[PS4 / XB1/ PC] Battlefield V $39 @ JB Hi-Fi

Last edited 25/12/2018 - 02:07 by 2 other users
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The original link didn't post properly what's wrong with that for a neg !!!!
You guys did see the original links …. :(
This is the best game I have ever played, so empowering. $39 is too cheap.
better than BF1?
100% sure
i was gonna say definitely - but others might disagree. i reckon its great
Considering the game is only 2/3 released since the last update its ok but the lack of content, maps and weapons get a bit boring compared to bf1
I'll get negged into oblivion but for me definitely. I've barely played this game but it's been more enjoyable than BF1.
BF1 had lot of backlash before BFV release.
BFV is a great game with more content going to come like previous series and issues which were annoying in BF1 are taken care of.
Guns mechanics has changed and you will need to adapt.Its amazingly good and I enjoy playing it.
For $39, I would say buy it. I paid $69 when it was released. Dont hear big mob saying only negative about it.
Can’t wait to play as a black transgender solider as a nazi
I haven't got my degree yet, but when I do I'll be educated enough to play it. Should be $1 by then at this rate.
I want to buy this game but EA told me not to :(
Patrick Soderlund said we're just not intelligent enough to buy it.
Get educated.
But what do I tell my daughter? That she can't play as a handicapped woman against the nazis on the front line?
Might as well pick up a history book and read the many stories of heroism performed by the renown black transgender soldiers that were fighting in WW2.
@pharcyde: If you don’t find those stories then you’re a bigot and The book you’re reading simply whitewashed history.
Dude get over it.
Lol, how about no? Game developers and their publishers get away with murder these days. It's incredibly satisfying to see EA and DICE get what's coming to them.
If by murder you mean 'having women in a video game' like COD WWII, then yes.
@OfTheOverflow: No, I don't mean that. I mean releasing garbage games every year with more focus on micro-transactions than actual on-disc content.
let this game burn to the ground. Im not going to play a revisionist history "ww2" game.
Yeah, I was expecting a documentary 1:1 realistic piece of non-fiction and instead got some (profanity) SJW pandering fun creative-licence piece of good video game.
I throw a tinnie at my TV every time I see one of those bitches on the screen.
Using a creative license involves adding artistic value, but this is just pushing unpopular political dictates. How does black transgender nazi soldiers make the game any better?
@User245246: Imagine being so fragile that you are upset by the (admittedly somewhat inaccurate) inclusion of black people & women in a game genre depicting a global war that included many, many different demographics of peoples that is almost entirely presented in modern media by Anglo-European males from the US/UK who are almost always depicted as the heroic defeaters of nazism. If you're so upset by 'unpopular political dictates' then why aren't you outraged by the fact that modern media at best downplays if not outright ignores the objective fact that the people of the USSR almost single-handedly defeated the Nazi scum while the UK/US and the rest of Europe sat back and deliberately avoided becoming fully involved in the conflict until it was clear the Nazi's were losing?
@shawnsmaggot: Well if it wasn’t for the lend-lease program of American equipment, ammunition, food and especially trucks. The Soviet Union wouldn’t have had the means beyond their vast lands, winter and people to fight the Germans.
The American production won both world wars which ultimately lead to BFV trailer having one arms women fighting in WW2
@Pzkfw5: I thought the same about the lend lease program until I researched it. The reality is the lend lease program was woefully insufficient and flawed program that delivered much more in the PR department than it did in the actual material aid department.
If you're interested I could chase down sources to prove how pathetic the lend-lease program really was
You make a good point. I'm not going to stand for airplanes that mysteriously repair themselves mid-flight, or cotton pouches that miraculously heal life-threatening injuries. DOWN WITH HISTORICAL REVISIONISM!
Bought it for PC last week. EA should have lowered the price to begin with to get more people playing.
It took some time to get used to the gun mechanics.. something felt off, but given a chance this can be a really fun game.
I still can't hit a thing with snipers though.
I reckon u r playing on console?
Still 20 clams too high according to reception at large
Everyone I know in person has preferred it so far to BF1. Only seems like people on the internet care enough to complain about it.
The game is miles better than BF1, its a throw-back to BF3 and the best in the series since BF3s release.
If you look at a review aggregator like metacritic, PS4 BF1 is 89%, BFV is 74%
That’s a massive drop in review scores. Sure some may like it more than BF1, but the majority think the opposite. And that’s not even accounting for the PR disaster.
You guys reckon this is worth it for the price?
Personally I would wait for sub $9 since there is no rush as they are still rolling out new stuff constantly and the price keeps going down.
It is honestly a great game and worth it imho at any price since there is no similar game like it out there atm of this caliber.
Thanks guys, faith restored.
Doh, no stock for PC that is close by area.
I'll check instore anyway. I have seen different items in stock at some stores while the website shows that it isn't in stock.
I have that $10 voucher that I received from JB when I linked a receipt to my digital account that I'd like to use.
Amazon has price matched now
It's a fun game… I like it. For now reason, 9th Gen intel CPUs don't love it though. I run a 9600K and it stays at nearly 100% almost all the time. A mate running an older CPU has his at 24%. Had a look online and lots of ppl with the same issue. Go figure… I guess it's still early days so it's a bit like Pubg when it first came out and it would almost kill your GPU. It should be fixed with patches I'm assuming.
I would pay $9 for this no more
Agreed if it's on discounted giftcards and has cashback.
Me too.
This game will quickly get cheaper from various sites so I wouldn’t pay anything more than $25 until it does soon
Real talk tho I've been playing Battlefield since Battlefield 1942 and BFV is probably one of the best battlefield since Bad Company 2.
Forget all the shit you've heard, relatively speaking Battlefield 5 is one of the most stable, enjoyable and teamplay oriented battlefields this decade.
Amen. Best in the series since BF3.
Agreed couldn't enjoy at all with BF1 and gave up.
BFV is better since I replay BF IV.
For all the haters - who the fudge plays these games for the single player campaigns anyway…?
I don't care who I play against in multi
I was able to get a price match on PC version at EB Games if anyone cares lol.
Awesome, was planning on doing that today. Hopefully my local EB will price match. Got some random games on preorder just to hold my trade in credit.
Link didn't work properly.
PC (Digital download) means you will buy the box with the key inside not key from JB.