Was on the phone to the bank and they refused to talk to me after passing proof of ID. They beleive they didn't believe I was me…
Is that even allowed?? Crazy!
Was on the phone to the bank and they refused to talk to me after passing proof of ID. They beleive they didn't believe I was me…
Is that even allowed?? Crazy!
All questions were answered correctly.
Use a deeper voice :)
"Was on the phone…"
It's the "We realise the call is important to you and wont provide service while your on the phone" policy.
..Are you mocking me? (in Star Lord's voice)
Did they confirm that the answers were correct?
I think the OP passed the security checks hence the creation of the thread.
OP: just because you answer the security questions (eg. name, DOB, address, account number, security question) doesn't mean that the bank will automatically believe you are who you say you are. I would be happy that they have a stringent security processes.
I would go into a bank branch with the proper ID to verify you are who you say your are. It's a bit annoying but better than somebody impersonating you.
Your response is Kafkaesque
What's the point of answering questions to identify yourself if the bank is going to arbitarily decide as to whether or not to believe you?
Because the questions are designed to test true negatives and not false positives.
The questions and OP's answers are one factor in the bank's determination of whether they can be reasonably confident that they're speaking to the account owner on the phone, it is not conclusive.
You're Kafkaesque.
name, DOB, address, account number, security question, a lot of this stuff is on the net nowadays,
mother maiden name, if she is dead is published by the cemetary,
drivers license date of birth is recorded and leaked often as they ask for drivers license when doing C&C, DOB well that is even on facebook.
security questions are often the same eg first primary school, etc.
I would rather they ask me to come into a branch ….. over the years so much of your personal info has been leaked it's easy top fake an id, and you can even port numbers with the right info so your SMS verification is weak now also.
I would go into a bank branch
Unless it was St George of course - most people haven't got that much time to spare.
Then why didn't they believe you were the account holder? You must have said something that gave them the belief you were not.
Nope. Just pulled it out of the air. I was gobsmacked!
I'm sure there's more to it than that, but if you need to speak to them, there is nothing stopping you from calling back and speaking to someone else.
That's true. Will do tomorrow.
Asked me who I was, DOB, address etc. I told them why I was ringing. There was a pause. Then the wall came up. I was like….I beg your pardon?
@bemybubble: Surely they told you why they didn't believe it was you, they didn't just scream down the phone "You shall not pass!" and hang up.
@Ace Ventura: I asked what do you mean you don't thing I am me? They go i'm sorry I just can't beleive who you say you are. So it was I that hung up on them.
@bemybubble: Just call back. If the next person does the same thing, there may be something on your account notes that is throwing up a red flag, if the next person has no issues, then you likely just spoke to a dropkick the first time.
@bemybubble: It actually adds to the suspicion that you hung up on them after being after being told they don't believe you or being 'caught out' in their eyes.
@Ace Ventura: Telling the user what they got wrong is actually very bad security - because it inadvertently confirms that other information was correct. That's the last thing you want to do if someone is trying to gain unauthorised access.
Same thing with websites - a website should never tell you that your password specifically was wrong, as it implies that the user ID is in the system. Most websites don't do this, but every now and then I'll come across one that does. They're supposed to indiscriminately advise that your 'login' details are incorrect.
Asked me who I was, DOB, address etc
How do you know you got all these correct? They're not going to correct you if you gave a wrong answer, they'll just do what they did here: tell you they can't let you access the account.
@Entropy Sky: They don't - or rather I'm fairly sure they don't and they shouldn't. Telling a potential scammer which security questions they got right and which they got wrong would be terrible security.
@HighAndDry: Apart from ANZ, my experience with other 3 all did the same.
And last step is Sms verification, which OP missed out(deliberate?).
@Entropy Sky: My experience is that they ask a number of questions but they never let on which ones you get right or wrong. Again - doing that would let potential and persistent scammers build a bank of known correct security question answers.
@HighAndDry: Not a bank, but we require 4 points of identification. We normally ask the same ones each time, if they get stuff wrong we can ask more, but we can't tell them what they got wrong.
I wouldn't say I don't believe they are who they say if they don't pass privacy though, just that I can't verify they are the account holder, it might sound similar to the person calling. If they flat out said they don't believe OP is who they said I don't think it would solely be based on privacy. Maybe if they don't know their name or DOB?
Or maybe the OP took 5-10 minutes to tell them the DOB. Really, why create the thread? Just go to the local branch and sort it out in person first.
Is this what you called “First World” problem.
Which bank?
That figures, they probably had you down as 'deceased' going by the recent shenanigans uncovered during the royal commission.
you should have PIN for phone banking. maybe you enter the wrong PIN?
They obviously had a reason to deny you so maybe you should be glad they're doing their due diligence.
Did you answer the telephone bank passcode and the challenge questions correctly?
That's half the story posted here.
