About 2c/can more expensive than the previous deal but still a great price.
Mod Note: Price for Classic Variant has increased to $23.33
About 2c/can more expensive than the previous deal but still a great price.
Mod Note: Price for Classic Variant has increased to $23.33
Thanks! Fixed now but accidentally marked myself as Associated in the process arghhh. The post a deal page is so messy these days.
Woolworths has $17.22 for 30 which Would be about 57c each and local pickup.
$19 in SA :(
Looks like these deals are disproportionately better for states with deposit schemes
more expensive in NSW
Same price at Coles (in VIC) and you don't need a subscription.
Don't want to compare cans with bottles
Well if you don’t I guess no one does?
Do you get the Coles or Woolies catalogues? They print it for comparison in $ per litre as does Costco and everywhere else. Do you want to keep doing maths everywhere you go or in the few rare instances where it’s not in $/L.
You buy can because you want can - you pay a premium over 1L and 2L bottles.
@CptnObvious: I understand that, but most adverts are advertised in $/L, regardless of whether it’s a 30 pack, 24 pack, 6 pack, or in the small sized cans or the large sized cans (when buying energy drinks).
If I know the per $ amount I can instantly compare between buying any of them. My local Coles years ago had the big packs of the small cans of Coke going cheap. I knew it was cheap because I knew the $/L of the regular cans and so I bought a whole lot of them.
With a per can metric every single Coles/Woolies/Aldi/Costco/etc advert I have to calculate a per can price. It would be really annoying to go shopping and continually have to calculate a per can amount when they’re already calculating a benchmark metric I can use to compare. It would be ridiculous for me to do this.
There is no good reason to use a per can benchmark for this one particular product.
Think about the can concept and its utility
People in general will pay more for cans coming out of a fridge or a cooler where it's icy cool to touch, hold bubbles better, is just the right size to drink and throw away in 1 sitting, doesn't have that plasticky leechy taste, and most of all that crisp PSSHHH sound when you crack a cold one open
Believe it or not the choice of container serves 2 different demographics and the amount of liquid/per$ inside is secondary
I compare the 2. You can still compare yours in $/L. Every supermarket compares in $/L, every advertisement has $/L, why would you decide to be different?
I mostly buy cans for the reason you say, I can quote lots of average $/L because they’re published everywhere. I see them daily. I’m not going to convert to a can based metric then have to do maths everyday to know if it’s a bargain or not.
I literally just frikkin told ya why people would want a choice between cans and bottles
Why bother commenting or talking to anyone ever if you're just going to say what you want without listening to other people's opinions
@[Deactivated]: You’ve missed the point entirely which is impressive because I’ve tried to be so clear.
To put it another way…
Why bother commenting or talking to anyone ever if you’re just going to say what you want without listening?
Aldi $19. 36 cans
Not in NSW, SA, QLD, or any other state/territory with the Container Deposit Scheme surcharge.
Great buy, thanks.
Not good for anyone
so… good for everyone?
Excellent….bought 2
Coke is fine if you limit to a can a day, problem comes with how easy and how tasty it is, so people end up drinking a lot of these along with other 'junk' foods. This goes with a lot of things though.
Don't forget the 5% cashback guys
Price has increased for the regular coke to $23.33. Diet has dropped to $21.15.
thx! got a few
Thanks OP, ordered the maximum of 3. This is cheap for NSW.
Thanks OP! I got me 3 as well. Delivery is awesome - saves having it lug it off the store and out of the car.
Not a problem, enjoy - and definitely agreed on the convenience factor! Mine are scheduled for delivery for tomorrow. Can't wait to crack open an ice cold can during these hot days we've been having!
All 3 showing up as $23.99 for me
Cheers, marked as expired!
Back on sale again at $21.15 for 36 cans.
Link to no sugar is wrong