I decided to treat myself this NYE and splurged on the 20c pack instead of the standard 15c pies.
6 Pack Coles Fruit Mince Pies $0.15 ($0.20 with Rum) @ Coles

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To be fair, most minced meat pies don't either
Whoa steady on there big spender!
Upvoted for your well deserved splurge on the 20c variety
50c at my Coles Warriewood. Still bought them for fun.
Check the expiry- the ones i saw were use by 3rd Jan.
These have a best before date, not a use by date.
They are so high in sugar, your use by date will come before theres will.
The pastry might go green by my use by date, but the sugary insides will probably be okay.
If I buy a pack of fruit mince pies they're lucky to last out the day.
5c for alcohol
The alcoholic in me makes this a no brainer
The alcohol in you makes you a no brainer!
"5c for alcohol" - So how many pies do I need before I am wasted (trying to preload before going out tonight).
wasted on the sugar high
Ill see you on rbt weeknights, when you use the excuse "no sir, i didnt have a drink, i just had 60 coles fruit mince pies"
"…and it only cost me $2…"
Cop: "you ate all the pies, you fat bastard."
If they were 60% OP, they'll be gone faster then baby milk formula
A week or so ago, I was sent a fly buys free sample offer of Fruit Pies with Bundaberg Rum that expire today. It's hardly even worth it now the saving is only 20c..
2 packs for 10 cents each. That's 1.66 cents per pie!
With 3% rum that's 10ml of rum for 10 cents. $10/litre!
Even at 20 cents it's cheaper per litre than Bundaberg rum.
is it possible to extract the rum out???
there are about 60 packs at local coles - will buy if so.You could extract the ethanol if there's any left after the cooking but you couldn't get the original rum.
3% rum is the ingredient, the finished product will have less than that due to evaporation while cooking.
@spaceflight: Also, the boiling point of ethanol is only about 78 degrees, so the alcohol will evaporate out before any water does.
@Cipheron: Looking at food conventional wisdom says you're correct but in reality alcohol remains after the cooking process.
There's plenty of interesting studies looking at different foods and cooking methods but for simplicity here's the wiki article
@spaceflight: thanks, all looked to difficult to get the rum out. bought 30 packs anyway, ate about 15 pies last night, but dont think it really had any effect on me (other than making me feel full an then not wanting to drink much beer) so much for cheap booze.
they dont even taste very nice.
Apparently the rum version is made in New Zealand
It is
The non-rum version is also from NZ. As is the ones at Woolworths and Aldi
Note that Coles seems to sell about 4 variants of these things, and after intense scoffing comparisons I cannot really notice any difference between each kind.
There is so much sugar in them that the flavour (if any) is swamped anyway.
I got some for 37c last week.
Might go and see if there is more left.They've been this price before.
They're comically awful.Well at least you get a laugh out of it!
For 15c if you don't get food poisoning you'd be ahead.
they were 87c at Coles Southgate in The Shire
they also had $1 Xmas Puddings - made in NZ
Could take them to Isengard on your rounds!
Bought a stash of assorted goodies for 6 bucks. This will last me weeks.
These are absolutely awful. They don't actually have any fruit mince in them, they're filled with some kind of goopy fruit-mince-flavoured jam with a few bits of sultana. Even at 15 or 20 cents you're better saving your money.
Gotta agree somewhat… they are definitely a quality level lower than the usual Coles Xmas mince pies.
Still absolutely worth it for this price though!!!
There must be some way to re-purpose these pies into something useful… like bio-fuel.
i decided to treat myself this NYE and splurged on the 20c pack instead of the standard 15c pies.
You baller.
Keep them for next Christmas they never expire
I went to my closest coles and couldn't find any, so I didn't even get the free sample :(
My coles was pretty much completely out of christmas stuff, and most of the shelves in the 'Christmas area' were empty, except for nonsense like decorations.
I went to Woolworths and they had 'homebrand' 6 pack of pies at 75c, and 'premium' 6 pack pies at $1.75. Coles wanted to clear their stuff much faster.
Just bought a box a few hours along with a small (400g) GF Christmas pudding for 20 cents.
Triple points voucher and paid for using egift card.
Brilliant start to 2019!Bundaberg ones only in Queensland?
coles finest and ms Kipling for 10-20 cents in my nearby coles’
$0.05 at Rhodes Coles in NSW
I paid $0.37 😒
Inc or ex gst?
I have come to the conclusion that these fruit mince pies are the most disgusting bakery food ever. I cannot understand how they seemingly stuff 100gms of sugar into one 50gm pie.
I don't mind these now since I was informed they do not contain minced meat.