The other half of the story is they didn't believe I was who I said I was.
Who knows. Never in my 20 years of banking has this ever occured to me. Still trying to work it all out.
You seem shocked?
These guys are trained to use their discretion. If they have a slight of doubt, they will deny access. Commbank have just been grilled in the Royal Commission - maybe this is one of the steps they have taken to improve due diligence on their end.
Yeah. People applaud the RC going after banks but when the actual consequences hit: harder to get loans, more stringent checks, inconveniences like these, people realise that, hey, maybe the crackdown wasn't completely 100% great after all.
@HighAndDry: Read through some of the stories how the banks destroyed people’s life. Even 1 person going through that is too many. RC was definitely needed.
@HighAndDry: I actually agree with you HighandDry.
If people are looking for perfection then this is what you get. Catastrophic consequences for 99.99% of the population.
@burningrage: Yes, it's "catastrophic" that a person trying to call up the bank was mildly inconvenienced once in 20 years. I don't know how OP will recover from this devastating calamity.
@PeterA07: I wasn't talking specifically about OP's predicament. I think OP should just go to the branch and settle it down that way.
I am referring to what HighAndDry said about the Royal Commission impact in general.
It has been nothing but devastating by any objective measures. Investors are retreating while many first home buyers can't get loan because of the change in the way they take into account your expenses to the point of borderline ridiculous (Bubblecups per week). The CCR also did not help.
But to be honest with you, thanks to Ozbargain, as many of us have already done here, we stacked up lots of credits (Fee Free for Live credit cards), used them wisely (0% Balance transfers), converted our loans into interests only while keeping our savings up, and most of us emerged unscathed although I am not sure for how long.
@HighAndDry: Exactly. I am trying to sell my house - 3 contracts have fallen over because the buyer's can't get loans approved. It's a nightmare. (On the other hand, charging dead people fees is pretty rough!)
3 contracts have fallen over because the buyer's can't get loans approved. It's a nightmare.
What!? What kind of a dystopian world do we live in where loans aren't just handed out to whoever?
It's 2019… The Americans have been handing out loans to basically anyone since well over a decade ago. Maybe it's about time we did too.
@Harold Halfprice: Grow up. The last buyers owned their own business, and had done so successfully for over a decade. 2 of my 3 buyers had been told by their brokers that they'd qualify, and the other guys had the sale of their home (which was funding buying mine) fall over on finance. Long contracts all. Apparently it's happening frequently. Watch the news occasionally - the govt is worried, and are trying to set monetary policy so lenders ease off. Read the financial papers. Lending procedures have been tightened up so much it's strangling the housing market. It's a petulant reaction from banks designed to demonstrate their power and retaliate for getting exposed for preying on the vulnerable.
@Harold Halfprice: An article in the Sydney Morning Herald today quotes the Housing Industry Association principal economist :
He said a credit squeeze imposed by the nation's banks was a major contributor to the slowdown in the overall market, with the time for a loan to be approved going from two weeks to more than two months.
"The credit squeeze started in 2017 when APRA imposed a range of restrictions on the market. It is now occurring at the behest of the banks, which have tightened lending above and beyond APRA’s requirements," he said.
“Policy makers and lenders alike need to be cognisant that ordinary home buyers are now facing excessive loan processing times and also much greater rates of loan rejection."
Hmmm…this doesn't sound like bemybubble to me…MODS!!!
This has happened to me before and it was even more frustrating because I was abroad!
A lot of the auto-generated questions are a little too easy to pass as well.
"When was your last transaction and how much was it for?" I just called you to say I never received my card after sign-up?!
answer is never and $0
"When was your last transaction and how much was it for?" I just called you to say I never received my card after sign-up?!
It was a trick question! But to be fair, if you were overseas, that's already a red flag for potential unauthorized card use.
Your on OzB mate. Not unicef :P
Seems like I'm on OzWhinge
You probably bought bitcoin or something lol.
Completely at the bank's discretion. Telephone banking is an additional service, it's not a right.
Believe me - having this inconvenience is far more preferable than the alternative that someone else gains access to your account.
Why would someone ring bank (or any other organization) before posting on OzBargain?
I don't understand - they ask you the security questions, you got every question correct and then they said thank you, we don't believe you are who you say you are? Surely you asked them what other information they would like to verify you with? Did you ask if they can send you a verification sms message on your registered phone number?
you got every question correct
We actually don't know this. Banks won't tell you what you got right or wrong, they'll just allow you access or not.
Why didnt you ask to speak to a supervisor, instead of posting this thread here, at least you could of had the issue sorted out.
Haha. That's what I was thinking. What a waste of time. This is like at work. People spend more time typing an email about an issue than it would have taken them to sort it out.
could of
You mean "could have"?
The right thing to do was to post about it on OZB. Now to write a letter to the royal commission, APRA, Banking Ombudsmen, Local and Federal members.
