This was posted 3 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Monster Energy Drink Zero Ultra 24x 500ml $43.32 ($38.99 S&S) + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Ain’t nothing better than double fisting two ice cold monster ultra whites at 20 to 8 in the morning if you ask me.


ultra peach same price if that floats ya boat

ultra rosa

ultra gold

og sugar free

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.
This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2024

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closed Comments

  • +20

    I disagree. You're not a full grown Aussie if it's not a looooooongneck of VB. Get that up ya.

  • How do these compare to the V Refresh? They're my go to atm, the newest blackcurrant yuzu flavour V Refresh is tasty.

    • I don’t mind v refresh if it’s on sale. I usually buy ultra whites in bulk like this though. Cost of living pressures and all that

    • +1

      Sour apple V is bonza.

    • Not as good but ok.

    • blackcurrant and yuzu is unbeatable, need big cans already

      • They exist already. Got them in the fridge at work (servo).

  • +4
    • +2


      Have you tried ultra violet (purple can)? - not available in bulk but I rate it over the peach

      • +2

        I tried it for the first time the other day and fell in love. I've been waiting for it to go cheaper ever since. Still waiting…. ;)

        "Crisp and refreshing with a sweet and tart pixie dust flavor"
        FYI its like a mild grape flavour.

        • Yeah bro I’ve been buying them 6 at a time at $2.80 when on special at Coles during pay week cycles

  • What flavour is this taste wise?

    • +10

      If anybody can think of a more pleasant and mellow energy drink that still retains a unique flavor that sets it apart from other choices, speak now or forever hold your peace. If I ever get in a car crash I would like an IV of Zero Ultra White so I may regain strength at an unprecedented rate.

      Anyway - idk kinda like lemonade

      • +1

        The original Shine is pleasant and also relatively 'healthy' for an energy drink. I hate the taste of almost all energy drinks except Shine and ME Zero Ultra White.

        • I did not mind shine, I don’t see it at Cole’s anymore these days

      • +1

        Love flying power, they have limited edition Cola and Cola no sugar energy drinks atm, $1.99 for 500ml can.

        • Me too, nice I’ll try it out. Haven’t tried that flavor

          • +1

            @Jimothy Wongingtons: That russ guy that does the food reviews on tic toc/insta gave the no sugar a 9/10 and the sugar one an 8/10. No sugar one is great. I love the passionfruit no sugar also, too scared to try the sugared up version in case i love it.

            • +1


              sugared up

              I one time accidentally grabbed a mother frosty berry from the bakery without reading it wasn’t a no sugar option (I usually have monsters)

              Cracked it and took a swig - BLIMEY THIS IS LIKE BEING KISSED BY THE OLD GODS???

              check label

              Oh nooooo

    • +1

      Tastes a bit like lemonade, has a bit more of that bitter no sugar after taste than the rest of the ultra range though

    • +1

      Milder than mother SF, if that helps.

  • +1

    Call me crazy but personally enjoy the zero sugar original more.

    It's also on sale for same price

    • +1

      I don’t mind it. Ultra white is king but.
      I’ve updated op

      • +2

        Ultra Black is the emperor then. But can only get in the US ;(

        • Eu and us have some frankly wild flavours that I’m full jelly that we do not have access to

  • +8

    i came here for the double fisting

  • cries in forgetting to cancel my S&S and it locked in before this deal

    • No free return?

      • I didn't realise that was possible

        • Can’t say I’ve ever returned perishables/food… but I don’t see why not

        • +2

          It's not. Food groceries of any kind are not returnable for any reason. Only refundable if damaged or partially damaged (and it's automated and based on a trust system, you don't have to prove it, just don't make it a habit, do with this information what you wish).

  • +3

    Ordered, thanks jizzy wongs

  • +1

    Great deal, Sam Strand approves.

    • But only on PS4, not on PS5.

  • -1

    I’d rather some meth before I go tradie work

  • I'd rather 1kg of freshly roasted beans for a real hit

  • +1

    Why people drink this? Is it coffee alternative?

    • I average 3-5 coffees a day on top of this a day anyway. Sometimes good to mix it up.

    • If you hate coffee but need caffiene this is an alternative. That's why I mostly drink these. You wouldn't drink it for fun. Just drink coke or something else.

