a dozen caged eggs that I don't eat anyway?

    • Because you live in Point Cook. Kinda obvious isn't it?

  • +1

    OzContraversialBargain lol

    • +1


  • hmmm.. this is surprising… i've been buying 700g cartons for $2 for the last 3-5 months.. sometimes they're even down to 1.80

  • Cage eggs enough said.

    • +1

      So why the neg vote?

      • You can click report invalid neg vote.

        • The mods aren't doing anything about it.

          Long story short, unless the comment associated with the negative vote exactly matches a predefined list of 'short' comments, they're not removing it.

  • Cage is latin for bad. I'm commenting so I can vote (neg) on Ozbargain, but vote with your wallet IRL folks

    • +4

      Malus is Latin for bad. Why would anyone lie about a thing like that?

      • +1

        Because it suits their agenda. That’s how people argue these days. Not with facts and logic, but with outrage and offence.

        • Because it's a joke? It's clearly not latin. And yes you got me, my agenda is the very controversial "cage eggs = bad" (I'm joking again, it's quite clear cage eggs aren't better than free range). This whole thread has people all very uptight!

          • -1

            @MikeWhitneysHair: Yoplait, it’s French for yoghurt…

            Oh, that and your neg vote is invalid. Which is Australian for invalid.

            • @pegaxs: What do you mean? It's right next to my name, it counted.

              • -1

                @MikeWhitneysHair: The reason for it is invalid. Being invalid does not stop it from existing. But you know, mods…

      • -1

        Because it's a joke? It's clearly not latin! I just made up some shit joke so I could neg the post, I thought that much was clear sorry

  • Thanks OP! hopefully nationwide

  • +3

    Yeah nah. Rather support farmers that sell truly free range eggs.

  • If you are a Costco member or you know someone who is ….
    Free range eggs are $7.49 for 30 pack = 1.74kg.
    Sale price ends Sunday 20 January - Australia wide.

    go to Health & Fitness coupons

  • +8

    Not much point trying to convince someone who happily eats cage eggs that they should switch to free range. The moral and ethical arguments are out there and if people aren't moved by them there's not a whole lot you can do.

    Best thing for people who choose free range is to try and pick the brands that have stocking densities of 1500 birds per hectare or fewer. Free range in Australia means a maximum of 10,000 per hectare so if the stocking density isn't listed on the pack then you can safely assume that the density is 10,000.

    Choice website has a good list of brands that adhere to the 1500 per hectare standard, not the dubious standards set by the Australian government. In terms of brands available in major supermarkets, I think only Sunny Queen and perhaps Woolworths own organic brand adhere to the 1500 per hectare recommended standard.

    In Canberra there are a number of local producers whose densities range from about 75 to 300 per hectare. You can purchase from the farm gate so you can see the conditions the chickens live in for yourself if you desire. Buying local also has the benefit of lessening environmental impact due to the reduced energy used in transporting the food.

    • +2

      Here’s a +1 for highlighting the choice article.
      Information is power so people can make informed decisions.

      Also note that there is a very nice choice app to check the cartons of eggs at the supermarket if they are truly “free range” as per Csiro standards, or not.
      App has some funky graphics

  • +1

    Those poor chickens.

  • +1

    You know it's going to be a shitshow when you see 200+ comments on a cage eggs post!

  • +2

    So back on topic, is this actually nationwide?

  • +4

    Hard to justify the lifelong discomfort ok the hens.

    • +1


    • Can you justify the discomfort of an animal bleeding to death just so it can be used for meat?

      • People want to eat meat. There's no way around the death. The death should be as humane as possible of course.

  • +1

    If you'd like to find out more about eggs - cage free or caed (because there really is little difference other than genius marketing)..


  • +5

    FWIW I always used to feel cage eggs were ok, the 'free range' tag gets abused to simply make more money for producers …etc etc.

    Then moved rural - started keeping chickens - and now it's 100% clear that THOUGH as stated the statutory guidelines on the 'free range' tag sucks - it's a 1000% better than cage eggs.

    Sorry but ignorance really is bliss on this area and chickens are very intelligent creatures, highly social and evolved to wander around gathering their food etc - to cram them several to a very small mesh cage where they eat, sleep, crap, lay and die SOLELY so we can save a few dollars on our egg costs is wrong on a bunch of levels.

    Dunno some folks will swear it's a cost thing and they refuse to pay extra - but I think we all waste countless $$$ on useless crap and for a few dollars at most each carton purchase many might find the eggs taste a lot better knowing that it's a better standard of living they're assisting to support.

    I'm no 'greenie', vegan etc (though I feel both those terms are dated and used by clowns) but I think it's very ironic that we in the Western world treat our pets so well, and yet feel it's 100% ok for equally or more intelligent animals e.g pigs, chickens, cattle to be treated vastly worse - essentially solely as they're around to be consumed.

    I would say look into things - if you still really feel that cage eggs are not unreasonably cruel and want to save that couple of dollars - keep buying. But I think a LOT of folks are just ignorant in this area and I'll freely admit I was one of them.

  • -1

    I wasn't aware that eggs were kept in cages

    • +2

      Nah, they're kept in cartons.

      Maybe they should be called carton eggs then??

  • Eggs

  • +3

    Yep screw this deal. Promoting tortured eggs is wrong.

    • +3

      I don't think the eggs themselves feel any pain

      • “Caged eggs are rape eggs…”

        • Wow. That escalated quickly.

          • +6

            @[Deactivated]: It's the usual rhetoric we get here when these outraged vegan-sympathisers turn up. Nothing like a bit of over eggageration to push their agenda.

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