E C » user profile

Member Since | 21/01/2016 |
Last Seen | 11/10/2024 |
Recent Activities

I haven't seen it mentioned so I will just say, get a second opinion when you can and explain your concerns. There are stress tests and…

Speed Cameras are meh ... for the youngster - definitely not a real deterrent or learning lesson. A better deterrent is flashing blue and…

E C commented on Do You Wash Your Cat?
check out jackson galaxy videos on tips to wash your cat. He or she will *NOT* like it, but you can get through it together. specially if…

E C commented on Best Paying IT Jobs
COBOL is a good one ; the other one I thought of was splunk. you can get your own free version - lots of material available on the interweb…

Saul Goodman?

E C commented on [NSW, VIC, SA] Balvenie 12YO Doublewood Single Malt 700mL $79.20 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ $250 Order) @ Coles Online
definitely one of the smoothest whiskies I have ever tasted. Hibiki 12 is better in my opinion but for the price point the Balvenie wins!

I love port Macquarie too! the entire coast is lovely though - pick any spot you like. My favorite views are at Gerrigong ; for kids…

i don't see it so I have to mention the ozbargain way: Buy a sports car as an investment

E C replied to
starbearer on Transfer $400 ADA, Receive $40 ADA | Transfer $50/$200 USDT or USDC, Receive $10/$50 BTC @ Celsius Network

this is my pet peeve with crypto - seems like someone out there alway has a cheaper/better way to buy and sell; and I find out only after…

got this phone from the costco deal. very happy with it. best part -can but a cover where I can chuck in the opal card, office access card…

E C commented on Vanguard Personal Investor Cash, Managed Funds and ETF Account Fees Reduced to 0% (Was 0.20% p.a.) @ Vanguard
why do people stress on "this is not financial advice, i am not a financial advisor, etc?" .. even my financial advisor says rtfm and i am…

E C commented on What Is The Best Financial Investment You Made in Your Life and How Much Is Return?
no one mentioned buying a $80,000 sports car to impress work colleagues and land a promotion? c'mon folks - its obligatory

E C replied to
haylazf16 on Celsius Network Referral - US$40/US$50 in BTC with US$400 Crypto Deposit

So is this sequence correct then for the Ozbargainer? 1. Create account in FTX/Gemini/Binance & Celsius with referral code from ozbargain -…

"it's gonna cost you withdrawl btc fee no matter what exchange you use" - sure - but what's the ozbargainiest, i.e. cheapest withdrawal…

if you have an account and open another in your spouses name, you both receive BTC 40. The way i did it with the $20 promo is use a…

sadly i still haven't figured out the cheapest way to move AUD to BTC in celsius and back. What I did last time is send AUD to coinbase and…

E C commented on Is an 85" TV Too Big?
I thought my 85" 4k was too big .. like ludicrous mode .. but now a month or so in, I am used to it and glad I bought it. My logic was,…

they do know but can't reveal to OP; they will reveal to the police when they issue a warrant

the police will find out from the 100 pts id ... the detectives would keep OP updated one assumes.

E C replied to
kman2000 on $500 Gift Card with $1500 Spend/3 Mths on the ANZ Rewards Platinum ($0 Annual Fee 1st Year) @ Point Hacks

credit savvy does mine for free

need to replace a monitor - this is pretty good if available to pickup right away.

E C replied to
sobie2000 on Segway Ninebot Kickscooter Max $795 (Save $404), E8 $388, E10 $429 Express Delivered @ Mobileciti / eBay / Catch / Amazon

25km/h is not dangerous .... its the sudden stop to 0km/hr that hurts.

E C commented on Track Day Car under $40k
Chrysler 300c ? not sure if prices went up .. I could have sworn you get these sub 20k.…

E C commented on What Do You Feed a Fussy Child?
I was a fussy eater. Didn’t like fish. Still don’t like smelly fish. The thing my mum regrets most in life is following others advice…

not as good as my favorite cafe, Bacino, in North Sydney, but I think this is better than most cafe's. Been my staple for about 30 years or…

E C commented on Help Me Name My New Company!
Wyrd Loans Wired Loans Finance Unplugged

Wasn’t it released for free on the Monty python website? Pc principal should watch ‘mind your language’ :)

Hi! just wanted to say thanks for your suggestions. One dealer offered $5k for the trade-in and he got a nice aurion for 13k (out of pocket…

they won't get much for the captiva; I would be surprised if he got more than $3000 for it; but the engine light(s?) sporadically turns on…

Why a neg? sounds like a good thing, i didn't now they exist