….and Tracey Grimshaw
Off you go.
Holy shit… Those sly bastards… Trying to keep your account secure and the like. Preposterous!
I reckon you got someone right at the end of their shift and wanted to knock off or maybe they were doing it for a laugh
Yes, if you pass the security questions, then there is no reason that they shouldn't deal with you.
You think you passed, maybe because they probably said "thank you" after each answer you provided. But perhaps you got one or more answers wrong, or they simply misheard you.
If you're 100% sure the answers you provided were correct, then you probably need to call and try again or visit a branch ASAP, as there's a small possibility you have been the victim of Account Takeover.
Source: I've worked at a bank (not CBA) and the call centre staff just follow a script and procedure. Even if their gut is telling them something else, 99% of the time they will follow script to save their butts.
I've personally listened to call recordings where the account holder was female and it is clearly a male fraudster speaking in a high pitch voice…but because they answer the questions correctly, staff pass them.
This is for Manila call centres.
the account holder was female and it is clearly a male fraudster speaking in a high pitch voice
This must've been hilarious to listen to, even tho fraud is nothing to laugh at
Yes and no, it was super frustrating, that's for sure.
I could only picture that con the fruiterer actor when he was a woman character…Marika!
Maybe they identify as a female. #feelingsmatter
How are banks going to deal with gender fluidity and wokeness in the future when a Sarah Jessica Parker calls up in a deep husky voice and gets denied every single time?
I know you are mainly joking, but my best guess is 2FA, biometrics, etc. Only relying on security questions is no longer best practice.
I worked at an unnamed call centre where we had a customer who'd complained on social media. I was tasked with calling him back and his voice was so high-pitched, I was actually fooled enough for him to say "I'm gay". Not fun when incorrect ID Checks can get you fired.
i used to work at the bank and can tell you it may not have been your fault that you go denied access. There may be notes on your account that is preventing you from being assisted over the phone. For example, there was one time I was assisting a customer who answered all the questions correctly, however previous notes was that there was 3-4 calls right before theirs where it was suspected that someone was impersonating the account holder. The customers story was they had giving their account details to a scammer and wanted to know if they had taken any money. However, at this point we as bankers over the phone can't be 100% sure if this person is the real person or just the scammer faking to be the victim. Asking for their bank balance can turn into wanting to get a new card (sent to some unknown address) etc. All we could really do was lock their accounts and tell them to go to branch to verify everything. I completely understand that this is very frustrating and time consuming, but this step can save you all your savings.
Finally. A logical explaination! This would make sense :)
Probably a good time to change your password, email etc, and also maybe run a virus check on your computer? I'm not an expert on network/computer security, but if there's a chance that somebody is trying to impersonate you it would make sense to change your details just in case.
Sperm bank and they didn't want anymore bemybubbles running around
Your account? Or were you calling on behalf of your mother/father?
They beleive they didn't believe I was me…
How can you possibly spell believe incorrectly and correctly in the same sentence?
Beleive me it's not that hard to believe…
How can you possibly spell believe incorrectly and correctly in the same sentence?
Was almost certainly just a 'typo' rather than them not knowing how to spell believe.
It is just 1 letter accidentally was typed before the other. Happens to me (and others online) quite often really. Think about it, you have the 2 letters lined up ready left hand/finger ready for 1 letter, right hand/thumb ready for the other letter. Very very easy to accidentally hit the 2 letters out of proper sequence, especially when typing fast.
they dont tell you what you got wrong
Just say the magic words 'Are you discriminating/harassing/bulling me?"
Thats what I do, and I frequently impersonate my mother. She's 70, I'm 32, and I have a deep voice. And I'm too lazy to hide that. Never been refused service before.
Is that even allowed??
Would you rather them talk to people they don't think is the account owner, but who answers the questions correctly, then drains your account out.
Now thats Crazy!
no, i stay
Emm, you missed out the last step, sms verification.
I believe they didn't believe you were me either.
Frankly I would pefer this to having them give out details to someone who didnt fully check out.
They probably didn't like the way you talked. I know someone who use to work at a call center for banks/credit cards and even if the name was a male and person calling female, they'd still go through with what they needed. Your fault for hanging up.
There's probably a warning on your profile, like someone has called up as you and tried to impersonate you. Can't think of anything else, if you did pass all their checks as you stated. Most likely this is what's happened, and you'd need to be verified face to face? Not sure on their process.
First time I've seen someone complain that the people holding their money is too good at securing it.
This is normal, if you didn't pass security questions, or didn't adequately identify yourself (some of the details you gave didn't add up, with details on file) .
Usually they can send a text to your phone number on record, then you quote the number sent to your phone in text, ID process complete .
Better safe than sorry…
Is it allowed for them to not believe you are the account holder?
of course it's allowed, that's the point of the security checks. Answer the questions correct next time.