This was posted 6 years 2 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1 / PS4] Battlefield V, Fallout 76, Shadow of The Tomb Raider $39 Each @ BIG W

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Big W's Boxing Day day has a few good gaming deals.

Battlefield V - $39. Also available at Target & JB Hi-Fi
Fallout 76 - $39. Now $35 at Amazon
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - $39. Also available at Amazon
Xbox One X + Fallout 76 + FIFA 19 - $549…

This is part of Boxing Day Sales for 2018

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Press Start Australia
Press Start Australia

closed Comments

  • +4

    Here’s some more deals

    Xbox One S + Fortnite + FIFA 19 – $299
    WWE 2k19 – $42
    FIFA 19 – $42
    NBA 2k19 – $19 $59
    Battlefront 2 – $15
    Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – $45
    Starlink – Half Price
    20% Off PlayStation Plus 12 Month Memberships – $63.96

    From Press Start AU

    • Xbox One S + Fortnite + FIFA 19 – $299

      500GB or 1TB?

    • +2

      NBA is $59

      • Sorry. Just copied and pasted it from press start and there must’ve been a typo

  • +1

    Good price for BV5. Despite the controversy I still enjoy it and do not regret paying $50 for it. $40 is even better and I'd highly recommend buying it for that price.

    • +1

      how's playing BF5 on console? I play BF1 on PC and enjoyed it very much, but playing FPS on consoles is extremely hard for me…

      • +1

        I don't play on console haha pc here too I got it from JB for $50 deal. My only complaint is small playerbase which should be better on console.

        • Tons of servers are going all the time in Australia.

        • Small? There is often 10-15 servers all 64/64, to the point where it's hard to even play.

      • I'm playing on the PS4 and it's great. DICE games always have very responsive controls which certainly helps if you aren't as nimble on a controller. Plenty of servers as well.

      • Plays wonderfully on PS4.

      • Playing on the Xbox one X and it runs really good, super smooth not really had a FPS issue.

      • Xbox supports mouse and keyboard now of that's what you prefer.

        • Not for BFV.

      • I'm also playing on Ps4 and enjoying it. I paid $69 and definitely worth it.

        • How did u manage to aim on controller? Or is it just me suck at playing shooters on controller? I play bf 1 on PC and I got a KD ratio of 1.7 which is not bad, I recently bought a Xbox One X and tried to play bf1 but it was a totally different experience, I can barely kill one after died 10 times…

    • Agreed. Purchased it yesterday and had some amazing moments already with friends. For $39 its easily worth buying. The map design is excellent and I am having much more fun on this game then I did with Battlefield 1.

  • -1

    $39 Fallout 76 is nuts

    • +9

      Still too expensive

    • +1

      Yeah so damn expensive.

    • can get it for 26 bucks on g2a… so no it aint nutssss

  • +3

    Enjoying BFV as well but there are still a lot of issues that need sorting and they've been pretty damn slow about it.

    • +2

      Must be an upset DICE employee here down voting the truth.

      • More like EA :|

    • +1

      Agreed. Also but sick of the maps already, hope new ones added soon.

  • Why can't they offer this price on PC?

    • +1

      with exception of Battlefield, Tomb Raider for PC is $33 from GreenMan and Fallout 76 is $25

    • battlefield is supposedly $45 on origin

    • Buy something cheap from JB, get the $10 voucher and then get BFV for $39

      • from the other thread they seemed to have stopped giving the voucher

        • I just got one today after raising a query with their customer care as voucher didn’t come through automatically

  • +3

    BFV and Fallout no thanks

  • +3

    Bethesda is gonna have to pay me to play fallout 76.

    • -1

      Ps+/live game within 6-12 months to keep a user base.

  • Hmmm, One disc copy of Shadow of the Tomb Raider for $39 or two digital copies for $49…

    Is there multiplayer in SotTR?

    • I think you can play the dlc co-op, but not sure if it's split-screen or online or whatever it entails

    • Where's the two digital copies from?

      • It's currently on sale on Xbox from Microsoft. And when you buy a digital downloaded Xbox game, you can share it with another Xbox friend or family member. And you can play the same game online together at the same time, too. It's an awesome perk.

  • +1

    Fallout 76 is as bad as No man's sky.

    • Apparently NMS has changed a lot since the NEXT update.

    • No mans sky was a much bigger cluster ef up.

    • No Man's Sky was worse in my opinion but it has really turned around with the devs fixing most of the problems in the game. It's why recent reviews are at 88% positive which I'd say is a huge improvement. When it was new I remember them being under %50 positive. Lets be honest, we all know bethesda won't do jack shit. There are still to this day tons of bugs in Skyrim and Fallout 4 that they haven't fixed. Some bugs even got ported from Oldrim to SE lol.
      Ever since the Next update came out I've actually only heard positive things about No Man's Sky. Can't say the same for 76 which is all over youtube with everyone and their dad making videos on it daily pointing out bethesda's BS.

  • +1

    Love the first two tomb raider games, very very cool.

    Hear this is a different developer, AND they tend to release dlc. And then "goty" the game

    I'll wait for 20 dollars, maybe even just 30 gory

    Their own fault for passing it off to another developer.

    • -1

      You mean you loved the 14th and 18th tomb raider games?

      • Someone doesn't like the facts

      • No need to be pedantic dude, I'm probably older than you.

    • I guess they had an internal fallout

  • Some of these games have gone into free fall

  • Same specials at JB hifi

  • This is why you dont buy games on release, like a month after they go half price.

    • Yeah buying exclusives or controversial games at launch seems icky since they often go cheap soon after. Look at RDR2 though, I haven't seen a single deal myself since it got released because it's selling really well.

      • Got it for $59 on Amazon black friday

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