      • I drink it for fun now but yeah not great to be addicted

        • +1

          Lol fair enough but you also drink a lot of coffees :P So I suppose it's your guilty pleasure.

          • @MrMoo: I prefer to minimise caffeine (I average ~150-200mg/day), so coffee is the healthy choice for me, some days tea. Polyphenols, good micronutrient profile, protein and calcium in the milk, no sugars or sweeteners or additives.

            I wanna get into caffeine-free coffee beans, but the convenience and price of standard beans wins over atm.

            • +1

              @muwu: Just so you know, you aren’t able to absorb the calcium in the milk when it’s mixed with coffee. It’s a little known fact. Source - medical school

              • @Danta: Yes agree.

                From my reading, I understand caffeine chelates many cations. It's suppose to be much more of an issue for iron, which is found in lower doses in our foods (~1-10mg), than it is for calcium, which you could be having up to 300mg in a milk-based beverage. You will absorb calcium from a coffee, but it will be less than diary (milk, yoghurt, cheese) in the absence of a caffeinated beverage.

                All the more reason to switch over to caffeine-free coffee beans.

                When I drink coffee or tea, I'm primarily interested in the polyphenols (and the absence of sugars and sweeteners that are in some alternatives). I consume plenty of diary to reach my RDI, but consider my coffees and teas as contributing a marginal amount.

        • Have you considered to perhaps try a week without it and see how much better you feel. Not telling you, but have you given it a thought

    • I still have coffee in addition. I consider energy drinks soft drink alternatives personally.

  • +1

    A can a day keeps the doctor away

  • +1

    Damn. No Ultra Fiesta at that price 😞

    • Still reasonable considering it's no longer sold in 4pks at coles or woolies :(

  • +2

    Thanks OP! Bought two! These are addictive and I wouldn’t go over 1 can a day!

    • +3

      1 can

      I'm not super useful until l've had my 2-3 monsters/ 350mg -450mg of caffeine , then I get jittery followed by a caffeine crash. At 11 l'm too hungry to think then I get post-lunch sleepies. By afternoon my brain is fried but for 25 minutes each day - I'm the best employee there and they're lucky to have me.

      • +2

        Never understood the 1 can max warning on the back when 400mg a day is considered 'safe' by the experts. These don't even have sugar.

        • Prob to avoid any claims of wrongful death or sickness in event of irresponsible consumption

      • +1

        sounds like your productivity has more up and downs than you blood glucose level

        • I prob should not have had the extra side of 10 wicked wings on top of the large zinger box

    • I do 1/2 a can at work because a full can tends to keep me up at night.
      So for me this is cheap as I get 48 serves @ 81cents each.
      Cheapest 250ml drink since ALDI raised the Flying Power to over $1 a can.
      I also find if I down the whole 500ml can quickly (during a break) I get very thirsty and dehydrated. Not good in summer.
      Rosa and Peach also are pretty tasty sugar free drinks.

  • I prefer double fisting a couple of monster ultra blacks…. Each to their own

  • Here's an even cheaper alternative, with even more caffeine per serve

    Limited-time deal: Natrol High Caffeine 200mg Tablets, 100-Count

    • +1

      Yeah I tried taking nodoz with buble sparkling water, decent mouth feel but just ain’t the same

  • +1

    You're a legend thank you OP. I've scraped by on the $7.50 sales that very rarely happen for 4 packs at Woolies/Coles, usually buy bulk packs to make them last. I tried to workout a way to be notified if the bulk packs on amazon ever went on a decent sale but wasn't able to. I've got 144 cans coming now which should keep me satiated for a while. I only wish they would have bulk packs for the other flavours that are only sold individually.

  • +2

    Starting to piss me off that Amazon won't delivery any of these items regionally anymore. Currently, the Prime subscription doesn't feel like good value.

  • This is the normal price, It jumps up to $85 every other month to (profanity) over those that subscribe. I learnt that the hard way.

    • Yeah it’s the standard best price, sometimes slightly higher other wise yeah… they’ll wreck ya for not cancelling

    • They don't go sub $40 often anymore. Used to be every 2 weeks, but more like 6 months since COVID, and annoyingly, they don't do all the flavours' pricing all the same anymore, it's always only some of them.

      Regular sale price now is around $43-48.

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