• expired

Monster Energy Drink Zero Ultra White 24x 500ml $45.60 ($41.04 S&S) + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Slightly more than last time
However unlike last time only ultra whites are on sale (for now)

Equivalent to $1.71 / can if you have prime and elect subscribe n save option. (Remember to cancel subscription after shipping)

Some people say triple canning monster ultras a day is not good for you - maybe it is - but it does stop the shakes I found 🤪

  • if you don’t want to commit to 24, Coles has the 4 packs for $7.60 this week ($1.90 a can).

update: zero sugar original now also same price thanks @tsuke

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU


  • +2

    I also got a 5% off coupon as well. Good deal

    • +7

      Living the dream brother

    • +1

      Same here. Works out to be $1.61 per can!

  • +7

    Clicked the link, and Amazon reminding me I have purchased this 8x. Lol

    • +5

      Rookie numbers:

      "Purchased 20 times
      You last purchased this item on 1 Dec 2024"

      • +3

        ‘Hell yeah brother’

      • +1

        19 white
        11 gold
        3 mango
        7 rosa
        3 peach

        • No green? Bruh you're missing out on one of the best flavours. Violet is pretty good too.

          • @pennypincher98: Green is average but drinkable.

            There's a reason so many stores don't even bother stocking it, but they'll have every other flavour.

            • @BradH13: I'd never be able to buy a 24pk of Peach lol I had to even space out the 4 pack. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

      • Rosa: 21 times
        White: 16 times
        Mango Ultra: 3 times
        Original: 10 times
        Original Zero Sugar: 1 time
        Peach: 10 times
        Gold: 3 times
        Paradise: 2 times
        Strawberry: 1 time (good but only hit a good sale once so far, I think)

        For what it's worth, Peach (and now Violet) are the best flavours, and it's maddening they don't go on sale as often as the others. Rosa is the best flavour that regularly hits a good price (as seen by my stats).

  • +3

    Lol who reported this as expired/sold out? It isn’t

    • I can only assume they checked the other ultra flavour listings instead

    • +1

      I didnt report it, but Amazon says its expired when delivering to my address. Amazon neutered the (profanity) out of prime cause they werent making enough money from me.

    • It did go out of stock for a bit then they added more stock. Amazon does it often. No malice.

    • Amazon has stopped delivering these types of things (and heaps of other things) to some areas. It shows as Out of Stock instead of accurately telling customers they wont deliver to them. Its the reason I stopped my Amazon prime sub.

  • Correct me if I'm wrong but these are $37.99 at Costco?

    • Took a look online (I am not a Costco member) and couldn’t see anything at that price… was it in store or something?

    • +2

      Good for people that live in the sticks

      • +5

        Hey Ipswich is not … ah

        Well Northlake is not… ah..

        Well Coomera …

        (Coomera branch does have some pretty good sashimi platters though, I guess it’s worth the journey, too bad bout all the crew members we lost on the way though)

  • +9

    Gentle reminder: the only appropriate way to greet the delivery guy dropping off your brick of white bullets is HELL YEAH BROTHER

    • +4

      as you also shotgun a monster ultra white and crush the can into your head , throw the crushed can to the floor and flex

    • What if he blocks the door with the package?

      • Drill through the door and drink through a straw until light enough to shift.

  • +4
  • +3

    Quake 3 Arena, now THAT was a game sips

    • +1

      Loved quake 3 arena.

      So many high school lunch times lost in the computer room doing lan with the demo version

  • Normally these on special at the end of year for $38 with S&S and ramdomly for $41 and $38 during the year

  • +4

    Last time they pierced a few of my cans. Would be annoying except I got a refund for the lot 😎

  • Any good? I only drink mother original zero sugar for energy drinks

    • +1

      This and Shine are the only energy drinks I enjoy the taste of. Very subjective though.

      • Curious to know what you think about V or Red Bull? Those taste the best to me. Monster second. I have tried Mother but it's not very good for me.

        • Can't stand them. Not sure why, maybe it's PTSD from the "Vodka + Red Bull" days 😂

          I also don't enjoy Mother. The flavour is too overpowering.

      • +1

        Have you tried Musashi Purple Grape? Monster Grape is now sold in Australia, but Musashi is still my favourite, even though beta-alanine gives me tingles sometimes.

        • That flavour is amazing. Tried it for the first time this week and wow!

        • +1

          I’ll usually grab 7-8 cans if it’s half price at coles

    • +3

      me, looking at a 50L garbage can next to my work desk mostly of empty monster ultra whites:

      yeah, i guess its OKAY.

  • +2

    You best believe I'm shipping this in amazon packaging.

    • Last time I said that they delivered in revealing packaging anyway lol.

  • +2

    Jimothy delivering the goods lately.

  • I fully expect to get negged to oblivion for this opinion but;

    Why the hell would anyone buy stuff from a company that openly supports extremely stupid sports like Power Slap?

    • +3


      its ok to have an opinion and i'd be surprised if you got negged for it.

      i never bothered to look that far into it…just gotta get my next hit to stop the shakes mate.

      • Welp now you're aware I guess

    • I'm generally okay with consenting adults doing things I don't personally want to do.

      I don't boycott gays, or athletes in combat sports, or other such things.

    • You could always say the same thing about an array of sports from horse racing to V8 supercars.

      Power slap is at least only harming it's participants who sign up fully aware of the risks.

      • +1

        horse racing

        Can’t I just bet the horses will all have a good time? 🥹

  • +2

    Back in stock.

  • Damn shame the other Ultra flavours not on sale

    • agreed. make more flavours availalble, amazon!

  • +1

    Legend thank you 🤘🏻

  • I love these but I just cannot imagine they would be delivered in a way that opening each can wouldn't spray every where.

    • +3

      Have had them delivered heaps of times no problems.

      But then I had a giant glass jar of instant coffee delivered the other day, wrapped in like 4 layers of bubble wrap, and then a box. Smashed to smithereens lol

    • They get delivered the exact way shops get theirs delivered. Off a truck by careless drivers who will dent cans, or worse.

  • +1

    Often one flavor will go on sale, followed by the others in a day or so. I'm basically out of my gold and peach beauties so hope so.

  • +1
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